Command line tool for adding Windows resources to executable files


A simple command line tool for embedding usual resources in Windows executables built with Go:

  • A manifest
  • An application icon
  • Version information (the Details tab in file properties)
  • Other icons and cursors

You might want to directly use winres as a library too:


To install the go-winres command, run:

go install


Please type go-winres help to get a list of commands and options.

Typical usage would be:

  • Run go-winres init to create a winres directory
  • Modify the contents of winres.json
  • Before go build, run go-winres make

go-winres make creates files named rsrc_windows_*.syso that go build automatically embeds in the executable.

The suffix _windows_amd64 is very important. Thanks to it, go build knows it should not include that object in a Linux or 386 build.

Automatic version from git

The --file-version and --product-version flags can take a special value: git-tag. This will retrieve the current tag with git describe --tags and add it to the file properties of the executable.

Using go generate

You can use a //go:generate comment as well:

//go:generate go-winres make --product-version=git-tag


There are other subcommands:

  • go-winres simply is a simpler make that does not rely on a json file.
  • go-winres extract extracts resources from an exe file or a dll.
  • go-winres patch replaces resources directly in an exe file or a dll. For example, to enhance a 7z self extracting archive, you may change its icon, and add a manifest to make it look better on high DPI screens.

JSON format

The JSON file follows this hierarchy:

  • Resource type (e.g. "RT_GROUP_ICON" or "#42" or "MY_TYPE")
    • Resource name (e.g. "MY_ICON" or "#1")
      • Language ID (e.g. "0409" for en-US)
        • Actual resource: a filename or a json structure

Standard resource types can be found there. But please never use RT_ICON or RT_CURSOR. Use RT_GROUP_ICON and RT_GROUP_CURSOR instead.


    "APP": {
      "0000": [
    "OTHER": {
      "0000": "icon.png"
    "#42": {
      "0409": "icon_EN.ico",
      "040C": "icon_FR.ico"

This example contains 3 icons:

  • "APP"
  • "OTHER"
  • 42

Windows Explorer will display "APP" because it is the first one. Icons are sorted by name in case sensitive ascending order, then by ID.

42 is an ID, not a name, this is why it comes last.

  • "APP" is made of 4 png files.
  • "OTHER" will be generated from one png file. It will be resized to 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, and 16x16.
  • 42 is a native icon, it probably already contains several images.

Finally, 42 will display a different icon for french users.

  • "0409" means en-US, which is the default.
  • "040C" means fr-FR.

You can find other language IDs there.

Cursor JSON

    "ARROW": {
      "0000": [
          "image": "arrow_32.png",
          "x": 28,
          "y": 4
          "image": "arrow_48.png",
          "x": 40,
          "y": 6
    "MOVE": {
      "0409": "move_EN.cur",
      "040C": "move_FR.cur"
    "#1": {
      "0000": {
        "image": "cross.png",
        "x": 16,
        "y": 16

This example contains 3 cursors:

  • "ARROW" contains two images (one for higher DPI). It is a json array.
  • "MOVE" uses cur files directly. It is different in French. It is a string.
  • 1 contains one image. It is an object.

When a cursor is made with a png file, you have to provide the coordinates of the "hot spot", that is, the pixel that clicks.


The manifest should be defined as resource 1 with language 0409.

As a JSON object

    "#1": {
      "0409": {
        "identity": {
          "name": "",
          "version": ""
        "description": "",
        "minimum-os": "win7",
        "execution-level": "as invoker",
        "ui-access": false,
        "auto-elevate": false,
        "dpi-awareness": "system",
        "disable-theming": false,
        "disable-window-filtering": false,
        "high-resolution-scrolling-aware": false,
        "ultra-high-resolution-scrolling-aware": false,
        "long-path-aware": false,
        "printer-driver-isolation": false,
        "gdi-scaling": false,
        "segment-heap": false,
        "use-common-controls-v6": false

All boolean values default to false.

It is recommended to omit identity if your program is a plain application, not meant to be a side-by-side dependency.

Values for "execution-level":
  • "" (default)
  • "highest": elevates to the highest level available to the current user
  • "administrator": require the user to be an administrator and elevate to this level
Values for "minimum-os":
  • "vista"
  • "win7" (default)
  • "win8"
  • "win8.1"
  • "win10"
Values for "dpi-awareness":
  • "unaware"
  • "system" (default)
  • "per monitor"
  • "per monitor v2" (recommended)

As an XML file

    "#1": {
      "0409": "my_manifest.xml"

VersionInfo JSON

Here is an example JSON file containing every standard info field, a French translation, and every possible flag. "0409" and "040C" are language code identifiers (LCID) for en-US and fr-FR respectively.

