Tasqueue is a simple, lightweight distributed job/worker implementation in Go


Tasqueue is a simple, lightweight distributed job/worker implementation in Go


  • tasqueue.Broker is a generic interface that provides methods to enqueue and consume messages from a queue. Currently supported brokers are redis and nats-jetstream.
  • tasqueue.Results is a generic interface that provides methods to store the state/results of task messages. Currently supported result stores are redis and nats-jetstream.
  • tasqueue.Handler is a function type that accepts []byte payloads. Users need to register such handlers with the server. It is upto the handler to decode (if required) the []byte messages and process them in any manner.
  • tasqueue.Task holds the data for a basic unit of work. This data includes the handler name which will process the task, a []byte payload (encoded in any manner, if required). More options described below.

Basic example

package main

import (

	redis_broker "github.com/kalbhor/tasqueue/brokers/redis"
	redis_results "github.com/kalbhor/tasqueue/results/redis"

type SumPayload struct {
	Arg1 int `json:"arg1"`
	Arg2 int `json:"arg2"`

// SumProcessor prints the sum of two integer arguements.
func SumProcessor(b []byte) error {
	var pl SumPayload
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &pl); err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Println(pl.Arg1 + pl.Arg2)

	return nil

func main() {
	// Create a new tasqueue server with redis results & broker.
	srv := tasqueue.NewServer(redis_broker.New(redis_broker.Options{
		Addrs:    []string{""},
		Password: "",
		DB:       0,
	}), redis_results.New(redis_results.Options{
		Addrs:    []string{""},
		Password: "",
		DB:       0,

	// Register a handler called "add"
	srv.RegisterHandler("add", SumProcessor)

	// Encode the payload passed to the handler and create a task.
	b, _ := json.Marshal(SumPayload{Arg1: 5, Arg2: 4})
	t, err := tasqueue.NewTask("add", b)
	if err != nil {

	ctx, _ := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

	// Place the task
	srv.AddTask(ctx, t)

	// Start the tasqueue workers. (blocking function)


Features and Options



  • Task chains : A new "chain" of tasks can be formed by using tasqueue.NewChain(tasks ...*Task). Each subsequent task will be placed after the successful execution of current task.


  • Cron based schedule : tasqueue.Schedule("* * * * *")
  • Custom Queue (important to run server on custom queue as well) : tasqueue.CustomQueue("custom-q")
  • Custom value for maximum retries : tasqueue.MaxRetry(5)

Options can be passed while creating a new task : func NewTask(handler string, payload []byte, opts ...Opts)



  • Custom Queue (important to set on task as well) : tasqueue.CustomQueue("custom-q")
  • Custom concurrency : tasqueue.Concurrency(5)

Options can be passed while starting the server worker. func (s *Server) Start(ctx context.Context, opts ...Opts)

Lakshay Kalbhor
Python & Go programmer
Lakshay Kalbhor
  • Replacing logrus with logf.

    Replacing logrus with logf.

    • Replaces logrus with logf.
    • Modifies the NewServer API to take a logger from the user.
    • Modifies brokers,results backends to explicitly take a logf logger.

    Closes #15

  • Configuring concurrency per task

    Configuring concurrency per task

    Currently Concurrency and Queue is part of ServerOpts. This restricts all tasks registered on the server to have the same concurrency. The only way to configure different concurrency is to have a different server per task. I think it would be better if it's possible to define concurrency per task. This applies to the Queue as well. We can have different queues for each task as well. This would make it more efficient than everything in the same queue.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  • Tasqueue fails to consume from Redis task queue

    Tasqueue fails to consume from Redis task queue

    I ran into this error while running the Redis example. I've logged the GroupMessage for inspecting the details of the group.


