The jin is a simplified version of the gin web framework that can help you quickly understand the core principles of a web framework.


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The jin is a simplified version of the gin web framework that can help you quickly understand the core principles of a web framework.

If this project is helpful for you, please star the project, thank you!!!


  • Support GET, POST
  • Querystring parameters
  • JSON, XML rendering
  • Multipart/Urlencoded Form
  • Get the parameters in Path
  • Grouping routes
  • Middleware
  • Template
  • Panic Recover
  • Set and get a cookie
  • Upload single file
  • Upload multiple files
  • Redirects
  • A simple logger


jin is built step by step, and I have used git tag to manage every milestone version. You can view all important version by typing the command git tag, and get the version you want by typing the command git checkout <tagname>. You can view more details by checking commit logs.


$ git tag

$ git checkout step1-a-simple-framework


Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.




This project is based on geektutu's gee-web. That's a wonderful project.I suggest you reading this bolg first.

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