Data access layer for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL, SQLite and MongoDB with ORM-like features.

  • Make column name quoting optional or configurable

    Make column name quoting optional or configurable

    While I understand why this is happening by default it makes a bunch of Postgresql queries impossible.


    • GroupBy function - GROUP BY count(x) will not work, because count(x) will be put in quotes. If I stick db.Raw in GroupBy I get the whole string in curly brackets instead of quotes - still fails
    • Array search WHERE search_value = ANY(array_column) again, impossible, because either search value or function will be put in double quotes.
  • Prepared statements cache may grow up too much under certain situations

    Prepared statements cache may grow up too much under certain situations

    There seems to be something odd with prepared statements + MySQL which could mean we have another prepared statement leak.

    This is a followup of:

    It would be ideal to find a query that gives the actual number of prepared statements on different databases, and add that query to our testing.

  • Support ON CONFLICT clause

    Support ON CONFLICT clause

    @xiam can you please finish this PR?

    I started simple -- only for INSERTs -- and passing string instead of db.Raw or something. (We should support UPDATE too)

  • Open() to connect to multiple db servers

    Open() to connect to multiple db servers

    I really like the design of upper/db, it's super clean and minimal. However, I believe db.Open() should accept an array of settings objects. For example, it's common with mongodb to pass a bunch of hosts which are in a cluster and then the client will determine the master, etc. etc. I presume MySQL / Postgresl would have something similar in a master/slave arrangement. Thoughts?

  • Use id.ID() in save creation to work with uuids

    Use id.ID() in save creation to work with uuids

    Since uuids raw are byte arrays, the query for the inserted item will fail. This makes it impossible to save a record with a uuid (string) primary key

    The argument passed will be []interface {}{(*db.InsertResult)(0xc00041c070)} and the error will be incorrect binary data format

  • Go get certificate expired?

    Go get certificate expired?

    I'm currently getting this message when running dep ensure:

    ✗ unable to deduce repository and source type for "": unable to read metadata: unable to fetch raw metadata: failed HTTP request to URL "": Get x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid

    Below is my Gopkg.toml:

      version = "0.3"
      name = ""
      name = ""
      version = "v3.5.1"
      version = "v0.7.2"
      name = ""
      version = "v1.0.6"
      name = ""
      version = "v3.2.0"
      name = ""
      version = "0.2"
      name = ""
      version = "v2.3.0"
      name = ""
      name = ""
      revision = "614d502a4dac94afa3a6ce146bd1736da82514c6"
      name = ""
      revision = "a49cf4b98a36c2b21b1ccb012852bd142d5fc04a"
      name = ""
      revision = "a9457d81ec91fa6d538567f14c6138e9ce5a37fb"
      name = ""
      revision = "aafff18a5cc28fa0b2f26baf6a14472cda9b54c6"
      go-tests = true
      unused-packages = true
  • Sqlgen to provide a nice builder interface for any query

    Sqlgen to provide a nice builder interface for any query

    It would be cool if the sqlgen was more like: .. we could use it to build queries internally, but also expose it if someone wants to write their own crazy raw query

  • cockroachdb support

    cockroachdb support

    We should add support for via our existing postgresql work. Cockroachdb uses the postgres wire protocol, works with lib/pq, but also adds some of its own sql extensions.

  • db: support for simple pagination and cursor-based pagination

    db: support for simple pagination and cursor-based pagination

    Pagination lets you split the results of a query into chunks containing a fixed number of items.

    The PR here will add the same pagination tools for both db.Result and sqlbuilder.Selector.

