Serverless Container Workflows



event-based serverless container workflows

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What is Direktiv?

Direktiv is a specification for a serverless computing workflow language that aims to be simple and powerful above all else.

Direktiv defines a selection of intentionally primitive states, which can be strung together to create workflows as simple or complex as the author requires. The powerful jq JSON processor allows authors to implement sophisticated control flow logic, and when combined with the ability to run containers as part of Direktiv workflows just about any logic can be implemented.

Workflows can be triggered by CloudEvents for event-based solutions, can use cron scheduling to handle periodic tasks, and can be scripted using the APIs for everything else.

Why use Direktiv?

Direktiv was created to address 4 problems faced with workflow engines in general:

  • Cloud agnostic: we wanted Direktiv to run on any platform or cloud, support any code or capability and NOT be dependent on the cloud provider's services for running the workflow or executing the actions (but obviously support it all)
  • Simplicity: the configuration of the workflow components should be simple more than anything else. Using only YAML and jq you should be able to express all workflow states, transitions, evaluations and actions needed to complete the workflow
  • Reusable: if you're going to the effort and trouble of pushing all your microservices, code or application components into a container platform why not have the ability to reuse and standardise this code across all of your workflows. We wanted to ensure that your code always remains reusable and portable and not tied into a specific vendor format or requirement (or vendor specific language) - so we've modelled Direktiv's specification after the CNCF Serverless Workflow Specification with the ultimate goal to make it feature-complete and easy to implement.
  • Multi-tenanted and secure: we want to use Direktiv in a multi-tenant service provider space, which means all workflow executions have to be isolated, data access secured and isolated and all workflows and actions are truly ephemeral (or serverless).

Direktiv internals?

This repository contains a reference implementation that runs Docker containers as isolated virtual machines on Firecracker using



Starting the Server

Getting a local playground environment can be easily done with either or Docker. Direktiv's defaul isolation level is firecracker based on vorteil machines. This behaviour can be changed in the configuration file or via environment variable.

Using Docker:

Firecracker Isolation

docker run --privileged -p6666:6666 -eDIREKTIV_INGRESS_BIND= vorteil/direktiv

Container Isolation:

docker run --privileged -p6666:6666 -eDIREKTIV_INGRESS_BIND= -eDIREKTIV_ISOLATION=container vorteil/direktiv

*Note: *

  • You may need to run this command as an administrator.

  • In a public cloud instance, nested virualization is needed to support the firecracker micro-VMs. Each public cloud provider has different configuration settings which need to be applied to enable nested virtualization. Examples are shown below for each public cloud provider:

Using Vorteil:

With Vorteil installed (full instructions here):

  1. download direktiv.vorteil from the releases page,
  2. run one of the following commands from within your downloads folder:

vorteil run direktiv.vorteil for firecracker/vorteil isolation

vorteil run --program[2].env="DIREKTIV_ISOLATION=container" direktiv.vorteil for container isolation

Testing Direktiv:

Download the direkcli command-line tool from the releases page and create your first namespace by running:

direkcli namespaces create demo

$ direkcli namespaces create demo
Created namespace: demo
$ direkcli namespaces list
| NAME |
| demo |

Workflow specification

The below example is the minimal configuration needed for a workflow, following the workflow language specification:

id: helloworld
- id: hello
  type: noop
  transform: '{ msg: ("Hello, " + .name + "!") }'

Creating and Running a Workflow

The following script does everything required to run the first workflow. This includes creating a namespace & workflow and running the workflow the first time.

$ direkcli namespaces create demo
Created namespace: demo
$ cat > helloworld.yml <<- EOF
id: helloworld
- id: hello
  type: noop
  transform: '{ msg: ("Hello, " + .name + "!") }'
$ direkcli workflows create demo helloworld.yml
Created workflow 'helloworld'
$ cat > input.json <<- EOF
  "name": "Alan"
$ direkcli workflows execute demo helloworld --input=input.json
Successfully invoked, Instance ID: demo/helloworld/aqMeFX <---CHANGE_THIS_TO_YOUR_VALUE
$ direkcli instances get demo/helloworld/aqMeFX
ID: demo/helloworld/aqMeFX
Input: {
  "name": "Alan"
Output: {"msg":"Hello, Alan!"}


  • Installation instructions (Kubernetes, Non-Kubernetes environments, Container/Vorteil setting)
  • Providing individual vorteil / docker containers for individual components (workflow, isolates etc.)
  • HTTP API & Simple UI
  • Service Mesh configuration

Code of Conduct

We have adopted the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Any feedback and contributions are welcome. Read our contributing guidelines for details.


