Easy creation of review tasks for the Jira with a Discord notifications.


Easy creation of review tasks for the Jira with a Discord notifications.

Any ideas and help are welcome


  1. Install
go install github.com/vasylNaumenko/ej@latest
  1. Fill a configuration file ~/.ej.config.yaml using as example .ej.config.example.yaml

Command get can provide some helpful information:

ej get [command]

Available Commands:
  projects    returns a list of projects
  reviewers   returns a reviewers list from the configuration file
  users       returns a list of users


ej review -h
Creates the tasks for for review of yours merge request.
		review [issue-id] [MR link] -t=tag1,tag2 (creates tasks for the tag1 and the tag2 assignees)
		review [issue-id] [MR link] -t=tag1 -r=1  (creates tasks for the tag1 assignee and plus a random one)
		review [issue-id] [MR link] -r=2  (creates tasks for the 2 random reviewers)

  ej review [flags]

  -h, --help          help for review
  -r, --random int    random assignees count: -r=2 (takes random 2 assignee from a reviewers list)
  -t, --tags string   assignees tags: -t=[tag1,tag2,...]

You can combine tags and random assignee choise.

For example flags -t=n1,n2 -r=2 will create tasks for the users n1 and n2 plus it creates tasks for additional two random users.


Default configuration path is ~/.ej.config.yaml

You can specify a configuration file path with a flag:

Vasyl Naumenko
go, php & javascript
Vasyl Naumenko
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