autobd is an automated, networked and containerized backup solution

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Backing you up since whenever...

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What is it?

Autobd is an automatic backup daemon. What is that? A daemon (derived from the evil word 'demon') is a process or program that runs (mostly) silently in the background, and handles certain tasks. This 'Demons' task is to back up a directory tree.

Say you have three servers. A, B and C. You have files on server A that you want on servers B and C. You don't really want to some convoluted and hacky script, you need something that is just going to work in the background, require almost no configuration or installation of any additional software, and is super easy to get running via docker.

Enter Autobd.

All you need to do on server A is set the directory you want to watch via the DATA_DIR variable in scripts/docker/, then you can start the daemon by running this script. This will start a single autobd server instance, running inside of docker. You can curl, and you will get version information from the server.

Now you just need to get your nodes going. This is just like the server, except you're using another script, pre-written. All you need to do is let the node know which directory you want it to put synced files into, via the DATA_DIR variable in the scripts/docker/ script and run the it. You're good to go.

Once the nodes and server are running, the nodes will identify with the server, and request an initial file index from there server. The first sync of course will be quite large, since the node is getting everything, but subsequent syncs will usually be much smaller, unless you dump a lot of files onto the server at once.

The nodes will do this again and again in an interval, that you can define in etc/config.toml.node. Additionally, each node will send the server a 'heartbeat' in an interval. This lets the server know of the status of each node, if it's synced, and if it's still online. So you need only access the server, to get information on the entire 'horde' of 'demons' :)

That's autobd in a nutshell.

See the tutorial for a more in-depth guide.

Getting autobd

Golang is required, so get that. Most versions should work but it's probably best to stick with at least 1.4.2 as that's what I'm developing on.

After you have go installed, it's as simple as either cloning the git repo:

git clone

or using go get:

go get

and to build

$ cd autobd
$ ./

Getting it running

To run autobd , simply do: ./autobd -config etc/config.toml

Autobd ships with two configuration files, config.toml.server and config.toml.node, to get you started running both


Autobd ships with two Dockerfiles and the scripts to deploy both server and node containers. You'll of course need docker


Usage: ./scripts/docker/

Removes old autobd-server container, builds a new image, and deploys a new autobd-server container using the arguments:


These variables may be modified to suit your needs.


Usage: ./scripts/docker/ n

Builds new autobd-node images, and deploys n nodes


Usage: ./scripts/docker/ n

Runs docker rm -ffor n nodes


Usage ./scripts/docker/

Sets up a docker network for server and nodes to communicate. (I basically just use this testing, may or may not be useful to you)




Open a pull request or issue with your idea or bug. Really. Anything wrong with anything anywhere, open a ticket and let me know, then we can work on it together :) (Just be sure to check the story board before creating a new ticket) and checkout the Development Process flowchart.

  • Fixes #51

    Fixes #51

    Buffered read of input file for SHA512 calculation instead of loading the entire file into memory first.

    This fixes issue #51, and reduces memory usage of checksumming by a huge margin.

    OK, last pull request wasn't branched right, messed up my local git tree. This one should work fine.

  • Golang Dep incompatible with Go versions 1.5 and 1.6

    Golang Dep incompatible with Go versions 1.5 and 1.6

    Looks like older version of Go can't build the dep tool I picked.

    Considering changing my choice to something a little more fleshed out.

  • Migrate to newer version of ishell dependency

    Migrate to newer version of ishell dependency used in cmd/cmd.go (The autobd command line interface) updated at some point and is now broken.

    I've went ahead and rolled over to a preserved version that still works, but I should probably migrate sooner rather than later. Blah.

  • dirty git version in container

    dirty git version in container

    The git tree is detected as dirty in the build script if built in a container. Both the travis builder and the container built by the Dockerfile shipped with autobd produce this behavior.

  • Refactor vet argument

    Refactor vet argument

    Given that we've already installed glide, we can refactor using glide's novendor command:

    Replace this $(go list ./... | grep -v ./vendor) with this $(glide novendor)

  • Development process freeze and changes

    Development process freeze and changes

    So I've been doing horrible keeping to the Semantic Versioning scheme, and some pretty basic development processes. i.e testing, making sure code is in the right branch at the right time, adding too many things at once, ...

    After an enlightening conversation, I've decided to halt the addition of any new features, test what is currently in the dev branch (will be merged to feature-freeze for testing), merge that to master, and reset the version to 0.0.0 to keep things clean.

