gin auto binding,grpc, and annotated route,gin 注解路由, grpc,自动参数绑定工具

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Automatic parameter binding base on go-gin




Golang gin automatic parameter binding

  • Support for RPC automatic mapping

  • Support object registration

  • Support annotation routing

  • base on go-gin on json restful style

  • implementation of parameter filtering and binding with request

  • code registration simple and supports multiple ways of registration

  • grpc-go bind support

  • Support swagger MORE

  • Support markdown/mindoc MORE

  • Support call before and after deal(ginrpc.WithBeforeAfter)

  • DEMO


  • go mod:
go get -u

API details

Three interface modes are supported

  • func(*gin.Context) // go-gin Raw interface

    func(*api.Context) // Custom context type

  • func(*api.Context,req) // Custom context type,with request


  • func(*gin.Context,*req) // go-gin context,with request


  • func(*gin.Context,*req)(*resp,error) // go-gin context,with request,return parameter and error ==> grpc-go


一. Parameter auto binding,Object registration (annotation routing)

Initialization project (this project is named after gmsec)

``` go mod init gmsec ```

coding more>>

package main

import (

	_ "gmsec/routers" // Debug mode requires adding [mod] / routes to register annotation routes.debug模式需要添加[mod]/routers 注册注解路由
	"" // swagger 支持


type ReqTest struct {
	Access_token string `json:"access_token"`
	UserName     string `json:"user_name" binding:"required"` // With verification mode
	Password     string `json:"password"`

// Hello ...
type Hello struct {

// Hello Annotated route (bese on beego way)
// @Router /block [post,get]
func (s *Hello) Hello(c *api.Context, req *ReqTest) {
	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "ok")

// Hello2 Route without annotation (the parameter is 2 default post)
func (s *Hello) Hello2(c *gin.Context, req ReqTest) {
	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "ok")

// [grpc-go](
// with request,return parameter and error
// TestFun6 Route without annotation (the parameter is 2 default post)
func TestFun6(c *gin.Context, req ReqTest) (*ReqTest, error) {
	//c.JSON(http.StatusOK, req)
	return &req, nil

func main() {

	// swagger
	myswagger.SetSchemes(true, false)
	// -----end --
	base := ginrpc.New()
	router := gin.Default() // or router :=  gin.Default().Group("/xxjwxc")
	base.Register(router, new(Hello)) // object register like(go-micro)
	router.POST("/test6", base.HandlerFunc(TestFun6))                            // function register
	base.RegisterHandlerFunc(router, []string{"post", "get"}, "/test", TestFun6) 

- Annotation routing related instructions

// @Router /block [post,get]
@Router tag  
/block router 
[post,get] method 

Note: if there is no annotation route in the object function, the system will add annotation route by default. Post mode: with req (2 parameters (CTX, req)), get mode is a parameter (CTX)

1. Annotation route will automatically create [mod]/routes/gen_router.go file, which needs to be added when calling:

_ "[mod]/routers" // Debug mode requires adding [mod] / routes to register annotation routes


By default, the [gen_router. Data] file will also be generated in the root directory of the project (keep this file, and you can embed it without adding the above code)

2. way of annotation route :

more to saying  [gmsec](

3. Parameter description

ginrpc.WithCtx : Set custom context

ginrpc.WithDebug(true) : Set debug mode

ginrpc.WithOutDoc(true) : output markdown/swagger api doc

ginrpc.WithBigCamel(true) : Set big camel standard (false is web mode, _, lowercase)

ginrpc.WithBeforeAfter(&ginrpc.DefaultGinBeforeAfter{}) : Before After call


4. Execute curl to automatically bind parameters. See the results directly

curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"access_token":"111", "user_name":"222", "password":"333"}'
curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"access_token":"111", "user_name":"222", "password":"333"}'

