An SVG-based tool to visualize public transport journeys retrieved from a HAFAS system

Time-Space Train Planner

An SVG-based tool to visualize public transport journeys retrieved from a HAFAS system, in order to see all possible connections and possibly find faster connections.

Example Diagram

Often, the HAFAS routing system will not show the fastest routes, because it deems the transfer times too short or because there are just too many possibilities. This tool will display all direct connections between a given set of stations and will help you find the fastest connection and any backup connections that might be good to know about. You can click on individual connections to show the shortest route to the destination from that connection (with a minimum transfer time of zero minutes).

TSTP is currently in an early alpha stage. I.e. it is unstable, does very little error handling and is not very user-friendly yet.

Running TSTP

The server-side part is written in Go, there is also a small client-side JavaScript part. You will have to run your own server to use this software.

TSTP relies on an adapted HAFAS API provided by hafas-client, more specifically, db-rest. You need to run your own instance of this API adapter separately from TSTP, or use a publicly available one (e.g.

In addition, you should run an aggressive HTTP cache in between TSTP and this API, because TSTP itself is stateless and will repeatedly issue identical requests for the same resources while gathering data. In deployments/nginx-cache.example.conf, you find an example of how to configure Nginx as an HTTP cache. Please note that this configuration will cache for a very long time. You will not be able to get updated live information for a particular request.

The steps to run TSTP itself are:

  1. Copy deployments/conf.example.env to deployments/conf.env and fill in the host name of your HTTP cache (API_CACHE_HOST) and, if your setup is not exactly mirroring db-rest, the path prefix (HAFAS_API_CACHE_PREFIX). If you run the cache locally (e.g. in another Docker container), you probably want to adjust the API_CACHE_SCHEME to http. The DB Open API and thus the respective environment variables are currently not used anymore.
  2. Copy res/conf.example.js to res/conf.js and fill in the complete URL to the /stations endpoint of your db-rest instance (preferably cached as well). Obviously, since this will be used by the browser for autocompletion, this URL needs to be accessible from the outside (i.e. no Docker hostname).
  3. Start TSTP using the docker-compose.yaml (add a port mapping if you need to) or, if you have installed all Go dependencies, without Docker using The default port is 3000.
  4. You should now be able to access TSTP at your selected port under /tstp in your browser.
  5. If something goes wrong, consider looking into TSTP's stdout logs.
  • FeatureRequest nginx in docker-compose

    FeatureRequest nginx in docker-compose

    Hello nice project.

    I have a suggestion is it possible to add another docker compose file with a nginx container as cache so that the setup is easier? Or just add the nginx to the default compose file.

    Kind regards, Finn

  • Getting started

    Getting started


    thanks for your tool. It looks amazing and should be exactly what I need.

    I just wanted to try it out, but can't get it to run. I built the Docker Image and started the Container with Port Forwarding of the Port 3000. Unfortunately nothing is served on the / endpoint.

    So my questions are:

    • Do I have to set configuration variables? (I saw the deployments/conf.example.env. Can you explain the different entries in there?)
    • On which endpoint is the frontend application served?

    Thanks already in advance! ~ Moritz

  • Displayed time span too short

    Displayed time span too short



    It shows many lines but no connection that ever arrives at the destination station. Btw: The Vias where added by the app. I just searched for Berlin - Stuttgart.

  • Properly handle upstream API errors

    Properly handle upstream API errors

    Currently just showing "Error 502: Failed requesting timetable data.".

    HTTP 502 Connection not found (too far in the past) e.g. /journeys?departure=2022-09-19T08%3A00%3A00.000%2B02%3A00&from=692415&to=895914

