VectorSQL is a free analytics DBMS for IoT & Big Data, compatible with ClickHouse.

NOTICE: This project have moved to fuse-query

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VectorSQL is a free analytics DBMS for IoT & Big Data, compatible with ClickHouse.


  • High Performance
  • High Scalability
  • High Reliability


$git clone
$cd vectorsql
$make build
$./bin/vectorsql-server -c conf/vectorsql-default.toml
 2020/01/27 19:02:39.245654    	 [DEBUG] 	Database->Attach Table:system.tables, engine:SYSTEM_TABLES <attachTable@database_system.go:116>
 2020/01/27 19:02:39.245670    	 [DEBUG] 	Database->Attach Table:system.databases, engine:SYSTEM_DATABASES <attachTable@database_system.go:116>
 2020/01/27 19:02:39.245680    	 [INFO] 	Database->Load Database:system <[email protected]:110>
 2020/01/27 19:02:39.245794    	 [INFO] 	Listening for connections with native protocol (tcp)::9000 <[email protected]:33>
 2020/01/27 19:02:39.245806    	 [INFO] 	Servers start... <[email protected]:62>


  • clickhouse-client
$clickhouse-client --compression=0
VectorSQL :) SELECT SUM(IF(status!=200, 1, 0)) AS errors, SUM(IF(status=200, 1, 0)) as success, (errors/COUNT(server)) AS error_rate,(success/COUNT(server)) as success_rate, (SUM(response_time)/COUNT(server)) AS load_avg, MIN(response_time), MAX(response_time), path, server FROM logmock(rows->15) GROUP BY server, path HAVING errors>0 ORDER BY server ASC, load_avg DESC;

    SUM(IF(status != 200, 1, 0)) AS errors, 
    SUM(IF(status = 200, 1, 0)) AS success, 
    errors / COUNT(server) AS error_rate, 
    success / COUNT(server) AS success_rate, 
    SUM(response_time) / COUNT(server) AS load_avg, 
FROM logmock(rows -> 15)
HAVING errors > 0
    server ASC, 
    load_avg DESC

│      2 │       1 │     0.6667 │       0.3333 │       12 │                 10 │                 13 │ /login │ │
│      1 │       5 │     0.1667 │       0.8333 │  11.1667 │                 10 │                 12 │ /index │ │
│      1 │       3 │       0.25 │         0.75 │    11.25 │                 10 │                 14 │ /index │ │
│      1 │       1 │        0.5 │          0.5 │       11 │                 10 │                 12 │ /login │ │
↓ Progress: 0.00 rows, 0.00 B (0.00 rows/s., 0.00 B/s.) 
4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec. 
  • http-client
curl -XPOST -d "SELECT SUM(IF(status!=200, 1, 0)) AS errors, SUM(IF(status=200, 1, 0)) as success, (errors/COUNT(server)) AS error_rate,(success/COUNT(server)) as success_rate, (SUM(response_time)/COUNT(server)) AS load_avg, MIN(response_time), MAX(response_time), path, server FROM logmock(rows->15) GROUP BY server, path HAVING errors>0 ORDER BY server ASC, load_avg DESC"
2	1	0.6667	0.3333	12.0000	10	13	/login
1	5	0.1667	0.8333	11.1667	10	12	/index
1	3	0.2500	0.7500	11.2500	10	14	/index
1	1	0.5000	0.5000	11.0000	10	12	/login

Query Language Features

Query language Current version Future versions Example
Scans by Value + + SELECT a,b
Scans by Expression + + SELECT IF(a>2,a,b),SUM(a)
Filter by Value + + WHERE a>10
Filter by Expression + + WHERE a>(b+10)
Group-Aggregate by Value + + GROUP BY a
Group-Aggregate by Expression + + GROUP BY (a+1)
Group-Having by Value + + HAVING count_a>2
Group-Having by Expression + + HAVING (count_a+1)>2
Order by Value + + ORDER BY a desc
Order by Expression + + ORDER BY (a+b)
Window Functions - +
Common Table Expressions - +
Join - +


