Query, update and convert data structures from the command line. Comparable to jq/yq but supports JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV with zero runtime dependencies.


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Dasel (short for data-selector) allows you to query and modify data structures using selector strings.

Comparable to jq / yq, but supports JSON, YAML, TOML, XML and CSV with zero runtime dependencies.

One tool to rule them all

Say good bye to learning new tools just to work with a different data format.

Dasel uses a standard selector syntax no matter the data format. This means that once you learn how to use dasel you immediately have the ability to query/modify any of the supported data types without any additional tools or effort.

Update Kubernetes Manifest

Issue vs Discussion

I have enabled discussions on this repository.

I am aware there may be some confusion when deciding where you should communicate when reporting issues, asking questions or raising feature requests so this section aims to help us align on that.

Please raise an issue if:

  • You find a bug.
  • You have a feature request and can clearly describe your request.

Please open a discussion if:

  • You have a question.
  • You're not sure how to achieve something with dasel.
  • You have an idea but don't quite know how you would like it to work.
  • You have achieved something cool with dasel and want to show it off.
  • Anything else!


Table of contents


You can test out dasel commands using the playground.

Source code for the playground can be found at github.com/TomWright/daselplayground.


You can import dasel as a package and use it in your applications, or you can use a pre-built binary to modify files from the command line.


Run dasel in docker using the image ghcr.io/tomwright/dasel.

echo '{"name": "Tom"}' | docker run -i --rm ghcr.io/tomwright/dasel:latest -p json '.name'

Docker images are pushed to the github container repository: tomwright/dasel.

If you want to use a specific version of dasel simply change latest to the desired version.

  • latest - The latest released version.
  • dev - The latest build from master branch.
  • v*.*.* - The build from the given release.


Dasel is part of homebrew-core making it available without any additional taps.

brew install dasel

ASDF (Cross Platform)

Using asdf-vm and the asdf-dasel plugin

asdf plugin add dasel https://github.com/asdf-community/asdf-dasel.git
asdf list all dasel
asdf install dasel <version>
asdf global dasel <version>


You can download a compiled executable from the latest release.

Note: Don't forget to put the binary somewhere in your PATH.


This one liner should work for you - be sure to change the targeted release executable if needed. It currently targets dasel_linux_amd64.

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tomwright/dasel/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | grep linux_amd64 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi - && mv dasel_linux_amd64 dasel && chmod +x dasel
mv ./dasel /usr/local/bin/dasel


You may have to brew install wget in order for this to work.

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tomwright/dasel/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | grep darwin_amd64 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi - && mv dasel_darwin_amd64 dasel && chmod +x dasel
mv ./dasel /usr/local/bin/dasel

Windows 10

The most convenient installation method is via scoop command-line installer. Issue the following commands in your terminal and dasel will be available:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install dasel

You can then use

scoop update dasel

to update later on.

Self Update

If you have dasel installed you can easily upgrade to the latest release using:

dasel update

If you have a development version of dasel you should run the following:

dasel update --dev

Note: This is a dasel feature and will cause the current executable to be replaced. This may cause side effects when used in conjuction with a package manager.

Development Version

You can go get the main package to build and install dasel for you.

go get github.com/tomwright/dasel/cmd/dasel@master

You may need to prefix the command with GO111MODULE=on in order for this to work.

Note that doing this will set the version to development

Using dasel as a go package

As with any other go package, just use go get.

go get github.com/tomwright/dasel

Once imported you do something like the following:

package main
import (

func main() {
    var data interface{}
    _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(`[{"name": "Tom"}, {"name": "Jim"}]`), &data)

    rootNode := dasel.New(data)

    result, _ := rootNode.Query(".[0].name")
    printNodeValue(result) // Tom
    results, _ := rootNode.QueryMultiple(".[*].name")
    printNodeValue(results...) // Tom\nJim

    _ = rootNode.Put(".[0].name", "Frank")
    printNodeValue(rootNode) // [map[name:Frank] map[name:Jim]]

    _ = rootNode.PutMultiple(".[*].name", "Joe")
    printNodeValue(rootNode) // [map[name:Joe] map[name:Joe]]
    outputBytes, _ := json.Marshal(rootNode.InterfaceValue())
    fmt.Println(string(outputBytes)) // [{"name":"Joe"},{"name":"Joe"}]

func printNodeValue(nodes ...*dasel.Node) {
    for _, n := range nodes {

From then on the rest of the docs should be enough.

Just know that when using the command-line tool the -m,--multiple flag tells dasel to use QueryMultiple/PutMultiple instead of Query/Put.

If the information provided here isn't good enough please open a discussion.


Preserved formatting and ordering

The formatting of files can be changed while being processed. Dasel itself doesn't make these changes, rather the act of marshaling the results.

In short, the output files may have properties in a different order but the actual contents will be as expected.

Memory usage

Dasel's method of querying data requires that the entire input document is stored in memory.

You should keep this in mind as the maximum filesize it can process will be limited by your system's available resources (specifically RAM).

Converting between formats

Dasel allows you to specify different input/output formats using the -r,--read and -w,--write flags.


echo '{"name": "Tom"}{"name": "Jim"}' | dasel -r json -w yaml .
name: Tom
name: Jim

This works well in general but you may run into issues when converting between data formats that don't typically play well together.

If you have any questions or concerns around this please raise a discussion.


dasel -h

An important note is that if no sub-command is given, dasel will default to select.


dasel select -f <file> -p <parser> -r <read_parser> -w <write_parser> -m <selector>


-f, --file

Specify the file to query. This is required unless you are piping in data.

