Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard. Demo:

Wg Gen Web

Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard

Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard.

Go Report Card License: WTFPL Discord Build docker images via buildx GitHub last commit Docker Pulls GitHub go.mod Go version GitHub code size in bytes

Why another one ?

All WireGuard UI implementations are trying to manage the service by applying configurations and creating network rules. This implementation only generates configuration and its up to you to create network rules and apply configuration to WireGuard. For example by monitoring generated directory with inotifywait.

The goal is to run Wg Gen Web in a container and WireGuard on host system.


  • Self-hosted and web based
  • Automatically select IP from the netowrk pool assigned to client
  • QR-Code for convenient mobile client configuration
  • Sent email to client with QR-code and client config
  • Enable / Disable client
  • Generation of wg0.conf after any modification
  • IPv6 ready
  • User authentication (Oauth2 OIDC)
  • Dockerized
  • Pretty cool look




The easiest way to run Wg Gen Web is using the container image

docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/wireguard:/data -p 8080:8080 -e "WG_CONF_DIR=/data" vx3r/wg-gen-web:latest

Docker compose snippet, used for demo server, wg-json-api service is optional

version: '3.6'
    image: vx3r/wg-gen-web:latest
    container_name: wg-gen-web-demo
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8080/tcp"
      - WG_CONF_DIR=/data
      - WG_INTERFACE_NAME=wg0.conf
      - SMTP_PORT=587
      - [email protected]
      - SMTP_PASSWORD=******************
      - SMTP_FROM=Wg Gen Web <[email protected]>
      - OAUTH2_PROVIDER_NAME=github
      - OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=******************
      - OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=******************
      - /etc/wireguard:/data
    image: james/wg-api:latest
    container_name: wg-json-api
    restart: unless-stopped
      - NET_ADMIN
    network_mode: "host"
    command: wg-api --device wg0 --listen <API_LISTEN_IP>:8182

Please note that mapping /etc/wireguard to /data inside the docker, will erase your host's current configuration. If needed, please make sure to backup your files from /etc/wireguard.

A workaround would be to change the WG_INTERFACE_NAME to something different, as it will create a new interface (wg-auto.conf for example), note that if you do so, you will have to adapt your daemon accordingly.

To get the value for <API_LISTEN_IP> take a look at the WireGuard Status Display section. If the status display should be disabled, remove the whole service from the docker-compose file or use as <API_LISTEN_IP>.

Directly without docker

Fill free to download latest artifacts from my GitLab server:

Put everything in one directory, create .env file with all configurations and run the backend.

Automatically apply changes to WireGuard

Using systemd

Using systemd.path monitor for directory changes see systemd doc

# /etc/systemd/system/wg-gen-web.path
Description=Watch /etc/wireguard for changes



This .path will activate unit file with the same name

# /etc/systemd/system/wg-gen-web.service
Description=Restart WireGuard

ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl restart [email protected]


Which will restart WireGuard service

Using inotifywait

For any other init system, create a daemon running this script

while inotifywait -e modify -e create /etc/wireguard; do
  wg-quick down wg0
  wg-quick up wg0

How to use with existing WireGuard configuration

After first run Wg Gen Web will create server.json in data directory with all server informations.

Feel free to modify this file in order to use your existing keys

What is out of scope

  • Generation or application of any iptables or nftables rules
  • Application of configuration to WireGuard by Wg Gen Web itself


Wg Gen Web can use Oauth2 OpenID Connect provider to authenticate users. Currently there are 4 implementations:

  • fake not a real implementation, use this if you don't want to authenticate your clients.

Add the environment variable:

  • github in order to use GitHub as Oauth2 provider.

Add the environment variable:

  • google in order to use Google as Oauth2 provider. Not yet implemented
help wanted
  • oauth2oidc in order to use RFC compliant Oauth2 OpenId Connect provider.

Add the environment variable:


Wg Gen Web will only access your profile to get email address and your name, no other unnecessary scopes will be requested.

WireGuard Status Display

Wg Gen Web integrates a WireGuard API implementation to display client stats. In order to enable the Status API integration, the following settings need to be configured:

# integration, user and password (basic auth) are optional

To setup the WireGuard API take a look at, or simply use the provided docker-compose file from above.


