VMAGI - Write an performant emulator in 24 hours!



Welcome! VMAGI is a small emulator/interpreter my friend Matthew and I challenged each other to build in 24 hours. This includes both the implementation of the interpreter and creating your own ISA/3ac/IR for it that it will run on top of. If you want to see Matthew's implementation, go to his repository

My friend Ethan also joined us on this competition and completed his implementation.

Funnily enough, I did it in Go, Matthew in Rust, Ethan in C++.


The goal within 24 hours was to write an interpreter that can reliably run a recursive version of fibonacci sequence, such that for any natural n, fib(n) returns the nth element of the sequence.

This was an interesting challenge, as writing the machine itself, with all the instructions and logic around it was pretty simple. This includes required stuff like labels, jumps, conditionals, etc. The idea was to make it a workable interpreter for whatever you write.

Matthew and I both have the same direction, in terms of what our interpreters should achieve. Besides being able to run recursive fibonacci, it should have a command/opcode halt that will immediately halt the interpreter and return the value that was passed to halt with either registers or some other way.

In the end of the competition, which is right now as I'm writing it, VMAGI has a total of 25 opcodes. You see, I have a very classical Computer Science training, so I think in terms of memory layout, IO-bound operations, and etc. For more details, see isa.go for the list of instructions and how the look like.

Fibonacci example

Here is an example of the recursive fibonacci

        addi #1, 30, #1   -- 0 depth is 30
        push #1           -- 1 push depth to parameters
        call @fib!        -- 2 call fib(n)
        pop #1            -- 3 pop the return
        halt #1           -- 4 exit with the return

fib!:   pop #1            -- 5 pop the n param
        jmpz #1, @base0   -- 6 if n==0, jump to @base0
        eqi  #1, 1, #2    -- 7 set #2 = #1 == 1
        jmpt #2, @base1   -- 8 if #1 == 1, jump to @base1
        subi #1, 1, #1    -- 9 set #1 = n - 1
        push #1           -- 10 push n-1 to stack
        call @fib!        -- 11 call fib(n-1)
        pop #2            -- 12 pop result of fib(n-1) to #2
        subi #1, 1, #1    -- 13 set #1 = (n - 1) - 1 = n - 2
        push #1           -- 14 push n-2 to stack
        call @fib!        -- 15 call fib(n-2)
        pop #1            -- 16 pop result of fib(n-2) to #1
        add #1, #2, #1    -- 17 set #1 = #1 + #2 = fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
        push #1           -- 18 push the fib result to stack
        ret               -- 19 return
base0:  pushi 1           -- 20 push 1 to stack
        ret               -- 21 return
base1:  pushi 1           -- 22 push 1 to stack
        ret               -- 23 return

To which > VMAGI ./examples/fib.vmagi outputs

VMAGI stopped execution with 1346269

My idea

I tried to write VMAGI in such a way that its reasonably performant and most of all, dead simple. Simple as in how it works internally, the way data gets shuffled around, and the cost of maintenance/understanding the code. To build a simple stack machine is not hard, almost trivial in some places, as all you do is run the most simple instructions, such as add or push and put the data somewhere, where it needs to go.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is usually just mistyping something or getting some logic nuances nudged in a different directions. No exception here. I would say the biggest difficulty for this challenge was the optimization stage and making everything faster, but also not sacrificing the code quality. Also, because this is Go, I also tried to write everything using just the standard library, so no dependencies.

I just wanted to have fun and watch Kill la Kill for the 100th time. The basic version that just runs the code, as taking in the assembly input, parsing it, and running it, all in all took about 4 hours. The next ~8 hours were spent on cleaning up the code, improving the logic, tightnening up some holes, and coming up with some optimizations.

How it works

VMAGI works in a direct, single-pipeline, sequential way. The only input VMAGI requires is the filename with the .vmagi assembly code you want to be interpreted. VMAGI will read the file and take care of the parsing and executing together. You don't need an assembler to pass in the bytecode.

Parsing is fairly simple. See parser.go for that. What VMAGI does is read the given file line-by-line and run a couple of regex expressions to figure out the opcode/command that is invoked with all its operands. Of course, you could do it better using a lexer, as Matthew did, like flex and use something ala bison to write down the grammar for our new language. I have done it many times, so I just wanted to have some fun.