If piping in data you can optionally pass -f stdin/-f -.

-r, --read

Specify the parser to use when reading the input data.

This is required if you are piping in data, otherwise dasel will use the given file extension to guess which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-w, --write

Specify the parser to use when writing the output data.

If not provided dasel will attempt to use the --out and --read flags to determine which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-p, --parser

Shorthand for -r <value> -w <value>

-m, --multiple

Tells dasel to select multiple items.

This causes the dynamic selector to return all matching results rather than the first, and enables the any index selector.

All matches will be output on a new line.


echo '[{"name": "Tom"}, {"name": "Jim"}]' | dasel -p json -m '.[*].name'
-s, --selector, <selector>

Specify the selector to use. See Selectors for more information.

If no selector flag is given, dasel assumes the first argument given is the selector.

This is required.


By default, dasel formats the output using the specified parser.

If this flag is used no formatting occurs and the results output as a string.

-n, --null

This flag tells dasel to output null instead of ValueNotFound errors.

With the flag:

$ echo '[1]' | dasel -p json -n '.[1]'

Without the flag:

$ echo '[1]' | dasel -p json '.[1]'   
Error: could not query node: could not find value: no value found for selector: .[1]: [1]
  dasel select -f <file> -p <json,yaml> -s <selector> [flags]

  -f, --file string       The file to query.
  -h, --help              help for select
  -m, --multiple          Select multiple results.
  -n, --null              Output null instead of value not found errors.
  -p, --parser string     Shorthand for -r FORMAT -w FORMAT.
      --plain             Alias of -w plain
  -r, --read string       The parser to use when reading.
  -s, --selector string   The selector to use when querying the data structure.
  -w, --write string      The parser to use when writing.

Error: could not write custom output: could not query node: could not find value: no value found for selector: .[1]: [1]
exit status 1
-c, --compact

This tells dasel to output compact data where possible. E.g. not pretty printing JSON.


Select the image within a kubernetes deployment manifest file:
dasel select -f deployment.yaml "spec.template.spec.containers.(name=auth).image"
Piping data into the select:
cat deployment.yaml | dasel select -p yaml "spec.template.spec.containers.(name=auth).image"


dasel put <type> -f <file> -o <out> -p <parser> -m <selector> <value>
echo "name: Tom" | ./dasel put string -p yaml "name" Jim
name: Jim



The type of value you want to put.

Available arguments:

-f, --file

Specify the file to query. This is required unless you are piping in data.

If piping in data you can optionally pass -f stdin/-f -.

-o, --out

Specify the output file. If present, results will be written to the given file. If not present, results will be written to the input file (or stdout if none given).

To force output to be written to stdout, pass -o stdout/-o -.

-r, --read

Specify the parser to use when reading the input data.

This is required if you are piping in data, otherwise dasel will use the given file extension to guess which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-w, --write

Specify the parser to use when writing the output data.

If not provided dasel will attempt to use the --out and --read flags to determine which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-p, --parser

Shorthand for -r <value> -w <value>

-m, --multiple

Tells dasel to put multiple items.

This causes the dynamic selector to return all matching results rather than the first, and enables the any index selector.


echo '[{"name": "Tom"}, {"name": "Jim"}]' | dasel put string -p json -m '.[*].name' Frank
    "name": "Frank"
    "name": "Frank"
-s, --selector, <selector>

Specify the selector to use. See Selectors for more information.

If no selector flag is given, dasel assumes the first argument given is the selector.

This is required.

-c, --compact

This tells dasel to output compact data where possible. E.g. not pretty printing JSON.


The value to write.

Dasel will parse this value as a string, int, or bool from this value depending on the given type.

This is required.

Creating properties

When putting data dasel will create items if they don't exist.

You can create an entire record from scratch by piping in an empty record, and then piping dasel commands together.

echo '' | dasel put string -p yaml -s '.propa' A | dasel put string -p yaml -s '.propb' B
propa: A
propb: B

This can be used to change multiple values or to create an entire document.

Put Object

Putting objects works slightly differently to a standard put, but the same principles apply.

dasel put object -f <file> -o <out> -p <parser> -m -t <type> <selector> <values>

If you want to create an empty object just omit the type flag and the values.


-t, --type

The type of value you want to put.

You must repeat this argument for each value provided.

Available arguments:

  • string
  • int
  • bool
-f, --file

Specify the file to query. This is required unless you are piping in data.

If piping in data you can optionally pass -f stdin/-f -.

-o, --out

Specify the output file. If present, results will be written to the given file. If not present, results will be written to the input file (or stdout if none given).

To force output to be written to stdout, pass -o stdout/-o -.

-r, --read

Specify the parser to use when reading the input data.

This is required if you are piping in data, otherwise dasel will use the given file extension to guess which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-w, --write

Specify the parser to use when writing the output data.

If not provided dasel will attempt to use the --out and --read flags to determine which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-p, --parser

Shorthand for -r <value> -w <value>

-m, --multiple

Tells dasel to put multiple items.

This causes the dynamic selector to return all matching results rather than the first, and enables the any index selector.


echo '[{"name": "Tom"}, {"name": "Jim"}]' | dasel put object -p json -m -t string '.[*]' 'name=Frank'
    "name": "Frank"
    "name": "Frank"
-s, --selector, <selector>

Specify the selector to use. See Selectors for more information.

If no selector flag is given, dasel assumes the first argument given is the selector.

This is required.

