Go library for accessing the Reddit API.

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go-reddit is a Go client library for accessing the Reddit API.

You can view Reddit's official API documentation here.


To get a specific version from the list of versions:

go get github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit/[email protected]

Or for the latest version:

go get github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit/v2

The repository structure for managing multiple major versions follows the one outlined here.


Make sure to have a Reddit app with a valid client id and secret. Here is a quick guide on how to create an app and get credentials.

package main

import "github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit/v2/reddit"

func main() {
    credentials := reddit.Credentials{ID: "id", Secret: "secret", Username: "username", Password: "password"}
    client, _ := reddit.NewClient(credentials)

You can pass in a number of options to NewClient to further configure the client (see reddit/reddit-options.go). For example, to use a custom HTTP client:

httpClient := &http.Client{Timeout: time.Second * 30}
client, _ := reddit.NewClient(credentials, reddit.WithHTTPClient(httpClient))

Read-Only Mode

The DefaultClient method returns a valid, read-only client with limited access to the Reddit API, much like a logged out user. You can initialize your own and configure it further using options via NewReadonlyClient:

client, _ := reddit.NewReadonlyClient()


Configure the client from environment variables. When using this option, it's ok to pass an empty struct for the credentials.
client, _ := reddit.NewClient(reddit.Credentials{}, reddit.FromEnv)
Submit a comment.
comment, _, err := client.Comment.Submit(context.Background(), "t3_postid", "comment body")
if err != nil {
    return err
fmt.Printf("Comment permalink: %s\n", comment.Permalink)
Upvote a post.
_, err := client.Post.Upvote(context.Background(), "t3_postid")
if err != nil {
    return err
Get r/golang's top 5 posts of all time.
posts, _, err := client.Subreddit.TopPosts(context.Background(), "golang", &reddit.ListPostOptions{
    ListOptions: reddit.ListOptions{
        Limit: 5,
    Time: "all",
if err != nil {
    return err
fmt.Printf("Received %d posts.\n", len(posts))

More examples are available in the examples folder.


The package design is heavily inspired from Google's GitHub API client and DigitalOcean's API client.


Contributions are welcome! For any bug reports/feature requests, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

  • undefined: `reddit.DefaultClient` and `reddit.NewDefaultClient`

    undefined: `reddit.DefaultClient` and `reddit.NewDefaultClient`

    For some reason I can't access these? Weird, cause reddit.NewClient works

    Steps to Reproduce

    Set up Project

    $ mkdir repro-go-reddit-bug
    $ cd repro-go-reddit-bug
    $ go mod init github.com/bbkane/repro-go-reddit-bug
    $ go get github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit

    Contents of go.mod:

    $ cat go.mod
    module github.com/bbkane/repro-go-reddit-bug
    go 1.15
    require github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit v1.0.0

    Add the following main.go:

    $ cat main.go
    package main
    import "github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit/reddit"
    func main() {
    	_, _ = reddit.NewReadonlyClient()

    Run Project, See Error

    $ go run main.go
    # command-line-arguments
    ./main.go:6:9: undefined: reddit.NewReadonlyClient

    Go Version

    $ go version
    go version go1.15.1 darwin/amd64
  • 401 Unauthorized

    401 Unauthorized

    I can't seem to get a basic auth going using Client ID, Client Secret, Username and Password. Any ideas why? I verified and I'm 100% sure I'm setting the right values.

  • Push release

    Push release

    It seems that go-reddit has progressed a lot since version 1.0.0, which is the version automatically downloaded when using go modules. Could you push another release? It has been over a 100 commits since 1.0.0 was release.

  • badger badger Blocked because of go-reddit and golang changes

    badger badger Blocked because of go-reddit and golang changes

    Howdy All y'all,

    I'm looking for a little help in how to avoid the "badger badger" or "Blocked" issue that comes when using a golang version > 16 with go-reddit. Here is some background information:

    • https://www.slurdge.org/post/2022-05-13-the-strange-case-of-golang-reddit-rss/
    • https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/uncu00/go_golang_clients_getting_403_blocked_responses/

    I'm hoping that someone will lend me a hand crafting my normal call to this API:

    sr, _, err := reddit.DefaultClient().Subreddit.Get(ctx, subreddit)

    and turn off TLS.

    Any help you can provide is very much appreciated!

  • Add Subreddit Comment Support

    Add Subreddit Comment Support


    • Added functions to subreddit.go to support fetching comments via Listing
    • Fetched some test-data from /r/golang/comments.json for basic unit test
      • Initially 100 comments, but reduced to 5
    • Added consumer method to stream.go to produce a stream of comments from a subreddit using this method
    • Copied post stream unit test logic to comment stream
  • Update README.md with link to go-reddit importers

    Update README.md with link to go-reddit importers

    In regards to https://github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit/issues/7 : not a section but a sentence with a link :) . Full disclosure, this isn't entirely selfless - I'd like grabbit in front of more eyes, but I think it's a good idea for go-reddit too.

