A next-generation testing tool. Orion provides a powerful DSL to write and automate your acceptance tests

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Orion is born to change the way we implement our acceptance tests. It takes advantage of HCL from Hashicorp t o provide a simple DSL to write the acceptance tests. The syntax is inspired in Gherkin.

Please visit full documentation http://www.wesovilabs.com/orion/

Tutorials & Guides

Additionally, a repository with a list of examples can be found here


Don't hesitate to reach me by email at [email protected] or send me a message through of Linkedin or Twitter

Wesovi Labs
Love what you do, enjoy doing it!
Wesovi Labs
  • feat: action `sleep`

    feat: action `sleep`

    Added action sleep as per https://github.com/wesovilabs/orion/issues/9

    The timeout example scenario utilizes string for example "10s", however the documentation mentiones timeout = 10s

    Screenshot from 2021-03-04 00-00-25

    Screenshot from 2021-03-04 00-01-13

    Given code is likely to be correct than doc, I went with that. Even the hcl plugin in my IDE was giving me error with duration = 1s

    I can fix the documentation next if this is fine.

  • feat: Flag tags to allow selection of scenarios

    feat: Flag tags to allow selection of scenarios

    This PR addresses https://github.com/wesovilabs/orion/issues/5

    Added --tags flag. This will allow a user to supply a csv string of possible tags. Scenario which contain any of the listed tags will be executed.

    Possibly, the tags could be saved in the OrionContext/EvalContext and simplify life with the IsSkipped.

  • What is the difference between

    What is the difference between "when block" and "when argument"?

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the syntax It's a bit confusing to have both a block and a argument with the name "when". Is it used for a similar action? Because it seems that the "when" block is not used as a condition for a scenario.

  • new action sleep

    new action sleep

    Implement support for a new action sleep would be great.

    Follow steps in Add a new action

    This action could look like

    sleep {
      duration = 10s # Same format that we're already using for timeouts
     # .. common properties

    the duration values should be supported as http/connection/timeout already does https://github.com/wesovilabs/orion/blob/master/actions/http/internal/decoder/connection.go#L16

  • run scenarios with a tag

    run scenarios with a tag

    Add a new flag named tags to the command run. This flag will be used to determine which scenarios must be executed.

    For example, given the below input file

    scenario "basic usage" {
      tags= ["sum","maths"]
      given "a couple of numbers" {
        set a {
          value = 1
        set b {
          value = 2
      when "input values are sum" {
        set c {
          value = a + b
      then "the result of variable c is correct" {
        assert {
          assertion = c == 3
    scenario "basic usage" {
      tags= ["sub", "maths"]
      given "a couple of numbers" {
        set a {
          value = 1
        set b {
          value = 2
      when "do subtraction with the numbers" {
        set c {
          value = a - b
      then "the result of variable c is correct" {
        assert {
          assertion = c == -1

    the below command should work, and only scenarios with provided tags should be executed.

    orion  run --input feature.hcl --tags sum 
    orion  run --input feature.hcl --tags sub
    orion  run --input feature.hcl --tags maths 
    orion  run --input feature.hcl --tags sum,sub
  • Support for GraphQL

    Support for GraphQL

    Do you plan to support GraphQL queries in HTTP action ? This would be nice to support that type of APIs.

    I could send GraphQL queries in raw string format but it would need to escape every '"' symbol in the query (impractical).

  • Upgrade


    Orion should be easily upgradeable. Currently, we need to fetch the binary and replace de existing one;

    I bet for a couple of command in the CLI.

    orion releases  # this will show the available releases
    orion upgrade <release> # update the orion installation
  • Enrich action HTTP

    Enrich action HTTP

    Action HTTP is not completed at all, see docmentation action HTTPP

    I miss some details such as timeouts, TLS. (maybe more)

    http  post {
       request {
           tls { 

    New struct should be added in directory decoder and add an entry for lock tls in the definition of schema request https://github.com/wesovilabs/orion/blob/master/actions/http/internal/decoder/decoder.go#L34

    Additionally, this function must consider if TLS is configured

  • Fix linter issues

    Fix linter issues

    After running analysis for our code on goreportcard.com/ all the results should be 100%

    Additionally, defined checks in. .golangci.yml should be more strict:

    • As longs as possible, all the linters should be enabled.
    • golint and gocyclo should make the build faild in case of not being successful
    make lint
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