TinyGo drivers for sensors and other devices that use I2C, SPI, GPIO, ADC, and UART interfaces.

TinyGo Drivers

PkgGoDev CircleCI

This package provides a collection of hardware drivers for devices such as sensors and displays that can be used together with TinyGo.


go get tinygo.org/x/drivers

How to use

Here is an example in TinyGo that uses the BMP180 digital barometer:

package main

import (



func main() {
    sensor := bmp180.New(machine.I2C0)

    connected := sensor.Connected()
    if !connected {
        println("BMP180 not detected")
    println("BMP180 detected")

    for {
        temp, _ := sensor.ReadTemperature()
        println("Temperature:", float32(temp)/1000, "°C")

        pressure, _ := sensor.ReadPressure()
        println("Pressure", float32(pressure)/100000, "hPa")

        time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

Currently supported devices

The following 56 devices are supported.

Device Name Interface Type
ADT7410 I2C Temperature Sensor I2C
ADXL345 accelerometer I2C
AMG88xx 8x8 Thermal camera sensor I2C
AT24CX 2-wire serial EEPROM I2C
BBC micro:bit LED matrix GPIO
BH1750 ambient light sensor I2C
BME280 humidity/pressure sensor I2C
BMI160 accelerometer/gyroscope SPI
BMP180 barometer I2C
BMP280 temperature/barometer I2C
BMP388 pressure sensor I2C
Buzzer GPIO
DHTXX thermometer and humidity sensor GPIO
DS1307 real time clock I2C
DS3231 real time clock I2C
ESP32 as WiFi Coprocessor with Arduino nina-fw SPI
ESP8266/ESP32 AT Command set for WiFi/TCP/UDP UART
GPS module I2C/UART
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor GPIO
HD44780 LCD controller GPIO/I2C
HUB75 RGB led matrix SPI
ILI9341 TFT color display SPI
L293x motor driver GPIO/PWM
L9110x motor driver GPIO/PWM
LIS2MDL magnetometer I2C
LIS3DH accelerometer I2C
LSM6DS3 accelerometer I2C
MAG3110 magnetometer I2C
MCP23017 port expander I2C
MCP3008 analog to digital converter (ADC) SPI
Microphone - PDM I2S/PDM
MMA8653 accelerometer I2C
MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope I2C
PCD8544 display SPI
Resistive Touchscreen (4-wire) GPIO
Semihosting Debug
Shift register (PISO) GPIO
Shift registers (SIPO) GPIO
SHT3x Digital Humidity Sensor I2C
SSD1306 OLED display I2C / SPI
SSD1331 TFT color display SPI
SSD1351 OLED display SPI
ST7735 TFT color display SPI
ST7789 TFT color display SPI
Stepper motor "Easystepper" controller GPIO
Thermistor ADC
TMP102 I2C Temperature Sensor I2C
VEML6070 UV light sensor I2C
VL53L1X time-of-flight distance sensor I2C
Waveshare 2.13" (B & C) e-paper display SPI
Waveshare 2.13" e-paper display SPI
Waveshare 4.2" e-paper B/W display SPI


Your contributions are welcome!

Please take a look at our CONTRIBUTING.md document for details.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license, just like the Go project itself.

Go compiler for small places. Microcontrollers, WebAssembly, and command-line tools. Based on LLVM.
  • sdcard: add support for fatfs

    sdcard: add support for fatfs

    Added filesystem support. The commit will be cleaned up later.

    I'm checking with windows 10 + feather-m4-can + 8GB sdcard w/fat32. It is readonly at this time. To make it writable, you need to change the settings on tinygo-org/tinyfs .

