Protobuf files manager

Prot - protobuf files manager.

It application can help your manage protobuf files and generate code based on him.

!!! Before use Prot you must install your lang dependencies (section Config/Lang).

How to use

  1. Create repository for service protobuf files.
  2. Run prot init command in your server application.
  3. Add your repository with protobuf files into prot.yml and run prot install command.
  4. Write code for server.
  5. Run prot init command in your client application.
  6. Add your repository with protobuf files into prot.yml and run prot install command.
  7. Use generated grpc client in your client application.
  8. Now after update protobuf files you can update generated code for grpc server and client by one command - prot install.


go get -u


prot help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command

❯ prot help
   prot - protobuf files manager

   prot [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   install  Install dependencies from config file
   init     Generate config for Prot application
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

prot init - Generate config for Prot application Options:

  • --output Output path for config (default: current directory)
❯ prot init --help
   prot init - Generate config for Prot application

   prot init [command options] [arguments...]

   --output value, -o value  Output path for config (default: current directory)
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)

prot install - Install dependencies from prot.yml config Options:

  • --config Path to configuration file (default: prot.yaml)
  • --output Output path (default: current directory)
❯ prot install --help                                                                                                          
   prot install - Install dependencies from config file

   prot install [command options] [arguments...]

   --config value, -c value  Path to configuration file (default: prot.yaml)
   --output value, -o value  Output path (default: current directory)
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)


Lang If yor want more - welcome to the issue! :)

Lang Info
go Follow section Protocol Buffers
dart Follow section Protocol Buffers v3

ModuleName or ModuleNameWithAuth - name for module.

Repository - link for your repository (ssh or https, depends on the type of authorization).

Auth - optional parameter, if your want auth for git.

Lang: go
    Repository: [email protected]:umirode/prot.git
      Type: PublicKeys
        PemFile: id_rsa.pem
        IgnoreHostKey: true

Auth Configuration

PublicKeys - represent ssh auth via public keys (type ssh).

    Type: PublicKeys
      PemFile: id_rsa.pem
      User: umirode # OPTIONAL DEFAULTS git
      PemFilePassword: password # OPTIONAL
      IgnoreHostKey: true # OPTIONAL DEFAULTS false

Password - represent ssh auth via password (type ssh).

    Type: Password
      User: user
      Password: pass

BasicAuth - represent a HTTP basic auth (type https).

    Type: BasicAuth
      Username: user
      Password: pass

Token - represent authenticate with HTTP token authentication (also known as bearer authentication) (type https).

IMPORTANT: If you are looking to use OAuth tokens with popular servers (e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab) you should use BasicAuth instead. These servers use basic HTTP authentication, with the OAuth token as user or password. Check the documentation of your git server for details.

    Type: Token
      Token: token
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