  • Dataset: 10,000,000 (10 Million)
  • Hardware: 16vCPUx16G KVM Cloud Instance
  • Benchmark
Query Cost(second)
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM testdata 0.269s
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM testdata WHERE id!=0 0.438s
SELECT SUM(data1) FROM testdata 0.287s
SELECT SUM(data1) AS sum, COUNT(data1) AS count, sum/count AS avg FROM testdata 1.814s
SELECT MAX(id), MIN(id) FROM testdata 0.473s
SELECT COUNT(data1) AS count, data1 FROM testdata GROUP BY data1 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 0.728s
SELECT email FROM testdata WHERE email like '%[email protected]%' LIMIT 1 0.076s
SELECT COUNT(email) FROM testdata WHERE email like '%[email protected]%' 1.470s
SELECT data1 AS x, x - 1, x - 2, x - 3, count(data1) AS c FROM testdata GROUP BY x, x - 1, x - 2, x - 3 ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10 2.396s



  • clickhouse-client connection time out

    clickhouse-client connection time out

    my docker clickhouse-client:

    leo@LEO MINGW64 ~/Desktop
    $ winpty docker run -it yandex/clickhouse-client --host --compression=0
    ClickHouse client version (official build).
    Connecting to as user default.
    Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout exceeded while reading from socket (

    server log:

     2020/02/29 15:39:22.557296      [INFO]         Memory InUse: 3.3 MB    Alloc: 2.1 MB    Sys: 7.2 MB <[email protected]:80>
     2020/02/29 15:39:32.558532      [INFO]         Memory InUse: 3.3 MB    Alloc: 2.1 MB    Sys: 7.2 MB <[email protected]:80>
     2020/02/29 15:39:42.557965      [INFO]         Memory InUse: 3.3 MB    Alloc: 2.1 MB    Sys: 7.2 MB <[email protected]:80>
     2020/02/29 15:39:42.798833      [DEBUG]        Receive client hello:&{ClientName:ClickHouse client ClientVersionMajor:20 ClientVersionMinor:1 ClientRevision:54431 Database: User:default Password:} <processHello@tcp_hello.go:49>
     2020/02/29 15:39:42.799832      [ERROR]        EOF, *errors.errorString <handle@tcp_handler.go:71>
     2020/02/29 15:39:52.557393      [INFO]         Memory InUse: 3.3 MB    Alloc: 2.1 MB    Sys: 7.2 MB <[email protected]:80>
     2020/02/29 15:40:02.557775      [INFO]         Memory InUse: 3.3 MB    Alloc: 2.1 MB    Sys: 7.2 MB <[email protected]:80>
  • src\base\xlog\xlog.go:52:12: undefined: syslog.New

    src\base\xlog\xlog.go:52:12: undefined: syslog.New

    $ go build -v -o bin/vectorsql-server src/cmd/server.go
    # base/xlog
    src\base\xlog\xlog.go:52:12: undefined: syslog.New
    src\base\xlog\xlog.go:52:23: undefined: syslog.LOG_DEBUG
  • sqlparser: add format clause support

    sqlparser: add format clause support

    With this pr, this works

    VectorSQL :) select * from randtable(rows->10, c1->'UInt32', c2->'String') format TSKV;
    SELECT *
    FROM randtable(rows -> 10, c1 -> 'UInt32', c2 -> 'String')
    c1=6	c2=string-2
    c1=1	c2=string-9
    c1=6	c2=string-0
    c1=3	c2=string-6
    c1=9	c2=string-1
    c1=2	c2=string-5
    c1=5	c2=string-0
    c1=7	c2=string-9
    c1=8	c2=string-8
    c1=4	c2=string-3
    → Progress: 0.00 rows, 0.00 B (0.00 rows/s., 0.00 B/s.)
    10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.050 sec.
  • I tried vectorsql and this is what happened.

    I tried vectorsql and this is what happened.

