A cli for fetching the status and full output of CircleCI jobs.


CircleCI test lint

A cli for fetching the status and full output of CircleCI jobs.


go install github.com/tmessi/cci/cci@latest


cci is designed to have sane defaults if run from within cloned git repository. It will examine the current branch, and origin remote to determine which project and branch to use for queries to CircleCI. Thus to check the status of the current branch, just run:


However, it does require a CircleCI Token to authenticate the requests. It is recommended to use the environment variable, CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN, along with something like direnv.

First create a Personal Access Token and add it to your environment:

export CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN=<personal access token>


Report status

# no subcommand defaults to status
# If you like typing
cci status
# If you like typing, but not too much
cci s

See output of a build

cci output <build number>
cci o <build number>
cci o <workflow name> <job name>

You can then easily pipe the output to other tools:

cci o test build | grep 'FAIL:'

Retry a build

If a build fails for transient reasons, like a network error while installing dependencies, it can be retried:

cci retry <build number>
cci r <build number>
cci r <workflow name> <job name>

For more usage information and flags, see the help:

cci --help


For bash copy the .bash_completion file to /etc/bash_completion.d/ or to a location that is sourced from ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. Or add the contents directly to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.

For other shells, see the urfave/cli docs. For example for zsh follow the description here.

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