Carbon for Golang, an extension for Time


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A simple extension for Time based on PHP's Carbon library.


  • Time is embedded into Carbon (provides access to all of Time's functionality)
  • Supports addition and subtraction of dates
  • Provides methods to compare dates
  • Supports date formatting in common formats
  • Easily calculate difference between dates
  • Ease testing with dates by using carbon.Freeze() and carbon.Now()

To do:

  • Implement all localization features as in Carbon
  • Improve the code style to be more idiomatic Go

Getting started

Install Carbon:

go get

Add to your imports to start using Carbon

import ""


A simple example to get you started:

package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Printf("Right now is %s\n", carbon.Now().DateTimeString())

	today, _ := carbon.NowInLocation("America/Vancouver")
	fmt.Printf("Right now in Vancouver is %s\n", today)

	fmt.Printf("Tomorrow is %s\n", carbon.Now().AddDay())
	fmt.Printf("Last week is %s\n", carbon.Now().SubWeek())

	nextOlympics, _ := carbon.CreateFromDate(2016, time.August, 5, "Europe/London")
	nextOlympics = nextOlympics.AddYears(4)
	fmt.Printf("Next olympics are in %d\n", nextOlympics.Year())

	if carbon.Now().IsWeekend() {
		fmt.Printf("Party time!")

You can also check the examples/ folder for more examples.


Please feel free to make suggestions, create issues, fork the repository and send pull requests!


Copyright 2016 UNIPLACES

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Add fallback when loading lang file

    Add fallback when loading lang file


    The lang files in the lang folder existed in the package, but when retrieved, it will search for the lang folder in the working directory (which is good, especially if you wanted to do some customization for the translations).
    This pull-request is intended to add a fallback logic for retrieving the lang file.

    Motivation and Context

    This is a possible action item for and Although, you could just copy the lang folder or any lang file you desire to solve the issue.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    I've added a unit-test to cover the case, but can only cater for negative test-case. Instead, I've tested at my local by pushing the changes into my forked repo, then testing with another go file with syntax:

    prevTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -3)
    registeredAt := carbon.NewCarbon(prevTime)
    currentTime := carbon.NewCarbon(time.Now())
    difference, err := registeredAt.DiffForHumans(currentTime, false, false, false)
    if err != nil {


    If the working directory does not have the lang file, it will check the downloaded/installed directory of the package from GoPath, then using the lang file from there.

  • Index out of range when using DiffForHumans function

    Index out of range when using DiffForHumans function

    Hey, I was going to use this wonderful function of yours called DIffForHumans but it turns out that It was crashing the application because of an index out of range error. The error says that it occurred while invoking the method chooseUnit for the translator which crashes when calling line 81:

    return strings.Replace(s[1], ":count", strconv.FormatInt(int64(count), 10), 1), nil

    I looked at the current translator that was associated with the carbon obtained through carbon.NewCarbon(time.Time) and the t.resources map was empty which could have been the cause of the index out of range error.

    I'm not sure if this is helpful for you guys but here's basically how I invoked the method:

    registeredAt := carbon.NewCarbon(comment.CreatedAt)
    currentTime := carbon.NewCarbon(time.Now())
    difference, err := registeredAt.DiffForHumans(currentTime,true,false,false)
    if err != nil {
    return difference

    My apologies if I misunderstood the way this method works or how I should use it, I'm still a little bit unexperienced.

  • The timestamp will change after calling the `carbon.CreateFromTimestampUTC()` method

    The timestamp will change after calling the `carbon.CreateFromTimestampUTC()` method

    unix := time.Now().UTC().Unix()
    utcTime, _ := carbon.CreateFromTimestampUTC(unix)
    if unix != utcTime.Unix() {
        fmt.Println(unix, utcTime.Unix())

    Why are unix and utcTime.Unix() not equal? I got 1543837131 1543865931

  • Add Carbon Period functionality

    Add Carbon Period functionality

    Adds a simple Carbon Period functionality that only accepts

    1. Start date
    2. period in days
    3. End date

    It returns an array of Carbon.

  • Incorrect daydatetime format string

    Incorrect daydatetime format string

    func TestTimestampFormat(t *testing.T)  {
    	c, err := carbon.CreateFromTimestamp(1624647416, "UTC")
    	assert.Nil(t, err)
    	assert.Equal(t, "Fri, Jun 25, 2021 6:56 PM", c.DayDateTimeString())

    The above timestamp is from june 25 6:56pm utc image

    Error:      	Not equal: 
            	            	expected: "Fri, Jun 25, 2021 6:56 PM"
            	            	actual  : "Fri, Aug 25, 2021 6:56 PM"
            	            	--- Expected
            	            	+++ Actual
            	            	@@ -1 +1 @@
            	            	-Fri, Jun 25, 2021 6:56 PM
            	            	+Fri, Aug 25, 2021 6:56 PM
            	Test:       	TestTimestampFormat

    Issue is due to wrong format string used in

    	DayDateTimeFormat   = "Mon, Aug 2, 2006 3:04 PM"
  • DiffInYears producing incorrect output

    DiffInYears producing incorrect output

    Hi, I've noticed DiffInYears seems to produce incorrect output, unless I'm mistaken.

    Test case:

    package main
    import (
    func TestCarbonDiffInYears(t *testing.T) {
        dob, _ := carbon.CreateFromDate(2000, time.June, 27, time.UTC.String())
        yesterday, _ := carbon.CreateFromDate(2016, time.June, 26, time.UTC.String())
        today, _ := carbon.CreateFromDate(2016, time.June, 27, time.UTC.String())
        tomorrow, _ := carbon.CreateFromDate(2016, time.June, 28, time.UTC.String())
        // Day before 16th birthday... Should be 15
        assert.Equal(t, int64(15), dob.DiffInYears(yesterday, true))
        // Day of 16th birthday
        assert.Equal(t, int64(16), dob.DiffInYears(today, true))
        // Day after 16th birthday
        assert.Equal(t, int64(16), dob.DiffInYears(tomorrow, true))


    $ go test -v
    === RUN   TestCarbonDiffInYears
    --- FAIL: TestCarbonDiffInYears (0.00s)
            Error Trace:    carbon_test.go:19
        Error:      Not equal:
                expected: 15
                received: 16
    exit status 1
    FAIL    0.011s
  • BUG: EndOfWeek may go to the next week when it is sunday!

    BUG: EndOfWeek may go to the next week when it is sunday!

  • [RFC] Change internal Time instead of creating new Carbon instance

    [RFC] Change internal Time instead of creating new Carbon instance

    Current version is creating a new carbon instance every time it needs to use Go's Time library for calculations. This PR makes it so the internal Time is changed in those instances.

  • vendor/ folder

    vendor/ folder

    (accidentally hit enter before I meant to, my bad)

    It's generally not good practice to vendor dependencies inside a library, Go itself doesn't really support nested vendor/ folders, and so anyone then vendoring carbon will either flatten, or remove the nested folder here :)

  • [RFC] Fix language, use go:embed

    [RFC] Fix language, use go:embed

    Use go:embed to not need to declare GOPATH and have language support.

    This way we can have access to the languages. However, It requires that we use go version above 1.16.

  • added null checks to NewCarbonInterval

    added null checks to NewCarbonInterval

    package main
    import ""
    func main() {
    	carbon.NewCarbonInterval(nil, nil)

    This simple code would panic because there are no null checks in NewCarbonInterval.

    According to Go Code Review Comments

    Error strings should not be capitalized (unless beginning with proper nouns or acronyms) or end with punctuation, since they are usually printed following other context.

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