-c, --compact

This tells dasel to output compact data where possible. E.g. not pretty printing JSON.


A space-separated list of key=value pairs.

Dasel will parse each value as a string, int, or bool depending on the related type.


echo "" | dasel put object -p yaml -t string -t int "my.favourites" colour=red number=3

Results in the following:

    colour: red
    number: 3

Put Document

You are able to put entire documents using put document.

dasel put document -f <file> -o <out> -p <parser> -m <selector> -d <document-parser> <document>


-f, --file

Specify the file to query. This is required unless you are piping in data.

If piping in data you can optionally pass -f stdin/-f -.

-o, --out

Specify the output file. If present, results will be written to the given file. If not present, results will be written to the input file (or stdout if none given).

To force output to be written to stdout, pass -o stdout/-o -.

-d, --document-parser, <document-parser>

Specify the parser to use when reading the document value.

If no value is provided, the read parser is used.

See supported parsers.

-r, --read

Specify the parser to use when reading the input data.

This is required if you are piping in data, otherwise dasel will use the given file extension to guess which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-w, --write

Specify the parser to use when writing the output data.

If not provided dasel will attempt to use the --out and --read flags to determine which parser to use.

See supported parsers.

-p, --parser

Shorthand for -r <value> -w <value>

-m, --multiple

Tells dasel to put multiple items.

This causes the dynamic selector to return all matching results rather than the first, and enables the any index selector.

-s, --selector, <selector>

Specify the selector to use. See Selectors for more information.

If no selector flag is given, dasel assumes the first argument given is the selector.

This is required.

-c, --compact

This tells dasel to output compact data where possible. E.g. not pretty printing JSON.

document, <document>

The document you want to put, as a string.

This is required.


echo '{"people":[]}' | dasel put document -p json -d yaml '.people.[]' 'name: Tom
- red
- green
- blue'

Results in the following:

  "people": [
      "colours": [
      "name": "Tom"

Supported file types

Dasel attempts to find the correct parser for the given file type, but if that fails you can choose which parser to use with the -p or --parser flag.


-p json

Using golang.org/pkg/encoding/json.

Multi-document files

Multi-document files are decoded into an array, with [0] being the first document, [1] being the second and so on.

Once decoded, you can access them using any of the standard selectors provided by Dasel.


-p toml

Using github.com/pelletier/go-toml.


-p yaml

Using gopkg.in/yaml.v2.

Multi-document files

Multi-document files are decoded into an array, with [0] being the first document, [1] being the second and so on.

Once decoded, you can access them using any of the standard selectors provided by Dasel.


-p xml

Using github.com/clbanning/mxj.

XML Documents

XML documents within dasel are stored as a map of values.

This is just how dasel stores data and is required for the general functionality to work. An example of a simple documents representation is as follows:

<Person active="true">
  <Name main="yes">Tom</Name>

In general this won't affect you, but on the odd occasion in specific instances it could lead to unexpected output.

If you are struggling with this please open a discussion for support. This will also help me know when the docs aren't sufficient.


You can run select commands with the --plain flag to see the raw data that is stored within dasel. This can help you figure out the exact properties you may need to target when it isn't immediately obvious.


Due to the way that XML is decoded, dasel can only detect something as a list if there are at least 2 items.

If you try to use list selectors (dynamic, index, append) when there are less than 2 items in the list you will get an error.

There are no plans to introduce a workaround for this but if there is enough demand it may be worked on in the future.


-p csv

Using golang.org/pkg/encoding/csv.


-p plain

This outputs the data using fmt.Sprint(x), displaying whatever underlying value is present as a string.

Adding data

New columns will be detected and added to the end of the CSV output.

Column deletion is not supported.


Selectors define a path through a set of data.

Selectors are made up of different parts separated by a dot ., each part being used to identify the next node in the chain.

The following YAML data structure will be used as a reference in the following examples.

name: Tom
  favouriteColour: red
- red
- green
- blue
- name: red
  rgb: ff0000
- name: green
  rgb: 00ff00
- name: blue
  rgb: 0000ff

You can escape values in selectors using a backslash \. The main use for this is to allow you to target fields that contain a dot or space in their name.


Property selectors are used to reference a single property of an object.

Just use the property name as a string.

dasel select -f ./tests/assets/example.yaml -s "name"
  • name == Tom

Keys and Indexes

You can use the property selector with a value of - to return a list of all the keys/indexes in the current node.

echo '{"a":{"c": [1, 2, 3]},"b":{}}' | dasel -p json -m '.a.c.-'

This must be used in conjunction with -m,--multiple and cannot be used in put commands.

Child Elements

Just separate the child element from the parent element using a .:

dasel select -f ./tests/assets/example.yaml -s "preferences.favouriteColour"
  • preferences.favouriteColour == red


When you have a list, you can use square brackets to access a specific item in the list by its index.

dasel select -f ./tests/assets/example.yaml -s "colours.[1]"
  • colours.[0] == red
  • colours.[1] == green
  • colours.[2] == blue

Next Available Index

The next available index selector is used when adding to a list of items. It allows you to append to a list.

  • colours.[]

Any Index

The any index selector is used to select all items of a list or map.

  • colours.[*]

This must be used in conjunction with -m,--multiple.


Dynamic selectors are used with lists/maps when you don't know the index/property of the item, but instead want to find the index based on some other criteria.

Dasel currently supports key/query=value checks but I aim to support more check types in the future.

