Gorilla is a REST API template for efficient personal development, implemented based on the CleanArchitecture design philosophy.


Gorilla logo

I hope that by using Gorilla, you will be able to develop your projects more efficiently and speedily. - dj-hirrot -


The Gorilla Template is a REST API template for efficient personal development, implemented based on the CleanArchitecture design philosophy.


  • It's implemented with the CleanArchitecture design philosophy.
  • By annotating the functions, Swagger documentation can be generated automatically.
  • Mocks can be generated automatically based on the abstracted class.
  • It runs on a Docker container, and hot reloading by "fresh" is applied.
  • (CI has been introduced in GitHub Workflow).


Layer Description
./docker/api/* API Container
./docker/db/* DB Container. In this project, MySQL is used, but the hierarchy is divided so that other databases can be supported.
./docker/db/init.sql It will be placed and executed /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d when the container is started.
./docs/* Swagger Docs will be generated here. You can view it by accessing http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html with your browser.
./mocks/* The file generated by mockgen will be placed here. You can run tests on abstract classes.
./src/* The application
./src/domain/* Enterprise Business Rules
./src/usecase/* Application Business Rules
./src/interface/* Interface Adapters
./src/infrastructure/* Frameworks & Drivers

Swagger Preview

🍺 http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html 🍺 Swagger preview

Depends on:


Getting started

// The following commands will launch the API and DB containers respectively.
$ make run

// The following commands will stop the API and DB containers respectively.
$ make stop

// If you want to delete the mounted volume as well, execute the following command.
$ make remove

// Run the following command to test.
$ make test

// The following command will automatically generate the Swagger document.
$ make gswag
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