Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents

unioffice is a library for creation of Office Open XML documents (.docx, .xlsx and .pptx). Its goal is to be the most compatible and highest performance Go library for creation and editing of docx/xlsx/pptx files.

Build Status GitHub (pre-)release License: UniDoc EULA GoDoc



  • Documents (docx) [Word]
    • Read/Write/Edit
    • Formatting
    • Images
    • Tables
  • Spreadsheets (xlsx) [Excel]
    • Read/Write/Edit
    • Cell formatting including conditional formatting
    • Cell validation (drop down combobox, rules, etc.)
    • Retrieve cell values as formatted by Excel (e.g. retrieve a date or number as displayed in Excel)
    • Formula Evaluation (100+ functions supported currently, more will be added as required)
    • Embedded Images
    • All chart types
  • PowerPoint (pptx) [PowerPoint]
    • Creation from templates
    • Textboxes/shapes


There has been a great deal of interest in performance numbers for spreadsheet creation/reading lately, so here are unioffice numbers for this benchmark which creates a sheet with 30k rows, each with 100 columns.

creating 30000 rows * 100 cells took 3.92506863s
saving took 89ns
reading took 9.522383048s

Creation is fairly fast, saving is very quick due to no reflection usage, and reading is a bit slower. The downside is that the binary is large (33MB) as it contains generated structs, serialization and deserialization code for all of DOCX/XLSX/PPTX.


go get github.com/unidoc/unioffice/

Document Examples

Spreadsheet Examples

Presentation Examples

Raw Types

The OOXML specification is large and creating a friendly API to cover the entire specification is a very time consuming endeavor. This library attempts to provide an easy to use API for common use cases in creating OOXML documents while allowing users to fall back to raw document manipulation should the library's API not cover a specific use case.

The raw XML based types reside in the schema/ directory. These types are accessible from the wrapper types via a X() method that returns the raw type.

For example, the library currently doesn't have an API for setting a document background color. However it's easy to do manually via editing the CT_Background element of the document.

dox := document.New()
doc.X().Background = wordprocessingml.NewCT_Background()
doc.X().Background.ColorAttr = &wordprocessingml.ST_HexColor{}
doc.X().Background.ColorAttr.ST_HexColorRGB = color.RGB(50, 50, 50).AsRGBString()

Contribution guidelines

CLA assistant

All contributors are must sign a contributor license agreement before their code will be reviewed and merged.


This software package (unioffice) is a commercial product and requires a license code to operate.

The use of this software package is governed by the end-user license agreement (EULA) available at: https://unidoc.io/eula/

To obtain a Trial license code to evaluate the software, please visit https://unidoc.io/

PDF and Office (docx, xlsx, pptx) libraries for Golang
  • Nil pointer when trying to extract image data

    Nil pointer when trying to extract image data


    Hey folks. I am trying to extract raw image data from an MS word document. Here is the code snippet:

            doc, err := document.Read(reader, reader.Size())
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("document read failure with error: %v", err)
    	defer doc.Close()
    	for _, img := range doc.Images {
    		if img.Data() == nil {
    			ctx.Logger().Warn("received an image with nil data")
    		_, imgResults, err := ScanImage(ctx, clients, n, f, *img.Data())
    		if err != nil {
    			ctx.Logger().Errorf("image scanning failure with error: %v", err)

    The doc.Images array is successfully populated with the number of images in the document however when I call img.Data() I receive a nil pointer.

    Expected Behavior

    img.Data() should return a non-nil pointer

    Actual Behavior

    img.Data() returns a nil pointer

    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

  • Some Bugs In Windows

    Some Bugs In Windows


    Hi,author. First of all,I love this lib,and my english is not good.If I used the wrong words, please forgive me. When I watching your example, I was so exciting.But after I run your example's code.The worry is appear.Open the generate file,the windows tell me, can open this file.

    Expected Behavior

    Actual Behavior

    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

  • Unsupported purl.oclc.org (strict ooxml namespace)

    Unsupported purl.oclc.org (strict ooxml namespace)


    I'm hitting a weird issue when updating FldChar's. I need to replace the default text in some form fields. If I mark the fields as dirty or set SetUpdateFieldsOnOpen(true) and then select to update the entire table as prompted when the document opens, saving the result makes it unusable by gooxml. I get the following warnings and doc.X().Body is nil:

    2019/02/19 16:34:16 unsupported relationship type: http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/relationships/officeDocument tgt: word/document.xml
    2019/02/19 16:34:16 unsupported relationship type: http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/relationships/extendedProperties tgt: docProps/app.xml

    Digging through the raw XML, it doesn't look like an issue with the actual FldChar's that are being altered, it looks like an issue with the document namespacing. For some reason, after updating the form fields, some of the http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/... attributes get replaced with http://purl.oclc.org/ooxml/officeDocument/....

    I don't know enough about the spec to know why these would change. But the resulting document opens just fine with Word. It is only gooxml that has an issue.

    I tried this with and without the presence of a table of contents. When the table of contents isn't present, there is no issue. When the table of contents is present, and you select "update entire table", then you experience the problem after saving the document.