Look ups are defined in brackets. You can use multiple dynamic selectors within the same part to perform multiple checks.

dasel select -f ./tests/assets/example.yaml -s "colourCodes.(name=red).rgb"

dasel select -f ./tests/assets/example.yaml -s "colourCodes.(name=blue)(rgb=0000ff)"
map[name:blue rgb:0000ff]
  • colourCodes.(name=red).rgb == ff0000
  • colourCodes.(name=green).rgb == 00ff00
  • colourCodes.(name=blue).rgb == 0000ff
  • colourCodes.(name=blue)(rgb=0000ff).rgb == 0000ff

If you want to refer to the value of a non-object value in a list, just define the key as value or ., meaning the current value. This may look something like (value=2).

Using queries in dynamic selectors

When performing a check dasel creates a new root node at the current position and then selects data using the given key as the query.

This allows you to perform complex queries such as...

echo `{
  "users": [
      "name": {
        "first": "Tom",
        "last": "Wright"
      "addresses": [
          "primary": true,
          "number": 123
          "primary": false,
          "number": 456
}` | dasel -p json '.users.(.addresses.(.primary=true).number=123).name.first'

The above query in plain English may read as...

Give me the first name of the user who's primary address is at number 123

The resolution of that query looks something like this:



Search selectors recursively search all the data below the current node and returns all the results - this means they can only be used in multi select/put commands.

The syntax is as follows:


If key is:

  • . or value - dasel checks if the current nodes value is value.
  • - or keyValue - dasel checks if the current nodes key/name/index value is value.
  • Else dasel uses the key as a selector itself and compares the result against value.

Search Example

  "users": [
      "primary": true,
      "name": {
        "first": "Tom",
        "last": "Wright"
      "primary": false,
      "extra": {
        "name": {
          "first": "Joe",
          "last": "Blogs"
      "name": {
        "first": "Jim",
        "last": "Wright"

Search for all objects with a key of name and output the first name of each:

dasel -p json -m '.(?:-=name).first'

Search for all objects with a last name of Wright and output the first name of each:

dasel -p json -m '.(?:name.last=Wright).name.first'



Filter JSON API results

The following line will return the download URL for the latest macOS dasel release:

curl https://api.github.com/repos/tomwright/dasel/releases/latest | dasel -p json --plain '.assets.(name=dasel_darwin_amd64).browser_download_url'

jq to dasel

The follow examples show a set of jq commands and the equivalent in dasel.

Select a single value

echo '{"name": "Tom"}' | jq '.name'

echo '{"name": "Tom"}' | dasel -p json '.name'

Select a nested value

echo '{"user": {"name": "Tom", "age": 27}}' | jq '.user.age'

echo '{"user": {"name": "Tom", "age": 27}}' | dasel -p json '.user.age'

Select an array index

echo '[1, 2, 3]' | jq '.[1]'

echo '[1, 2, 3]' | dasel -p json '.[1]'

Append to an array of strings

echo '["a", "b", "c"]' | jq '. += ["d"]'

echo '["a", "b", "c"]' | dasel put string -p json -s '.[]' d

Update a string value

echo '["a", "b", "c"]' | jq '.[1] = "d"'

echo '["a", "b", "c"]' | dasel put string -p json -s '.[1]' d

Update an int value

echo '[1, 2, 3]' | jq '.[1] = 5'

echo '[1, 2, 3]' | dasel put int -p json -s '.[1]' 5

Overwrite an object

echo '{"user": {"name": "Tom", "age": 27}}' | jq '.user = {"name": "Frank", "age": 25}'
  "user": {
    "name": "Frank",
    "age": 25

echo '{"user": {"name": "Tom", "age": 27}}' | dasel put object -p json -s '.user' -t string -t int name=Frank age=25
  "user": {
    "age": 25,
    "name": "Frank"

Append to an array of objects

echo '{"users": [{"name": "Tom"}]}' | jq '.users += [{"name": "Frank"}]'
  "users": [
      "name": "Tom"
      "name": "Frank"

echo '{"users": [{"name": "Tom"}]}' | dasel put object -p json -s '.users.[]' -t string name=Frank
  "users": [
      "name": "Tom"
      "name": "Frank"

yq to dasel

The follow examples show a set of yq commands and the equivalent in dasel.

Select a single value

echo 'name: Tom' | yq '.name'

echo 'name: Tom' | dasel -p yaml '.name'

Select a nested value

echo 'user:
  name: Tom
  age: 27' | yq '.user.age'

echo 'user:
       name: Tom
       age: 27' | dasel -p yaml '.user.age'

Select an array index

echo '- 1
- 2
- 3' | yq '.[1]'

echo '- 1
- 2
- 3' | dasel -p yaml '.[1]'

Append to an array of strings

echo '- a
- b
- c' | yq --yaml-output '. += ["d"]'
- a
- b
- c
- d

echo '- a
- b
- c' | dasel put string -p yaml -s '.[]' d
- a
- b
- c
- d

Update a string value

echo '- a
- b
- c' | yq --yaml-output '.[1] = "d"'
- a
- d
- c

echo '- a
- b
- c' | dasel put string -p yaml -s '.[1]' d
- a
- d
- c

Update an int value

echo '- 1
- 2
- 3' | yq --yaml-output '.[1] = 5'
- 1
- 5
- 3

echo '- 1
- 2
- 3' | dasel put int -p yaml -s '.[1]' 5
- 1
- 5
- 3

Overwrite an object

echo 'user:
  name: Tom
  age: 27' | yq --yaml-output '.user = {"name": "Frank", "age": 25}'
  name: Frank
  age: 25

echo 'user:
  name: Tom
  age: 27' | dasel put object -p yaml -s '.user' -t string -t int name=Frank age=25
  age: 25
  name: Frank

Append to an array of objects

echo 'users:
- name: Tom' | yq --yaml-output '.users += [{"name": "Frank"}]'
  - name: Tom
  - name: Frank

echo 'users:
- name: Tom' | dasel put object -p yaml -s '.users.[]' -t string name=Frank
- name: Tom
- name: Frank


The following should work on a kubernetes deployment manifest. While kubernetes isn't for everyone, it does give some good example use-cases.

