concurrency-limiter allows you to limit the number of goroutines accessing a resource with support for timeouts


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concurrency-limiter allows you to limit the number of goroutines accessing a resource with support for timeouts , dynamic priority of goroutines and context cancellation of goroutines.


To install concurrency-limiter:

go get

Then import concurrency-limiter to use it


    nl := limiter.New(3)
    ctx := context.Background()
    // Perform actions .........


Below are some examples of using this library. To run real examples , please check the examples folder.



    func main() {
        nl := limiter.New(3)

        var wg sync.WaitGroup

        for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
            go func(index int) {
                defer wg.Done()
                ctx := context.Background()
                // in real life , this can be DB operations , message publish to queue ........
                fmt.Println("executing action...: ", "index: ", index, "current number of goroutines: ", nl.Count())

Priority Limiter

    func main() {
        pr := priority.NewLimiter(1)
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
            go func(index int) {
                defer wg.Done()
                ctx := context.Background()
                if index%2 == 1 {
                    pr.Wait(ctx, priority.High)
                } else {
                    pr.Wait(ctx, priority.Low)
                // in real life , this can be DB operations , message publish to queue ........
                fmt.Println("executing action...: ", "index: ", index, "current number of goroutines: ", pr.Count())



    nl := limiter.New(3)
    ctx := context.Background()
    // Perform actions .........

In the above example , there can be a maximum of 3 goroutines accessing a resource concurrently. The other goroutines are added to the waiting list and are removed and given a chance to access the resource in the FIFO order. If the context is cancelled , the goroutine is removed from the waitlist.

Limiter with Timeout

    nl := limiter.New(3,
    ctx := context.Background()
    // Perform actions .........

In the above example , the goroutines will wait for a maximum of 10 milliseconds. Goroutines will be removed from the waitlist after 10 ms even if the number of concurrent goroutines is greater than the limit specified.

Priority Limiter

    nl := priority.NewLimiter(3)
    ctx := context.Background()
    nl.Wait(ctx , priority.High)
    // Perform actions .........

In Priority Limiter , goroutines with higher priority will be given preference to be removed from the waitlist. For instance in the above example , the goroutine will be given the maximum preference because it is of high priority. In the case of tie between the priorities , the goroutines will be removed from the waitlist in the FIFO order.

Priority Limiter with Dynamic priority

    nl := priority.NewLimiter(3,
    ctx := context.Background()
    nl.Wait(ctx , priority.Low)
    // Perform actions .........

In Dynamic Priority Limiter , the goroutines with lower priority will get their priority increased periodically by the time period specified. For instance in the above example , the goroutine will get it's priority increased every 5 ms. This will ensure that goroutines with lower priority do not suffer from starvation. It's highly recommended to use Dynamic Priority Limiter to avoid starving low priority goroutines.

Priority Limiter with Timeout

    nl := priority.NewLimiter(3,
    ctx := context.Background()
    nl.Wait(ctx , priority.Low)
    // Perform actions .........

This is similar to the timeouts in the normal limiter. In the above example , goroutines will wait a maximum of 30 milliseconds. The low priority goroutines will get their priority increased every 5 ms.

Runnable Function

    nl := priority.NewLimiter(3)
    ctx := context.Background()
    nl.Run(ctx , priority.Low , func()error {
        return sendMetrics()

Runnable function will allow you to wrap your function and execute them with concurrency limit. This function is a wrapper on top of the Wait() and Finish() functions.


Please feel free to open up issues , create PRs for bugs/features. All contributions are welcome :)

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