idiomatic codec and rpc lib for msgpack, cbor, json, etc.[Go]

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This repository contains the go-codec library, the codecgen tool and benchmarks for comparing against other libraries.

This is a High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library for binary and text formats: binc, msgpack, cbor, json and simple.

It fully supports the legacy GOPATH and the new go modules modes.

Code Organization and Module Support

This repository consists of 4 modules:

  • (requires
  • (requires README
  • (requires README
  • (requires README

For encoding and decoding, the module is sufficient.

To install:

go get

The other modules exist for specific uses, and all require

  • Fix module issues once and for all

    Fix module issues once and for all

    The use of modules in go-codec introduced more headaches than necessary.

    It has been a disaster, and I really wish I had waited until the dust settled before making this module aware, especially since so many people depended on this package and it has the atypical "package name differs from directory name" issue.

    I regret jumping on modules that early, and having to constantly try to correct my mistakes.

    It seems the dust has settled now and we have the tools to:

    • support the simulation of a multi-module repository

    We have 2 options:

    1. Make go/codec its own module using a tag: codec/vX.Y.Z
    2. Keep go as the only module, using a tag: vX.Y.Z
    3. Have both as modules using "same'ish" parallel tags (vX.Y.Z and codec/vX.Y.Z) and corresponding go.mod files

    I am not sure if 3. above is supported by go modules. I read that a module doesn't include modules within it.

    I will appreciate any thoughts on how best to resolve this. I am including references to places where I have seen folks have issues. I hope that you folks can respond and help me settle this once and for all with the best solution.

    @dmitshur @arizvisa @bvisness @HZ89 @bcmills @amarox @thepudds

  • Elements ignored when encoding struct embedding a Selfer

    Elements ignored when encoding struct embedding a Selfer

    Here's a simplified repro:

    package main
    import (
    // We have defined Selfers for a type (either with codecgen or manually)
    type Embedded struct {
            Embedded1 string
            Embedded2 string
    func (e Embedded) CodecEncodeSelf(encoder *codec.Encoder) {
            // phon4y output, in a real example this would encode the struct properly
    func (e *Embedded) CodecDecodeSelf(decoder *codec.Decoder) {
    // We use embedded in a different structure
    type Foo struct {
            Bar string
    func main() {
            foo := Foo{
                    Bar: "bar",
                    Embedded: Embedded{
                            Embedded1: "embedded1",
                            Embedded2: "embedded2",
            // The Decoder only encodes the Embedded struct
            // and ignores Bar!
            buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
            codec.NewEncoder(buffer, &codec.JsonHandle{}).Encode(foo)
             fmt.Printf("Output: %s\n", buffer.String())

    The program above outputs:

    Output: "['phony']"

    completely ignoring the Bar element.

    I would expect something in the lines of:

    Output: { Bar: "Bar", Embedded: "phony" }

    Or, with a properly defined selfer:

    Output: { Bar: "Bar", Embedded1: "embedded1", Embedded2: "embedded2"  }

    I guess that, since the embedded Selfer makes the full struct a Selfer too, the encoder is blindly applying (e Embedded) CodecEncodeSelf(), ignoring other fields. I think the Encoder must somehow distinguish between the case in which the struct embeds a Selfer and when the struct itself implements a Selfer directly.

    I haven't tried it yet it but, as a workaround, I guess one can define a Selfer for Foo.

    I haven't tested the decoding, but maybe that's broken too.

  • Change import path to

    Change import path to

    It would be nice if the import path mapped directly to a URL to the source code.

    Currently, it doesn't, and for no good reason. Initially, we used a repository name of go, with the hope of putting multiple packages into the same repository. However, in retrospect, that is not a good idea; one repository should only hold one package, with possible sub-packages which relate directly to that package.

    The plan of action is:

    • Use github to change repository name from go to go-codec
    • Move all files from the codec sub-directory of the repository to the top-level directory
    • Keep the codec subdirectory there, and create a codec/fail.go file

    The new codec/fail.go file will contain

    • package docs that tell users the new import path and where to find docs
    • init method that panics with an appropriate error message
    • possibly use the // import label to allow go get fail early

    We hope to do this soon, likely by the end of january.

  • Kubernetes: Failure when codecgen is run on anonymous type, but not on wrapping type.

    Kubernetes: Failure when codecgen is run on anonymous type, but not on wrapping type.

    To reproduce I'm using:

    Input data:

    I did NOT run codecgen for the file that contains definition of that jsons:

    IIUC, this should result in falling back to encoding/json (which works fine). However this is not the case (i.e. the output is empty)


  • Please tag releases

    Please tag releases

    Formal releases are useful to define dependency relationships. 3rd party developers would be able to bundle somewhat "stable" version of your software instead of just top of "master". Also it is helpful for downstream maintainers for numerous reasons.

    Please consider tagging. Thanks.

