💧 Visual Data Preparation (VDP) is an open-source tool to seamlessly integrate Vision AI with the modern data stack

Instill AI - Visual Data Preparation Made for All

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Visual Data Preparation (VDP) is an open-source tool to streamline the end-to-end visual data processing pipeline:

  1. Ingest unstructured visual data from data sources such as data lakes or IoT devices;
  2. Transform visual data to meaningful structured data representations by Vision AI models;
  3. Load the structured data into warehouses, applications, or other destinations.

The goal of VDP is to seamlessly bring Vision AI into the modern data stack with a standardised framework. Check our blog post Missing piece in modern data stack: visual data preparation on how this tool is proposed to streamline unstructured visual data processing across different stakeholders.

Table of contents

Code in the main branch tracks under-development progress towards the next release and may not work as expected. If you are looking for a stable alpha version, please use latest release.

How VDP works

The core concept of VDP is pipeline. A pipeline is an end-to-end workflow that automates a sequence of tasks to process visual data. Each pipeline consists of three ordered components:

  1. data source: where the pipeline starts. It connects the source of image and video data to be processed.
  2. model: a deployed Vision AI model to process the ingested visual data and generate structured outputs
  3. data destination: where to send the structured outputs

Based on the mode of a pipeline, it will ingest and process the visual data, send the outputs to the destination every time the trigger event occurs.

We use data connector as a general term to represent data source and data destination. Please find the supported data connectors here.

Quick start

Download and run VDP locally

Execute the following commands to start pre-built images with all the dependencies:

$ git clone https://github.com/instill-ai/vdp.git && cd vdp

# Build instill/vdp:dev local development image
$ make build

# Launch all services.
$ make all

⚠️ Downloading the Triton server image will take a while, but it should be just a one-time effort.

Run the samples to trigger an object detection pipeline

We provide sample codes on how to build and trigger an object detection pipeline. Run it with the local VDP:

$ cd examples-go

# Download a YOLOv4 ONNX model for object detection task (GPU not required)
$ curl -o yolov4-onnx-cpu.zip https://artifacts.instill.tech/vdp/sample-models/yolov4-onnx-cpu.zip

# [optional] Download a test image or use your own images
$ curl -o dog.jpg https://artifacts.instill.tech/dog.jpg

# Deploy the model
$ go run deploy-model/main.go --model-path yolov4-onnx-cpu.zip --model-name yolov4

# Test the model
$ go run test-model/main.go --model-name yolov4 --test-image dog.jpg

# Create an object detection pipeline
$ go run create-pipeline/main.go --pipeline-name hello-pipeline --model-name yolov4

# Trigger the pipeline by using the same test image
$ go run trigger-pipeline/main.go --pipeline-name hello-pipeline --test-image dog.jpg

Create a pipeline with your own models

Please follow the guideline "Prepare your own model to deploy on VDP ". Based on the above sample codes, you can deploy a prepared model and create your own pipeline.

Clean up

To clean up all running services:

$ make prune


The gRPC protocols in protobufs provide the single source of truth for the VDP APIs. To view the generated OpenAPI spec on http://localhost:3000:

$ make doc

Community support

For general help using VDP, you can use one of these channels:

  • GitHub (bug reports, feature requests, project discussions and contributions)
  • Discord (live discussion with the community and the Instill AI Team)


See the LICENSE file for licensing information.

Instill AI
Visual data preparation made for all - Empower modern data stack, tapping the value of unstructured visual data with our open source community.
Instill AI
  • any default value for .env?

    any default value for .env?

    any example value for .env ?

    if missing , displayed some warning messages as following

    WARNING: The TRITONCONDAENV_IMAGE_TAG variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    WARNING: The TRITONSERVER_IMAGE_TAG variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    WARNING: The REDIS_IMAGE_TAG variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.

    ERROR: build path vdp/dev/pipeline-backend either does not exist, is not accessible, or is not a valid URL. and will not helping with quick start.