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

See Also

  • Update Helm charts to make ingress-nginx more configurable

    Update Helm charts to make ingress-nginx more configurable

    Update Helm charts to make ingress-nginx more configurable

    Given we want to try out Direktiv in Kubernetes When we install the dependencies Then we want the ability to be able to bring our own ingress-nginx, and set our own annotations for the ingress so for things like external dns, cert manager etc.

    Acceptance criteria:

    API Ingress Manifest


    • [ ] Add Annotations to charts/direktiv/values.yaml under ingress line 92 for ingress-api.yaml

    UI Ingress Manifest


    • [ ] Add Annotations to charts/direktiv/values.yaml under ingress line 92 for ingress-ui.yaml

    Note: it could be better to put the ingress configuration under the ui: and api: as it will make it scalable for the future

    Add ingress-nginx dependency as optional


    • [ ] Have a flag for whether you install the ingress-nginx or not.
  • access to instance id

    access to instance id

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    It would be good if the instance could access the instance id. If I want to publish events and want to use something as context value to wait for e.g. multiple async subflows.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Up for discussion

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    At the moment I'm using something like jq(.name + (now | todateiso8601 | fromdate | tostring)). Not so nice output.

  • Workflow Example did not work

    Workflow Example did not work

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. docker run --privileged -p 8080:80 -ti vorteil/direktiv-kube (done,It works)
    2. direkcli namespaces create demo (done,It works)
    3. create test.yml file below content (done)

    `id: check-nsfw-image description: "Classify an image uploaded to Azure Blob Storage as SFW or NSFW using Google Vision, AWS Lambda and Azure Storage functions" start: type: event state: getRatingFromGoogleVision event: type: Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated functions:

    • id: imageCheck image: vorteil/imagerecognition:v2
    • id: awslambda image: vorteil/lambda:v2
    • id: send-email image: vorteil/smtp:v2
    • id: azureupload image: vorteil/azure-upload:v2
    • id: azurecli image: vorteil/azgo:v2 size: large
    • id: getRatingFromGoogleVision type: action action: secrets: ["GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY"] function: imageCheck input: '{ "url": ."Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated".url, "serviceAccountKey": .secrets.GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
      }' transition: checkRatingForImage
    • id: checkRatingForImage log: "." type: switch conditions:
      • condition: .return.safeForWork == true transition: addWaterMarkApproved defaultTransition: addWaterMarkNotApproved
    • id: addWaterMarkApproved type: action action: function: awslambda secrets: ["LAMBDA_KEY", "LAMBDA_SECRET"] input: '{ key: .secrets.LAMBDA_KEY, secret: .secrets.LAMBDA_SECRET, region: "ap-southeast-2", function: "python-watermark", body: { imageurl: ."Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated".url, message: "Approved by", } }' transform: '.notify = .return | del(.return)' transition: copyFileToSafeForWork
    • id: addWaterMarkNotApproved type: action action: function: awslambda secrets: ["LAMBDA_KEY", "LAMBDA_SECRET"] input: '{ key: .secrets.LAMBDA_KEY, secret: .secrets.LAMBDA_SECRET, region: "ap-southeast-2", function: "python-watermark", body: { imageurl: ."Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated".url, message: "Not approved by", } }' transform: '.notify = .return | del(.return)' transition: sendEmail
    • id: sendEmail type: action log: "." action: function: send-email secrets: ["GMAIL_PASSWORD"] input: '{ "from": "[email protected]", "to": "[email protected]", "subject": "Direktiv NSFW Image Workflow", "message": "NSFW Image detected", "server": "", "port": 587, "password": .secrets.GMAIL_PASSWORD }' transition: copyFileToNotSafeForWork
    • id: copyFileToNotSafeForWork type: action log: "." action: secrets: ["AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "AZ_STORAGE_KEY"] function: azureupload input: '{ "container": "not-safe-for-work", "storage-account": .secrets.AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, "storage-account-key": .secrets.AZ_STORAGE_KEY, "data": .notify.body, "upload-name": ."Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated".url | capture("(?[a-z.]+$)").filename }' transition: cleanup
    • id: copyFileToSafeForWork type: action log: "." action: secrets: ["AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "AZ_STORAGE_KEY"] function: azureupload input: '{ "container": "safe-for-work", "storage-account": .secrets.AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, "storage-account-key": .secrets.AZ_STORAGE_KEY, "data": .notify.body, "upload-name": ."Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated".url | capture("(?[a-z.]+$)").filename }' transition: cleanup
    • id: cleanup type: action action: secrets: ["AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "AZ_NAME", "AZ_PASSWORD", "AZ_TENANT","AZ_STORAGE_KEY"] function: azurecli input: '{ "name": .secrets.AZ_NAME, "password": .secrets.AZ_PASSWORD, "tenant": .secrets.AZ_TENANT, "command": ["storage", "blob", "delete", "--container", "processing", "--name", (."Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated".url | split("processing/")[1]), "--account-name", .secrets.AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, "--account-key", .secrets.AZ_STORAGE_KEY] }' `
    1. ./direkcli workflows create demo test.yml (failed)

