Fast and flexible JSON encoder for Go



Jettison is a fast and flexible JSON encoder for the Go programming language, inspired by bet365/jingo, with a richer features set, aiming at 100% compatibility with the standard library.


Jettison uses the new Go modules. Releases are tagged according to the SemVer format, prefixed with a v, starting from 0.2.0. You can get the latest release using the following command.

$ go get

Key features

  • Fast, see benchmarks
  • No dynamic memory allocations in hot paths
  • Behavior identical to the standard library by default
  • No code generation required
  • Clear and concise API
  • Configurable with opt-in functional options
  • Native support for many standard library types, see improvements
  • Custom AppendMarshaler interface to avoid allocations
  • Extensive testsuite that compares its output against encoding/json


The goal of Jettision is to take up the idea introduced by the bet365/jingo package and build a fully-featured JSON encoder around it, that comply with the behavior of the encoding/json package. Unlike the latter, Jettison does not use reflection during marshaling, but only once to create the instruction set for a given type ahead of time. The drawback to this approach requires to instantiate an instruction-set once for each type that needs to be marshaled, but that is overcomed with a package cache.

The package aims to have a behavior similar to that of the standard library for all types encoding and struct tags, meaning that the documentation of the json.Marshal function is applicable for Jettison, with a few exceptions described in this section. As such, most of the tests compare their output against it to guarantee that.

Implementation details

The main concept of Jettison consists of using pre-build instructions-set to reduce the cost of using the reflect package at runtime. When marshaling a value, a set of instructions is recursively generated for its type, which defines how to iteratively encode it. An instruction is a function or a closure, that have all the information required to read the data from memory using unsafe operations (pointer type conversion, arithmetic...) during the instruction set execution.

Differences with encoding/json

All notable differences with the standard library behavior are listed below. Please note that these might evolve with future versions of the package.


  • The time.Time and time.Duration types are handled natively. For time values, the encoder doesn't invoke MarshalJSON or MarshalText, but use the time.AppendFormat function instead, and write the result to the stream. Similarly, for durations, it isn't necessary to implements the json.Marshaler or encoding.TextMarshaler interfaces on a custom wrapper type, the encoder uses the result of one of the methods Minutes, Seconds, Nanoseconds or String, based on the duration format configured.

  • The sync.Map type is handled natively. The marshaling behavior is similar to the one of a standard Go map. The option UnsortedMap can also be used in cunjunction with this type to disable the default keys sort.

  • The omitnil field tag's option can be used to specify that a field with a nil pointer should be omitted from the encoding. This option has precedence over the omitempty option.


Go1.13 and backward
  • Nil map keys values implementing the encoding.TextMarshaler interface are encoded as empty strings, while the encoding/json package currently panic because of that. See this issue for more details.[1]

  • Nil struct fields implementing the encoding.TextMarshaler interface are encoded as null, while the encoding/json package currently panic because of that. See this issue for more details.[1]

1: The issues mentioned above have had their associated CL merged, and should be shipped with Go 1.14.



As stated above, the library behave similarly to the encoding/json package. You can simply replace the json.Marshal function with jettison.Marshal, and expect the same output with better performances.

type X struct {
   A string `json:"a"`
   B int64  `json:"b"`
b, err := jettison.Marshal(X{
   A: "Loreum",
   B: 42,
if err != nil {


If more control over the encoding behavior is required, use the MarshalOpts function instead. The second parameter is variadic and accept a list of functional opt-in options described below:

name description
TimeLayout Defines the layout used to encode time.Time values. The layout must be compatible with the AppendFormat method.
DurationFormat Defines the format used to encode time.Duration values. See the documentation of the DurationFmt type for the complete list of formats available.
UnixTime Encode time.Time values as JSON numbers representing Unix timestamps, the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. This option has precedence over TimeLayout.
UnsortedMap Disables map keys sort.
ByteArrayAsString Encodes byte arrays as JSON strings rather than JSON arrays. The output is subject to the same escaping rules used for JSON strings, unless the option NoStringEscaping is used.
RawByteSlice Disables the base64 default encoding used for byte slices.
NilMapEmpty Encodes nil Go maps as empty JSON objects rather than null.
NilSliceEmpty Encodes nil Go slices as empty JSON arrays rather than null.
NoStringEscaping Disables string escaping. NoHTMLEscaping and NoUTF8Coercion are ignored when this option is used.
NoHTMLEscaping Disables the escaping of special HTML characters such as &, < and > in JSON strings. This is similar to json.Encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false).
NoUTF8Coercion Disables the replacement of invalid bytes with the Unicode replacement rune in JSON strings.
AllowList Sets a whitelist that represents which fields are to be encoded when marshaling a Go struct.
DenyList Sets a blacklist that represents which fields are ignored during the marshaling of a Go struct.
NoCompact Disables the compaction of JSON output produced by MarshalJSON method, and json.RawMessage values.
NoNumberValidation Disables the validation of json.Number values.
WithContext Sets the context.Context to be passed to invocations of AppendJSONContext methods.

Take a look at the examples to see these options in action.


If you'd like to run the benchmarks yourself, use the following command.

go get
go test -bench=. | prettybench

Results -short

These benchmarks were run 10x (statistics computed with benchstat) on a MacBook Pro 15", with the following specs:

OS:  macOS Mojave (10.14.6)
CPU: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
Mem: 16GB
Go:  go version go1.15 darwin/amd64
Tag: v0.7.1
name                    time/op
Simple/standard-8          662ns ± 1%
Simple/jsoniter-8          775ns ± 1%
Simple/segmentj-8          380ns ± 1%
Simple/jettison-8          472ns ± 1%
Complex/standard-8        13.8µs ± 1%
Complex/jsoniter-8        14.1µs ± 1%
Complex/segmentj-8        9.72µs ± 1%
Complex/jettison-8        6.86µs ± 1%
CodeMarshal/standard-8    7.25ms ± 0%
CodeMarshal/jsoniter-8    8.27ms ± 1%
CodeMarshal/segmentj-8    5.54ms ± 0%
CodeMarshal/jettison-8    6.02ms ± 0%
Map/standard-8            2.19µs ± 1%
Map/jsoniter-8            1.83µs ± 1%
Map/segmentj-8            1.92µs ± 0%
Map/jettison-8             904ns ± 1%
Map/jettison-nosort-8      600ns ± 1%

name speed Simple/standard-8 204MB/s ± 1% Simple/jsoniter-8 174MB/s ± 1% Simple/segmentj-8 355MB/s ± 2% Simple/jettison-8 286MB/s ± 1% Complex/standard-8 61.8MB/s ± 1% Complex/jsoniter-8 58.1MB/s ± 1% Complex/segmentj-8 88.5MB/s ± 1% Complex/jettison-8 124MB/s ± 1% CodeMarshal/standard-8 268MB/s ± 0% CodeMarshal/jsoniter-8 235MB/s ± 1% CodeMarshal/segmentj-8 350MB/s ± 0% CodeMarshal/jettison-8 322MB/s ± 0% Map/standard-8 38.9MB/s ± 1% Map/jsoniter-8 46.4MB/s ± 1% Map/segmentj-8 44.3MB/s ± 0% Map/jettison-8 94.0MB/s ± 1% Map/jettison-nosort-8 142MB/s ± 1%

name alloc/op Simple/standard-8 144B ± 0% Simple/jsoniter-8 152B ± 0% Simple/segmentj-8 144B ± 0% Simple/jettison-8 144B ± 0% Complex/standard-8 4.76kB ± 0% Complex/jsoniter-8 4.65kB ± 0% Complex/segmentj-8 3.25kB ± 0% Complex/jettison-8 1.38kB ± 0% CodeMarshal/standard-8 1.95MB ± 1% CodeMarshal/jsoniter-8 1.99MB ± 2% CodeMarshal/segmentj-8 1.97MB ± 2% CodeMarshal/jettison-8 1.97MB ± 2% Map/standard-8 848B ± 0% Map/jsoniter-8 925B ± 0% Map/segmentj-8 592B ± 0% Map/jettison-8 96.0B ± 0% Map/jettison-nosort-8 160B ± 0%