  • Slower than encoding/json

    Slower than encoding/json

    Here's my test:

    n := 5
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
      t := time.Now()
      var v interface{}
      for j := 0; j < 20; j++ {
        if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &v); err != nil {
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
      t := time.Now()
      for j := 0; j < 20; j++ {
        var dec *codec.Decoder = codec.NewDecoderBytes(b, new(codec.JsonHandle))
        var v interface{}
        if err := dec.Decode(&v); err != nil {

    For a large, minified file with long keys (4.7MB), go-codec is ~ 31% slower than encoding/json:


    For a file containing the same values, but with every key shortened to just 2 characters (970KB), it's 80% slower:


    This is from byte arrays into interface{} values. Is there anything I can tweak to make go-codec be faster? Is this by design, somehow?

    Go 1.5.1 on OS X.

  • "reflect.Value.Addr of unaddressable value" error while marshaling

    When I was trying to use Ugorij for Kubernetes: I received the following error: "reflect.Value.Addr of unaddressable value"

    How to reproduce it:

    • I used the following code:

    • This diff also contains a file that was generated for our structures.

      Please let me know if you need more information on reproducing it

  • bug: MapValueReset has no effect

    bug: MapValueReset has no effect

    The sample code below doesn't seem to work as it should:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	h := &codec.JsonHandle{}
    	h.MapValueReset = true
    	d := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(`{"map": {"a": 1}}`))
    	dec := codec.NewDecoder(d, h)
    	o := struct {
    		Map map[string]interface{} `json:"map"`
    	o.Map = map[string]interface{}{"b": 1}
    	if err := dec.Decode(&o); err != nil {

    This prints:

    map[a:1 b:1]

    Since I set MapValueReset = true, I would expect it to print:

  • mod: justify mod style

    mod: justify mod style

    In this way, we can get the right tag like v1.1.3, instead of pseudo-version

    A good example would be shown below

    go-robinhood imports and got the right version v1.2.2
  • register extension without custom en/decoding

    register extension without custom en/decoding

    As far as I've managed to dig into the docs, registering an extension (cbor tag) requires you to also manually en/decode the data yourself. Both the InterfaceExt and Ext interfaces assume you implement the en/decoding.

    I was wondering if there is a way to register a struct as an extension, and let the normal un/marshalling of the struct to take place for its payload.


    type Something struct {
    	Foo string `json:"foo"`

    I'd like for example to be able to register Foo as extension 123 and have the handler marshal the tag, followed by a map with a string element with key foo.

    Is there a way to do something simple like this in the current state of the lib that I am missing? If not, could point me to the right direction of what could be done to add it?

    Thank you for an amazing library.

  • Kubernetes: codecgen: produce consistent output on repeated runs

    Kubernetes: codecgen: produce consistent output on repeated runs

    This is usability issue (not correctness one). I observed that when I'm using codecgen, the output produced for a given file (I was using: is non deterministic. Few things that change:

    1. constants "codecSelferC*" has different names, e.g.:
    codecSelferC_UTF85477         = 1


     codecSelferC_UTF85165         = 1
    1. ordering of generated function (and thus the names of variables they are using, because IIUC, you're using consecutive integers for variable names)

    It would be very convenient if the output would be deterministic.

  • omitempty handling for arrays disagrees with the standard encoding/json

    omitempty handling for arrays disagrees with the standard encoding/json

    As of this commit: arrays with zero values ar treated as empty. Whether this is correct or not is up for debate (see, however it makes the current behaviour inconsistent with the standard json.Marshal() which makes it more difficult to use ugorji as a replacement.

    I personally would argue that array of zero values is not empty. It's true that for Go arrays there is no distinction (meaning a Go array cannot be empty), however when doing un-typed unmarshalling the difference is between an undefined/missing value and an array of zeros.

  • XML support

    XML support

    go-codec currently supports

    • Binary: Msgpack
    • Binary: CBOR
    • Text: JSON

    For completeness, it should support XML also.

    Though XML has fallen out-of-favor, it is still widely used. The encoding/xml in the standard library is not efficient, and does not conform to the simplicity used in encoding/json. We have a chance to add a performant XML encoder/decoder as just another format.

    We are attempting this due to perceived issues with encoding/xml:

    • Complicated. It tried to do too much, and is not as simple to use as json.
    • Due to over-engineering, reflection is over-used AND performance suffers: java is 6X faster: even PYTHON performs better:

    codec framework will offer the following benefits

    • VASTLY improved performance (when using reflection-mode or codecgen)
    • simplicity and consistency: with the rest of the supported formats
    • all other benefits of codec framework (streaming, codegeneration, etc)

    go-codec is not a drop-in replacement for encoding/xml, as the tags and style will not transfer over. Having said that, it is a replacement, based on the simplicity and performance of codec.

    The goal is for this to be like JAXB for Go.

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