    Expected behavior

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Macos Big Sur 11.3
  • How can we create a  function to do CI job

    How can we create a function to do CI job

    I want to use direktiv to do some ci job in serverless worker , but after I look up the function document(link), I find we cannot mount something to pod, so we cannot do docker in docker , that means we cannot use docker or podman to operate image. How can we create a function to do CI job now ?

  • Filter broadcast events

    Filter broadcast events


    Please describe the aim of the pull request and the changes made in the commits.


    • [ ] Bug fix
    • [ ] New feature
    • [ ] Other

    How was this tested? (if applicable)

    Please describe how the proposed changes have been tested, and the outcome of the tests.

    Test Platform Details (if applicable)

    Operating system: OSX/Windows 10/Ubuntu 20.04/etc.

    CLI version:

    Hypervisors/Platforms (if applicable): qemu/hyper-v/google cloud platform/vmware workstation/etc

    Kernel version (if applicable):


    • [ ] Code is commented
    • [ ] Unit test coverage encompasses new code
    • [ ] Existing unit tests pass with these changes
    • [ ] PR is signed
  • New ent schema will not migrate database gracefully.

    New ent schema will not migrate database gracefully.

    Describe the bug

    Upgrading to latest ent schemas will trigger the following error on postgres if it's using a older database.

    2021-11-30 13:57:10.201 AEST [864] ERROR:  column "created_at" contains null values
    2021-11-30 13:57:10.201 AEST [864] STATEMENT:  ALTER TABLE "refs" ADD COLUMN "created_at" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

    We need to investigate if its possible to adjust the migration process of ent to accommodate for this new column. Or if there is something we can change in the schema.

  • error state seems to be inconsistent to other states

    error state seems to be inconsistent to other states

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    All other states accept JQ input for their fields. The error state can only accept a string for the error field. I wanted to catch an error, handle it and then still raise it after. The use-case would be to do jq(.error.code) in the error field.

    The message has the same "issue". If it would be JQ instead of the args field it would be easier to use because Direktiv has a basically a sprintf with jq.


    - id: error-out-of-date
      type: error
      error: validation.outOfDate
      message: "food item %s is out of date"
      - jq(


    - id: error-out-of-date
      type: error
      error: jq(.whatever) OR
      message: 'This is an error jq(.myvalue)'
  • Wait API with no body data now assumes JSON input even when no input …

    Wait API with no body data now assumes JSON input even when no input …

    …is provided.

    Signed-off-by: Alan Murtagh [email protected]

    I've decided for GET requests it's fine to assume JSON input. GET requests cannot reasonably handle binary data anyway, and if you really want to you can emulate it by passing ?input.input=, and setting to base64 encoded binary data.

  • how to config subflow

    how to config subflow

    in Previous version the parent workflow relate to the child workflow by field "id",Workflow does not has filed "id",how the parent workflow relate to the child workflow

  • Cannot re-trigger event received: error:

    Cannot re-trigger event received: error: "send namespace event: method is not allowed"

    Describe the bug Received an event from Google Cloud EventArc via the Direktiv container as described in the document. The event is received and can execute a workflow. When I try and trigger the event again the following error appears:

    "send namespace event: method is not allowed"

    Example the event input is shown below (not the data is binary - something wrong in the direktic google eventarc container code):

    Context Attributes, specversion: 1.0 type: source: // id: projects/exalted-iridium-367300/logs/ time: 2022-11-05T23:11:42.837387365Z datacontenttype: application/json Data (binary), { "protoPayload": { "authenticationInfo": { "principalEmail": "[email protected]" }, "requestMetadata": { "callerIp": "2601:643:4001:4c0:9c47:2941:e9b5:bc90", "callerSuppliedUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)" }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "v1.compute.instances.delete", "resourceName": "projects/exalted-iridium-367300/zones/us-central1-a/instances/instance-template-1", "serviceData": {}, "request": { "@type": "" } }, "insertId": "r7a0hndbrmi", "resource": { "type": "gce_instance", "labels": { "instance_id": "3705468946020520950", "zone": "us-central1-a", "project_id": "exalted-iridium-367300" } }, "timestamp": "2022-11-05T23:11:42.263958Z", "severity": "NOTICE", "logName": "projects/exalted-iridium-367300/logs/", "operation": { "id": "operation-1667689855034-5ecc14d67a55a-625b9bf3-04683458", "producer": "", "last": true }, "receiveTimestamp": "2022-11-05T23:11:42.837387365Z" }