  • docs(pipeline): add SYNC and ASYNC diagram and section for connectors

    docs(pipeline): add SYNC and ASYNC diagram and section for connectors


    • we need a document for users to get to know more about how the pipeline works

    This commit

    • add SYNC and ASYNC diagram and section for connectors
    • close #52
  • Wrong model type

    Wrong model type

    The model type is mistakenly set as tensorrt. https://github.com/instill-ai/vdp/blob/814ea12e94b7ebb4656c7208f5c160c646f8523a/examples-go/deploy-model/main.go#L65

  • feat: add console e2e test into vdp

    feat: add console e2e test into vdp


    • The console integration test is ready

    This commit

    • add console e2e test into vdp
    • update ITMODE=true when running integration-test. When the flag ITMODE is enabled, the integration-test use dummy models instead of pulling from GitHub, HuggingFace, or ArtiVC to reduce the impact of the internet connection.

    co-author: @Phelan164

  • test: update integration test

    test: update integration test


    • need integration test to make sure feature work correctly

    This commit

    • add integration test for model-backend and update for pipeline-backend
    • closes #67
    • closes #69

    Limitation: error code is not covered in this PR. It will be added during working this ticket

    Note: docker image for model-backend is dev which should update when have a new release

  • chore: add pipeine-backend integration test and refactor example and docker-compose

    chore: add pipeine-backend integration test and refactor example and docker-compose


    • we need an integration test for our ci
    • there is a wrong depend configuration in docker-compose
    • refactor example to be more self-contained

    This commit

    • add condition when waiting for pg_sql ready
    • add pipeline integration test by k6
    • add argument when creating pipeline and correct README.md
  • [doc]: There has no make build command

    [doc]: There has no make build command


    • According to the quick start of the repo: if you want to develop locally, you could do the following
    $ git clone https://github.com/instill-ai/vdp.git && cd vdp
    # Build instill/vdp:dev local development image
    $ make build
    # Launch all services.
    $ make all

    But actually, there has no make build command in the Makefile


    Only exist make dev and make all.


    Please update the readme quick start guideline.

  • [release] v0.1.4-alpha

    [release] v0.1.4-alpha


    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/protobufs/issues/17
    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/protobufs/issues/33


    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/44
    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/33
    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/45
    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/30


    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/pipeline-backend/issues/32
    • [x] https://github.com/instill-ai/pipeline-backend/issues/33


    • [x] Use the latest docker images in vdp
  • Quick start sample code bug

    Quick start sample code bug

    Deploy the model

    If I run the following script in quick start

    # Deploy the model
    go run deploy-model/main.go --model-path yolov4-onyx-cpu.zip --model-name yolov4

    I get a model with model name yolov4 with 1 version.

    2022/02/21 00:16:13 model has been created, the response is: id:1 name:"yolov4" full_Name:"local-user/yolov4" cv_task:DETECTION versions:{version:1 model_id:1 description:"YoloV4 for object detection" created_at:{seconds:1645402547 nanos:80792000} updated_at:{seconds:1645402547 nanos:80807000}}

    The response missed the status of version 1 of the model.

    If I run the above script the second time, I get a model with model name yolov4 with 2 versions.

    bash 2022/02/21 00:20:07 model has been created, the response is: id:1 name:"yolov4" full_Name:"local-user/yolov4" cv_task:DETECTION versions:{version:1 model_id:1 description:"YoloV4 for object detection" created_at:{seconds:1645402547 nanos:80792000} updated_at:{seconds:1645402625 nanos:977017000} status:ONLINE} versions:{version:2 model_id:1 description:"YoloV4 for object detection" created_at:{seconds:1645402779 nanos:961661000} updated_at:{seconds:1645402779 nanos:961692000}}

    The response only includes the status of version 1, but no status of version 2.

    Test the model

    # Test the model
    go run test-model/main.go --model-name yolov4 --test-image dog.jpg --model-version 2

    Get response

    2022/02/21 00:24:15 error when triggering predict: rpc error: code = Code(400) desc = {"status":400,"title":"PredictModel","detail":"Model is offline"}

    Note: shouldn't we use status code 422 instead of 400 for the above scenario?

    But when GET /models/yolov4

        "id": 1,
        "name": "yolov4",
        "full_Name": "local-user/yolov4",
        "cv_task": "DETECTION",
        "versions": [
                "version": 1,
                "model_id": 1,
                "description": "YoloV4 for object detection",
                "created_at": "2022-02-21T00:15:47.080792Z",
                "updated_at": "2022-02-21T00:20:09.486272Z",
                "status": "ONLINE"
                "version": 2,
                "model_id": 1,
                "description": "YoloV4 for object detection",
                "created_at": "2022-02-21T00:19:39.961661Z",
                "updated_at": "2022-02-21T00:20:09.486272Z",
                "status": "ONLINE"

    The response shows both model versions are online.

