Goroutine leak detector

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Goroutine leak detector to help avoid Goroutine leaks.


You can use go get to get the latest version:

go get -u go.uber.org/goleak

goleak also supports semver releases. It is compatible with Go 1.5+.

Quick Start

To verify that there are no unexpected goroutines running at the end of a test:

func TestA(t *testing.T) {
	defer goleak.VerifyNone(t)

	// test logic here.

Instead of checking for leaks at the end of every test, goleak can also be run at the end of every test package by creating a TestMain function for your package:

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {

Determine Source of Package Leaks

When verifying leaks using TestMain, the leak test is only run once after all tests have been run. This is typically enough to ensure there's no goroutines leaked from tests, but when there are leaks, it's hard to determine which test is causing them.

You can use the following bash script to determine the source of the failing test:

# Create a test binary which will be used to run each test individually
$ go test -c -o tests

# Run each test individually, printing "." for successful tests, or the test name
# for failing tests.
$ for test in $(go test -list . | grep -E "^(Test|Example)"); do ./tests -test.run "^$test\$" &>/dev/null && echo -n "." || echo "\n$test failed"; done

This will only print names of failing tests which can be investigated individually. E.g.,

TestLeakyTest failed


goleak is v1 and follows SemVer strictly.

No breaking changes will be made to exported APIs before 2.0.

Uber Go
Uber's open source software for Go development
Uber Go
  • Support t.Parallel?

    Support t.Parallel?

    Hi, thanks for providing great package :)

    BTW, I saw goleak internal source and found below switch...case: https://github.com/uber-go/goleak/blob/18742541d022941d2ef0db05d30bc68f69e96bd9/options.go#L118

    But, I used t.Parallel func on my project testing. So, goleak suggested:

    found unexpected goroutines

    Is it the expected behavior? Or, Should I adding goleak.IgnoreTopFunction("testing.(*T).Parallel") to defer goleak.VerifyNoLeaks(t)? (and, is it correct use case?)

  • support register teardown function in VerifyTestMain

    support register teardown function in VerifyTestMain

    TestMain can be used for setup and teardown logic. However, VerifyTestMain calls os.Exit which disables to register teardown function by defer. cc @prashantv

  • CVE-2020-14040: imports golang.org/x/tools > golang.org/x/net > golang.org/x/text

    CVE-2020-14040: imports golang.org/x/tools > golang.org/x/net > golang.org/x/text

    This PR imports an updated version of golang.org/x/tools. x/tools imports x/net which imports x/text which includes the bug outlined in CVE-2020-14040.

    With the update of x/net it also fixes CVE-2020-9283 in the golang.org/x/crypto package/module.

  • Mark VerifyNone as a test Helper

    Mark VerifyNone as a test Helper

    Mark VerifyNone(...) as a test Helper function, so that it reports the error at the call site, rather than leaks.go:78:.

    From the go docs:

    Helper marks the calling function as a test helper function. When printing file and line information, that function will be skipped. Helper may be called simultaneously from multiple goroutines.

    This is useful for tests that verify go routines at multiple points, so failures can be more easily distinguished.

  • Add option to pass teardown function

    Add option to pass teardown function


    In some cases performing additional work after test execution are required. But when VerifyTestMain is used it is not possible to do this work before leaked goroutine caught. This may be related to goroutine shutdown, so it should be done inside VerifyTestMain after test run but before check.

    This PR adds option to pass custom teardown function.

  • Fix flaky tests

    Fix flaky tests

    Some tests assume that stack.All() will give a stable set of goroutines: that any background goroutines from the test framework/previous tests have run till they're blocked.

    Add verification that stack.All() returns a "stable" set of stacks before running these tests.

  • Upgrade stretchr/testify

    Upgrade stretchr/testify


    I am working at Manomano and we use gemnasium analyser to report securities issues.

    We use zap logger and goleak is a dependency of zap.logger. This little pr purpose you to update your yaml dependency to a fixed version. Detail report: | Severity | Unknown | | Identifier | | | URL | https://github.com/docker/cli/pull/2117 | | Scanner | Gemnasium | | Message | XML Entity Expansion in gopkg.in/yaml.v2 | | Package | gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1 | | Solution | Upgrade to version 2.2.3 or above. | | File | go.sum |

  • Add option to ignore current goroutines

    Add option to ignore current goroutines

    This allows usage specific tests in big projects that recently started to use go-leak check.

    Signed-off-by: denis-tingajkin [email protected]



  • Goleak detects leaked goroutines from other tests

    Goleak detects leaked goroutines from other tests


    We've found an interesting thing during using goleak on our CI, that goleak can detect leaked goroutine from other tests.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Use go1.14.1 darwin/amd64
    2. Use goleak v1.0.0
    3. Run test file below goleak_test.go
    package goleak_test
    import (
    func TestA(t *testing.T) {
    	go func() {
    		for {
    			<-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100)
    func TestB(t *testing.T) {
    	defer goleak.VerifyNone(t)

    Expected: TestB should pass Actual: TestB fails with error "found unexpected goroutines:"

  • Using strings.HasSuffix so vendored projects can pass tests

    Using strings.HasSuffix so vendored projects can pass tests

    Vendored and non-vendored packages have different absolute paths but have the same ending.

    eg. github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner.(*SpecRunner).registerForInterrupts and github.com/koshatul/testproject/vendor/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/specrunner.(*SpecRunner).registerForInterrupts

  • goleak is no longer compatible with Go 1.5+

    goleak is no longer compatible with Go 1.5+

    Readme explains this is compatible with Go 1.5+. However, the latest version v1.2.0 only works on Go 1.18+.