    INFO[0000] added handler: add                           
    INFO[0000] starting processor..                         
    INFO[0000] starting processor..                         
    INFO[0000] starting processor..                         
    INFO[0000] starting processor..                         
    INFO[0000] starting processor..                         
    INFO[0000] starting task consumer..                     
    INFO[0000] receiving from consumer..                    
    INFO[0000] receiving from consumer..                    
    INFO[0000] receiving from consumer..                    
    INFO[0000] receiving from consumer..                    
    INFO[0001] getting job : 10f6330e-535e-48d3-81f1-dd63a3b71ac9 
    INFO[0001] getting job : 4362c034-d30d-496b-81d6-42258409b341 
    INFO[0001] getting job : 9c4bee18-9314-4f20-b1ac-4e991149905d 
    {GroupMeta:{UUID:ca2fb538-c350-46af-b578-adde150befc0 Status:successful JobStatus:map[10f6330e-535e-48d3-81f1-dd63a3b71ac9:successful 4362c034-d30d-496b-81d6-42258409b341:successful 9c4bee18-9314-4f20-b1ac-4e991149905d:successful]} Group:0xc00000e2b8}
    ERRO[0001] error consuming from redis queue: redis: nil 
    INFO[0001] tasqueue:tasks: no tasks to consume..        
    INFO[0001] receiving from consumer..                    
    {GroupMeta:{UUID:ca2fb538-c350-46af-b578-adde150befc0 Status:successful JobStatus:map[10f6330e-535e-48d3-81f1-dd63a3b71ac9:successful 4362c034-d30d-496b-81d6-42258409b341:successful 9c4bee18-9314-4f20-b1ac-4e991149905d:successful]} Group:0xc00000e408}
    ERRO[0002] error consuming from redis queue: redis: nil 
    INFO[0002] tasqueue:tasks: no tasks to consume..        
    INFO[0002] receiving from consumer..                    
    {GroupMeta:{UUID:ca2fb538-c350-46af-b578-adde150befc0 Status:successful JobStatus:map[10f6330e-535e-48d3-81f1-dd63a3b71ac9:successful 4362c034-d30d-496b-81d6-42258409b341:successful 9c4bee18-9314-4f20-b1ac-4e991149905d:successful]} Group:0xc00000e4e0}
  • Replacing logrus with logf

    Replacing logrus with logf

    Should we replace logrus with logf (github.com/zerodha/logf) ?

    Also there should be a way to configure logging for both the lib and all the brokers, result backends. Currently we just do INFO messages which users of the lib might not want.

    If you are okay with this, I will send a PR and we can discuss the API.

  • Concurrency and Queue per Task

    Concurrency and Queue per Task

    This PR removes Concurrency & Queue from ServerOpts and adds them to TaskOpts. This allows configuring concurrency & queue per task.

    Closes #5

    P.S: I updated README.md and example. Also ran an autoformatter on README.md.

  • Add previous job results to JobCtx in case a job needs the results from the previous job in the chain

    Add previous job results to JobCtx in case a job needs the results from the previous job in the chain

    This PR adds PrevJobResults to Meta which is passed to the next job in a chain.

    Also I have modified the Enqueue method to use added enqueueWithMeta method. This was we can modify the meta and still reuse the function. Let me know if this looks good or any changes you think are needed.

  • Writing external (other languages) clients

    Writing external (other languages) clients

    This is a great tool as it is one of the few written in Go that supports task chains.

    I wanted to write a TS/JS client library to enqueue jobs from a Node.js app. From what I can see only the job payload is serialized to JSON while the Job opts isn't. This makes it impossible to directly enqueue a job on the respective broker. One way around this is to create an HTTP endpoint and send the job opts as JSON from the JS client, unmarshal this and enqueue it with the inbuilt Go NewJob -> Enqueue. An additional layer but workable with my scale (<10,000 reqs/enqueues / hr), but maybe not for others.


    • Does Tasqueue intend to be "celery like" that will allow any client to enqueue directly on to the broker with a Tasqueue specific JSON spec? This would be a significant API change.
    • If not, is the current API spec and Tasqueue in general stable and production ready?
  •  Add TTL to job, managed by the library

    Add TTL to job, managed by the library

    It would be useful to add a TTL field to any job, past which the job can be "expired". All of this should be broker/store agnostic and managed by the library itself.

    I have jotted below few approaches from the top of my head

    1. Using a "janitor" go-routine periodically checking for stale jobs. This will require additional methods from the store Store must be able to do one of :
    • Provide a method to query jobs based on the ttl field
    • Provide a wildcard scan method to read all jobs (the library will iterate and check each job)
    1. The library can setup a scheduled job to mark a job as expired. Tests will have to be performed to check the reliability and overhead of such a scheduling (since this may spawn a scheduled job for each new job).

    An additional Dequeue method will be required in all brokers for the above methods to work

    There is a wip branch available at feat/ttl.

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