  • docs: refactor doc structure

    docs: refactor doc structure


    • The root README.md is too long and needs to be restructured

    This commit

    • replace trigger mechanism of a data source with pipeline mode concept and add the docs in docs/pipeline-mode.md.
    • move prepare-you-own-model doc to docs/model.md
    • add check-yaml in pre-commit
    • update redoc service name to redoc_openapi

    The pipeline mode is determined by the combination of data source and destination. It describes how an end-to-end pipeline processes its workload.

  • chore(main): release 0.3.0-alpha

    chore(main): release 0.3.0-alpha

    :robot: I have created a release beep boop

    Product Updates

    Announcement 📣

    • VDP (originally, Visual Data Preparation) is officially renamed to Versatile Data Pipeline.

    We have realised that as a general ETL infrastructure, VDP is in fact capable of processing all kinds of unstructured data. We should not limit its usage to only visual data but to more general versatile data. In addition, the term, Data Preparation, has been misleading for users often thinking it has to do with only data labelling, cleaning, or wrangling. In our vision, while VDP should involve data preparation in its MLOps practice, it should not be conceptually confined to only data preparation. VDP does more than that and is focused on the overall effectiveness of the unstructured data ETL with a data-centric paradigm. The end form of a VDP infrastructure is nothing but a data pipeline. The term Data Pipeline is more precise to capture the core concept of VDP hence renamed as Versatile Data Pipeline.

    Features ✨

    VDP (0.3.0-alpha)


    Bug Fixes

    • fix wrong triton environment when deploying HuggingFace models (#150) (b2fda36)
    • use COCO RLE format for instance segmentation (4d10e46)
    • update model output protocol (e6ea88d)

    Pipeline-backend (0.9.3-alpha)

    Bug Fixes

    • fix pipeline trigger model hanging (https://github.com/instill-ai/pipeline-backend/issues/80) (7ba58e5)

    Connector-backend (0.7.2-alpha)

    Bug Fixes

    • fix connector empty description update (0bc3086)

    Model-backend (0.10.0-alpha)


    • support instance segmentation task (https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/183) (d28cfdc)
    • support async deploy and undeploy model instance (https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/192) (ed36dc7)
    • support semantic segmentation (https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/203) (f22262c)

    Bug Fixes

    • allow updating emtpy description for a model (https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/177) (100ec84)
    • HuggingFace batching bug in preprocess model (b1582e8)
    • model instance state update to unspecified state (https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/206) (14c87d5)
    • panic error with nil object (https://github.com/instill-ai/model-backend/issues/208) (a342113)



    • extend the time span of our user cookie (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/289) (76a6f99)
    • finish integration test and make it stable (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/281) (3fd8d21)
    • replace prism.js with code-hike (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/292) (cb61708)
    • unify the gap between elements in every table (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/291) (e743820)
    • update console request URL according to new protobuf (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/287) (fa7ecc3)
    • add hg model id field at model_instance page (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/300) (31a6eab)
    • cleanup connector after test (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/295) (f9c8e4c)
    • disable html report (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/297) (689f50d)
    • enhance the warning of the resource id field (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/303) (6c4aa4f)
    • make playwright output dot on CI (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/293) (e5c2958)
    • support model-backend async long run operation (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/309) (f795ce8)
    • update e2e test (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/313) (88bf0cd) update how we test model detail page (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/310) (04c83a1)
    • wipe out all data after test (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/296) (e4085dd)

    Bug Fixes

    • fix pipeline e2e not stable (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/285) (a26e599)
    • fix set-cookie api route issue due to wrong domain name (https://github.com/instill-ai/console/issues/284) (c3efcdd)

    This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.

  • chore(main): release 0.3.1-alpha

    chore(main): release 0.3.1-alpha

  • Support async model inference

    Support async model inference

    At the moment, a pipeline in async mode still relies on sync model inference and only asynchronously write to the destination. We should make the model-backend trigger endpoints use Temporal workflow. The pipeline-backend should implement Temporal workflow to request model-backend async inference as well.

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