Select the image for a container named auth

dasel select -f deployment.yaml -s "spec.template.spec.containers.(name=auth).image"

Change the image for a container named auth

dasel put string -f deployment.yaml -s "spec.template.spec.containers.(name=auth).image" "tomwright/x:v2.0.0"

Update replicas to 3

dasel put int -f deployment.yaml -s "spec.replicas" 3

Add a new env var

dasel put object -f deployment.yaml -s "spec.template.spec.containers.(name=auth).env.[]" -t string -t string name=MY_NEW_ENV_VAR value=MY_NEW_VALUE

Update an existing env var

dasel put string -f deployment.yaml -s "spec.template.spec.containers.(name=auth).env.(name=MY_NEW_ENV_VAR).value" NEW_VALUE

XML Examples

XML has some slight differences (such as attributes) that should be documented.

Query attributes

Decoded attributes are set as properties on the related object with a prefix of -.

echo '<data>
    <users primary="true">
    <users primary="false">
</data>' | dasel -p xml '.data.users[0].-primary'

Filtering on attributes

We can also filter on attributes since they are defined against the related object.

echo '<data>
    <users primary="true">
    <users primary="false">
</data>' | dasel -p xml '.data.users.(-primary=true).name'


In my tests dasel has been up to 3x faster than jq and 15x faster than yq.

See the benchmark directory.

  • How do I create a new yaml document

    How do I create a new yaml document

    Hello @TomWright ,

    Small question, but I am unable to figure it out, how do I create this yaml output?

         node.longhorn.io/default-disks-config: '[ { "name":"fast",  "path":"/mnt/data-fast1", "allowScheduling":true, "tags":["fast"]}, { "name":"slow",  "path":"/mnt/data-slow1", "allowScheduling":true, "tags":["slow"]} ]'
        node.longhorn.io/create-default-disk: config


  • Add file read/write support to Go package

    Add file read/write support to Go package

    Add helper functions/receivers to make it easer to read/write files.


    • NewFromFile function which accepts filename and parser strings.
    • NewFromReader function which accepts Reader and parser strings.


    • WriteFile receiver which accepts filename, parser string and compact / escapeHTML options.
    • Write receiver which accepts Writer, parser string and compact / escapeHTML options.


    • Fix parser descriptions

    Closes #187

  • support for a validation command

    support for a validation command

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. dasel is awesome! since i love it too much and although dasel is not a validator, i do use it as such.

    Describe the solution you'd like i would love to see an option to provide dasel with a list of files (of any supported types), and have dasel report whether any error is found. e.g.

    $ dasel validate dir/foo.json dir/foo.yaml
    pass dir/foo.json
    fail dir/foo.yaml
    $ echo $?
    $ dasel validate 'dir/**/*.{json,yaml}'
    pass dir/foo.json
    fail dir/foo.yaml
    $ echo $?

    Describe alternatives you've considered wrapping dasel with a helper

    find . -type f -name '*.yaml' -o -name '*.json' | while read f; do dasel -f $f; done
  • support for a validation pre-commit hooks

    support for a validation pre-commit hooks

    Pre-commit hooks for dasel validate.


    1. The version specified in the documentation (v1.25.1) refers to a new release that includes .pre-commit-hooks.yaml
    2. ~The version specified in .pre-commit-config.yaml (master) will work only after merging this change. For testing (see below) the commit hash for this pull-request should be used (e.g. https://github.com/TomWright/dasel/pull/232/commits/1217e03c614c14d0c98b0a7cdc5c65e93132b378). This file is optional, and needed only if pre-commit is not in used for maintaining dasel project~
    3. ~I couldn't find the source code for the documentation files to update them accordingly, and that is the reason that the link in the Features section is left empty. If you will point me to them, I would love to make a contribution~


    Execute pre-commit within the repository (added for sanity tests)

    $ pre-commit run -a dasel-validate --verbose
    Validate JSON, YAML, XML, TOML...........................................Failed
    - hook id: dasel-validate
    - duration: 0.04s
    - exit code: 1
    fail tests/assets/broken.json could not load input: could not unmarshal data: invalid character '}' after array element
    pass benchmark/data.json
    pass benchmark/data.yaml
    pass .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
    Error: 1 files failed validation
    pass tests/assets/example.yaml
    pass .github/FUNDING.yml
    pass .github/workflows/build-test.yaml
    pass benchmark/data/nested_property.json
    pass benchmark/data/root_object.json
    pass benchmark/data/delete_property.json
    pass .github/workflows/build.yaml
    pass tests/assets/deployment.yaml
    pass tests/assets/example.json
    pass .github/workflows/build-dev.yaml
    pass benchmark/data/array_index.json
    pass benchmark/data/list_array_keys.json
    pass .github/workflows/bump-homebrew.yaml
    pass benchmark/data/top_level_property.json
    pass .pre-commit-hooks.yaml
    pass tests/assets/example.xml
    fail tests/assets/broken.xml could not load input: could not unmarshal data: xml.Decoder.Token() - XML syntax error on line 1: element <a> closed by </b>
    pass benchmark/data/append_array_of_strings.json
    pass .github/workflows/test.yaml
    pass codecov.yaml
    Error: 1 files failed validation
    pass benchmark/data/overwrite_object.json
    pass benchmark/data/update_string.json