    I just tried it out of curiosity. I assume that this is just a development prototype, so no real expectations. Sorry to bother.

    git clone
    cd vectorsql
    make build
    ./bin/vectorsql-server -c conf/vectorsql-default.toml
    clickhouse-client --compression 0
    # Cannot load data for command line suggestions: Code: 0, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . Every derived table must have its own alias at position 849 near 'where'. (version
    VectorSQL :) SELECT 1
    SELECT 1
    Received exception from server (version 19.17.1):
    Code: 0. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . Couldn't find table:dual storage.
    │ system │ SYSTEM │ data9000/data/system │ data9000/metadata/system │
    1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) SHOW TABLES FROM system
    │ databases │
    │ numbers   │
    │ tables    │
    3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) SELECT count() FROM system.numbers
    SELECT count()
    FROM system.numbers
    ↙ Progress: 3.00 rows, 155.00 B (4.10 thousand rows/s., 212.08 KB/s.)  99%
    Received exception from server (version 19.17.1):
    Code: 0. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . Unsupported Expression:COUNT. 
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.014 sec.
    VectorSQL :) SELECT count(*) FROM system.numbers
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM system.numbers
    Exception on client:
    Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection reset by peer, while reading from socket ( while receiving packet from localhost:9000
    Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
    Connected to VectorSQL server version 19.17.1 revision 54428.
    fatal error: runtime: out of memory
    runtime stack:
    runtime.throw(0x9ad671, 0x16)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/panic.go:617 +0x72
    runtime.sysMap(0xca68000000, 0x1f28000000, 0xe546f8)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:170 +0xc7
    runtime.(*mheap).sysAlloc(0xe36e40, 0x1f26286000, 0xe36e50, 0xf93143)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/malloc.go:633 +0x1cd
    runtime.(*mheap).grow(0xe36e40, 0xf93143, 0x0)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mheap.go:1222 +0x42
    runtime.(*mheap).allocSpanLocked(0xe36e40, 0xf93143, 0xe54708, 0x7f6100000000)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mheap.go:1150 +0x37f
    runtime.(*mheap).alloc_m(0xe36e40, 0xf93143, 0x100, 0x7f614d7f9dc8)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mheap.go:977 +0xc2
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mheap.go:1048 +0x4c
    runtime.(*mheap).alloc(0xe36e40, 0xf93143, 0xc000010100, 0xc0005e4900)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/mheap.go:1047 +0x8a
    runtime.largeAlloc(0x1f262849b8, 0xc000020001, 0xdc7201)
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/malloc.go:1055 +0x99
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/malloc.go:950 +0x46
            /usr/lib/go-1.12/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:351 +0x66
    VectorSQL :) SELECT count(*) FROM system.numbers
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM system.numbers
    Exception on client:
    Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection reset by peer, while reading from socket ( while receiving packet from localhost:9000

    Let's try with clickhouse-cli:

    $ pip3 install clickhouse-cli
    $ clickhouse-cli
    clickhouse-cli version: 0.3.6
    Connecting to
    Error: Request failed: `SELECT version();` query failed.

    Let's try HTTP interface:

    $ curl http://localhost:8123/ -d 'SELECT count() FROM system.numbers'
    Unsupported Expression:COUNT
    $ curl http://localhost:8123/ -d 'SELECT count(*) FROM system.numbers'
    $ curl http://localhost:8123/ -d 'SELECT count(*) FROM system.numbers'
    $ curl http://localhost:8123/ -d 'SELECT count(*) FROM system.numbers'

    Returns immediately, server prints panic.