    Simple pagination

    res = sess.Collection("posts").Paginate(20) // 20 results per page
    err = res.All(&posts) // First 20 results of the query
    err = res.Page(2).All(&posts) // Results from page 2 (limit 20, offset 40)

    Or with the SQL builder:

    q = sess.SelectFrom("posts").Paginate(20) 
    // same as above

    Cursor based pagination

    res = sess.Collection("posts").
      Paginate(20). // 20 results per page
      Cursor("id") // using id as cursor
    err = res.All(&posts) // First 20 results of the query
    // Get the next 20 results starting from the last item of the previous query.
    res = res.NextPage(posts[len(posts)-1].ID)
    err = res.All(&posts) // Results from page 1, limit 20, offset 20

    Other tools

    res = res.Paginate(23)
    totalNumberOfEntries, err = res.TotalEntries()
    totalNumberOfPages, err = res.TotalPages()

    The first page from a paginator is always 0.

  • Multiple Where() calls overwrite each other in query builder

    Multiple Where() calls overwrite each other in query builder

    I'm using v3.

    Example: db.Select("foo", "bar").From("table").Where("foo = 1").Where("bar = 2") will produce SELECT foo, bar FROM table WHERE bar = 2

  • Database defined default values don't update go values on save/update

    Database defined default values don't update go values on save/update

    To get primary key set on save you just leave it empty and tag it with pk,omitempty - this works just fine.

    What you can't do is get the same thing to happen for fields that are not primary key:

    Let's say I've got a struct:

    type data struct{
        Id          int64 `db:"id,pk,omitempty"`
        CreatedAt   *time.Time `db:"created_at,omitempty"`

    that gets saved to a table

    CREATE SEQUENCE data_id_seq
        START WITH 1
        INCREMENT BY 1
        CACHE 1;
    CREATE TABLE data (
        id bigint DEFAULT nextval('data_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
        created_at timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL

    after saving data struct will have Id set to the next value of db sequence, but CreatedAt will remain nil despite the fact it too has been set to a default value defined in the db.

    I think we need one more tag: dbprovided, dbdefault or something along those lines that will add those fields to RETURNING part of SQL query and make the update happen.

    The example is for creation, but it can easily apply to update as well.

  • Roll back transaction on failed ExecContext

    Roll back transaction on failed ExecContext

    Adds a call to sqlTx.Rollback() when an error is returned from compat.ExecContext in the SQLite adapter. This addresses #669 SQLite Adapter doesn't roll back transaction on error, which I ran into while writing a SQLite-backed web app.

    This seems to have also addressed - I was able to remove the case that skipped the test for SQLite.

  • Sharing connections between goroutines

    Sharing connections between goroutines


    We're building an API using net/http (server) and (router) and have some difficulties understanding how to best manage open connections in an efficient way using upper/db for mysql.

    I believe the underlying sql/database module manages a pool of connections that each goroutine can use when needed and then release it back to the pool for others to use. However, when running the following code in a stress test, we see some weird behavior.

    According to your documentation, we should start a session (open an actual connection) and then specify pool configuration details like max open connections, max idle connection, and connection max idle time which seems a bit weird to do that on an open/active session (connection).

    After the session (connection) has been established, it's assigned to the global DB variable and used throughout the application including goroutines.

    The weird behavior is that under stress, upper sometimes log slow queries - which is fine. However, each log statement includes information about the session in use. All of our logs state that a given query was slow for the session with id 00001. Given that our max open connections is set to 10, I would expect to see different session id's between 00001-00010. It seems like the same session is always being used and not balanced between a pool of 10-15 connections.

    I've tried opening the connection (session) in each router handler (goroutine) but we don't want to open too many connections to the database.

    I know that something is wrong with my code and my understanding, but I haven't been able to find any good answers, so... I hope someone can help!

    import (
    var DB db.Session
    func init() {
    	databaseSettings := mysql.ConnectionURL{
    		Host:     "host",
    		Database: "database",
    		User:     "user",
    		Password: "password",
    	session, err := mysql.Open(databaseSettings) // this actually opens a connection!
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Fatalln("Cant connect to database")
    	session.SetConnMaxIdleTime(time.Minute * 10)
    	DB = session
    func main() {
    	router := mux.NewRouter()
    	router.HandleFunc("/path", Index).Methods("GET")
    	server := &http.Server{
    		Handler:      router,
    		Addr:         ":8080",
    		ReadTimeout:  time.Second * 5,
    		WriteTimeout: time.Second * 60 * 2,
    	if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
    // This function is called within it's own goroutine
    func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    	// Dont mind the actual query, it's just to show the connection in use
    	iterator := DB.SQL().Select("table.column").From("table").Iterator()
    	defer iterator.Close()
    	// Scan and more etc.
    	fmt.Fprintf(w, "OK")
  • argument not replaced when inside subquery