    cc @TomWright

  • Can not set negative integer value in command line

    Can not set negative integer value in command line

    Describe the bug Can not set negative value in command line , it'll treated as a command line flag rather than a value, and the escape character does not work.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    #  dasel put int -p toml -f /etc/containerd/config.toml '.oom_score' '-900'
    Error: unknown shorthand flag: '9' in -900
    #  dasel put int -p toml -f /etc/containerd/config.toml '.oom_score' "\-900"
    Error: could not parse int [\-900]: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "\\-900": invalid syntax
      dasel put int -f <file> -s <selector> <value> [flags]
      -h, --help   help for int
    Global Flags:
      -f, --file string       The file to query.
      -m, --multiple          Select multiple results.
      -o, --out string        Output destination.
      -p, --parser string     Shorthand for -r FORMAT -w FORMAT.
      -r, --read string       The parser to use when reading.
      -s, --selector string   The selector to use when querying the data structure.
      -w, --write string      The parser to use when writing.
    Error: could not parse int [\-900]: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "\\-900": invalid syntax

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: linux/ubuntu 18.06
    • Version: dasel version v1.11.0-2-gbe51ab2
  • PUT a multi-line file inside a YAML key

    PUT a multi-line file inside a YAML key

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    I could not find a way to edit a YAML file and insert a multi-line plain text document (e.g. a certificate in PEM file format) as a yaml key value (e.g. `-w yaml -s 'server.ssl.certificates.[0].certificate')

    Describe the solution you'd like

    dasel put string -f conf/config.yaml -w yaml -s 'server.ssl.certificates.[0].certificate' < ./certificates/certificate-chain.pem

    Had to find an alternative, used yq like this:

    cat ./config-template.yaml \
      | yq --yaml-roundtrip ".server.ssl.certificates[0].certificate = \"$(cat ./certificates/certificate-chain.pem)\"" \
      | yq --yaml-roundtrip ".server.ssl.certificates[0].privateKey = \"$(cat ./certificates/private.key)\"" \
      > ./conf/config.yaml
  • How do I do with this kind of error

    How do I do with this kind of error

    Describe the desired outcome Using dasel to select json file, but this error occur

    Error: could not load input: could not unmarshal config data: invalid character '{' after top-level value

    Resources My json file content is like this {"topic": "test", "device_info": {"device_name": "apple"}, "message": "failed"}

  • Question on replacing value(s) single and multiple occurrences

    Question on replacing value(s) single and multiple occurrences


    I was pointed out by someone that this tool was better to replace (multiple) values in a yaml file than using sed. I have tried some examples, but it is not clear to me how to replace certain values in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/c4po/harbor_exporter/master/kubernetes/harbor-exporter.yaml

    I need to replace multiple occurrences in this file, however, I am only able to select 1. How do I add a line with the namespace value?

      name: harbor-exporter


      name: harbor-exporter
      namespace: test

    Next to this, I also need to replace the value of "- harbor #......" to test and keep the remaining lines and this is failing with dasel put string -f he.yaml -s "spec.namespaceSelector.matchNames" "test"

        - harbor # change to the namespace where you deployed Harbor


  • Support handling of Struct types

    Support handling of Struct types

    First of all, thank you for this awesome OSS @TomWright

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    I have the use case of using a package like Dasel programmatically to manipulate runtime objects.

    Without going into specific examples, runtime objects does not only have Slices and Maps, but also Structs.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    I'd like Dasel to also support Structs (that are very similar functionally to Maps) when doing operations.

    I've already made some local changes to dasel and it seems to work just fine. An example:

    If we add the following else if to findValueProperty (https://github.com/TomWright/dasel/blob/master/node_query.go#L66):

    if value.Kind() == reflect.Map {
    } else if value.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
    	fieldV := value.FieldByName(n.Selector.Property)
    	if fieldV.IsValid() {
    		return fieldV, nil
    	return nilValue(), &ValueNotFound{Selector: n.Selector.Current, PreviousValue: n.Previous.Value}

    Then query is able to operate on interface{} that contain Structs.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    I have an alternative private package that does similar functions to Dasel, and I'm in the ideation phase of open-sourcing it, and I would have liked to base it on Dasel, the only thing that stops me doing so ATM is the support for Structs.

    As a last note, I'll be happy to help in integrating such a change into Dasel and would like your opinion.


  • Characters in strings getting replaced with unicode escape

    Characters in strings getting replaced with unicode escape

    Describe the bug < char in json strings is getting replaced with \u003c. Similar thing happens to >.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create file with this content:
      "name": "John Doe <[email protected]>"
    1. dasel -f filename.json
      "name": "John Doe \[email protected]\u003e"

    Expected behavior No characters changed.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS
    • Version 1.20.0
  • Multiple selectors

    Multiple selectors

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I would like to construct the selector output to allow multiple fields to be selected. Either by passing multiple -s flags or adding multiple selector filters to the cli. Similar to the way jq allows multiple fields to be selected. Ideally this would work with csv write parser so I can choose which fields are output

    Describe the solution you'd like Using your example json here https://github.com/TomWright/dasel/blob/master/benchmark/data.json I would like to display the following output

    Tom,Wright,8 Pro
    Tom,Wright,iPhone 12

    Using a command something like this

    dasel -p json -m '.user.name.first .user.name.last user.phones[*].model'

    Describe alternatives you've considered Sending the data to jq first to select the data into the correct data structure and then use dasel to only convert the output.

