Titan CDN+ network

Titan CDN+

Titan is a Filecoin extension, backed by Filecoin and focused on last-mile CDN+ networks. Currently, Titan's goals are:

  • Focus on the last mile of transmission, aggregating the storage and bandwidth resources of a large number of home devices
  • Accelerated IPFS/Filecoin/normal data retrieving
  • Accelerated IPFS/Filecoin/normal data storing
  • Trusted computing based on Filecoin blockchain/FVM

Similar to traditional CDNs, Titan will pull data from the source, to a cluster of nodes in the Titan network, and the user retrieves the data from the nearest cluster of nodes in the Titan network.

We refer to Titan as CDN+ because:

  • Unlike traditional CDNs, which generally store data in IDCs, users in neighboring cities need to pull data from the same IDC. As a contrast, Titan Network provides data to users in the same city by clustering nodes in each city, so the latency is lower and the bandwidth is larger.
  • Unlike traditional CDNs, which generally only support users to pull data but not to put data, the Titan network supports users to store private data through S3 APIs and provides a superior data storing experience: excellent writing speed and good reliability, and the private data is regularly backed up to Filecoin storage providers.
  • Titan plans to build trusted computing based on the Filecoin block chain/FVM by running containers in the L1 node cluster of the Titan network and utilizing the computing power of the L1 node cluster.

Filecoin and Titan

Titan is an extension of Filecoin, backed by Filecoin:

  • Accept CDN deals via FVM contract
  • Titan regularly backs up to Filecion storage provider via Storage deals
  • The proof of work and contribution calculations for nodes in the Titan network, will be published to the Filecoin blockchain via the FVM contract
  • Via FVM DataDAO, Titan backup data to and restore data from Filecoin storage providers

Saturn and Titan

As a last-mile focused CDN+, Titan can also serve as the outermost courier of Saturn CDN, using a cluster of Titan network nodes to accelerate the content distribution of Saturn CDN.

Titan Next

  • Titan wants to leverage the computing power (CPU/GPU) of the Titan node cluster by running trusted containers and other methods to build trusted computing services.
  • Build sidechain capability, and as a sidechain of Filecoin to improve the TPS of Filecoin main chain. As a CDN+ focusing on the last mile, Titan is naturally close to the user, so if it has sidechain capability, Titan can aggregate user requests and use methods such as zk-rollups to improve the throughput of Filecion main chain.

Building & Documentation

Build & Run scheduler

Build & Run nodes


Filecoin Titan
An intelligent decentralized edge computing platform built on Filecoin, compatible with the IPFS protocol(Offering storage, bandwidth, and computation services)
Filecoin Titan
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    2. Add daily check for service asset replica count, replenish if needed
    3. Change API permission system from level-based to role-based
    4. Implement Daily summary for validation results
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  • Update README formatting and add missing code files

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      2. cmd/titan-edge:
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