二. swagger/markdown/mindoc Document generation description

	ginrpc.WithOutDoc(true) : output markdown/swagger

1.For object registration 'ginrpc. Register' mode, document export is supported

2.Export supports annotation routing, Parameter annotation and default value (tag '. default')

3.Default export path:(/docs/swagger/swagger.json,/docs/markdown)

4 struct demo

type ReqTest struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
	UserName    string `json:"user_name" binding:"required"` // 带校验方式
	Password    string `json:"password"`

三. Support to call Middleware

  • using ginrpc.WithBeforeAfter(&ginrpc.DefaultGinBeforeAfter{})
  • You can also implement functions (single types) on objects
	// GinBeforeAfter Execute middleware before and after the object call (support adding the object separately from the object in total)
	type GinBeforeAfter interface {
		GinBefore(req *GinBeforeAfterInfo) bool
		GinAfter(req *GinBeforeAfterInfo) bool

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

coding address:ginprc Please give star support

  • 自动参数绑定,传参错误时,解析报错



    type ReqTest struct {
    	Access_token string `json:"access_token"`
    	UserName     string `json:"user_name" binding:"required"` // With verification mode.带校验方式
    	Password     int `json:"password"`

    curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"access_token":"111", "user_name":"222", "password":333}' 正常,执行 curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"access_token":"111", "user_name":"222", "password":"333"}' 报错

    自动参数绑定无法将字符串类型转换为int类型,建议做个兼容 int 2 string string 2 int

  • 路由使用中间件后无法自动注册



    gAuth := g.Group("").Use(authMiddleware.MiddlewareFunc()).Use(middleware.AuthCheckRole())
    		gAuth.GET("/nilcheckrole", nil)
    		var autoRoute = ginrpc.New()
    		autoRoute.Register(gAuth, new(adminApi.AdminInfos))

    gAuth这个返回的是ginGroup的IRoutes, 导致register的时候类型不匹配, 请问如何处理呢?是否能增加一个RegisterGroup之类的

  • Bind Path Param

    Bind Path Param

    How can I bind PathParam to Struct? Thanks! like, request URI is hello/:id, I wanna bind id to Struct

    type HelloRequest struct {
        Id uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"`
  • go get -u

    go get -u

    image imports cannot find module providing package imports cannot find module providing package imports cannot find module providing package

  • 您好,认真阅读了您的代码,有些问题请教


    1.通过ast获取注释,然后自动注册路由和参数绑定。我看代码部分是根据mod 和当前文件目录查找到具体文件,请问在生产环境是否受限,就是打包后发服务器是否可以继续用? 2.参数绑定我目前看到可以传req结构体,但是参数校验,比如新增age参数,然后传0和不传得到的结果是一样的,传一个小数也会接收到0,能否灵活配置,方便更严格的参数校验和参数获取。 另外不止如何添加您的联系方式,非常希望能够加上你一起交流。

  • 基于此库进行了一些修改自用, 发现的几个问题

    基于此库进行了一些修改自用, 发现的几个问题


    1. 建议打个tag, 这样方便go mod项目直接import
    2. gen.go 的方法 genCode没有自动创建routers目录, 如果是直接使用这个库的情况(不是基于gmsec项目), 就会调试时可以注册路由, 到编译成其他系统就不行了
    3. Register方法只能调用一次, 每次调用都会生成swagger.json, 会覆盖之前的文档
    4. 默认情况下会为每个没有写注解的公开方法都生成路由, 这样的话想实现下面这种就比较怪了 会把api.BaseController里的方法也注册起来, 也许可以加个注解比如 @Ignore 忽略路由注册
    type SysUser struct {
    1. 目前好像不能声明header query 这种参数来生成到文档中


  • Arm64 run panic: package parsing failed:can not find main files

    Arm64 run panic: package parsing failed:can not find main files "runtime/asm_amd64.s"

    if strings.HasSuffix(filename, "runtime/asm_amd64.s") {
    				index = index - 2

    asm_amd64 is not correct in arm64 platform !

    panic: package parsing failed:can not find main files

    goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x40000740d8, 0x400042baa8, 0x89198, 0x0, 0xe24dc) /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/myast/common.go:42 +0x36c, 0x8588a0, 0x40003b01a0, 0x400042bea8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x40003a0190) /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/common.go:455 +0x30, 0x8588a0, 0x40003b01a0, 0x400042bea8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x40003b01a0) /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/ginrpc.go:152 +0x9c

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