    SPI Configured. Reading flash info
    ==> ls
    drwxrwxrwx     0 System Volume Information
    drwxrwxrwx     0 bin
    drwxrwxrwx     0 lib
    drwxrwxrwx     0 pkg
    drwxrwxrwx     0 src
    drwxrwxrwx     0 targets
    ==> ls bin
    -rwxrwxrwx 138400394 tinygo.exe
    ==> cat targets/feather-m4.json
    00000000: 7b 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 22 69 6e 68 65 72 69 74 73    {..    "inherits
    00000010: 22 3a 20 5b 22 61 74 73 61 6d 64 35 31 6a 31 39    ": ["atsamd51j19
    00000020: 61 22 5d 2c 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 22 62 75 69 6c 64    a"],..    "build
    00000030: 2d 74 61 67 73 22 3a 20 5b 22 66 65 61 74 68 65    -tags": ["feathe
    00000040: 72 5f 6d 34 22 5d 2c 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 22 66 6c    r_m4"],..    "fl
    00000050: 61 73 68 2d 31 32 30 30 2d 62 70 73 2d 72 65 73    ash-1200-bps-res
    00000060: 65 74 22 3a 20 22 74 72 75 65 22 2c 0d 0a 20 20    et": "true",..
    00000070: 20 20 22 66 6c 61 73 68 2d 6d 65 74 68 6f 64 22      "flash-method"
    00000080: 3a 20 22 6d 73 64 22 2c 0d 0a 20 20 20 20 22 6d    : "msd",..    "m
    00000090: 73 64 2d 76 6f 6c 75 6d 65 2d 6e 61 6d 65 22 3a    sd-volume-name":
    000000a0: 20 22 46 45 41 54 48 45 52 42 4f 4f 54 22 2c 0d     "FEATHERBOOT",.
    000000b0: 0a 20 20 20 20 22 6d 73 64 2d 66 69 72 6d 77 61    .    "msd-firmwa
    000000c0: 72 65 2d 6e 61 6d 65 22 3a 20 22 66 69 72 6d 77    re-name": "firmw
    000000d0: 61 72 65 2e 75 66 32 22 0d 0a 7d 0d 0a             are.uf2"..}..
  • spi: remove machine.SPI and replace with drivers.SPI interface

    spi: remove machine.SPI and replace with drivers.SPI interface

    This PR removes machine.SPI and replaces them with the drivers.SPI interface for almost all SPI drivers.

    There are a couple of drivers that will require additional or special handling. Primarily this has to do with #206

    The flash driver will require changes to any consumers to set the SPI speed before calling into the driver.

    The ili9342 driver has very tight coupling to specific SPI code that probably belongs in the machine package:

    https://github.com/tinygo-org/drivers/blob/release/ili9341/spi_atsamd21.go https://github.com/tinygo-org/drivers/blob/release/ili9341/spi_atsamd51.go

  • Client driver for WiFiNINA firmware

    Client driver for WiFiNINA firmware

    An alternative to the ESP-AT firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 is nina-fw from Arduino: https://github.com/arduino/nina-fw

    This is the default firmware on ESP chip of the Arduino Nano 33 IOT as well as a number of Adafruit boards and daughterboards, having a driver for it would obviate the need to reflash the ESP chip and simplify the experience of using these boards with TinyGo. Also, this firmware uses 8MHz SPI instead of UART which should be faster could eventually take advantage of DMA.

    Currently WIP; code for framing messages to the ESP chip according the firmware's protocol and a number of commands are working. This initial commit has enough functionality implemented to initialize the SPI communication, scan for and connect to wifi networks, and read connection status and IP information.

    Next steps will be to get connection and data transfer working with an API that matches espat/net with the goal that eventually users can easily choose between either implementation without having to rewrite their code.

  • Add mcp2515 driver

    Add mcp2515 driver

    I added a driver for a CAN controller that works with a SPI interface called mcp2515. This allows you to communicate with other microcontrollers using the CAN (Controller Aread Network) protocol.

    Tested with the following boards.

    • Adafruit Feather-m4
    • SeeedStudio Seeeduino Xiao
  • P1AM base controller driver

    P1AM base controller driver

    This PR adds basic support for the P1AM base controller. This is an embedded peripheral that is present on the P1AM-100 board. Since this is a built-in peripheral, there's no configuration available for what SPI port and pins to use, etc. I included an example program so you can see what the API is like. I don't have a full set of expansion modules, so I've only been able to test/implement digital I/O modules.

  • Lora sx126x and sx127x drivers

    Lora sx126x and sx127x drivers

    Hi all.

    I've been very busy in the past month, but now I'd like to resume (and finish) my work on both sx126x and sx127x Lora drivers.

