A command line http test tool. Maintain the case via git and pure text


A command line http test tool Maintain the api test cases via git and pure text

We want to test the APIs via http requests and assert the responses, postman & newman are easy for this.

But when you got more than maybe 50+ cases, the exported json file shared with your team is huge, maybe more than 10000 lines, it's hard to maintain in the future.

So, here is the httptest

  • all in text(.toml/.yaml/.json)
  • easy to create/modify/copy and delete
  • maintained by git
  • run fast

note: not ready for production



  • Define:

  • Assert:

    • assert status/statusCode/contentLength/contentType/body
    • assert latency
    • assert numeric support _in/_not_in/_lt/_lte/_gt/_gte
    • assert string support _contains/_not_contains/_startswith/_endswith
    • assert response json body, the path syntax is jmespath examples/json.toml
    • assert response headers examples/header.toml
    • assert response has redirected examples/redirect.toml
    • assert response proto/protoMajor/protoMinor
  • Cli and Config:

    • exit code != 0 if got any fail assertions
    • verbose mode: ./httptest run -v examples/get.toml or export HTTPTEST_DEBUG = true
    • quiet mode: -q/--quiet to silent the print, for check $? only
    • show run result with stats
    • configfile: ./httptest run -c examples/config/dev.toml examples/get.toml
    • configfile: debug=true/false to trigger debug print
    • configfile: render=true/false to use go_template render the env
    • configfile: failFast=true/false, will exit if got one fail case while running
    • configfile: timeout=1000, will set request timeout to 1000ms, fail if exceed
    • support run cases in order, ./httptest run -c examples/config/order.toml



method = "get"
url = "http://httpbin.org/get"

status = "OK"
statusCode = 200

full normal assertions: asserts.toml / asserts.json / asserts.yaml | assert.prop | assert.ini

method = "get"
url = "http://httpbin.org/get"
hello = "world"

# status
status = "ok"
statusCode = 200
statusCode_in = [400, 500]
statusCode_not_in = [200, 400]
statusCode_lt = 100
statusCode_lte = 100
statusCode_gt = 500
statusCode_gte = 500

# content-length
contentLength = 18
contentLength_lt = 1
contentLength_lte = 1
contentLength_gt = 180
contentLength_gte = 180

# content-type
contentType = "abc"

# body
body = "HTTPBIN is awesome"
body_contains = "awesome2"
body_not_contains = "awesome"
body_startswith = "A"
body_endswith = "a"
body_not_startswith = "{"
body_not_endswith = "}"

# latency
latency_lt = 0
latency_lte = 0
latency_gt = 100
latency_gte = 100

json assertions

method = "post"
url = "http://httpbin.org/post"
body = """
    "hello": "world",
    "array": [1, 2, 3, 4]
Content-Type = "application/json"

status = "ok"
statusCode = 200
contentLength_gt = 180
contentType = "application/json"

path = "headers.Host"
value =  "httpbin.org"

# path = "headers.\"Accept-Encoding\""
path = 'headers."Accept-Encoding"'
value =  "gzip"

path = 'json.array[0]'
value =  1

path = 'json.hello'
value =  "world"

path = '*.hello'
value =  ["world"]

path = "length(json.array)"
value = 4

with template render, ./httptest run examples/use_template.toml -c examples/config/dev.toml -v

title = "http method post, use template"
description = "http method post"

method = "post"
url = "{{.host}}/post"
body = """
    "hello": "{{.name}}",
    "world": {{if .debug}}"in debug mode"{{else}}"not debug mode"{{end}},
    "array": "{{range $i, $a := .array}} {{$i}}{{$a}} {{end}}"
Content-Type = "{{.content_type}}"

status = "ok"
statusCode = 200
contentLength_gt = 180
contentType = "{{.content_type}}"


  • sub-command: bootstrap create the raw template, like example.toml.tpl
  • sub-command: generate x generate a case, from tpl
  • error: dns / connection reset/timeout and so on
  • how to test: long-live / file download / static file / websocket / keep-alive
  • run in order glob, the pattern is based on the binary root dir
  • support request body type, msgpack/zip.....
  • display: file / line number to show which case fail
  • set timeout each case
  • case scope config, render=true, priority higher than global config
  • feature: ssl / https
  • feature: retry
  • feature: repeat
  • feature: data share between cases
  • how to run in parallel
  • multiple cases in one file, like ginkgo?


Inspired by

  • run in order

    run in order

    -c config.yaml

    set the patterns, by glob syntax

        - case*.yaml
        - stage2*.yaml
        - stagex.yaml

    then the run order

    • patterns hit the config
    • the rest of non-hit
  •  run in parallel

    run in parallel

    make it with the run in order config?

       - xxxxx
           - parallel = true


    can we define it globally?

    parallel=true [run all in parallel => need a worker pool]
  • new feature 2022-12

    new feature 2022-12

    • feat(assert/regexp): support assert body_regexp/body_not_regexp
    • feat(assert/body_icontains): support body_icontains in assertion
    • feat(cookie_exists): support cookie_exists to check if name in cookie
    • feat(assert.header_exists): add assert header_exists; fix bug of stats merge
    • add .goreleaser.yml
  • fix(assert): json assertion type not match / repsonse body length=0 EOF

    fix(assert): json assertion type not match / repsonse body length=0 EOF


    1. response body length=0, application/json will cause json decode EOF
    2. assert header output with a \n
    3. assert json, both number but type not the same(int64(1) != float64(1)), cast to same type then assert
  • v1.0.0


    1. format
    2. show the line number if fail
    3. support case timeout
    4. support retry
    5. run in parallel
    6. support assert.error_contains for http fail
    7. support application/msgpack for request
    8. support decode msgpack and assert as json
    9. support assert xml via xpath
    10. support assert html via xpath
    11. support assert yaml/toml via jmespath, assert as json
    12. add progress bar
    13. support assert cookie
    14. add request support disable_redirect
  • support config like workflow

    support config like workflow

    github actions

           - name: xxxxx
             run: xxxx
           - name: xxxx
             run: xxxx

    like the order in config file, but more powerful

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