    Sample code:

    package main
    import (
    func TestLeak(t *testing.T) {
    	defer goleak.VerifyNone(t)
    $ go version
    go version go1.13.15 linux/amd64
    $ go test
    # go.uber.org/goleak
    /go/pkg/mod/go.uber.org/[email protected]/options.go:115:3: undefined: isTraceStack
    note: module requires Go 1.18
    FAIL    example.com/foo [build failed]

    The previous version v1.1.12 works expectedly. This seems due to https://github.com/uber-go/goleak/pull/79. Is current version only compatible with Go 1.18+?

  • Upgrade GitHub actions packages to resolve NodeJS 12 warnings

    Upgrade GitHub actions packages to resolve NodeJS 12 warnings

    Upgrades actions/checkout, actions/setup-go, and actions/cache to v3 to resolve CI warnings for NodeJS 12 deprecation.


    Signed-off-by: Austin Vazquez [email protected]

  • goleak finds goroutine leak in not enabled test case

    goleak finds goroutine leak in not enabled test case

    If you have a module with a leak in func leak():

    package foo
    import (
    type O struct {
    	once *sync.Once
    	quit chan struct{}
    func NewO() *O {
    	o := &O{
    		once: &sync.Once{},
    		quit: make(chan struct{}),
    	return o
    func (o *O) leak() {
    	go func() {
    		d := 100 * time.Millisecond
    		for {
    			select {
    			case <-o.quit:
    			case <-time.After(2 * d):
    func (o *O) close() {
    	o.once.Do(func() {
    func (*O) run(d time.Duration) {

    and tests checking for leaks by running defer goleak.VerifyNone(t), that don't run leak(), it will show a leak in TestC, even if the leak is in TestB without defer goleak.VerifyNone(t):

    package foo
    import (
    func TestA(t *testing.T) {
    	defer goleak.VerifyNone(t)
    	o := NewO()
    	defer o.close()
    func TestB(t *testing.T) {
    	o := NewO()
    func TestC(t *testing.T) {
    	defer goleak.VerifyNone(t)
    	o := NewO()
    	defer o.close()

    It depends on order of execution of tests.

    Here a test run:

    % go test .
    --- FAIL: TestC (1.45s)
        foo_test.go:30: found unexpected goroutines:
            [Goroutine 6 in state select, with foo.(*O).leak.func1 on top of the stack:
            goroutine 6 [select]:
                    /tmp/go/goleak/foo.go:25 +0x85
            created by foo.(*O).leak
                    /tmp/go/goleak/foo.go:22 +0x56
    FAIL    foo     3.466s
  • Using goleak on Go benchmarks.

    Using goleak on Go benchmarks.

    It would be amazing to have goleak working on Benchmarks as well. However, I think some functions might needed to be filtered by default. Repro:

    func BenchmarkGoroutines(b *testing.B) {
    	defer goleak.VerifyNone(b)
    	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    		go func() {
    			defer wg.Done()
    		go func() {
    			defer wg.Done()


        leaks.go:78: found unexpected goroutines:
            [Goroutine 1 in state chan receive, with testing.(*B).run1 on top of the stack:
            goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
            	/home/bwplotka/.gvm/gos/go1.18.3/src/testing/benchmark.go:235 +0xb2
            testing.(*B).Run(0xc00016a480, {0x6f69de?, 0x0?}, 0x722460)
            	/home/bwplotka/.gvm/gos/go1.18.3/src/testing/benchmark.go:676 +0x445
            	/home/bwplotka/.gvm/gos/go1.18.3/src/testing/benchmark.go:550 +0x6e
            testing.(*B).runN(0xc00016a480, 0x1)
            	/home/bwplotka/.gvm/gos/go1.18.3/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x102
            testing.runBenchmarks({0x6ffdf2, 0x28}, 0x945c20?, {0x909c80, 0x2, 0x40?})
            	/home/bwplotka/.gvm/gos/go1.18.3/src/testing/benchmark.go:559 +0x3f2
            	/home/bwplotka/.gvm/gos/go1.18.3/src/testing/testing.go:1726 +0x811
            	_testmain.go:57 +0x1aa
    --- FAIL: BenchmarkGoroutines
    Process finished with the exit code 1

    Tested on both Go version 1.18.3 and 1.19

  • Provide stub so apps using goleak can build unchanged with tinygo.

    Provide stub so apps using goleak can build unchanged with tinygo.

    Tinygo can build a large subset of go programs already. Unfortunately, tinygo currently does not quite support goleak.

    As a temporary measure, use the tinygo build tag to provide a stub for goleak. This will expand the world of go programs that run properly on tinygo, and remove one more obstacle keeping embedded system and wasm users from adopting go and goleak.

    This can be reverted if/when tinygo is enhanced to fully support goleak.

    Fixes https://github.com/uber-go/goleak/issues/71

  • Friction for tinygo users

    Friction for tinygo users

    tinygo as of release 0.22 does not support goleak; this isn't particularly surprising, as tinygo still only provides stubs for several things goleak relies upon.

    A number of apps - particularly, the one I'm trying to ship :-) - would pass tests under both go and tinygo if goleak sensed the tinygo build constraint and provided a minimal stub while tinygo matures.

    This would be an elegant way to reduce friction for goleak users who must pass tests with both go and tinygo.

    I'll provide a pull request with the simple change required. I think this is sufficient; works for my app, at least.

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