    argument not replaced when inside subquery

    I have a query in this form

    SELECT ...
    FROM  ...
    JOIN (SELECT ...
              FROM ...
              WHERE ... IN ? )

    I've tried running it with Query(argSlice) or even with a prepared statement but the ? is never replaced with the contents of argSlice. I also tried bulding subqueries with chained methods with no success.

    Is there a better way of doing this?


  • SQLite Adapter doesn't roll back transaction on error

    SQLite Adapter doesn't roll back transaction on error

    In the SQLite adapter's StatementExec method, the opened transaction doesn't get rolled back if compat.ExecContext returns an error. This came up in a personal project after hitting a constraint violation - all further write calls to the DB would return database is locked errors until I restarted the application.

    I was able to reproduce the behavior using this test:

    package db_test
    import (
    type A struct {
    	A int64 `db:"a"`
    type B struct {
    	B int64 `db:"b"`
    func checkErr(t *testing.T, err error) {
    	if err != nil {
    func TestDatabaseIsLocked(t *testing.T) {
    	dbFile := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "test.db")
    	// Open DB
    	sess, err := sqlite.Open(sqlite.ConnectionURL{
    		Database: dbFile,
    		Options: map[string]string{
    			"foreign_keys": "on",
    	checkErr(t, err)
    	defer sess.Close()
    	// Set up scenario
    	checkErr(t, err)
    	_, err = sess.Collection("table1").Insert(&A{1})
    	checkErr(t, err)
    	checkErr(t, err)
    	_, err = sess.Collection("table2").Insert(&B{2})
    	checkErr(t, err)
    	// Trigger constraint violation on table 1
    	_, err = sess.Collection("table1").Insert(&A{1})
    	if err.(sqlite3.Error).Code != sqlite3.ErrConstraint {
    	// Run tests
    	t.Run("Read from table 1", testReadTable1(sess))
    	t.Run("Read from table 2", testReadTable2(sess))
    	t.Run("Insert into table 1", testInsertTable1(sess))
    	t.Run("Insert into table 2", testInsertTable2(sess))
    func testReadTable1(sess db.Session) func(t *testing.T) {
    	return func(t *testing.T) {
    		err := sess.Collection("table1").Find().One(new(A))
    		if err != nil {
    func testReadTable2(sess db.Session) func(t *testing.T) {
    	return func(t *testing.T) {
    		err := sess.Collection("table2").Find().One(new(B))
    		if err != nil {
    func testInsertTable1(sess db.Session) func(t *testing.T) {
    	return func(t *testing.T) {
    		_, err := sess.Collection("table1").Insert(&A{3})
    		if err != nil {
    func testInsertTable2(sess db.Session) func(t *testing.T) {
    	return func(t *testing.T) {
    		_, err := sess.Collection("table2").Insert(&B{3})
    		if err != nil {

    with the following output:

    ~/src/emm035/playground $ go test -v -count 1 .
    --- FAIL: TestActions (20.81s)
        --- FAIL: TestActions/Insert_into_table_1 (10.39s)
            db_test.go:85: database is locked
        --- FAIL: TestActions/Insert_into_table_2 (10.41s)
            db_test.go:94: database is locked
    FAIL  23.884s

    Adding a rollback statement to the error handling branch here seemed to stop the locking in my application and the test is passing:

    ~/src/emm035/playground $ go test -v -count 1 .
    ok  0.114s

    I'd be more than happy to submit a PR with the change, but wanted to make sure this is fixing the actual problem and not just obscuring another issue 🙂

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