    "#1": {
      "0000": {
        "fixed": {
          "file_version": "",
          "product_version": "",
          "flags": "Debug,Prerelease,Patched,PrivateBuild,SpecialBuild",
          "timestamp": "2020-12-18T23:00:00+01:00"
        "info": {
          "0409": {
            "Comments": "Comments",
            "CompanyName": "Company",
            "FileDescription": "A description",
            "FileVersion": "",
            "InternalName": "",
            "LegalCopyright": "© You",
            "LegalTrademarks": "",
            "OriginalFilename": "X.EXE",
            "PrivateBuild": "",
            "ProductName": "Product",
            "ProductVersion": " beta",
            "SpecialBuild": ""
          "040C": {
            "Comments": "Commentaire",
            "CompanyName": "Compagnie",
            "FileDescription": "Une description",
            "FileVersion": "",
            "InternalName": "",
            "LegalCopyright": "© Vous",
            "LegalTrademarks": "",
            "OriginalFilename": "X.EXE",
            "PrivateBuild": "",
            "ProductName": "Produit",
            "ProductVersion": " bêta",
            "SpecialBuild": ""


This project is similar to akavel/rsrc and josephspurrier/goversioninfo.

Additional features are:

  • Multilingual resources
  • Multilingual VersionInfo that works in Windows Explorer
  • Explicitly named resources, by ID or by string (so you can use them in runtime)
  • Extracting resources from exe or dll files
  • Replacing resources in exe or dll files
  • Simplified VersionInfo definition
  • Simplified manifest definition
  • Support for custom information in VersionInfo
  • Making an icon or a cursor from a PNG file
  • Embedding custom resources

It might be closer to Microsoft specifications too.


go-winres is not a real resource compiler, which means it won't help you embed these UI templates:


If you ever need them, you can use one of those tools instead:

  • rc.exe and cvtres.exe from Visual Studio
  • windres from GNU Binary Utilities
  • llvm-rc and llvm-cvtres from LLVM tools

See Resource Compiler for more information.


Many thanks to akavel for his help.

This project uses these very helpful libs:

  • How to add an icon for task bar?

    How to add an icon for task bar?

    Hi, I use go-winres in own Go Qt UI project. I added an icon for the app, and the icon display anywhere but task bar. How to fix that? If create lnk file for binary file, the icon will be display. But if run binary directly the icon will not be display. My res config for icon:

    "RT_GROUP_ICON": {
        "APP": {
          "0000": [
        "#42": {
          "0409": "icon.ico",
          "040C": "icon.ico"
        "MAINICON": {
          "0409": "icon.ico"
        "OTHER": {
          "0000": "icon.ico"



  • Large icon view not using 256px png

    Large icon view not using 256px png


    Love this project and how easy it makes embedding Windows resources.

    I might be hitting some really obscure Windows bug, but for some reason my 256px icon embedded with go-winres is not being displayed at full resolution (ie. when using (Extra) Large icons in Explorer).

    You can see the comparisons with go-winres here in Explorer using Extra Large icons: Capture

    My winres/ folder here: Running Windows 10.0.19043.1110

    I've even tried adding all the "required" sizes (16px, 32px, 48px, 256px) to no avail.

    Is there some limitation or option that needs to be set for the 256px icon to be used at full resolution?

  • support for rsrc_windows_arm64.syso

    support for rsrc_windows_arm64.syso

  • fix(init subCommand): permission denied when on Unix platform

    fix(init subCommand): permission denied when on Unix platform

    I tried to run go-winres init on my Mac, however, it just kept telling me:

    ❯ go-winres init
    2022/11/10 15:34:29 open winres/winres.json: permission denied
    ❯ ls -alh .
    total 120
    drwxr-xr-x  18 kmahyyg  staff   576B Nov 10 15:25 .
    drwxr-xr-x   7 kmahyyg  staff   224B Oct 15 19:47 ..
    -rw-r--r--@  1 kmahyyg  staff   6.0K Oct 27 12:50 .DS_Store
    drwxr-xr-x  16 kmahyyg  staff   512B Nov 10 15:34 .git
    -rw-r--r--   1 kmahyyg  staff   4.2K Oct 28 20:03 .gitignore
    -rw-r--r--   1 kmahyyg  staff   154B Oct 31 14:16 .gitmodules
    drwxr-xr-x   8 kmahyyg  staff   256B Nov 10 15:29 .idea
    drw-r--r--   5 kmahyyg  staff   160B Nov 10 15:34 winres

    Then I just realized what went wrong. On unix platform, folder default permission should be 755, files should have 644. (You will not like any others write your own files, right?) Since Windows doesn't use the same method for access control, 755 and 644 will work on Windows platform too.

    So this PR will allow more user to run this develop their apps on MacOS / Linux without effecting any existing users.

  • git-tag not working with simply

    git-tag not working with simply

    Hi, I've just installed your tool with "go get". I'm trying to generate resources with "simply" command this way:

    go-winres simply --product-version=git-tag --file-version=git-tag --file-description="MKey process" --icon=winres/#1_0409.ico

    But when I compile de .exe file, It takes correctly the file description and ico but it shows "git-tag" texts as Product Version and "" as File-Version.

    If I generate the res file with go-winres make --product-version=git-tag --file-version=git-tag it works fine. What could I be doing wrong with the Simply command?

  • Provide more verbose error on failed git tag resolution

    Provide more verbose error on failed git tag resolution

    The error when doing this in a shallow clone is simply "exit 128", which makes it very difficult to determine that the problem is the lack of git tag data. This change just makes that error more clear.

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