Due to the fact that the wg-api container operates on the host network, the wg-gen-web container cannot directly talk to the API. Thus the docker-host gateway IP of the wg-gen-web container has to be used. If the default bridge network (docker0) is used, this IP should be If a custom network is used, you can find the gateway IP by inspecting the output of:

docker network inspect <network name>

Use the IP address found for Gateway as the API_LISTEN_IP.

Please feel free to test and report any bugs.

Need Help

  • Join us on Discord
  • Create an issue



From the top level directory run

$ go run main.go


Inside another terminal session navigate into the ui folder

$ cd ui

Install required dependencies

$ npm install

Set the base url for the api

$ export VUE_APP_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/api/v1.0

Start the development server. It will rebuild and reload the site once you make a change to the source code.

$ npm run serve

Now you can access the site from a webbrowser with the url http://localhost:8081.

Application stack


  • Suggestion , CLIENTS UI as Tabular list.

    Suggestion , CLIENTS UI as Tabular list.

    Hello, I like your idea and project, thanks for the good work.

    A suggestion towards the CLIENTS UI, i think it would be more useful to have the CLIENTS TAB as a Tabular list rather than each CLIENT being shown in Card form with the QR codealongside.

    This is because the CLIENT and SERVER Tabs would normally be administered by an administrator not by the actual Client user. This way realestate screenspace can be better utilized , also not being the actual user there is no direct need for the QR code upfront on screen, a link should suffice (or a mouseover event).

    just a thought, sadly i'm not a programmer to help out.

    as said before good work ;)

    Best Regards, Aniston

  • cant login after vx3r/wg-gen-web:f90124af build

    cant login after vx3r/wg-gen-web:f90124af build

    in browser console:

    Error: "ApiService: TypeError: e is undefined"
        get api.service.js:14
    server report oauth2 is disabled, fake exchange auth.js:50:18
    Updating authStatus from  to disabled App.vue:91
    Updating authStatus from disabled to success App.vue:91
  • Wanna work together and add this to my installer?

    Wanna work together and add this to my installer?

    Hey I have a wireguard installer with over 2500 clones and 300 stars and I think this would be an amazing side thing to add to that so instead of a CLI only users would be able to use a GUI too.

    What do you think about it??

  • wg0.conf not updating

    wg0.conf not updating


    Great project - really like the flexibility of the UI which I haven't seen in any other gui's for wireguard yet. Super easy and the e-mail function works great!

    I did discover something that may be due to how I setup my docker container, where the wg0.conf isn't updated but instead a wg0 file is being generated alongside.

    In other words it seems like I need to the following to get new clients up and running:

    mv wg0 wg0.conf
    wg-quick down wg0; wg-quick up wg0

    My questions is really if this is expected or if I should have done something else with the setup?

  • No connection between wg-gen-web and wg-api

    No connection between wg-gen-web and wg-api

    Running this docker compose file:

        image: vx3r/wg-gen-web:latest
        container_name: wg-gen-web
        restart: unless-stopped
          - "8080:8080"
          - WG_CONF_DIR=/data
          - WG_INTERFACE_NAME=wg0.conf
          - SMTP_PORT=587
          - SMTP_USERNAME=xx
          - SMTP_PASSWORD=xx
          - SMTP_FROM=xx
          - OAUTH2_PROVIDER_NAME=fake
          - WG_STATS_API=
          - /etc/wireguard:/data
        image: james/wg-api:latest
        container_name: wg-json-api
        restart: unless-stopped
          - "8182:8182"
          - NET_ADMIN
        network_mode: "host"
        command: wg-api --device=wg0 --listen=localhost:8182

    wg-gen-web works and I can request the wg-api succesfully:

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GetDeviceInfo", "params": {}}' {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"device":{"name":"wg0","type":"Linux kernel","public_key":"thekeyhasbeenredacted=","listen_port":51820,"num_peers":1}},"id":null}

    on the wg-gen-web status page this message is shown:

    Error: 500 - Internal Server Error: Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

    Since wg-api is running in Host mode and wg-gen-web is not, could this be the issue, or is there another solution?

    pinging @h44z :)

  • TLS support for sending email

    TLS support for sending email

    Please add TLS support for SMTP, as most services mandate TLS connection.

    d.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} (or use env for setup)


  • Ubuntu host, installed Wireguard + tools, wg-gen-web not working

    Ubuntu host, installed Wireguard + tools, wg-gen-web not working

    I must be missing a step. I used to have PiVPN (Wireguard) installed and created configs with that, everything worked. Now I uninstalled PiVPN, uninstalled wireguard (which also removes wireguard-tools), deleted /etc/wireguard.

    After a reboot,, I do sudo apt install wireguard which also installs tools automatically. Then run my docker-compose up -d:

        image: vx3r/wg-gen-web:latest
        container_name: vpn-server-ui
        restart: always
          - management
          WG_CONF_DIR: /data
          WG_INTERFACE_NAME: wg0.conf
          SMTP_HOST: $SMTP
          SMTP_PORT: 587
          SMTP_FROM: $EMAIL
          - /etc/wireguard:/data
          - "5100:8080"

    I can access the webui on port 5100 just fine.

    Server configuration: Public Key: .... Listen port: 51822 Server interface addresses:

    Client Configuration: Public endpoint: DNS server: Default allowed: 0.0.0/0, ::/0 No values for MTU and keepalive

    I create a client:

    email address: my address Addresses: Allowed IP addresses: 0.0.0/0, ::/0 No values for MTU and keepalive

    After saving, I do: sudo systemctl start [email protected] Reload doesn't work because wg hasn't been started before.

    Then I scan the QR code with my Android phone and try to connect: nothing. 0 bytes received, some bytes send.

    What am I missing?

    EDIT: I can access my server LAN IP! Just no internet. Perhaps a DNS issue? But I simply used for testing.. would expect that to work.

  • Error while trying to display stats

    Error while trying to display stats

    While trying to display stats, I get the following error:

    Error: 500 - Internal Server Error: Post "": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

    If I try and do a curl from the host, it reruns correctly:

    ben@vpnserver:/opt/wg-ui$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GetDeviceInfo", "params": {}}'
    {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"device":{"name":"wg0","type":"Linux kernel","public_key":"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=","listen_port":12345,"num_peers":4}},"id":null}

    Here is my docker-compose.json:

    version: '3.6'
        image: vx3r/wg-gen-web:latest
        container_name: wg-ui
        restart: unless-stopped
          - "80:8080"
          - WG_CONF_DIR=/data
          - WG_INTERFACE_NAME=wg0.conf
          - OAUTH2_PROVIDER_NAME=fake
          - WG_STATS_API=
          - /etc/wireguard:/data
        image: james/wg-api:latest
        container_name: wg-json-api
        restart: unless-stopped
          - NET_ADMIN
        network_mode: "host"
        command: wg-api --device wg0 --listen
  • Wg api integration

    Wg api integration

    A integration for

    • display WireGuard interface details (from the GetDeviceInfo request)
    • display WireGuard client status (from the ListPeers request)

    This is how it looks like: wg_status

  • Simple page refresh updates wg0.conf

    Simple page refresh updates wg0.conf

    Hi, I installed this service successfully and configured systemd to monitor /etc/wireguard to reload wireguard configuration as per your instructions in the Readme. But it seems that on every simple GET of the web ui, without changing any setting wg0.conf gets updated and therefore wireguard restarted. Is this the expected behavior? Isn't this a problem because of service interruption? Thanks for this nice gui!

  • I can not create a user with the latest version (f90124a)

    I can not create a user with the latest version (f90124a)

    Latest docker release - Version: f90124a I can not create a user in UI, Submit button is not pressed

    downgraded to Version: 867d79e - fix problem several servers are affected

  • Adds Support For Mesh Peers

    Adds Support For Mesh Peers

    Adds support for mesh peers by adding fields to the clients. Support for "VPN" clients was not added -- there were no preUp, preDown fields added.

