My over-engineered homepage project to get an idea of the Kubernetes


My over-engineered homepage project to get an idea of the Kubernetes. It shows traffic data from all my GitHub repositories. I added RabbitMQ, Redis and MongoDB so I got to play around with multiple k8s resources. Traffic data is fetched concurrently and Kubernetes manages that job as a cron job. Also now my old hobby projects are under Kubernetes.

See it in action

Go to or run the project locally with your own GITHUB_API_TOKEN=token_here. Fetching traffic data automatically on start up, requires RUN_JOBS_ON_STARTUP=true to be set.

Docker reads environment variables from .env file, but code doesn't.

Run infrastructure and services with:

docker-compose --file docker-compose-all.yml up --build

Go to http://localhost


Project structure

Package Description
assets/k8s Kubernetes manifests. Currently not in GitHub repository
cache Redis related code
cmd Contains main.go files for binaries
consts Constants that are being used in multiple places
docs Generated Swagger files, just as an example
events RabbitMQ related code
jobs Job for fetching traffic data from GitHub API concurrently. Kubernetes runs this as a cron job
lib Contains models, routes, store functions and tests for each entity
lib/user Just an example, no use for this project
server Server setup
server/tmpls Contains HTML-template which will be injected to binary
store Database connection

Local development

Run infrastructure with:

docker-compose up -d

Build binaries with make build and run those or use VS Code's .vscode/launch.json



If all tests are to be run at the same time, parallel count must be set to 1, because every test cleans database. Cached test will be disabled with that -count=1

go test -v -count=1 -p 1 ./...

Run one test function

go test -v -timeout 180s -count=1 -run ^TestJob$

Deploy application

Build Docker images and push to Docker registry


docker build . -t tuommii/miikka-xyz-events -f Dockerfile-eventlistener
docker push tuommii/miikka-xyz-events

Traffic job

docker build . -t tuommii/miikka-xyz-traffic-job -f Dockerfile-traffic-job
docker push tuommii/miikka-xyz-traffic-job


docker build . -t tuommii/miikka-xyz-api -f Dockerfile-api
docker push tuommii/miikka-xyz-api

Update k8s resources

In case updating Kubernetes resources is needed, run following commands

kubectl apply -f assets/k8s/events.yml
kubectl apply -f assets/k8s/traffic-job.yml
kubectl apply -f assets/k8s/api.yml



Swagger URL is http://localhost:8080/swagger/ if enabled

Update docs with make swagger


Get pods

kubectl get pod

Verify service

kubectl get svc miikka-xyz-api

Get a shell to the running container

kubectl exec --stdin --tty mongo-container-name -- /bin/bash

Get a YAML file

kubectl get deploy rabbitmq -o yaml > rabbit.yaml


Delete all volumes

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)


How To Set Up an Nginx Ingress on DigitalOcean Kubernetes Using Helm

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