After we parsed out the language (label lookups get a deferred parsing), we will have a list of all valid instructions in our language (See models.go). After that, we will be starting on executing each instruction, by moving the PC (Program Counter) pointer where it has to go. For more gory details on the execution logic and code, please go and see execute.go


Definitely one of the hardest and most annoying parts of writing VMAGI was improving performance on deeply nested recursive calls. Recall that we had to make an emulator that recursively calculates any member of the Fibonacci sequence. As you can imagine, every nth member of the sequence has to call n-1 and n-2, which they in return call everything even deeper.

On the first try, smaller values of Fibonacci were working quite reliably but if we start going anywhere above 30 or 40, it started to slow down that you could feel it. fib(30) would take about 3 secounds and fib(40) maybe a minute or two. So what do we do? Well, you should always use your trusty pprof to see for yourself where your program spends most of its CPU time and where does the memory go.

Looking at the CPU profile of VMAGI, I found that a lot of time was spent on hashing functions (hashtable lookup for labels and memory), context switching (each call @func created a new memory location), function lookup, and excessive memory accesses. Many of them were fixed by mainly re-engineering my approach to their logic. Instead of hashing, just index and instead of context switch (which takes a whole allocation), just offset into a free pre-allocated part.

My first benchmark was the fib(30), which would take about 7 seconds to run on a raw machine. After adding some performance boosts and cleaning the code, it went down to whopping ~250ms. But this was still small fish to fry. Next big benchmark in sight was fib(40), which even with all the recent improvements takes ~30 seconds to run. Profiling doesn't help that much, as the low hanging fruit has already been picked.

The biggest bottlenecks in the code now were the ifs loop that check whether an instruction using an immediate field, basic variable assignments, stack operations, and most importantely, memory accesses made for variables retrieval. But what can I do here? Our Memory is just an array. I can't really think of something that is considerably faster than straight native indexing.

I don't want to fight with the language. Instead of focusing my attention onto raw slice access overheads and the time it takes to do basic math, I would have to focus on straight optimizations now. Well, I only have an hour left. I thought that the best way to approach it would be writing some sort of a caching mechanism that makes executing millions lines of duplicate instructions unnecessary.

But how would one do caching in an assembly-like language? There are no clear constructs, such as the number of expected arguments and return values. I called this "Memoization Strategy by Assembly Stack Depth Analysis" or MSASDA (totally made up). In essens, this is your familiar memoizer that caches the input of a function with its output. You would ask me, how does the optimizer know if the function is pure? How does it know it has a valid structure to be memoized?

I have an answer just for you. You tell it. Your function can be denoted by a label fib: .... but if you want VMAGI to memoize and optimize your function, simply add a bang to the label's signature. So you would declare it in a way like fib!: ..... By this, the programmer gives several guarantees to VMAGI: 1) fib! is pure with no side-effects (return can be deterministically predicted by input arguments) and 2) fib! takes exactly one argument and returns exactly one value.

Point 1) is a little bit of cheating, because every function in VMAGI during its execution gets a whole new context and the only way for functions on the stack to communicate with each other is to pass data to each other through pushing and popping off the stack. Point 2) is a little more strict. Multiple input/return functions, just anywhere can get pretty ugly (even with python's fancy lru_cache). If a programmer really needs some part of the code to run fast, then divide the problem into subproblem(s) using single-input-output routines.

This made a day&night difference. You remember how fib(40) was taking about ~30 seconds to run? It's about 5-7ms now. As any other fibonacci argument, even when it starts overflowing signed 64-bit integers. Actually, any input will give you about ~6ms. The noise on my system is greater than the execution time itself, with all the parsing and caching. I can't even profile this program, because profiler simply can't read that fast. Only makes you see the power of caching in one place. All you need to enable this, is to add a bang to a label's (function's) signature to tell VMAGI to try and cache the calls of this function.

I would argue it's a good improvement we made here from infinity to ~30s to 7ms. There are many other optimizations and improvements, but I'm out of time, and satisfied with what the result is in 24 hours since the start of the competition.

Future work

Of course, there is a lot that can be done to improve VMAGI. In particular, something around improving execute.go way of handling immediate value. Each context is limited to ten variables, so you can only address #1,...,#10 variables before unholy stuff happens. This could be resized and made more dynamic. This list can go on. For 24 hours, I'm very happy.


MAGI is a supercomputer from Evangelion. I love Evangelion and I wanted to name it something similar, like MAGIV, my friend told me to name it VMAGI instead, so here we have it!

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