REST API written in GO with PostgreSQL and Nginx Proxy + Certbot Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates + Graphical Frontend in PHP. Deployed via docker-compose.



  • Backend: REST API in Go
    • Database: PostgreSQL
    • Web Proxy: Nginx
      • Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates with certbot
  • Frontend: PHP App

How to run the app

Install docker and docker-compose

Now become root, or make sure your user is allowed to use docker.

Make sure your server has port 80 and 443 exposed to the Internet.

Clone this repo to your machine.

Before the first run, get a Let's Encrypt certificate by executing the bash script ./

After that, you can run the app via docker-compose up -d.

Optional configuration

By default, the app gets the current public ip address and creates a domain name with the help of If you want to use your own dns domain, supply the environment variable PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME to the init script ./, or by setting it in a .env file in the root project directory.



Set STAGING to 0 if you want to use Let's Encrypt without --staging (production mode).

Set the database password in the file ./db/password.txt

Lastly, have a look at the main configuration file docker-compose.yaml.

Deploy with docker-compose

Run the stack

docker-compose up -d

View logs

docker-compose logs

Restart the stack

docker-compose restart

Stop and remove the containers

$ docker-compose down

All persistent data will be stored in ./data/. Remove this directory too.

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