name allocs/op Simple/standard-8 1.00 ± 0% Simple/jsoniter-8 2.00 ± 0% Simple/segmentj-8 1.00 ± 0% Simple/jettison-8 1.00 ± 0% Complex/standard-8 96.0 ± 0% Complex/jsoniter-8 86.0 ± 0% Complex/segmentj-8 64.0 ± 0% Complex/jettison-8 15.0 ± 0% CodeMarshal/standard-8 1.00 ± 0% CodeMarshal/jsoniter-8 2.00 ± 0% CodeMarshal/segmentj-8 1.00 ± 0% CodeMarshal/jettison-8 1.00 ± 0% Map/standard-8 19.0 ± 0% Map/jsoniter-8 15.0 ± 0% Map/segmentj-8 18.0 ± 0% Map/jettison-8 1.00 ± 0% Map/jettison-nosort-8 2.00 ± 0%

Simple [source]

Basic payload with fields of type string, int and bool.

Simple Benchmark Graph

Complex [source]

Large payload with a variety of composite Go types, such as struct, map, interface, multi-dimensions array and slice, with pointer and non-pointer value types.

Please note that this test is somewhat positively influenced by the performances of map marshaling.

Complex Benchmark Graph

CodeMarshal [source]

Borrowed from the encoding/json tests. See testdata/code.json.gz.

CodeMarshal Benchmark Graph

Map [source]

Simple map[string]int with 6 keys.

Map Graph


This library and its design has been inspired by the work of others at @bet365 and @segmentio. See the following projects for reference:


Jettison is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.

This package also uses some portions of code from the Go encoding/json package. The associated license can be found in LICENSE.golang.

  • fatal error: runtime: name offset out of range

    fatal error: runtime: name offset out of range

    I'm getting this amazing error on go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64:

    runtime: nameOff 0x1276120 out of range 0x1029000 - 0x17d770e
    fatal error: runtime: name offset out of range
    goroutine 57 [running]:
    runtime.throw({0x1317f5a?, 0xc0001aec20?})
            /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:992 +0x71 fp=0xc00060ca70 sp=0xc00060ca40 pc=0x435751
    runtime.resolveNameOff(0x11c5e60?, 0x1276120)
            /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/type.go:198 +0x265 fp=0xc00060cac8 sp=0xc00060ca70 pc=0x45ba25
    reflect.resolveNameOff(0x12ccb80?, 0x179e620?)
            /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/runtime1.go:498 +0x19 fp=0xc00060cae8 sp=0xc00060cac8 pc=0x460ed9
            /usr/lib/go/src/reflect/type.go:799 +0x25 fp=0xc00060cb08 sp=0xc00060cae8 pc=0x4af745
            /usr/lib/go/src/reflect/type.go:1456 +0x65 fp=0xc00060cb98 sp=0xc00060cb08 pc=0x4b29e5
            /usr/lib/go/src/reflect/type.go:1437{0x17b0fe0, 0x179e620}, 0x0)
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/instruction.go:139 +0x58 fp=0xc00060cbd0 sp=0xc00060cb98 pc=0x9a2638{0x17b0fe0?, 0x179e620}, 0x20?, 0xe6?)
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/instruction.go:94 +0x52 fp=0xc00060cc08 sp=0xc00060cbd0 pc=0x9a21f2{0x17b0fe0?, 0x179e620})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/instruction.go:45 +0x85 fp=0xc00060cc40 sp=0xc00060cc08 pc=0x9a1f85, {0xc00037d000, 0xf, 0x1000}, {{0x17a6490, 0xc000040068}, {0x131a373, 0x23}, 0x5, 0xb1, ...})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/encode.go:70 +0x87 fp=0xc00060ccd0 sp=0xc00060cc40 pc=0x99bec7, {0xc00037d000?, 0x99b885?, 0x2021b00?}, {{0x17a6490, 0xc000040068}, {0x131a373, 0x23}, 0x5, 0xb1, ...}, ...)
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/encode.go:244 +0x4f0 fp=0xc00060cdf0 sp=0xc00060ccd0 pc=0x99d1b0, {0xc00037d000?, 0x7f2645981538?, 0x40?}, {{0x17a6490, 0xc000040068}, {0x131a373, 0x23}, 0x5, 0xb1, ...})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/instruction.go:319 +0x65 fp=0xc00060ce78 sp=0xc00060cdf0 pc=0x9a3a25{0x12a17a0?, 0xc0001e50e0?}, {{0x17a6490, 0xc000040068}, {0x131a373, 0x23}, 0x5, 0xb1, 0x0, 0x0})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/json.go:167 +0xd9 fp=0xc00060cf40 sp=0xc00060ce78 pc=0x9a5499{0x12a17a0, 0xc0001e50e0}, {0xc00060d028, 0x4, 0xc0003cbc00?})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/json.go:142 +0x1a9 fp=0xc00060d000 sp=0xc00060cf40 pc=0x9a5289{0x12a17a0?, 0xc0001e50e0?})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/infinity/utils/json.go:24 +0x6c fp=0xc00060d058 sp=0xc00060d000 pc=0x9ad2cc{0x17a57a8, 0xc00002e2a0}, {0x12a17a0?, 0xc0001e50e0?})
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/infinity/api/apiutils/jsonresponse.go:10 +0x33 fp=0xc00060d088 sp=0xc00060d058 pc=0xb7c733{0x17a57a8, 0xc00002e2a0}, 0xc0005ecb00)
            /home/fiatjaf/comp/infinity/api/wallet.go:347 +0x786 fp=0xc00060d5c8 sp=0xc00060d088 pc=0xf14ba6
    net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xc0003a28f0?, {0x17a57a8?, 0xc00002e2a0?}, 0xc0005ecb00?)
            /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/server.go:2084 +0x2f fp=0xc00060d5f0 sp=0xc00060d5c8 pc=0x6d8e6f
  • Timezone


