Go client for wit.ai HTTP API


GoDoc Go Report Card

This repository is community-maintained. We gladly accept pull requests. Please see the Wit HTTP Reference for all supported endpoints.

Go client for wit.ai HTTP API.


go get -u github.com/wit-ai/wit-go


package main

import (

	witai "github.com/wit-ai/wit-go"

func main() {
	client := witai.NewClient(os.Getenv("WIT_AI_TOKEN"))
	// Use client.SetHTTPClient() to set custom http.Client

	msg, _ := client.Parse(&witai.MessageRequest{
		Query: "hello",
	fmt.Printf("%v", msg)


Both Unit / Integration tests are executed by Github Actions.

Unit tests

go test -race -v

Integration tests

Integration tests are connecting to real Wit.ai API, so you need to provide a valid token:

export WITAI_INTEGRATION_TOKEN=your_secret_token_here
go test -v -tags=integration


The license for wit-go can be found in LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

Natural Language for everyone
  • BREAKING: Bump API version to 20200513

    BREAKING: Bump API version to 20200513


    This PR updates the library to support wit.ai's latest API version. See #17.

    Pull Requests

    Thanks for proposing a pull request.

    To help us review the request, please complete the following:

    • [x] sign contributor license agreement: https://developers.facebook.com/opensource/cla
    • [x] submit against our master.
    • [x] describe the change (for example, what happens before the change, and after the change)
  • API Versioning not working

    API Versioning not working

    Since wit.ai v2 the wit-go is broken. I thought NewClientWithVersion(token, DefaultVersion) would prevent this, as it calls the API with API versioning. But the API may not send an old-fashioned result back.

    It will not work with v2, but DefaultVersion = "20170307" don't ensure, that this version is used.

    I think it is not an issue of wit-go, but with the API. But to workaround this issue, it is needed to update wit-go to the latest version of the API.

  • Failed to validate sample at index 0. Start must be less than end

    Failed to validate sample at index 0. Start must be less than end

    While using the ValidateSamples method with the sample code shown in the docs : https://wit.ai/docs/http/20170307#post__samples_link

            "text": "I want to fly to sfo",
            "entities": [
                "entity": "intent",
                "value": "flight_request"
                "entity": "wit$location",
                "start": 17,
                "end": 20,
                "value": "sfo"

    I'm getting error : unable to make a request. error: Failed to validate sample at index 0. Start must be less than end.

    I also slightly altered your integration test to reproduce the same error. I added below code to the TestIntegrationSamples test :

    // samples test
    	_, validateErr := c.ValidateSamples([]Sample{
    			Text: "I want to fly SFO",
    			Entities: []SampleEntity{
    					Entity: "intent",
    					Value:  "flight_request",
    					Entity: "wit$location",
    					Value:  "SFO",
    					Start:  17,
    					End:    20,

    The added lines were just to make the test match the sample curl command in the docs : https://wit.ai/docs/http/20170307#post__samples_link

    And as suspected the integration test now fails with :

    === RUN   TestIntegrationSamples
    --- FAIL: TestIntegrationSamples (5.53s)
        integration_test.go:197: expected nil error, got unable to make a request. error: Failed to validate sample at index 0. Start must be less than end.

    I believe this is because the struct def has int values for the start and end fields, but in this example where the intent doesn't need the text selection to be called out (like when you have a trait lookup strategy) so there is no value given for start and end, they are give the zero value for the type, which is 0.

    The problem is the api receives :

        "text": "I want to fly to sfo",
        "entities": [
            "entity": "intent",
            "value": "flight_request",
            "start": 0,
            "end": 0,
            "role": "",
            "subentities": null,
            "entity": "wit$location",
            "value": "SFO",
            "start": 17,
            "end": 20,
            "role": "",
            "subentities": null,

    and it responds with a 400 :

      "error": "Failed to validate sample at index 0. Start must be less than end.",
      "code": "bad-request"

    If I hit the api outside of the library and replace the values of start and end with null or omit them completely then I get back a 200 and it works as expected.

    Maybe I'm missing something here? I would really appreciate some help here. Thanks!

  • V2 is incorrectly packaged for Go modules

    V2 is incorrectly packaged for Go modules

    The latest release of this package is a major version (2.0.0) and thus requires a /v2 suffix on the module path per the Go modules docs. It is currently impossible to install the v2.0.0 release of this package via go get because of invalid packaging.

  • Support for API version 20200513

    Support for API version 20200513

    The latest version of the API response contract doesn't seem to match the current struct definition. Are there any plans to support this, maybe in v2 (since this is definitely breaking)? Is it fine if I create a PR for this?

  • QueryEscape dont work with wit.ai api

    QueryEscape dont work with wit.ai api


    I dont know if this issue should be reported here or in the main wit.ai repo.

    But with the golang client when i try to delete a value with a space in it for an intent e.g

    wit.DeleteEntityValue("intent", "Au revoir") The value is not deleted on wit.ai because of this : url.QueryEscape(value)

    Standard QueryEscape call encodes a space with a "+" character.

    Also this curl command dont work curl -XDELETE 'https://api.wit.ai/entities/intent/values/Au+revoir?v=20170307' But this one does curl -XDELETE 'https://api.wit.ai/entities/intent/values/Au%20revoir?v=20170307'

  • App creation should return correct struct instead of an App

    App creation should return correct struct instead of an App

    According the wit.ai doc [1] when we create an app the response as the following structure { "access_token" : "NEW_ACCESS_TOKEN", "app_id" : "NEW_APP_ID" }

    Then instead of returning an empty app the function CreateApp should return this structure instead of an empty App

    [1] https://wit.ai/docs/http/20170307#post__apps_link

  • Specify a specific http.Client

    Specify a specific http.Client

    I'd like to use this library on google appengine. Though Appengine doesn't allow outbound http request [1], thus we should be able to pass a specific http.Client

    [1] https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/issue-requests

  • update changelog

    update changelog

    Pull Requests

    Thanks for proposing a pull request.

    To help us review the request, please complete the following:

    • [x] sign contributor license agreement: https://developers.facebook.com/opensource/cla
    • [x] submit against our master.
    • [x] describe the change (for example, what happens before the change, and after the change)
  • #9: Replace QueryEscape with PathEscape

    #9: Replace QueryEscape with PathEscape

    Example value: Ho Chi Minh City. Previous code would escape as Ho+Chi+Minh+City and requests will fail. The new code will escape as Ho%20Chi%20Minh%20City and will work.

  • I don't know how to parse Entities from MessageResponse ?

    I don't know how to parse Entities from MessageResponse ?


    Sorry for a basic question but I wasted 5 days for that problem

    // communicate with AI service
    	result, err := witClient.Parse(&witai.MessageRequest{
    		Query: textMessage,
    	if err != nil { // handle error
    	// we have `result` (witai.MessageResponse) here
    	data := []byte(result.Entities) // cannot continue because error convert from interface{} to []byte

    I cannot continue because error convert from interface{} to []byte.

    I want to extract entities key to an array and entities content to an another.

    Hope you can guide me how to extract that.

    Thanks in advanced !

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