  • Git sync throws ent error on renaming

    Git sync throws ent error on renaming

    Describe the bug

    I renamed a few files in The follwoing rename actions were applied:

     rename generate-tags.yaml => generate-tags._yaml (100%)
     rename get-html.yaml => get-html._yaml (100%)
     rename get-swagger.yaml => get-swagger._yaml (100%)
     rename list.yaml => list._yaml (100%)
     rename load-spec.yaml => load-spec_.yaml (100%)
     rename load-specs.yaml => load-specs._yaml (100%)
     rename md.yaml => md._yaml (100%)
     rename pq.yaml => pq._yaml (100%)
     rename spec.yaml => spec._yaml (100%)
     rename tags.yaml => tags._yaml (100%)
     rename uri-key.yaml => uri-key._yaml (100%)
     rename uri-tag-key.yaml => uri-tag-key._yaml (100%)

    The sync fails with :+1:

    Mirror activity 'sync' failed: ent: validator failed for field "": value does not match validation

    The last log lines:

    {"level":"info","timestamp":"2022-07-26T08:27:34Z","caller":"flow/logs.go:126","msg":"Deleted workflow '/get-swagger'.","component":"flow","build":"10e25bf","trace":"00000000000000000000000000000000","namespace":"svc","namespace-id":"8fb6dc8f-1b1d-470b-a5fa-d44b1ed75f80"}
    {"level":"debug","timestamp":"2022-07-26T08:27:34Z","caller":"flow/pubsub.go:517","msg":"PS Notify Inode: c4f1d45f-8ca0-43d3-a968-26627cdb7090","component":"flow","build":"10e25bf"}
    {"level":"info","timestamp":"2022-07-26T08:27:34Z","caller":"flow/logs.go:126","msg":"Deleted workflow '/uri-tag-key'.","component":"flow","build":"10e25bf","trace":"00000000000000000000000000000000","namespace":"svc","namespace-id":"8fb6dc8f-1b1d-470b-a5fa-d44b1ed75f80"}
    {"level":"debug","timestamp":"2022-07-26T08:27:34Z","caller":"flow/pubsub.go:517","msg":"PS Notify Inode: c4f1d45f-8ca0-43d3-a968-26627cdb7090","component":"flow","build":"10e25bf"}
    {"level":"info","timestamp":"2022-07-26T08:27:34Z","caller":"flow/logs.go:271","msg":"Mirror activity 'sync' failed: ent: validator failed for field \"\": value does not match validation","component":"flow","build":"10e25bf","trace":"00000000000000000000000000000000","namespace":"svc","namespace-id":"8fb6dc8f-1b1d-470b-a5fa-d44b1ed75f80","mirror-id":"13340a02-1184-4ad5-b8c7-9413ae545d96"}

    It seems to be obvious that it is cause by the renaming rename load-spec.yaml => load-spec_.yaml. The solution is to improve the logs? Because this was a rename to an invalid workflow name.

  • 738 install k3s instructions in readme is broken

    738 install k3s instructions in readme is broken


    K8s feature-gates 'TTLAfterFinished' flag was removed see this.

    This PR removes 'TTLAfterFinished' usage in the k3s installation instruction.

  • Install k3s instructions in Readme is broken

    Install k3s instructions in Readme is broken

    Describe the bug Install k3s instructions in Readme is broken due to removal of this k8s feature.

    --kube-apiserver-arg feature-gates=TTLAfterFinished=true need to be removed.

  • Expand service configuration

    Expand service configuration

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    At the moment services can define commands and environment variables (0.8.0).

    Additionally they should be able to run as privileged and potentially mount disks.

  • API first approach

    API first approach

    At the moment the API has swagger configurations but it is an implementation-first approach. This can lead to discrepancies between implementation and swagger documentation.

    The API should be build on swagger first and the implementation needs to follow. That guarantees a consistent documentation and implementation.

  • A few services have SSE implemenations only

    A few services have SSE implemenations only

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    The API has three services which are only implementing Server Side Events:

    • watchNamespaceRevisions
    • watchNamespaceRevision
    • singleNamespaceServiceSSE

    Although there are not needed for the UI they should be implemented for consistency.

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