    Thanks to Jason for showing me the way, this is how the new development process will go.

    • Make goals into written user stories, with clear tests to declare an issue complete
    • Group stories into sprints, to create a milestone for project achievements
    • Create code repository, no code committed without a user story or bug report
    • Commit code at every new feature or fix, commit often
    • All devs have access to all history, so that new problems can be easily stepped back and resolved
    • As people test and experience the product, constantly add new issues, bunch into sprints, and create rapid releases (I like to release every Friday)
    • Dev (on local workstations or handsets), Staging (distributed to a test team), and Production (live, real world)
    • End user problem reporting system, so that real users can easily submit suggestions and bug reports

    So it's gonna go like this

    • [x] - Freeze everything
    • [x] - Merge dev into feature-freeze
    • [x] - Find a way to manage and keep dependencies up to date to avoid unexpected breakage
    • [x] - Adopt and integrate a proven testing framework that fits the autobd's needs (sticking to the base golang testing process)
    • [x] - Start signing commits via my gpg key
    • [x] - Reset versions (Everything. api, cli and node) to 0.0.0
    • [x] - Write tests for:
      • [x] - Server side API (api/api.go)
      • [x] - Client side interaction with the API (node/node.go & client/client.go)
      • [x] - The directory tree indexer (index/index.go)
    • [x] - Reorganize the scripts/ directory. It's getting pretty bad
    • [x] - Refactor/Clean and remove any blaringly bad code, then obviously test it all again.
    • [x] - Refactor the API to actually be RESTful instead of using GET for everything.
    • [x] - Add commit hooks to ensure no code is ever committed without being properly tested
    • [x] - Merge feature-freeze into master
    • [x] - Merge master into dev
    • [x] - Restart development using new rules.

    I should probably also write an in depth step by step guide ( so I don't get back out of line.

  • Reduce index/GetIndex() memory usage

    Reduce index/GetIndex() memory usage

    As it is now, index/GetIndex()'s memory usage is insane. I've already had two OOM kills and a deadlock. No bueno. Gonna need to find a way to reduce this drastically. Kinda puts everything on hold, especially issue #58

  • Fixes #51

    Fixes #51

    Buffered read of input file for SHA512 calculation instead of loading the entire file into memory first.

    This should fix the out of memory error, much more efficient this way.

    I'm not sure how your dev cycle works, do you want incoming pulls to go to the dev branch or master?

    edit: Whoops, sorry, messed up an import path with autoimports from editor.

    disregard this, mistaken branch

  • Can't generate checksums for large files

    Can't generate checksums for large files

    Autobd-sever chokes on generating a sha512 checksum for large files (>1GB)

    Autobd (API 0.0.6) (Node 0.0.6) (git commit 3dd117eba4-dirty)
    fatal error: runtime: out of memory
    runtime stack:
    runtime.throw(0x6f1d8e, 0x16)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:566 +0x95
    runtime.sysMap(0xc4fa2e0000, 0x6d0f0000, 0x0, 0x8589d8)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:219 +0x1d0
    runtime.(*mheap).sysAlloc(0x83f4c0, 0x6d0f0000, 0x40e949)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:407 +0x37a
    runtime.(*mheap).grow(0x83f4c0, 0x36871, 0x0)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:726 +0x62
    runtime.(*mheap).allocSpanLocked(0x83f4c0, 0x36871, 0x45102a)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:630 +0x4f2
    runtime.(*mheap).alloc_m(0x83f4c0, 0x36871, 0x7f0100000000, 0x7ffed2029a68)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:515 +0xe0
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:579 +0x4b
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:314 +0xab
    runtime.(*mheap).alloc(0x83f4c0, 0x36871, 0x100000000, 0x7ffed2029ad8)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/mheap.go:580 +0x73
    runtime.largeAlloc(0x6d0e2000, 0x845100, 0xc420000201)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:774 +0x93
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:669 +0x3e
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:298 +0x79
    goroutine 1 [running, locked to thread]:
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:252 fp=0xc4200479e0 sp=0xc4200479d8
    runtime.mallocgc(0x6d0e2000, 0x0, 0x818300, 0x2a6)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:670 +0x903 fp=0xc420047a80 sp=0xc4200479e0
    runtime.rawbyteslice(0x6d0e0a2b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/string.go:307 +0xc2 fp=0xc420047ac0 sp=0xc420047a80
    runtime.stringtoslicebyte(0x0, 0xc48d1be000, 0x6d0e0a2b, 0xc420047b40, 0xc48d1be000, 0x6d0e0a2b)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/string.go:145 +0xcb fp=0xc420047b08 sp=0xc420047ac0
    io.WriteString(0x7ff841e7e800, 0xc4200cc000, 0xc48d1be000, 0x6d0e0a2b, 0xc48d1be000, 0x6d0e0a2b, 0x0)
        /usr/lib/go/src/io/io.go:291 +0xe1 fp=0xc420047b60 sp=0xc420047b08, 0x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/savior/src/go/src/ +0x2bf fp=0xc420047c98 sp=0xc420047b60, 0x27, 0x6d0e0a2b, 0xecf8927d6, 0x1c90b30b, 0x83a020, 0x1a4, 0xc420047d50)
        /home/savior/src/go/src/ +0x16d fp=0xc420047cf0 sp=0xc420047c98, 0x1e, 0x3, 0x3e, 0x0)
        /home/savior/src/go/src/ +0x2d0 fp=0xc420047de8 sp=0xc420047cf0, 0x1e, 0xc4200111a4)
        /home/savior/src/go/src/ +0x55 fp=0xc420047ea8 sp=0xc420047de8
        /home/savior/src/go/src/ +0x153 fp=0xc420047f40 sp=0xc420047ea8
        /home/savior/src/go/src/ +0x60 fp=0xc420047f48 sp=0xc420047f40
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/proc.go:172 +0x1bf fp=0xc420047fa0 sp=0xc420047f48
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2086 +0x1 fp=0xc420047fa8 sp=0xc420047fa0
    goroutine 17 [syscall, locked to thread]:
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2086 +0x1
  • Add a Gitter chat badge to