    encode time.Time type can set timezone to encode to json string default is normal local in time.Time.loc if local string is invalid, use the default location

  • Panic when marshaling maps in Go 1.18

    Panic when marshaling maps in Go 1.18

    Hi, I just updated to Go 1.18 and jettison (v0.7.3) started failing when marshaling maps. This code:

    package main
    import ""
    func main() {
    		"test": 123,

    will fail using Go 1.18 with this stacktrace:

    fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x100 pc=0x460e05]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    runtime.throw({0x4ca188?, 0xc00011c078?})
    	/home/flusflas/.gvm/gos/go1.18/src/runtime/panic.go:992 +0x71 fp=0xc00008da38 sp=0xc00008da08 pc=0x430bd1
    	/home/flusflas/.gvm/gos/go1.18/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:802 +0x3a9 fp=0xc00008da88 sp=0xc00008da38 pc=0x444789
    	/home/flusflas/.gvm/gos/go1.18/src/sync/pool.go:129 +0x25 fp=0xc00008dac0 sp=0xc00008da88 pc=0x460e05, {0xc000138000, 0x1, 0x1000}, {{0x4e5730, 0xc00012c028}, {0x4c8fa0, 0x23}, 0x5, 0x0, ...}, ...)
    	/home/flusflas/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/encode.go:415 +0x7a fp=0xc00008dc00 sp=0xc00008dac0 pc=0x49a13a, {0xc000138000, 0x0, 0x1000}, {{0x4e5730, 0xc00012c028}, {0x4c8fa0, 0x23}, 0x5, 0x0, ...}, ...)
    	/home/flusflas/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/encode.go:364 +0x337 fp=0xc00008dce0 sp=0xc00008dc00 pc=0x499cd7, {0xc000138000?, 0xc00010c2b0?, 0xc000138000?}, {{0x4e5730, 0xc00012c028}, {0x4c8fa0, 0x23}, 0x5, 0x0, ...})
    	/home/flusflas/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/instruction.go:400 +0x72 fp=0xc00008dd70 sp=0xc00008dce0 pc=0x49ff52, {0xc000138000?, 0x203000?, 0x0?}, {{0x4e5730, 0xc00012c028}, {0x4c8fa0, 0x23}, 0x5, 0x0, ...})
    	/home/flusflas/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/instruction.go:406 +0x65 fp=0xc00008dde0 sp=0xc00008dd70 pc=0x4a0165{0x4b2a80?, 0xc00010e150?}, {{0x4e5730, 0xc00012c028}, {0x4c8fa0, 0x23}, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0})
    	/home/flusflas/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/json.go:167 +0xd9 fp=0xc00008dea8 sp=0xc00008dde0 pc=0x4a0eb9{0x4b2a80?, 0xc00010e150?})
    	/home/flusflas/go/pkg/mod/!i2!l/[email protected]/json.go:115 +0xbf fp=0xc00008df48 sp=0xc00008dea8 pc=0x4a0d7f
    	/home/flusflas/main/main.go:6 +0x7a fp=0xc00008df80 sp=0xc00008df48 pc=0x4a601a