    Additional context My current goal is to take kubectl get output and recreate the standard fields as csv. Right now I have to run kubectl to get the headers, run it again to get all the json, filter it with jq, pass it to dasel to change the output from json to CSV

  • YAML anchors, aliases and references

    YAML anchors, aliases and references

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. YAML supports anchors, aliases and references, but Dasel is unable to read it.

    $ echo '
    foo: &foo
      one: 1
      <<: *foo
      two: 2
    ' | yq -y
      one: 1
      one: 1
      two: 2
    $ echo '
    foo: &foo
      one: 1
      <<: *foo
      two: 2
    ' | dasel -r yaml

    Describe the solution you'd like Dasel should be able to render the YAML correctly

  • `dasel put -t json -s 'array.[]' -v

    `dasel put -t json -s 'array.[]' -v "{…}"` to a TOML file crashes dasel

    Describe the bug dasel put fails to write more than one complex element (of type JSON, which is apparently how one denotes an object regardless of the target format) to an array in a TOML file.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    $ touch test.toml
    $ dasel put -f test.toml -t json -s "array.[]" -v "{ \"key\": \"value\" }"
    $ cat test.toml
    array = [{ key = "value" }]
    $ dasel put -f test.toml -t json -s "array.[]" -v "{ \"key\": \"value\" }"
    panic: reflect.Set: value of type []interface {} is not assignable to type []map[string]interface {}
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    reflect.Value.assignTo({0x104b89c80?, 0x1400012d5d8?, 0x104ba5ea0?}, {0x104a0a05d, 0xb}, 0x104b89ec0, 0x0)
            reflect/value.go:3145 +0x214
    reflect.Value.Set({0x104b89ec0?, 0x1400012d170?, 0x94?}, {0x104b89c80?, 0x1400012d5d8?, 0x140003562d0?})
            reflect/value.go:2160 +0xc8
    github.com/tomwright/dasel.Value.Append({{0x104b9eba0, 0x140002e9e50, 0x94}, 0x14000328540, 0x140003285b0, 0x140003562d0})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/value.go:239 +0x17c
    github.com/tomwright/dasel.glob..func3(0xf000000000000006?, 0x16?, {0x104faf9c8?, 0x14000356390?, 0x140002dae20?})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/func_append.go:26 +0x25c
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/step.go:30 +0x5c
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/context.go:225 +0x1cc
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/context.go:193 +0x34
    github.com/tomwright/dasel.Put({0x104be5480, 0x14000356180}, {0x16b8cb9aa, 0x8}, {0x104be5480?, 0x14000356150?})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/context.go:128 +0xa0
    github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command.runPutCommand(0x14000331cc8, 0x1049e0ca7?)
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command/put.go:132 +0x4ac
    github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command.putRunE(0x14000338300?, {0x14000275200, 0x0, 0x8?})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command/put.go:83 +0x304
    github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0x14000338300, {0x14000275180, 0x8, 0x8})
            github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:916 +0x5c8
            github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:1044 +0x35c
            github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:968
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/cmd/dasel/main.go:10 +0x24
    $ dasel put -f test.toml -t json -s "array.[]" -v 123
    panic: reflect.Set: value of type []interface {} is not assignable to type []map[string]interface {}
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    reflect.Value.assignTo({0x1055fdc80?, 0x1400012d578?, 0x105619ea0?}, {0x10547e05d, 0xb}, 0x1055fdec0, 0x0)
            reflect/value.go:3145 +0x214
    reflect.Value.Set({0x1055fdec0?, 0x1400012d110?, 0x94?}, {0x1055fdc80?, 0x1400012d578?, 0x140002d62a0?})
            reflect/value.go:2160 +0xc8
    github.com/tomwright/dasel.Value.Append({{0x105612ba0, 0x14000269e20, 0x94}, 0x140002aa540, 0x140002aa5b0, 0x140002d62a0})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/value.go:239 +0x17c
    github.com/tomwright/dasel.glob..func3(0xef00000000000006?, 0x16?, {0x105a239c8?, 0x140002d6360?, 0x1400025ade0?})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/func_append.go:26 +0x25c
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/step.go:30 +0x5c
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/context.go:225 +0x1cc
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/context.go:193 +0x34
    github.com/tomwright/dasel.Put({0x105659480, 0x140002d6150}, {0x16ae579ba, 0x8}, {0x105659480?, 0x140002d6120?})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/context.go:128 +0xa0
    github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command.runPutCommand(0x140002b3cc8, 0x105454ca7?)
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command/put.go:132 +0x4ac
    github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command.putRunE(0x140002ba300?, {0x140001f3200, 0x0, 0x8?})
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/internal/command/put.go:83 +0x304
    github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0x140002ba300, {0x140001f3180, 0x8, 0x8})
            github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:916 +0x5c8
            github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:1044 +0x35c
            github.com/spf13/[email protected]/command.go:968
            github.com/tomwright/dasel/cmd/dasel/main.go:10 +0x24
    $ dasel put -f test.toml -t json -s "array2.[]" -v 123
    $ dasel put -f test.toml -t json -s "array2.[]" -v "{ \"key\": \"value\" }"
    $ dasel put -f test.toml -t json -s "array2.[]" -v 1234
    $ cat test.toml
    array2 = [123.0, { key = "value" }, 1234.0]
      key = "value"

