ByNom is a Go package for parsing byte sequences, suitable for parsing text and binary data

LICENSE Go Reference


ByNom is a Go package for parsing byte sequences. Its goal is to provide tools to build safe byte parsers without compromising the speed or memory consumption.

The package is inspired by Rust nom library. At the time I was looking for the byte parser library which could meet my requirements, and therefore I decided to write that package.


The current status of the package is Early Development. The interface can be changed any time without notification.


To install the package use go get


  • byte-oriented: The basic type is byte and parsers works with bytes and byte slices.
  • zero-copy: If a parser returns a subset of its input data, it will return a slice of that input, without copying.1
  • conditional parsing: Parsing can be conditional containing switches and optional parts.
  • rich error details: The package tries to provide as much information as possible on parsing error.

1 Depends on the implementation of bynom.Plate.


Here is the simplified example of how time parser can be constructed. The expected time format is HH:MM[:SS][ ][AM|PM].

var hour, minute, second, amPm []byte               // Parsing result will be here

digits := WhileAcceptable(span.Range('0', '9'))     // Allow only bytes in the range '0'..'9'
twoDigits := RequireLen(2, digits)                  // Require the sequence to be 2 bytes in length
time24 := Sequence(
  Take(into.Bytes(&hour), twoDigits),               // Parse hour and write the result in `hour`
  Expect(':'),                                      // Expect ':' after the hour
  Take(into.Bytes(&minute), twoDigits),             // Parse minute and write the result in `minute`
  Optional(                                         // Parse optional second
    Expect(':'),                                    // Expect ':' after the the minute
    Take(into.Bytes(&second), twoDigits),           // Parse second and write the result in `second`
time12 := Sequence(
  time24,                                           // Extend 24-hour time parser
  Optional(While(' ')),                             // Skip optional whitespace
  Take(                                             // Parse AM/PM part
    into.Bytes(&amPm),                              // On success write the result in `amPm`
    ExpectAcceptable(span.Set('a', 'A', 'p', 'P')), // Expect one byte from the set aApP
    ExpectAcceptable(span.Set('m', 'M')),           // Expect one byte from the set mM

timeBite := NewBite(Switch(time12, time24))         // Wrap parsers into the bynom.Eater.
if err := dish.NewString(inputData); err != nil {
} else {
  println(string(hour), ":", string(minute), ":", string(second), " ", string(amPm))

See examples for more examples.


Name Description
Any Reads bytes from the plate until io.EOF encountered.
Expect Expects the next byte to be equal input.
ExpectNot Expects the next byte to be not equal input.
ExpectAcceptable Expects the next set of bytes to be accepted by input.
ExpectIneligible Expects the next set of bytes to be declined by input.
Optional Groups multiple parsers into one optional parser.
Repeat Repeat the set of parsing N times.
RequireLen Require the length of parsed byte sequnce to be equal input.
Sequence Groups multiple parsers into one parser.
Switch Converts multiple parsers into options. The first parser which returns success finishes the switch.
Take Takes the parsed byte sequence into variable.
When Runs the set of parsers when the first parser finishes with success.
WhenNot Runs the set of parsers when the first parser finishes with error.
While Parses while the next byte equals input.
WhileNot Parses while the next byte does not equal input.
WhileAcceptable Parses while the next set of bytes accepted by input.
WhileIneligible Parses while the next set of bytes declined by input.

Error Formatting

The parsing errors can be formatted using formatters from prettierr package. Here is an example of a parsing error formatted with prettierr.HexFormatter.

  requirement not met: invalid length: expected 2, have 11
  start=0, end=11
  31 33 32 34 33 32 34 33  32 30 35                | 13243243 205     
  5: RequireLen, start=0, end=11
  4: Take[0], start=0, end=11
  3: Sequence[0], start=0, end=11
  2: Switch, start=0
  1: When[0], start=0, end=11
  0: Switch, start=0


  • Add support for "words".
  • Provide more usable information on parsing error.
  • Add Plate implementation for io.ReadSeeker.
  • Add more tests.
  • Add benchmarks.
  • Add more examples.
  • Extend the documentation.


Any contributions and feedback are welcome.

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