    I tried to look for any reported bug with pools in Go 1.18, but I didn't find anything, and I feel a little lost here.

  • API to handler decoder?

    API to handler decoder?

    Jsoniter is a drop in replacement for JSON, I thought you could post a benchmark there if you like to showcase more efficient JSON.

  • fix: encoding of a zero-value duration in string format

    fix: encoding of a zero-value duration in string format

    Instead of returning the constant byte slice containing the representation of the zero duration, appends its content to the destination slice.

    resolve #2

  • AllowList appear to be propagated

    AllowList appear to be propagated

    From the docs it seams that field selection through an AllowList, should only apply to first-level elements:

    AllowList sets the list of first-level fields which are to be considered when encoding a struct. The fields are identified by the name that is used in the final JSON payload. See DenyFields documentation for more information regarding joint use with this option.

    However, it looks like they are applied to nested struct elements as well:

  • Omitting a value that marshals into `null` isn't possible?

    Omitting a value that marshals into `null` isn't possible?


    I've tried to replace encoding/json with jettison, since jettison has the omitnil tag.

    There are certain fields that I am using a custom type for. The idea behind the type is to allow a HTTP request to set a field to null via a PATCH request, but not automatically null all omitted fields. For that to work, null fields must not be see as empty when unmarshalling. However, when marshalling, these null-values have no worth and should be omitted. Is something like that possible?

    Let's say you had the following type:

    type Thing {
        A *NullableString
        B *NullableString

    If you now had a resource where both A and B already had a value of Hello and you'd send the following request:

        "A": null,

    Then field A should be nulled, while B will stay unchanged, since A was explicitly defined, but B was not. The easy solution would be to make two versions of all structs. One for requests and one for replies, however I think that isn't desirable, as it bloats the code and doesn't allow sharing code to work on these structs.

    Here's a small example. The second case will panic with json: error calling MarshalJSON for type *flows_service.NullableString: json: invalid value.

    package flows_service
    import (
    type NullableString struct {
    	// Set indicates whether unmarshalled JSON contained the field.
    	Set bool
    	// This field is only relevant if Set is `true`
    	NonNull bool
    	// Val; Only relevant if NonNull and Set are `true`.
    	Val string
    // MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
    func (v *NullableString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    	if !v.Set || !v.NonNull {
    		return nil, nil
    	return json.Marshal(v.Val)
    // UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
    func (v *NullableString) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    	// If this method was called, the value was set.
    	v.Set = true
    	if string(data) == "null" {
    		return nil
    	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v.Val); err != nil {
    		return err
    	v.NonNull = true
    	return nil
    type Something struct {
    	Field *NullableString `json:"field,omitempty,omitnil"`
    func TestMarshalling(t *testing.T) {
    	cases := []*Something{
    			Field: &NullableString{},
    			Field: &NullableString{
    				Set: true,
    	for i, c := range cases {
    		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
    			data, err := jettison.Marshal(c)
    			if err != nil {
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