    As a reminder, sx127x can be found on RFM95 Lora modules, and sx126x can be found in STM32WLE5 Lora SoC

    Although there is still much work to get these drivers working, you can find here my current developpement branches:

    https://github.com/ofauchon/tinygo-drivers/tree/lora-sx127x https://github.com/ofauchon/tinygo-drivers/tree/lora-sx126x

    Please note that my lora-sx127x driver is heavilly based on @torntrousers awesome work (#60)

    If you are interested in helping in the developpement of these drivers, please leave a comment.

    Tell us about your project, the hardware you plan to use (sx126x / sx127x), and how you can help (tests, developpement, providing hardware ? ).



  • Add a servo library (like Arduino Servo.h)

    Add a servo library (like Arduino Servo.h)

    For Arduino programming using their language, a specific driver library exists for easy and simple control over Servo parts. This seems to be non supported at the moment when using tinygo.

    This functionality would be very useful for especially Arduino users that want to use their servos, but I guess that it might be useful for other boards too, depending on implementation. I will mostly be using it on an Arduino Uno though...

    See the Servo Reference and Servo Library Repository for more information.

    Related to https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/issues/855 about PWM support needed to implement this.

  • GPS driver

    GPS driver

    Currently this runs and the example prints out fixes every second:

    GPS Example
    09:20:37, lat=51.586803, long=-0.102263, altitude:=0, satelites=6
    09:20:38, lat=51.586797, long=-0.102265, altitude:=0, satelites=6

    and runs for about a minute or so and then hangs or gets a panic OOM

  • lsm9ds1: minimal implementation

    lsm9ds1: minimal implementation

    Depends on tinygo PR exposing additional pins on nano-33-ble board to compile example.

    @alankrantas Something of interest for you to check? Seem like we are both working on Nano 33 BLE support at the moment.

    IMU communication does not work for me until I2C_PULLUP pin is set high, something I don't see in your examples for other sensors, @alankrantas And that makes me wonder... Any ideas?

    I2C pull-up trick was copied from Arduino Mbed code for this board https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-mbed/blob/master/variants/ARDUINO_NANO33BLE/variant.cpp#L159

  • Driver request for DHT-11 and DHT-22

    Driver request for DHT-11 and DHT-22

    I would like to request a driver for the DHT-11 and DHT-22 Temperature/Humidity sensor. I have seen a few libraries on github for go, but they seem to be specific to raspberry pi.

  • i2csoft: add support for software I2C

    i2csoft: add support for software I2C

    Added I2C software implementation for esp8266, esp32, etc. It can also be used for atsamd51 and others, but be aware that it is not a very accurate process.

    Since the esp32 has hardware I2C, it should really implement hardware I2C instead of SI2C. However, I thought I would lose motivation if I implemented the hardware I2C driver first, so I implemented the software I2C first.


  • lora/lorawan: implementation of LoRaWAN stack

    lora/lorawan: implementation of LoRaWAN stack

    This PR basically starts from the @ofauchon implementation in https://github.com/ofauchon/go-lorawan-stack but refactored.

    Already able to join The Things Network using the atcmd example!

  • Add Total Dissolved Solids Meter Driver

    Add Total Dissolved Solids Meter Driver

    This will provide a package to calculate the TDS and Electrical Conductivity from common TDS/EC Meters. Meters sold from various vendors:

    • https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-TDS-Sensor/
    • https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1662.html
    • https://www.cqrobot.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1122
  • WIP: refactor net/http and rtl8720dn

    WIP: refactor net/http and rtl8720dn

    This PR provides many refactorings, including

    • #496
    • #497
    • net/http: add support for RoundTripper
    • net/http: refactor net/http/tinygo.go
    • Improved processing when data does not exist (rtl8720dn)
    • Support Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    By supporting these, you can implement the code for Device Authorization Grant Flow in Microsoft Graph. This PR is intended to indicate the goal. Each of the above will be divided into smaller PRs.

  • rtl8720dn: add handling when connect fails

    rtl8720dn: add handling when connect fails

    This PR adds handling when rtl8720dn fails to connect to a specific TCP destination.

    -1 represents many rpc failures, but details are unknown. In fact, rtl8720dn returns -1 when a connection fails.

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