    VectorSQL :) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (x UInt64);
        `x` UInt64
    Received exception from server (version 19.17.1):
    Code: 0. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . syntax error at position 23 near 'table'. 
    VectorSQL :) CREATE DATABASE test
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) USE test
    USE test
    Exception on client:
    Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused (localhost:9000)
    Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
    Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused (localhost:9000)

    Server crashed.

    benchmark$ ./
    Received exception from server (version 19.17.1):
    Code: 0. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . database:benchmark doesn't exists.
    rm: cannot remove 'data.tsv': No such file or directory
    clickhouse-client: ../src/DataStreams/ParallelParsingBlockInputStream.cpp:190: void DB::ParallelParsingBlockInputStream::parserThreadFunction(DB::ThreadGroupStatusPtr, size_t): Assertion `unit.is_last || !unit.block_ext.block.empty()' failed.
    ./ line 3: 15092 Broken pipe             cat data.tsv
         15093 Aborted                 (core dumped) | clickhouse-client --compression=0 --database=benchmark --query="insert into testdata FORMAT TabSeparated"
    | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM testdata | 0.001s |
    | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM testdata WHERE id!=0 | 0.001s |
    | SELECT SUM(data1) FROM testdata | 0.001s |
    | SELECT SUM(data1) AS sum, COUNT(data1) AS count, sum/count AS avg FROM testdata | 0.001s |
    | SELECT MAX(id), MIN(id) FROM testdata | 0.001s |
    | SELECT COUNT(data1) AS count, data1 FROM testdata GROUP BY data1 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 | 0.001s |
    | SELECT email FROM testdata WHERE email like '%[email protected]%' LIMIT 1 | 0.001s |
    | SELECT COUNT(email) FROM testdata WHERE email like '%[email protected]%' | 0.001s |
    | SELECT data1 AS x, x - 1, x - 2, x - 3, count(data1) AS c FROM testdata GROUP BY x, x - 1, x - 2, x - 3 ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10 | 0.001s |

    Benchmark works Ok.

    But server does not return any data:

    milovidov@milovidov-desktop:~/work/vectorsql/benchmark$ clickhouse-client --compression 0
    ClickHouse client version
    Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
    Connected to VectorSQL server version 19.17.1 revision 54428.
    ClickHouse server version is older than ClickHouse client. It may indicate that the server is out of date and can be upgraded.
    Cannot load data for command line suggestions: Code: 0, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . Every derived table must have its own alias at position 849 near 'where'. (version
    VectorSQL :) USE test
    USE test
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) SHOW TABLES
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) USE benchmark
    USE benchmark
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) SHOW TABLES
    │ testdata │
    1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) SELECT count() FROM testdata
    SELECT count()
    FROM testdata
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) SELECT count(*) FROM testdata
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM testdata
    Exception on client:
    Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection reset by peer, while reading from socket ( while receiving packet from localhost:9000
    Connecting to database benchmark at localhost:9000 as user default.
    Connected to VectorSQL server version 19.17.1 revision 54428.
    ClickHouse server version is older than ClickHouse client. It may indicate that the server is out of date and can be upgraded.
    VectorSQL :) SELECT count(ID) FROM testdata
    SELECT count(ID)
    FROM testdata
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec. 
    VectorSQL :) Bye.
    milovidov@milovidov-desktop:~/work/vectorsql/benchmark$ clickhouse-client --compression 0 --query "SELECT count(ID) FROM testdata"
    Received exception from server (version 19.17.1):
    Code: 0. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. . Couldn't find table:testdata storage. 
    milovidov@milovidov-desktop:~/work/vectorsql/benchmark$ clickhouse-client --compression 0 --database benchmark --query "SELECT count(ID) FROM testdata"
    milovidov@milovidov-desktop:~/work/vectorsql/benchmark$ clickhouse-client --compression 0 --database benchmark --query "SELECT count(ID) FROM testdata"
  • [feature] implement CASE expression

    [feature] implement CASE expression



    CASE <cond>
      WHEN <condval1> THEN <expr1>
      [ WHEN <condvalx> THEN <exprx> ] ...
      [ ELSE <expr2> ]

    For example:

    SELECT CustomerName, City, Country
    FROM Customers
        WHEN City IS NULL THEN Country
        ELSE City
  • [feature] implement WITH (Common Table Expressions)

    [feature] implement WITH (Common Table Expressions)


    MySQL 8.0 CTE:

      cte1 AS (SELECT a, b FROM table1),
      cte2 AS (SELECT c, d FROM table2)
    SELECT b, d FROM cte1 JOIN cte2
    WHERE cte1.a = cte2.c;

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