    Expected behavior The above commands should succeed.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    $ dasel -v
    dasel version 2.0.2
  • Whitespacing issues

    Whitespacing issues

    Describe the bug Adding whitespace to format the query in a readable way brakes the functionality

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create test.drawio.xml file as described bellow
    2. Issue the same query with different formatting
    3. Observe difference in behaviour
    cat test.drawio.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mxfile host="Electron" modified="2022-12-27T16:51:00.393Z" agent="5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) draw.io/20.7.4 Chrome/106.0.5249.199 Electron/21.3.3 Safari/537.36" etag="Chvfh0pmRcsiRFeLGn84" version="20.7.4" type="device">
      <diagram id="DIBkk8TONfjRhfH_ZR78" name="Page-1">
        <mxGraphModel dx="1114" dy="878" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="1100" pageHeight="850" math="0" shadow="0">
            <mxCell id="0"/>
            <mxCell id="1" parent="0"/>
            <object label="" my_property="324" my_string="hello" id="vs0W597VZl1qWhmtER3h-1">
              <mxCell style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" parent="1" vertex="1">
                <mxGeometry x="100" y="200" width="120" height="60" as="geometry"/>



    ❯ dasel -f test.drawio.xml -w json 'mxfile.diagram.mxGraphModel.root.all()
      "-id": "vs0W597VZl1qWhmtER3h-1",
      "-label": "",
      "-my_property": "324",
      "-my_string": "hello",
      "mxCell": {
        "-parent": "1",
        "-style": "rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;",
        "-vertex": "1",
        "mxGeometry": {
          "-as": "geometry",
          "-height": "60",
          "-width": "120",
          "-x": "100",
          "-y": "200"

    not working

    ❯ dasel -f test.drawio.xml -w json 'mxfile.diagram.mxGraphModel.root
    ❯ dasel -f test.drawio.xml -w json 'mxfile.diagram.mxGraphModel.root
    dasel -f test.drawio.xml -w json 'mxfile.diagram.mxGraphModel.root.all()

    Expected behavior I expect the same outpput regardless of query format

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: MacOS (M1)
    • Version: dasel version 2.0.2
  • XML array with one member is not detected as array

    XML array with one member is not detected as array

    Describe the bug

    dasel v2.0.2. This is present in 1.x as well.

    Create array with one entry: dasel put -f NLog.config -r xml -w xml -t json 'nlog.rules.logger' -v '{"-name":"JsonWebAPI.Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.DefaultHealthCheckService","-maxlevel":"Error","-final":" true"}'

    And try to append: dasel put -f NLog.config -r xml -w xml -t json 'nlog.rules.logger.[]' -v '{"-name":"JsonWebAPI*","-minlevel":"Error","-writeTo":"auto-colored-console-async","-final":"true"}'

    results in error: Error: cannot use append selector on non slice/array types

    Expected behavior

    Dasel can append to an array with just one member

    Additional context

    Workaround: Create an array with two members first. dasel put -f NLog.config -r xml -w xml -t json 'nlog.rules.logger' -v '{"-name":"JsonWebAPI.Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.DefaultHealthCheckService","-maxlevel":"Error","-final":"true"}{"-name":"JsonWebAPI*","-minlevel":"Error","-writeTo":"file-async","-final":"true"}'

    The same append will then work. NLog.config.txt

  • `-w` does not always default to read parser

    `-w` does not always default to read parser

    Describe the bug

    dasel v2.0.2

    Run dasel put -f NLog.config -r xml -t json 'nlog.rules.logger' -v '{"-name":"JsonWebAPI.Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.DefaultHealthCheckService","-maxlevel":"Error","-final":"true"}'

    and get

    Error: could not get write parser from filename: unknown parser: .config

    Expected behavior Write parser is the same as read parser, instead of taken from filename.

    If "from filename" is intended instead, change the --help text.

    Additional context Workaround: Add -w xml and the command works.

  • Square brackets syntax in yaml

    Square brackets syntax in yaml

    Discussion? In yaml there is default syntax for array list:

      - value1
      - value2
      - value3
      - value4
      - value5

    and square brackets syntax:

    key1: [value1,value2,value3,value4,value5]

    Describe the bug Dasel doesn't handle square brackets syntax for array list in yaml.

    To Reproduce

    $> cat <<EOF | tee tmp.yaml
    key1: [value1,value2,value3,value4,value5]
    key2: value6
    $> dasel put -f tmp.yaml -r yaml -w yaml -v "value7" 'key2'
    $> cat tmp.yaml
    - value1
    - value2
    - value3
    - value4
    - value5
    key2: value7

    Expected behavior The output should be:

    key1: [value1,value2,value3,value4,value5]
    key2: value7

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: 20.04.1-Ubuntu
    • Version v2.0.2

    Additional context Square brackets syntax is used in docker-compose.yml files.

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A simple Go package to Query over JSON Data. It provides simple, elegant and fast ODM like API to access, query JSON document Installation Install the

Dec 27, 2022
Use the command to convert arbitrary formats to Go Struct (including json, toml, yaml, etc.)

go2struct-tool Use the command to convert arbitrary formats to Go Struct (including json, toml, yaml, etc.) Installation Run the following command und

Dec 16, 2021
Convert arbitrary formats to Go Struct (including json, toml, yaml, etc.)

go2struct Convert arbitrary formats to Go Struct (including json, toml, yaml, etc.) Installation Run the following command under your project: go get

Nov 15, 2022