brickset is a Go client library for accessing the API v3.


brickset is a Go client library for accessing the API v3.

If using this API, you may need to complete the following:

  • Register for the,click here
  • All methods require a valid API key to be passed, which can be obtained here.


type IBrickSet interface {
	GetSets(ctx context.Context, params *GetSetRequest) (int, []*Sets, error)
	GetThemes(ctx context.Context) (int, []*Themes, error)
	GetReviews(ctx context.Context, setID int) (int, []*Review, error)
	GetSubthemes(ctx context.Context, theme string) (int, []*Subthemes, error)
	GetInstructions(ctx context.Context, setID int) (int, []*Instruction, error)
	GetInstructions2(ctx context.Context, setNumber string) (int, []*Instruction, error)
	GetAdditionalImages(ctx context.Context, setID int) (int, []*Image, error)
	GetYears(ctx context.Context, theme string) (int, []*Years, error)


# Go Modules


The following samples will assist you to become as comfortable as possible with brickset library.

package main

import (

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	svc := brickset.New("api-key", "username", "password", brickset.WithDebug(true))
	_, themes, err := svc.GetThemes(ctx)
	if err != nil {
	for _, theme := range themes {
		_, sets, err := svc.GetSets(ctx, &brickset.GetSetRequest{Theme: theme.Theme, PageSize: 2})
		if err != nil {
		for _, set := range sets {


go test -v
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