SQL Parser implemented in Go

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Go package for parsing MySQL SQL queries.


The backbone of this repo is extracted from vitessio/vitess.

Inside vitessio/vitess there is a very nicely written sql parser. However as it's not a self-contained application, I created this one. It applies the same LICENSE as vitessio/vitess.


import (

Then use:

sql := "SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 'abc'"
stmt, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
if err != nil {
	// Do something with the err

// Otherwise do something with stmt
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
case *sqlparser.Select:
	_ = stmt
case *sqlparser.Insert:

Alternative to read many queries from a io.Reader:

r := strings.NewReader("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, 'a'); INSERT INTO table2 VALUES (3, 4);")

tokens := sqlparser.NewTokenizer(r)
for {
	stmt, err := sqlparser.ParseNext(tokens)
	if err == io.EOF {
	// Do something with stmt or err.

See parse_test.go for more examples, or read the godoc.

Porting Instructions

You only need the below if you plan to try and keep this library up to date with vitessio/vitess.

Keeping up to date

shopt -s nullglob

# Create patches for everything that changed
for path in ${VITESS?}/{vt/sqlparser,sqltypes,bytes2,hack}; do
	cd ${path}
	git format-patch ${LASTIMPORT?} .

# Apply patches to the dependencies
cd ${XWB1989?}
git am --directory dependency -p2 ${VITESS?}/{sqltypes,bytes2,hack}/*.patch

# Apply the main patches to the repo
cd ${XWB1989?}
git am -p4 ${VITESS?}/vt/sqlparser/*.patch

# If you encounter diff failures, manually fix them with
patch -p4 < .git/rebase-apply/patch
git add name_of_files
git am --continue

# Cleanup
rm ${VITESS?}/{sqltypes,bytes2,hack}/*.patch ${VITESS?}/*.patch

# and Finally update the LASTIMPORT in this README.

Fresh install

TODO: Change these instructions to use git to copy the files, that'll make later patching easier.


cd ${XWB1989?}

# Copy all the code
cp -pr ${VITESS?}/vt/sqlparser/ .
cp -pr ${VITESS?}/sqltypes dependency
cp -pr ${VITESS?}/bytes2 dependency
cp -pr ${VITESS?}/hack dependency

# Delete some code we haven't ported
rm dependency/sqltypes/arithmetic.go dependency/sqltypes/arithmetic_test.go dependency/sqltypes/event_token.go dependency/sqltypes/event_token_test.go dependency/sqltypes/proto3.go dependency/sqltypes/proto3_test.go dependency/sqltypes/query_response.go dependency/sqltypes/result.go dependency/sqltypes/result_test.go

# Some automated fixes

# Fix imports
sed -i '.bak' 's_vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/proto/query_github.com/xwb1989/sqlparser/dependency/querypb_g' *.go dependency/sqltypes/*.go
sed -i '.bak' 's_vitess.io/vitess/go/_github.com/xwb1989/sqlparser/dependency/_g' *.go dependency/sqltypes/*.go

# Copy the proto, but basically drop everything we don't want
cp -pr ${VITESS?}/vt/proto/query dependency/querypb

sed -i '.bak' 's_.*Descriptor.*__g' dependency/querypb/*.go
sed -i '.bak' 's_.*ProtoMessage.*__g' dependency/querypb/*.go

sed -i '.bak' 's/proto.CompactTextString(m)/"TODO"/g' dependency/querypb/*.go
sed -i '.bak' 's/proto.EnumName/EnumName/g' dependency/querypb/*.go

sed -i '.bak' 's/proto.Equal/reflect.DeepEqual/g' dependency/sqltypes/*.go

# Remove the error library
sed -i '.bak' 's/vterrors.Errorf([^,]*, /fmt.Errorf(/g' *.go dependency/sqltypes/*.go
sed -i '.bak' 's/vterrors.New([^,]*, /errors.New(/g' *.go dependency/sqltypes/*.go