  • REQUEST: Add a

    REQUEST: Add a "projects using go-reddit" section

    I know of no easy way to find projects using other projects; it'd be neat to have a list -- even if not comprehensive -- of utilities using this library. Maybe you could open a wiki page and accept PRs against a project list?

  • Unable to download: package github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit: no Go files in /home/<username>/go/src/github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit

    Unable to download: package github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit: no Go files in /home//go/src/github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit

    Whenever I try to download go-reddit using the command go get github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit, I get the following error: package github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit: no Go files in /home/<username>/go/src/github.com/vartanbeno/go-reddit.

    I've tried about every fix that I can think of, including reinstalling go a couple times. I am running Ubuntu 20.04, GNU/Linux 5.4.0-58-generic. I am able to install other packages from Github.

  • Retriving user description / user subreddit

    Retriving user description / user subreddit

    I need to retrieve a user description, but I did not find anything in the docs about it. It would be nice feature.

    This is how its done in praw https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/j3atzn/is_there_a_way_to_retrieve_description_of_a_user/

  • Add Subreddit Comment Support

    Add Subreddit Comment Support


    • Added functions to subreddit.go to support fetching comments via Listing
    • Fetched some test-data from /r/golang/comments.json for basic unit test
      • Initially 100 comments, but reduced to 5
    • Added consumer method to stream.go to produce a stream of comments from a subreddit using this method
    • Copied post stream unit test logic to comment stream
  • 403 Forbidden

    403 Forbidden

    When I tried, the bellow code i got 403 error, Can any one tell me why this is happening and how can I fix this issue?

            package main
            import (
            func main() {
    	        ctx := context.Background()
    	        client, err := reddit.NewReadonlyClient()
    	        if err != nil {
    		        fmt.Println("Error from reddit.NewReadonlyClient()", err)
    	        listOpts := &reddit.ListOptions{
    		        Limit: 10, // always 100, so we can filter out without extra logic; if this is ever > 100, use resp.After
    	        data, res, err := client.Subreddit.HotPosts(ctx, "AnimalsBeingBros", listOpts)
  • searchpost params error

    searchpost params error

    if i want go subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/search btc, all data.

    client.Subreddit.SearchPosts(ctx, "", "btc", &reddit.ListPostSearchOptions{
    			ListPostOptions: reddit.ListPostOptions{
    				ListOptions: reddit.ListOptions{
    					Limit: limit,
    					After: after,

    i got empty []. but in https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/search has datas.

  • OAuth: server response missing access token

    OAuth: server response missing access token

    Unluckily, #18 did not help me. 2FA is disabled, I triple checked my username/password/ID/secret but I still get the error

    Get "https://oauth.reddit.com/r/itookapicture/top?limit=1&t=today": oauth2: server response missing access_token
    click me to see the request that is sent
          "User":"*net/url.Userinfo nil",
       "Body":"io.ReadCloser nil",
       "TransferEncoding":[]"string len":0,
       "Form":"net/url.Values nil",
       "PostForm":"net/url.Values nil",
       "MultipartForm":"*mime/multipart.Form nil",
       "Trailer":"net/http.Header nil",
       "TLS":"*crypto/tls.ConnectionState nil",
       "Cancel":"<-chan struct"{
       "Response":"*net/http.Response nil",
       "ctx":context.Context(*context.emptyCtx) *0

    I noticed that the User field is nil. Is that the intended behavior? I'm initializing the client like this:

    id := "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    secret := "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    user := "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    password := "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    credentials := reddit.Credentials{ID: id, Secret: secret, Username: user, Password: password}
    client, err := reddit.NewClient(credentials)
    if err != nil {
    posts, _, err := client.Subreddit.TopPosts(context.Background(), "itookapicture", &reddit.ListPostOptions{
    	ListOptions: reddit.ListOptions{
    		Limit: 1,
    	Time: "today",
    if err != nil {

    I tried to track down where this error comes from and the call stack seems to be:


    but I have no clue where inside client#do the error happens (set breakpoints at every return but they don't trigger). Thus, I am not quite sure if this is caused by misuse on my end, an error in go-reddit or (rather unlikely) in client.go.

  • checksum 2.0.0 release changed

    checksum 2.0.0 release changed

    What happened to the 2.0.0 release?

    The checksum has changed. Has this release been compromised?


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