    Expected Behavior

    Handle documents using purl.oclc.org namespacing appropriately.

    Actual Behavior

    Documents with purl.oclc.org namespacing have a nil Body.

    I've attached before and after documents. The actual FldChar changes appear starting on page 11 (a result of re-using code that originally produced the issue). If you need the code making the changes or simplified before/after documents, just let me know.

    after.docx before.docx

  • Support adding/replacing MERGEFIELDs

    Support adding/replacing MERGEFIELDs

    I'm trying to understand if/how 'MERGEFIELDS' are supported within gooxml, or if it is the kind of thing I would need to drop into .X() to handle?

    I did see that there are doc.FormFields(), r.AddField(), etc functions, but as best I could tell, these didn't seem to do what I want. I also came across the 'KnownFields', which seems to correlate with this, but couldn't tell if it was associated to some deeper support/code:

    • https://github.com/baliance/gooxml/blob/master/document/knownfields.go

    Essentially, is there a way to create, read, edit/update, etc these elements in a gooxml native way currently? And if not, do you have any suggestions of the best way to interact with them?

    Below is a snippet from a document that uses these fields:

    <w:p w14:paraId="1566BC4D" w14:textId="3B6A9F12" w:rsidR="006D368D" w:rsidRPr="00497636" w:rsidRDefault="000E0283">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                <w:t>Merge Field:</w:t>
            <w:r w:rsidR="006D368D">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                <w:t xml:space="preserve">
            <w:r w:rsidRPr="00497636">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="begin"/>
            <w:r w:rsidRPr="00497636">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                <w:instrText xml:space="preserve"> MERGEFIELD  $Foo.Bar  \* MERGEFORMAT </w:instrText>
            <w:r w:rsidRPr="00497636">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="separate"/>
            <w:r w:rsidRPr="00497636">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
            <w:r w:rsidRPr="00497636">
                    <w:lang w:val="en-AU"/>
                <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="end"/>


    • https://github.com/baliance/gooxml/blob/master/document/knownfields.go
    • http://officeopenxml.com/WPfields.php
    • http://officeopenxml.com/WPfieldInstructions.php
    • http://officeopenxml.com/WPgeneralFieldSwitches.php
  • recompile the example and cannot open the generate .docx

    recompile the example and cannot open the generate .docx

    experimental environment: 1.OS:windows 7 x64、VScode 2.Go version 1.9 first,i use "go get baliance.com/gooxml",after that,i use "go build baliance.com/gooxml/..."but the compiler error:"The filename or extension is too long." so i rename the"schemas.openxmlformats.org" to "s" and change all the "schemas.openxmlformats.org" to "s" of the path in all files. finally,it compiles successfully. i test the file in "_examples/document/tables/main.go" ------go run main.go--- ------success----(maybe success,no error and generate the" tables.docx" file)------ ------cannot open the tables.docx------ so i test other examples,they all generate the .docx but cannot open with "MS Office "

    cheers,looking for your replay.

  • add the ability to utilize footnotes and endnotes in documents

    add the ability to utilize footnotes and endnotes in documents


    • Basic CRUD functions to handle both endnotes and footnotes
    • Tester functions in convention of the library (e.g., HasFootnotes or IsFootnote)
    • Tests to cover the added functionality.

    This change is Reviewable

  • [Question] Handling excel data

    [Question] Handling excel data

    As far as i saw, there is no way to get the data from an excel file as a matrix when running row by row. unioffice removes empty cols in a row.

    Is there any way to get the whole data of an excel, even with empty cols?

  • [UO-129] Incorrect conversion of doc to pdf

    [UO-129] Incorrect conversion of doc to pdf


    Incorrect conversion of doc to pdf

    Expected Behavior

    doc to pdf converted correctly

    Actual Behavior

                outputPath := fmt.Sprintf("output/%s.pdf", filename)
    	doc, err := document.Open("https://github.com/unidoc/unioffice/files/8096886/liuna.docx")
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Fatalf("error opening document: %s", err)
    	defer doc.Close()
    	c := convert.ConvertToPdf(doc)
    	err = c.WriteToFile(outputPath)
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Fatalf("error converting document: %s", err)

    But the conversion result is incorrect,I tried using https://foxyutils.com/wordtopdf/ the conversion is correct

  • Bug in RunProperties.IsBold()

    Bug in RunProperties.IsBold()

    This is the method code:

    func (r RunProperties) IsBold() bool {
    	return r.x.B != nil

    It works in most cases, since a non-bold run's properties look like this:

                B: (*wml.CT_OnOff)(<nil>),

    And a bold run's properties look like this:

                    B: (*wml.CT_OnOff)(0xc42000e450)({
                     ValAttr: (*sharedTypes.ST_OnOff)(<nil>)

    However, if the style uses bold by default, and a run turns it off, then B will look like this:

                    B: (*wml.CT_OnOff)(0xc42000e3a0)({
                     ValAttr: (*sharedTypes.ST_OnOff)(0xc420011d80)(false)

    Therefore, IsBold() would falsely say that the run is bold.

