A wrapper of streadway/amqp that provides reconnection logic and sane defaults


Wrapper of streadway/amqp that provides reconnection logic and sane defaults. Hit the project with a star if you find it useful

Supported by Qvault



Streadway's AMQP library is currently the most robust and well-supported Go client I'm aware of. It's a fantastic option and I recommend starting there and seeing if it fulfills your needs. Their project has made an effort to stay within the scope of the AMQP protocol, as such, no reconnection logic and few ease-of-use abstractions are provided.

The goal with go-rabbitmq is to still provide most all of the nitty-gritty functionality of AMQP, but to make it easier to work with via a higher-level API. Particularly:

  • Automatic reconnection
  • Multithreaded consumers via a handler function
  • Reasonable defaults
  • Flow control handling

⚙️ Installation

Outside of a Go module:

go get github.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq

🚀 Quick Start Consumer

Default options

consumer, err := rabbitmq.NewConsumer("amqp://user:pass@localhost")
if err != nil {
err = consumer.StartConsuming(
    func(d rabbitmq.Delivery) bool {
        log.Printf("consumed: %v", string(d.Body))
        // true to ACK, false to NACK
        return true
    []string{"routing_key1", "routing_key2"}
if err != nil {

With options

consumer, err := rabbitmq.NewConsumer(
    // can pass nothing for no logging
    func(opts *rabbitmq.ConsumerOptions) {
        opts.Logging = true
if err != nil {
err = consumer.StartConsuming(
    func(d rabbitmq.Delivery) bool {
        log.Printf("consumed: %v", string(d.Body))
        // true to ACK, false to NACK
        return true
    []string{"routing_key1", "routing_key2"},
    // can pass nothing here for defaults
    func(opts *rabbitmq.ConsumeOptions) {
        opts.QueueDurable = true
        opts.Concurrency = 10
        opts.QOSPrefetch = 100
if err != nil {

🚀 Quick Start Publisher

Default options

publisher, returns, err := rabbitmq.NewPublisher("amqp://user:pass@localhost")
if err != nil {
err = publisher.Publish([]byte("hello, world"), []string{"routing_key"})
if err != nil {

With options

publisher, returns, err := rabbitmq.NewPublisher(
    // can pass nothing for no logging
    func(opts *rabbitmq.PublisherOptions) {
        opts.Logging = true
if err != nil {
err = publisher.Publish(
    []byte("hello, world"),
    // leave blank for defaults
    func(opts *rabbitmq.PublishOptions) {
        opts.DeliveryMode = rabbitmq.Persistent
        opts.Mandatory = true
        opts.ContentType = "application/json"
if err != nil {

go func() {
    for r := range returns {
        log.Printf("message returned from server: %s", string(r.Body))

💬 Contact

Twitter Follow

Submit an issue (above in the issues tab)

Transient Dependencies

My goal is to keep dependencies limited to 1, github.com/streadway/amqp.

👏 Contributing

I love help! Contribute by forking the repo and opening pull requests. Please ensure that your code passes the existing tests and linting, and write tests to test your changes if applicable.

All pull requests should be submitted to the main branch.

Lane Wagner
I like Go and Rust, and I tolerate JavaScript and Python. @wagslane on twitter.
Lane Wagner
  • Consumer won't reconnect

    Consumer won't reconnect


    Somehow when network got disconnected for a minutes or so and then network up again, I got a log

    gorabbit: rabbit consumer goroutine closed

    After that, consumer stops receiving new message. Why wont it reconnect?

    I'm using version 0.6.2, and my code is (more or less) like this

    rabbitmqConsumer, err := rabbitmq.NewConsumer(config.constructURL(), amqp.Config{}, rabbitmq.WithConsumerOptionsLogging)
      func(message rabbitmq.Delivery) bool {
        return true
      func(options *rabbitmq.ConsumeOptions) {
        options.QueueExclusive = true
        options.ConsumerExclusive = true
        options.QueueDurable = true
        options.BindingExchange = &rabbitmq.BindingExchangeOptions{
          Name:    "my_rabbitmq_topic",
          Kind:    "fanout",
          Durable: true,
  • Each consumer/ producer has it's own connection?

    Each consumer/ producer has it's own connection?

    Hello, from my understanding of the code, each consumer/ publisher will have its own connection, which contradicts the recommendation of 1 connection per application. In theory, every consumer/ producer should use the same connection but have their own channel? Is this something that's intentional by design, or is there room for improvement here?