    Add a Gitter chat badge to

    tywkeene/autobd now has a Chat Room on Gitter

    @tywkeene has just created a chat room. You can visit it here:

    This pull-request adds this badge to your


    If my aim is a little off, please let me know.

    Happy chatting.

    PS: Click here if you would prefer not to receive automatic pull-requests from Gitter in future.

  • Break up helpers.go

    Break up helpers.go

    Break up helpers.go into multiple files. This will probably be logging.go for logging functions and packing.go for tar related functions

    WriteFile() and GetQuery() will go into api.go, since it's the only file that requires them.

  • Filesystem events

    Filesystem events

    So two pretty big problems:

    1. Filesystem events aren't really tracked, so changes aren't reflected in the cache
    2. A new file could be written to, and be put into the cache, but is still being written to on the disk, so we get an invalid size and checksum

    I've started working on a filesystem monitor within autobd, but it's not working out the way I expected.

    There's no real solution to these problems, doesn't report IN_CLOSE_WRITE or IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE events. This is a problem for both the cache (#52) and file semaphores (#35). Besides that, it seems this package is a bit too high level to be really useful. Gonna have to go with something a little more nuts and bolts to get things working correctly.

    I'm thinking if I could get file semaphores working via filesystem monitoring, I could just use those to control addition/removal/changes to the cache, therefor keeping the cache up to date and valid

  • .autobd directory

    .autobd directory

    So it's probably a good idea to start using an .autobd directory, to store log files (like mentioned in issue #64) and other data that's needed like the server's node list or a node's uuid

    I'm not sure if it'd be a great idea to put it directly under the node or server's root directory, since that'd expose some stuff that probably doesn't need to be exposed. But I may possibly be able to just hardcode everything to ignore that directory.

  • Implement a blockchain for versioned snapshot support

    Implement a blockchain for versioned snapshot support

    Using something like this might be good for implementing a versioned snapshot process.


    1. Blockchain starts on server's tarball'd directory tree
    2. Changes are made to the tree, the server regenerates the hash, and adds a new block to the chain
    3. The nodes check if there are any new blocks in the chain, downloads them and their metadata.

    The benefits of this are pretty obvious.

    • It's a lot like git, and allows you to go back in time in the case of data loss.

    • If the metadata is spread out amongst the nodes, you could still theoretically bootstrap a server from that metadata, maintaining your data's integrity

    • Each block hash is signed with a 4 digit number, so you know if something screwy is going on at a glance

    Will definitely look into this after the ongoing development process overhaul.

  • Node authorization

    Node authorization

    Right now there's no real node authorization. Of course security should be a priority. From what little research I've done something like Oauth might work pretty well. Need to look into this a little more.

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