Go library and CLI utility for /etc/hosts management.

txeh - /etc/hosts mangement

Etc Hosts Management Utility & Go Library

Go Report Card GoDoc

/etc/hosts Management

It is easy to open your /etc/hosts file in text editor and add or remove entries. However, if you make heavy use of /etc/hosts for software development or DevOps purposes, it can sometimes be difficult to automate and validate large numbers of host entries.

txeh was initially built as a golang library to support kubefwd, a Kubernetes port-forwarding utility utilizing /etc/hosts heavily, to associate custom hostnames with multiple local loopback IP addresses and remove these entries when it terminates.

A computer's /etc/hosts file is a powerful utility for developers and system administrators to create localized, custom DNS entries. This small go library and utility were developed to encapsulate the complexity of working with /etc/hosts directly by providing a simple interface for adding and removing entries in a /etc/hosts file.

txeh Utility


MacOS homebrew users can brew install txn2/tap/txeh, otherwise see releases for packages and binaries for a number of distros and architectures including Windows, Linux and Arm based systems.

Complie and run from source (dependencies are vendored):

go run ./util/txeh.go


The txeh CLI application allows command line or scripted access to /etc/hosts file modification.

Example CLI Usage:

 _            _
| |___  _____| |__
| __\ \/ / _ \ '_ \
| |_ >  <  __/ | | |
 \__/_/\_\___|_| |_| v1.1.0

Add, remove and re-associate hostname entries in your /etc/hosts file.
Read more including useage as a Go library at https://github.com/txn2/txeh

  txeh [flags]
  txeh [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add hostnames to /etc/hosts
  help        Help about any command
  remove      Remove a hostname or ip address
  version     Print the version number of txeh

  -d, --dryrun         dry run, output to stdout (ignores quiet)
  -h, --help           help for txeh
  -q, --quiet          no output
  -r, --read string    (override) Path to read /etc/hosts file.
  -w, --write string   (override) Path to write /etc/hosts file.
hosts.test # specify an alternate /etc/hosts file to read. writing will # default to the specified read path. txeh add dev2.example.com -q -r ./hosts.test # specify a seperate read and write oath txeh add dev3.example.com -r ./hosts.test -w ./hosts.test2 ">
# point the hostnames "test" and "test.two" to the local loopback
sudo txeh add test test.two

# remove the hostname "test"
sudo txeh remove host test

# remove multiple hostnames 
sudo txeh remove host test test2 test.two

# remove an IP address and all the hosts that point to it
sudo txeh remove ip

# remove multiple IP addresses
sudo txeh remove ip

# remove CIDR ranges
sudo txeh remove cidr

# quiet mode will suppress output
sudo txeh remove ip -q

# dry run will print a rendered /etc/hosts with your changes without
# saving it.
sudo txeh remove ip -d

# use quiet mode and dry-run to direct the rendered /etc/hosts file
# to another file
sudo txeh add dev.example.com -q -d > hosts.test

# specify an alternate /etc/hosts file to read. writing will
# default to the specified read path.
txeh add dev2.example.com -q -r ./hosts.test

# specify a seperate read and write oath
txeh add dev3.example.com -r ./hosts.test -w ./hosts.test2

txeh Go Library


go get github.com/txn2/txeh

Example Golang Implementation:

package main

import (


func main() {
    hosts, err := txeh.NewHostsDefault()
    if err != nil {

    hosts.AddHost("", "test")
    hosts.AddHost("", "logstash")
    hosts.AddHosts("", []string{"a", "b", "c"})
    hosts.RemoveHosts([]string{"example", "example.machine", "example.machine.example.com"})
    hosts.RemoveHosts(strings.Fields("example2 example.machine2 example.machine.example.com2"))

    removeList := []string{
    hfData := hosts.RenderHostsFile()

    // if you like to see what the outcome will
    // look like
    // or hosts.SaveAs("./test.hosts")

Build Release

Build test release:

goreleaser --skip-publish --rm-dist --skip-validate

Build and release:

GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN goreleaser --rm-dist


Apache License 2.0

txn2: Kubernetes apps and system utilities.
Parts for Kubernetes based platforms, development operations, proxies and data pipelines.
txn2: Kubernetes apps and system utilities.
  • open /etc/hosts: permission denied

    open /etc/hosts: permission denied

    I am using this as Go library and when I try to just run the example provided in the README file, the final 'hosts.Save()' throws 'open /etc/hosts: permission denied' error. Can you add details to provide root access?

  • Added empty path checking func and adjusted some of the root.go code

    Added empty path checking func and adjusted some of the root.go code

    Added some export comments to the exported vars, removed some extra blank lines, and made small changes to the initEtcHosts func.

    Also added go modules to remove the GOPATH dependency.