    	"isHafasError": true,
    	"request": "{\"lang\":\"en\",\"svcReqL\":[{\"cfg\":{\"polyEnc\":\"GPA\",\"rtMode\":\"HYBRID\"},\"meth\":\"TripSearch\",\"req\":{\"getPasslist\":false,\"maxChg\":-1,\"minChgTime\":0,\"depLocL\":[{\"type\":\"S\",\"lid\":\"A=1@L=692415@\"}],\"viaLocL\":[],\"arrLocL\":[{\"type\":\"S\",\"lid\":\"A=1@L=895914@\"}],\"jnyFltrL\":[{\"type\":\"PROD\",\"mode\":\"INC\",\"value\":\"1023\"},{\"type\":\"META\",\"mode\":\"INC\",\"meta\":\"notBarrierfree\"}],\"gisFltrL\":[],\"getTariff\":false,\"ushrp\":true,\"getPT\":true,\"getIV\":false,\"getPolyline\":false,\"outDate\":\"20220919\",\"outTime\":\"080000\",\"outFrwd\":true,\"trfReq\":{\"jnyCl\":2,\"tvlrProf\":[{\"type\":\"E\",\"redtnCard\":null}],\"cType\":\"PK\"}}}],\"client\":{\"type\":\"AND\",\"id\":\"DB\",\"v\":21120000,\"name\":\"DB Navigator\"},\"ext\":\"DB.R21.12.a\",\"ver\":\"1.34\",\"auth\":{\"type\":\"AID\",\"aid\":\"n91dB8Z77MLdoR0K\"}}",
    	"url": "",
    	"statusCode": 404,
    	"isClient": true,
    	"code": "NOT_FOUND",
    	"message": "journeys search unsuccessful",
    	"hafasErrorCode": "H890",
    	"hafasErrorMessage": "HAFAS Kernel: No connection found",
    	"error": true,
    	"msg": "HAFAS error: journeys search unsuccessful"

    HTTP 502 Date outside timetable period e.g. /journeys?departure=2022-12-17T06%3A30%3A00.000%2B01%3A00&from=8000244&to=8702383

    	"isHafasError": true,
    	"request": "{\"lang\":\"en\",\"svcReqL\":[{\"cfg\":{\"polyEnc\":\"GPA\",\"rtMode\":\"HYBRID\"},\"meth\":\"TripSearch\",\"req\":{\"getPasslist\":false,\"maxChg\":-1,\"minChgTime\":0,\"depLocL\":[{\"type\":\"S\",\"lid\":\"A=1@L=8000244@\"}],\"viaLocL\":[],\"arrLocL\":[{\"type\":\"S\",\"lid\":\"A=1@L=8702383@\"}],\"jnyFltrL\":[{\"type\":\"PROD\",\"mode\":\"INC\",\"value\":\"1023\"},{\"type\":\"META\",\"mode\":\"INC\",\"meta\":\"notBarrierfree\"}],\"gisFltrL\":[],\"getTariff\":false,\"ushrp\":true,\"getPT\":true,\"getIV\":false,\"getPolyline\":false,\"outDate\":\"20221217\",\"outTime\":\"063000\",\"outFrwd\":true,\"trfReq\":{\"jnyCl\":2,\"tvlrProf\":[{\"type\":\"E\",\"redtnCard\":null}],\"cType\":\"PK\"}}}],\"client\":{\"type\":\"AND\",\"id\":\"DB\",\"v\":21120000,\"name\":\"DB Navigator\"},\"ext\":\"DB.R21.12.a\",\"ver\":\"1.34\",\"auth\":{\"type\":\"AID\",\"aid\":\"n91dB8Z77MLdoR0K\"}}",
    	"url": "",
    	"statusCode": 400,
    	"isClient": true,
    	"code": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    	"message": "journeys search: invalid date/time",
    	"hafasErrorCode": "H9360",
    	"hafasErrorMessage": "HAFAS Kernel: Date outside of the timetable period.",
    	"error": true,
    	"msg": "HAFAS error: journeys search: invalid date/time"
  • Improve automatic interchange station finding

    Improve automatic interchange station finding

    Currently, some interchange stations are retrieved from HAFAS journeys, the rest is up to the user. Interchange stations should be collected from additional sources, e.g.

    • Intermediate stops from journeys
    • Geographically relevant stations
    • Stations where different lines and modes call
    • Precalculation on offline timetable from GTFS download with negative transfer time Dijkstras etc to find relevant stations?
  • Better usage and display of HAFAS-recommended journeys

    Better usage and display of HAFAS-recommended journeys

    • Show warning if HAFAS finds journey not found by TSTP
    • Display HAFAS-recommended journeys only when selecting them (just as TSTP-recommended journeys). Currently, it's difficult to tell, which red line belongs to which journey.
  • More efficient API requests

    More efficient API requests

    To save bandwidth and processing at HAFAS. Idea: Only request local transport (buses, trams...) if there are other nearby stations selected. More intelligent time window, especially for longer journeys.

  • Better detection of redundant connections

    Better detection of redundant connections

    Some connections that might be reachable are marked as redundant. Some that are superfluous are not marked as redundant. Also relevant for foot connections, which are not shown at all, if deemed redundant (for performance reasons).

    Idea: Calculate Dijkstra for different transfer times (-15, -5, 0, 5, 15, etc)

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