    This seems to map directly from XML where <w:b/> is short for <w:b val="true"/>, and turning bold off requires <w:b val="false"/>.

    Actually I can't say what the proper behaviour should be, because a boolean is not enough to express the three possible states:

    • No change to boldness
    • Turn on boldness
    • Turn off boldness

    Perhaps two methods are needed: IsBold() and BoldSet():

    func (r RunProperties) IsBold() bool {
    	if r.x.B != nil {
    		if r.x.B.ValAttr != nil && r.x.B.ValAttr.Bool != nil && *r.x.B.ValAttr.Bool == false {
    			return false
    		} else {
    			return true
    	} else {
    		return false
    func (r RunProperties) BoldSet() bool {
    	return r.x.B != nil

    I also noticed an oddity in IsItalic():

    func (r RunProperties) IsItalic() bool {
    	if r.x == nil {
    		return false
    	return r.x.I != nil

    All other methods assume that r.x is safely non-nil, so why this?

  • Does not compile on Windows

    Does not compile on Windows


    Trying to use document.New() on Windows.

    Expected Behavior

    It compiles.

    Actual Behavior

    Getting an error:

    go build baliance.com/gooxml/schema/soo/wml: C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\compile.exe: fork/exec C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\compile.exe: The filename or extension is too long.
  • Unable to Extract Images from Docx File

    Unable to Extract Images from Docx File


    I have a docx file that contains a single image. Here's the code I am using to pull out the images:

    	reader := bytes.NewReader(content)
    	doc, err := presentation.Read(reader, reader.Size())
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("presentation read failure with error: %v", err)
    	if doc == nil {
    		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: [presentation.Read] returned a nil pointer")
    	defer doc.Close()
    	for _, img := range doc.Images {
    		if img.Path() == "" {
    			ctx.Logger().Warn("received an image with an empty path")
    		data, err := os.ReadFile(img.Path())
    		if err != nil {
    			ctx.Logger().Error("failed to read file: %s with error: %v", img.Path(), err)
    	extracted := doc.ExtractText()

    Expected Behavior

    For the file I've attached below, it contains one image. However, the length of doc.Images is 0 and it should be a length of 1. As a note, I have created this document on Microsoft OneDrive and downloaded it from OneDrive to share with you.

    Actual Behavior

    Length of doc.Images is 0 and does not enter for loop J1.docx

    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

  • How to know a textline belongs to which page in a docx file

    How to know a textline belongs to which page in a docx file


    Is there any way to know a text line belongs to which page in a .docx file?

    Expected Behavior

    We should have an attribute in a text Item to get the page information:

    for ei, e := range extracted.Items {
          text: = e.Text`
          page_index = e.PageIndex

    Actual Behavior

    There is only Text, DrawingInfo, Paragraph, Hyperlink, TableInfo BUT no PageInfo in the TextItem.

    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

  • Can I add html markup to doc files?

    Can I add html markup to doc files?


    Is there a plan for the word document package to support html tags or how i can impliment the print the below in creating word

    <b>Bold first</b><div><i><b>Bold second</b></i></div><div><i><b>There are so many of us </b>asasas</i>asas<i>asasasasas<u>asasasa</u></i></div><div><i><u><br></u></i></div>

    Expected Behavior

    The above html string should display as bold, italic , underline formatted

    Actual Behavior

    Printing as string on AddText()

    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

  • Document append problem

    Document append problem


    When I use doc0.Append(doc1), the output file open fail

    Expected Behavior

    Actual Behavior


    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

  • column.SetStyle does not work with wrapped style

    column.SetStyle does not work with wrapped style

    When using the following function, it doesn't seem to set the cells to wrapped properly. If I use the exact same process on an individual cell it works properly. https://pkg.go.dev/gitea.com/unidoc/unioffice/spreadsheet#Column.SetStyle

    Expected Behavior

    When using Column.SetStyle with the wrapped style, all cells in that column should become wrapped.

    An example of the issue:

    style := ss.StyleSheet.AddCellStyle()

    In this example, the cell A7 will be wrapped, but no other cells in the first column will be wrapped. I can verify this is the correct column because SetWidth(200) works as intended.

  • [Feature Request] Provide access to the

    [Feature Request] Provide access to the "Alias" and "Tag" properties of StructuredDocumentTag objects.


    Currently, while structured document tags are available for a document, programmatic access to the title and tag properties for each structured document tag is not. The API only provides access to the paragraphs.

    Expected Behavior

    Each StructuredDocumentTag object provides Alias() and Tag() functions.

    for _, sdt := range doc.StructuredDocumentTags() {
        fmt.Printf("Alias: '%v'\n", sdt.Alias()) // returns an alias or empty string for the SDT
        fmt.Printf("Tag: '%v'\n", sdt.Tag()) // returns a tag or empty string for the SDT

    Actual Behavior

    No access to alias or tag for a structured document tag.

    Please include a reproducible code snippet or document attachment that demonstrates the issue.

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