  • Why is Exchange configuration driven by Consumers instead of Publishers

    Why is Exchange configuration driven by Consumers instead of Publishers

    This library seems to have Consumers drive the configuration of the Exchanges rather than the Publishers. For example, Consumers determine if an exchange should auto delete, be durable, or the kind (e.g. topic).


    	err = consumer.StartConsuming(
    			func(d rmq.Delivery) rmq.Action {
    				log.Printf("consumed: %v", string(d.Body))
    				// true to ACK, false to NACK
    				return rmq.Ack

    Isn't this a bit backwards since Publishers are the ones who write to Exchanges and should therefore configure its settings, and then Consumers simply configure the queues that they use? Was this design selected out of personal preference or was there a technical reason for it?

  • Add log level to Printf method of the Logger interface

    Add log level to Printf method of the Logger interface

    Currently it is not possible to define which log-level message has: info or warning or error. Need to extend Printf method with logLevel variable. I can suggest PR.

    It's a breaking change, but don't really see how such feature can be added without breaking change.

  • runs consumer reconnection by any rabbit error

    runs consumer reconnection by any rabbit error

    I think that may be good idea to run consumer reconnection by any error because there is situations when internet connection to rabbit service breaks for a while and after that consumer not working anymore. It might be worth adding some field for set up this behavior to the consumer settings fields, but I'm not sure.

  • Possible data race

    Possible data race

    After updating to the version I get:

      Write at 0x00c000474220 by goroutine 33:
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/publish.go:234 +0x70
      Previous read at 0x00c000474220 by goroutine 24:
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/publish.go:167 +0x3b3
            ws/go/meas/pkg/queue/rab_pub.go:48 +0x604
            ws/go/meas/pkg/queue/rabbit_test.go:43 +0x119
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/rzajac/[email protected]/suite/suite.go:148 +0x8b4
            /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202
      Goroutine 33 (running) created at:
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/publish.go:229 +0x164
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/publish.go:160 +0x44
      Goroutine 24 (running) created at:
            /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1238 +0x5d7
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/rzajac/[email protected]/suite/suite.go:203 +0xf7
            go/pkg/mod/github.com/rzajac/[email protected]/suite/suite.go:176 +0x944
            ws/go/meas/pkg/queue/rabbit_test.go:19 +0xa4
            /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202

    in my tests.

  • Make channelManager public

    Make channelManager public

    Hi !

    Thanks for this useful lib! I'm wondering if the channelManager struct could be exposed (renamed to ChannelManager) to be imported. It could also be useful to expose the channelManager struct values of Consumer / Publisher.

    My use case is that I'd like to do manual creation of exchange and queues. I can create a new new AMQP channel but I'd lose the auto reconnect handling of the channelManager.


  • Allow consumers to disable requeuing of messages

    Allow consumers to disable requeuing of messages

    Currently, the delivery is either acknowledge or not based on the bool return value of a consumer. But it is also automatically requeued. In some cases I do not want the delivery to be requeued if its body contains for example invalid JSON and it needs to be send to for example a dead letter queue for further introspection.

    I can imagine that a quick solution would be to change the return value of the consumer to something like func(d Delivery) (bool, bool) where the second bool indicates if it should be requeued or not. I can easily create a PR for that behaviour but wanted to check it first.

  • Declare process for Publisher | Part 2

    Declare process for Publisher | Part 2

    Split #80 into two parts. This part contains:

    • declaration of queues, exchanges and bindings is also possible if the Publisher is used (#43 )
    • updated examples
  • Implementation for graceful shutdown for consumers

    Implementation for graceful shutdown for consumers

    There seems to be missing case while handling SIGINT, SIGTERM signals in the implementation, if the consumers are running in goroutine. One possible implementation can be stop listening to new messages (closing the channel), and provide deadline context to running goroutines.

    Would like to know if there can more elegant way for handling these case, also open for contributing.

  • How to publish with confirms

    How to publish with confirms

    confirms := make(chan amqp.Confirmation)
    go func() {
        for confirm := range confirms {
    	    if confirm.Ack {
    		    // code when messages is confirmed
    	    } else {
    		    // code when messages is nack-ed
  • interface for connection struct

    interface for connection struct

    Currently, it is very difficult to write unit tests for the codebase that uses this library. There is no exported interface for the connection struct and it is difficult to mock this.

    Please provide guidelines for writing unit tests.