  • Added simplified use of a secure connection for public networks in docker compose configuration

    Added simplified use of a secure connection for public networks in docker compose configuration

    Added simplified use of a secure connection for public networks in docker compose configuration

    VIRTUAL_HOST, LETSENCRYPT_HOST = enter domain name DEFAULT_EMAIL = your email address to receive notifications from Let's Encrypt

  • Impossible to disconnect / add / revoke users from the server without restarting it. Statistics on users are also not synchronized without restarting the server

    Impossible to disconnect / add / revoke users from the server without restarting it. Statistics on users are also not synchronized without restarting the server

    1. It is not possible to add a new user / disconnect a user / remove a user without restarting the server. When adding / deactivating / deleting, only the web interface works, but the apology does not take effect. Those to the disconnected / removed peer can still be connected, but to the newly added peer, on the contrary, cannot be connected. It only helps to restart the server via guard with the command systemctl restart wg-quick@wg0

    2. User statistics are not synchronized with the user list apology.

    How can this problem be solved?

  • Error: 500 - Internal Server Error:

    Error: 500 - Internal Server Error:

    Hi !

    This is a very good project!This is a very good project. I can't send email right now.

    1. logs:
    • wg-gen-web | 2022-04-04T14:56:41.147946940Z time="2022-04-04T14:56:41Z" level=error msg="failed to send email to client" err="534 5.7.14 <\n5.7.14 23hmA_oclTIUbFePKukcRnydT7YNqsd6qSRIb7jw5Q82HhO5obeOgvyl9KxB4UdB-yN7_\n5.7.14 M1lrtLL1IMWdLm7dA6dhgSeYPsfO0tdGUlU2NmY33fMoz-zGVTwjWSZmuuFLqOoM>\n5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and then try again.\n5.7.14 Learn more at\n5.7.14 g5-20020a056a0023c500b004fae15ab86dsm12239530pfc.52 - gsmtp"

    • wg-gen-web | 2022-04-04T14:56:41.148369402Z [GIN] 2022/04/04 - 14:56:41 | 500 | 1.311139946s | | GET "/api/v1.0/client/eac1702e-4f37-4896-9fda-f186c416d408/email"

    • wg-gen-web | 2022-04-04T14:58:43.603979494Z time="2022-04-04T14:58:43Z" level=error msg="failed to send email to client" err="534 5.7.14 <\n5.7.14 zED9hKRRquRgPGWeSfWSp0cOJdcagMexvGYQbNSZcYWmjUBJajwdXkQJQxO2apfQmYA53\n5.7.14 1DSVPV40au8uaVeMem4mvi1RNLkfO1OnyhMYjeF-VOrvtbUUz86ooLAr4Ks1NGRA>\n5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and then try again.\n5.7.14 Learn more at\n5.7.14 c4-20020a17090a4d0400b001ca5cf3271csm7870237pjg.14 - gsmtp"

    • wg-gen-web | 2022-04-04T14:58:43.604564499Z [GIN] 2022/04/04 - 14:58:43 | 500 | 1.480325319s | | GET "/api/v1.0/client/eac1702e-4f37-4896-9fda-f186c416d408/email"

    1. cocker-compose.yml

    version: '3.6' services: wg-gen-web: image: vx3r/wg-gen-web:latest container_name: wg-gen-web restart: always expose: - "8080/tcp" ports: - "" environment: - WG_CONF_DIR=/data - WG_INTERFACE_NAME=wg0.conf - WG_STATS_API= - - SMTP_PORT=587 - SMTP_USERNAME=*** - SMTP_PASSWORD=*** - SMTP_FROM=your wireguard info *** - OAUTH2_PROVIDER_NAME=github - OAUTH2_PROVIDER= - OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=*** - OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=*** - OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URL=*** volumes: - /etc/wireguard:/data wg-json-api: image: james/wg-api:latest container_name: wg-json-api restart: always cap_add: - NET_ADMIN network_mode: "host" command: wg-api --device wg0 --listen networks: default: name: docker_wg_net1 driver: bridge ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: ""

    1. I did proxying and 443 handling using nginx.
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