⛓ The security layer for the KYVE protocol.

The KYVE Chain


The chain nodes are the backbone of KYVE. The chain layer is a completely sovereign Proof of Stake blockchain build with Cosmos SDK using the Ignite CLI. This blockchain is run by independent nodes we call Chain Nodes since they're running on the chain level. The native currency of the KYVE chain is $KYVE, it secures the chain and allows chain nodes to stake and other users to delegate into them.

Building from source

To build from source, the Ignite CLI is required.

ignite chain build --release --release.prefix kyve

The output can be found in ./release.

If you need to build for different architectures, use the -t flag, e.g. -t linux:amd64,linux:arm64.

Running a chain node

Full documentation for setting up a chain node are provided here.

Building the Web3 data lake solution.
  • panic : invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    panic : invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

    I running chain node with 0.4.0 error: this logs:

    9:49PM INF asserting crisis invariants inv=8/11 module=x/crisis name=staking/nonnegative-power
    9:49PM INF asserting crisis invariants inv=9/11 module=x/crisis name=staking/positive-delegation
    9:49PM INF asserting crisis invariants inv=10/11 module=x/crisis name=staking/delegator-shares
    9:49PM INF asserted all invariants duration=0.958891 height=0 module=x/crisis
    9:49PM INF created new capability module=ibc name=ports/transfer
    9:49PM INF port bound module=x/ibc/port port=transfer
    9:49PM INF claimed capability capability=1 module=transfer name=ports/transfer
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x178cd5d]

    please help me.

  • feature: integration tests

    feature: integration tests

    Doesn't affect on chain source code.


      main: ./cmd/kyved

    In config.yaml Ignite sees two main packages. Because of in node_modules we have chain dependency. With this option we specify correct main package https://docs.ignite.com/kb/config#build

  • V0.6.0



    • Redelegation: Users have 5 Redelegation slots, once all slots are taken one needs to wait until the oldest one expires. The cooldown is 5 days.
    • Reset Height Proposal: The governance can reset the pool height to an earlier state, in case a pool or endpoint got corrupted.
    • Inactive Stakers: Stakers who receive an upload slash or get kicked out of a pool are put in an inactive state. The funds are no longer immediately transferred back. From the inactive staker a user can then unstake the tokens or reactive the node.
    • Minimum Stake for Pools: Each pool can specify a minimum total stake. If the total stake in the pool drops below this value the pool will pause until enough stake is available again.
    • Commission Change Time: A commission change now takes 5 days in order to become active. Delegators have now time to review a commission change and perform a redelegation in case they don't want to support the new commission.


    • Submit bundle hash for each bundle. The bundle hash is stored on chain.
    • Vote weight is now proportional to the stake.
  • V0.5.1


    Fixes & Improvements

    • upgrade to latest SDK rc
    • fully switch over to voting enums
    • BundleFinalizedEvent: emit currentHeight for fromHeight
    • VoteEvent: use correct vote enums
  • v0.5.0



    • Gov: Expedited Proposals
    • Gov: Custom voting periods
    • Gov: Include protocol staking and protocol delegation
    • Custom keys for bundles
    • Unbonding time (5 days) for protocol staking and delegation


    • Added new indexes for querying proposals
    • Switched to typed events
    • Switched to own cosmos fork based on v0.45.5
    • Upgrade to IBC v.3.1.0
    • Switch vote type to enum

    Bug Fixes:

    • Proposals are now stored correctly again. It is necessary to reset the height.
  • V0.4.0


    v0.4.0 - 2022-06-7


    • Implemented scheduled upgrades for pool versions
    • Implemented abstain vote besides valid and invalid. Validators who don't vote 5 times in a row at all get removed with a timeout slash

    Client Breaking Changes

    • The arg vote on MsgVoteProposal changed from bool to uint64. 0 = valid, 1 = invalid, 2 = abstain
    • The arg versions on MsgCreatePoolProposal changed to version
    • The arg binaries got added to MsgCreatePoolProposal


    • Check the quorum of the bundle proposal on chain to prevent unjustified slashes
    • Don't drop bundle proposals if one funder can't afford the funding cost, instead remove all of them and proceed
    • If a validator submits a NO_DATA_BUNDLE the will just skip the upload instead of proposing an empty bundle
    • Added query QueryFunder
    • Added query QueryStaker
    • Added query QueryDelegator

    Bug Fixes


    • Deprecated versions on kyve.registry.v1beta1.Pool
  • v0.4.0 Release

    v0.4.0 Release


    Tracking issue for v0.4.0

    v0.4.0 Release team: @johnletey @troykessler @mbreithecker


    • [x] fix NO_DATA_BUNDLE submit when uploader is same as next_uploader

    • [x] add from_height arg in msg_server_submit_bundle_proposal to prevent invalid bundle creations

    • [ ] add a minimum funding amount to prevent spam

    • [ ] add anonymous voting (?)

    • [x] implement timeouts for not voting (add max_points migration)

    • [x] change the implementation of NO_DATA_BUNDLE to a skip feature

    • [x] call NO_QUORUM_BUNDLE from chain

  • v0.2.0 Release

    v0.2.0 Release


    Tracking issue for v0.2.0.

    v0.2.0 Release team: @johnletey @troykessler @mbreithecker.


    • [x] Switch from Starport to Ignite CLI. (https://github.com/KYVENetwork/chain/commit/01f53819c85c6892094335e0536bd349da563fda)
    • [x] Deprecate unbonding for protocol staking and delegating. (https://github.com/KYVENetwork/chain/commit/49d2a6d377dc88b012cf7c88f1042a4c8fb0bbc8)
    • [x] Upgrade Cosmos SDK to v0.45.3. (https://github.com/KYVENetwork/chain/commit/01f53819c85c6892094335e0536bd349da563fda)
    • [ ] Upgrade IBC to v3.0.0 and enable ICA. (nice to have)
    • [x] Implement resubmit feature for NO_DATA_BUNDLEs to prevent unnecessary slashing.
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