cd ${XWB1989?}

# Test, fix and repeat
go test ./...

# Finally make some diffs (for later reference)
diff -u ${VITESS?}/sqltypes/        ${XWB1989?}/dependency/sqltypes/ > ${XWB1989?}/patches/sqltypes.patch
diff -u ${VITESS?}/bytes2/          ${XWB1989?}/dependency/bytes2/   > ${XWB1989?}/patches/bytes2.patch
diff -u ${VITESS?}/vt/proto/query/  ${XWB1989?}/dependency/querypb/  > ${XWB1989?}/patches/querypb.patch
diff -u ${VITESS?}/vt/sqlparser/    ${XWB1989?}/                     > ${XWB1989?}/patches/sqlparser.patch
  • parse empty statements as nil instead of an error

    parse empty statements as nil instead of an error

    Previously empty statements would result in parse errors. This can happen in cases where they do not initially appear empty, e.g. if the contained only comments. For example, something similar to this appears in mysqldump output:

    /* some comment*/;
    /* another comment */;

    Lex usually discards comments until it finds a token to return but in the above case that is nil since it is an empty statement.

    This change extends the parser to handle the empty statement (after lex does its comment discarding in the above example).

    Fixes #31.

  • Syntax error for

    Syntax error for "using" in join

    This is a fantastically complete and fast parser, but I have one problem case to report. It doesn't seem to understand queries where the "using" shorthand is used in a join.

    Reproduce with: Parsing: select * from t1 join t2 using(id) yields error: syntax error at position 31 near 'using'

  • Syntax error

    Syntax error

    sql := "SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 'abc'"
    stmt, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
    if err != nil {

    I got this error

    http: panic serving [::1]:50432: syntax error at position 20 near 'table'
    goroutine 19 [running]:
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1769 +0x139
    panic(0x7624e0, 0xc000087020)
    	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:522 +0x1b5
    github.com/flume-cloud-services/database/controllers.CreateQuery(0x8565a0, 0xc000136000, 0xc000112400)
    	/home/rerwan/go/src/github.com/flume-cloud-services/database/controllers/query.go:25 +0x27b
    net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x7ece30, 0x8565a0, 0xc000136000, 0xc000112400)
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1995 +0x44
    github.com/flume-cloud-services/database/middleware.AuthMiddleware.func1(0x8565a0, 0xc000136000, 0xc000112400)
    	/home/rerwan/go/src/github.com/flume-cloud-services/database/middleware/auth.go:60 +0x351
    net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0xc000090440, 0x8565a0, 0xc000136000, 0xc000112400)
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1995 +0x44
    net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP(0xadf1a0, 0x8565a0, 0xc000136000, 0xc000112400)
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2375 +0x1d6
    net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc0000932b0, 0x8565a0, 0xc000136000, 0xc000112400)
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2774 +0xa8
    net/http.(*conn).serve(0xc0000a2960, 0x856ee0, 0xc00009e440)
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1878 +0x851
    created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
    	/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2884 +0x2f4

    I am using the latest version of sqlparser And Golang 1.12

  • "SET NAMES utf8;" doesn't work

    Hi, I got another one:

    r := strings.NewReader(`SET NAMES utf8;`)
    tokens := sqlparser.NewTokenizer(r)
    for {
    	stmt, err := sqlparser.ParseNext(tokens)
    	if err == io.EOF {
    	if err != nil {

    This results only in this output:


    The rest is missing?

  • `LOCK TABLES` and `UNLOCK TABLES` treated as syntax errors

    `LOCK TABLES` and `UNLOCK TABLES` treated as syntax errors

    Discovered while looking at mysqldump's default output, which contains a couple things that currently cause syntax errors.

    A mysqldump file consists of SQL statements that create tables and insert rows into them. By default it places LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements around its inserts, but currently these are not handled by the parser.

