Wrap contains a method for wrapping one Go error with another.

Note: this code is still in alpha stage. It works but it may change subtly in the near future, depending on what comes out of golang/go#52607.


Wrap contains a single method (With) for wrapping one Go error with another. Both errors can be extracted by using the usual errors.Is and errors.As.

// With returns an error that represents front wrapped over back. If back is
// nil, the returned error is nil.
// Calling Unwrap in a loop on this error will iteratively unwrap the front
// error first, until it runs out of wrapped errors, and then return the back
// error. This is also the order that Is and As will read the wrapped errors.
// The returned error's message will be the concatenation of the two error strings.
func With(back, front error) error {

Both the front and back errors will be visible to errors.Is and errors.As. This makes it easy to add and retrieve metadata on an existing error without squashing the rest of the data in the error. This is especially useful for adding sentinel errors. For example, you can add a categorization like NotFound or PermissionDenied to a lower level error. Or you can use it like an upward context to send side channel data back up the chain to be used in logging or metrics.


// SetUserName sets the name of the user with the given id. This method returns 
// flags.NotFound if the user isn't found or flags.Conflict if a user with that
// name already exists. 
func (st *Storage) SetUserName(id uuid.UUID, name string) error {
    err := st.db.SetUser(id, "name="+name)
    if errors.Is(err, pq.ErrNoRows) {
       return nil, errors.With(err, flags.NotFound)
    var pqErr *pq.Error
    if errors.As(err, &pqErr) && pqErr.Constraint == "unique_user_name" {
        return errors.With(err, flags.Conflict)
    if err != nil {
       // some other unknown error
       return fmt.Errorf("error setting name on user with id %v: %w", err) 
    return nil

This keeps the error categorization very near to the code that produces the error. Nobody outside of SetUserName needs to know anything about postgres driver errors.

Now in the API layer, you can translate this error to an HTTP error code trivially:

func (h *Handlers) HandleSetName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    name, id := getNameAndID(r)
    err := h.storage.SetUserName(id, name)
    if err != nil {
        handleError(err, w)
    // other stuff

func handleError(err error, w http.ResponseWriter) {
    switch {
    case errors.Is(err, flags.NotFound):
        http.Error(w, 404, "not found")
    case errors.Is(err, flags.Conflict):
        http.Error(w, 409, "conflict")
        // other, uncategorized error
        http.Error(w, 500, "internal server error")
        // probably log it, too

The API code doesn't know anything about postgres. It uses the standard errors.Is to check for errors it knows about. But if it then decides to log that error, it has full access to the original error's full context if it wants to dig into it or just log it.

This code is very insulated from any implementation changes to the storage layer, so long as it maintains its API contract by continuing to categorize the errors with the same error flags using errors.With.

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