  • Not reconnecting in all cases

    Not reconnecting in all cases

    We have observed that the module isn't reconnecting in all cases, but still haven't found the specific problem.

    Logs from one issue (sorry for the mixture of formats, only the connection manager had a custom logger applied):

    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T04:05:23.661704901Z","caller":"worker/worker.go:109","msg":"Handled message"} <-- last message
    2022/12/16 04:59:48 gorabbit ERROR: attempting to reconnect to amqp server after cancel with error: ctag-/bin/worker-1
    2022/12/16 04:59:48 gorabbit INFO: waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server
    2022/12/16 04:59:48 gorabbit INFO: rabbit consumer goroutine closed
    2022/12/16 04:59:53 gorabbit WARN: successfully reconnected to amqp server after cancel
    2022/12/16 04:59:53 gorabbit INFO: successful recovery from: ctag-/bin/worker-1
    2022/12/16 04:59:53 gorabbit ERROR: error restarting consumer goroutines after cancel or close: declare queue failed: Exception (404) Reason: "NOT_FOUND - queue 'new-builds' in vhost 'platform-development' process is stopped by supervisor"
    2022/12/16 04:59:53 gorabbit ERROR: attempting to reconnect to amqp server after close with error: Exception (404) Reason: "NOT_FOUND - queue 'new-builds' in vhost 'platform-development' process is stopped by supervisor"
    2022/12/16 04:59:53 gorabbit INFO: waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server
    2022/12/16 04:59:58 gorabbit WARN: error closing channel while reconnecting: Exception (504) Reason: "channel/connection is not open"
    2022/12/16 04:59:58 gorabbit WARN: successfully reconnected to amqp server
    2022/12/16 04:59:58 gorabbit INFO: successful recovery from: Exception (404) Reason: "NOT_FOUND - queue 'new-builds' in vhost 'platform-development' process is stopped by supervisor"
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:00:41.13624477Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"attempting to reconnect to amqp server after connection close with error: Exception (501) Reason: \"write tcp> write: connection reset by peer\"","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:85"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:00:41.136325279Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:01:16.137948493Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:01:16.138040023Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:01:51.141472319Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:01:51.141562769Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:02:26.143127796Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:02:26.143234192Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:03:01.145103317Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:03:01.145347574Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:03:36.147081783Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:03:36.147184473Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:04:11.148442465Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:04:11.148524676Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:04:46.150196103Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:04:46.150313791Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:05:21.15146101Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:05:21.151567677Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"error","ts":"2022-12-16T05:05:56.152881546Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:25","msg":"error reconnecting to amqp server: dial tcp: lookup rabbitmq.rabbitmq.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout","stacktrace":"XYZ/golib/hrabbitmq.Logger.Errorf\n\t/go/pkg/mod/XYZ/golib/[email protected]/logger.go:25\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).reconnectLoop\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:115\ngithub.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq/internal/connectionmanager.(*ConnectionManager).startNotifyClose\n\t/go/pkg/mod/github.com/wagslane/[email protected]/internal/connectionmanager/connection_manager.go:86"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:05:56.15299162Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"waiting 5s seconds to attempt to reconnect to amqp server"}
    {"level":"warn","ts":"2022-12-16T05:06:14.267313916Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:29","msg":"error closing connection while reconnecting: Exception (504) Reason: \"channel/connection is not open\""}
    {"level":"warn","ts":"2022-12-16T05:06:14.267384733Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:29","msg":"successfully reconnected to amqp server"}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2022-12-16T05:06:14.267430768Z","logger":"rabbitmq","caller":"[email protected]/logger.go:33","msg":"successful connection recovery from: Exception (501) Reason: \"write tcp> write: connection reset by peer\""}
    <-- no further messages handled


    conn, err := rabbitmq.NewConn(
    if err != nil {
      sugar.Fatalw("failed to create a rabbit connection", "err", err)
    defer conn.Close()
    consumer, err := rabbitmq.NewConsumer(conn, func(d rabbitmq.Delivery) rabbitmq.Action {
      // omitted handler logic
      return rabbitmq.Ack
    if err != nil {
      sugar.Fatalw("failed to start consumer", "err", err)
    defer consumer.Close()

    Used version github.com/wagslane/go-rabbitmq v0.11.0

    If you have any pointers what we could look into, that would be appreciated.

  • Remove deprecated 'Publish' method

    Remove deprecated 'Publish' method

    This PR adds PublishWithContext for publishing to Rabbitmq.

    As a requirement, github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go needs to be updated. Removed vendor directory, in favor of go mod download

    Fixes: #90

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