  • Support for current_timestamp

    Support for current_timestamp

    I create a table with


    it shows

    syntax error at position 471 near 'current_timestamp'

  • Date arithmetic INTERVAL keyword not handled correctly

    Date arithmetic INTERVAL keyword not handled correctly

    Minimal example:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        tree, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
            panic("oh no")
    $ go run main.go
    Error:  syntax error at position 34 near 1
    panic: oh no
    [trace info]

    Looks like it's failing to handle the MONTH after INTERVAL.

  • Not supported OFFSET

    Not supported OFFSET

    I got an error for a query which contain OFFSET. It should be a valid query.

    syntax error at position 42 near OFFSET for query - SELECT * FROM AccessToken LIMIT 10 OFFSET 13
  • Recompile parsed query into SQL?

    Recompile parsed query into SQL?

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to extract this into its own package, it's awesome! I was wondering if you could provide any guidance if there were any functions exposed that takes a parsed query and can recompile it back into an SQL statement?

    Thank you so much for your time!

  • A question about using sqlparser to parse sql with placeholders

    A question about using sqlparser to parse sql with placeholders

    HI. When I use sqlparser to parse sql with "?", and then call function stmt.Format, the "?" in the sql will be replaced with ":v1". Is this a bug? Here is an example.

    sql := "select * from tbl where id = ?"
    stmt, _ := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
    buf := sqlparser.NewTrackedBuffer(nil)
    newSql := buf.String()
    fmt.Println(newSql) // the newSql is "select * from tbl where id = :v1"

    Thank you in advance for your answer.

  • Node position

    Node position

    Is it possible to obtain the position of each node in the AST? I believe it's not currently being tracked. Any sense of what would be involved to add support for that? I'd be happy to implement if someone could point me in the right direction.

    Ideally, it would look something like this:

      Start: { Offset: 23, Line: 5, Column: 6 },
      End:   { Offset: 25, Line: 5, Column: 8 }
  • Doesn't parse insert statement with `returning` clause

    Doesn't parse insert statement with `returning` clause

    INSERT INTO `products` (`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`code`,`price`) VALUES ("2022-12-13 03:09:51.724","2022-12-13 03:09:51.724",NULL,"D42",100) RETURNING `id`

    syntax error at position 165 near 'RETURNING'

  • How to parse SQL procedure CALL

    How to parse SQL procedure CALL

    I have an SQL procedure in MariaDB called bookUPDATE such as this:

    	UPDATE book
    			book.Title= v_Title,
    			book.ReleaseDate = v_ReleaseDate,
    			book.Description = v_Description,
    		WHERE book.ID = v_ID;

    I have an SQL builder for this procedure which creates a string:

    q := "CALL bookUPDATE(?, ?, ?, ?); CALL bookUPDATE(?, ?, ?, ?);"

    When I do the sqlparser.Parse(q) I get an error syntax error at position 5 near 'call'.

    How am I supposed to Parse calling the procedure?

  • Does it support nested queries/sub-quries

    Does it support nested queries/sub-quries

    I want to validate some SQL queries that are nested and have sub-queries at multiple depths. The sqlparser.Parse says the following query is invalid:-

    SELECT ( SELECT ( SELECT ( SELECT * FROM table) FROM table_2 ) FROM table_1 WHERE column = ( SELECT * FROM table_3 ) ) FROM table

    Am I doing something wrong or does the library not support sub-packages?

  • parse error

    parse error

    func main() { sql := "SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 'abc'" stmt, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%s",err.Error()) }

    // Otherwise do something with stmt
    switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
    case *sqlparser.Select:
    	_ = stmt
    case *sqlparser.Insert:
    fmt.Printf("stmt :%v", stmt)


    result err: syntax error at position 20 near 'table'

  • Add non-reserved keyword 'groups'

    Add non-reserved keyword 'groups'

    While using this library, I noticed that it does not add a backtick to MySQL tables named groups, which causes an SQL error when executing the generated queries.

    This PR is a proposed fix for this.

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