  • Add command line option to show /etc/hosts content

    Add command line option to show /etc/hosts content

    I use txeh as command line tool to manage the hosts file, though I need to cat the file to see its content. Having a built-in option would be very handy :)

  • multiple host occurences are ignored

    multiple host occurences are ignored

    When there are multiple hosts with the same name in a hosts file only the first one will be updated on addHosts. See https://github.com/txn2/txeh/blob/master/txeh.go#L261

    You can test this with the following hosts file abc abc abc

    now try to add

  • fixes #10 handle no newline issue

    fixes #10 handle no newline issue


    func TestHost(t *testing.T) {
    	hostsfile := "/tmp/hosts.txt"
    	data := []byte(" localhost")
    	err := ioutil.WriteFile(hostsfile, data, 0644)
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Error("prepare test hosts file err", err)
    	hosts, err = txeh.NewHosts(&txeh.HostsConfig{
    		ReadFilePath:  hostsfile,
    		WriteFilePath: hostsfile,
    	if err != nil {
    		t.Error("create hosts err", err)
    	spew.Dump("hosts: ", hosts)
    	t.Logf("init: %q\n", hosts.RenderHostsFile())


    === RUN   TestHost
    (string) (len=7) "hosts: "
     Mutex: (sync.Mutex) {
      state: (int32) 0,
      sema: (uint32) 0
     HostsConfig: (*txeh.HostsConfig)(0xc0000ba180)({
      ReadFilePath: (string) (len=14) "/tmp/hosts.txt",
      WriteFilePath: (string) (len=14) "/tmp/hosts.txt"
     hostFileLines: (txeh.HostFileLines) {
        TestHost: hosts_test.go:37: init: ""
        TestHost: hosts_test.go:50: after add:          demo.com
        TestHost: hosts_test.go:61: after remove: 

    after fixes

    === RUN   TestHost
    (string) (len=7) "hosts: "
     Mutex: (sync.Mutex) {
      state: (int32) 0,
      sema: (uint32) 0
     HostsConfig: (*txeh.HostsConfig)(0xc000122180)({
      ReadFilePath: (string) (len=14) "/tmp/hosts.txt",
      WriteFilePath: (string) (len=14) "/tmp/hosts.txt"
     hostFileLines: (txeh.HostFileLines) (len=1 cap=1) {
      (txeh.HostFileLine) {
       OriginalLineNum: (int) 0,
       LineType: (int) 30,
       Address: (string) (len=9) "",
       Parts: ([]string) (len=2 cap=2) {
        (string) (len=9) "",
        (string) (len=9) "localhost"
       Hostnames: ([]string) (len=1 cap=1) {
        (string) (len=9) "localhost"
       Raw: (string) (len=19) " localhost",
       Trimed: (string) (len=19) " localhost",
       Comment: (string) ""
        TestHost: hosts_test.go:37: init: "        localhost\n"
        TestHost: hosts_test.go:50: after add:        localhost
        TestHost: hosts_test.go:61: after remove:        localhost
  • Adding hosts lowercases the hostname

    Adding hosts lowercases the hostname

    Update: maybe this isn't the issue after all. I was able to get things to work by skipping TLS verification and it was with both upper and lower case host names.

  • Handle trailing comments on a hosts file line.

    Handle trailing comments on a hosts file line.

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    The current ParseHosts implementation does not take into consideration trailing comments in an /etc/hosts entry. For such an entry, the AddHosts API fails, as it adds an entry as a comment. For ex. For the following /etc/hosts file

    # comment 1
    # comment 2 localhost # some comment

    AddHosts("", "localhost-1") will update the /etc/hosts file incorrectly like this

    # comment 1
    # comment 2 localhost # some comment localhost-1

    This PR addresses the above problem.

  • supoort hosts with duplicate ip for one fqdn

    supoort hosts with duplicate ip for one fqdn

    I know you have removed duplicate address for same fqdn, but if the hosts file is used by dnsmasq, it will need that to implement round robin dns address load balance. so maybe it's a good idea to keep these lines if a parameter is specified.

  • Comment/Uncomment routines

    Comment/Uncomment routines

    It would be useful for the library to have Comment() and Uncomment() routines to change the LineType of a HostFileLine without actually remove the ip-fqdn reference

  • Multiple blank lines at the end of the file

    Multiple blank lines at the end of the file

    I noticed that if I made 2+ consecutive Save() calls, the file ends up with a bunch of blank lines at the end. I think this can be a point to look at https://github.com/txn2/txeh/blob/09e29537ecce61eafea9f21a18fd2f5e272074a6/txeh.go#L278 The use of Sprintln adds a "\n" at the end of every line, which can be ok except for the last line.

  • Show hosts by ip

    Show hosts by ip

    It would be useful to also show the hosts by an IP, or vice-versa. Would you be open to this feature and pull request?

    Something along the lines of this:

    hosts.ListHosts(ip) // returns []string{}
    hosts.ListIP(hosts) // returns string
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