Yet Another REST Framework

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YARF: Yet Another REST Framework

YARF is a fast micro-framework designed to build REST APIs and web services in a fast and simple way. Designed after Go's composition features, takes a new approach to write simple and DRY code.

Getting started

Here's a transcription from our examples/simple package. This is a very simple Hello World web application example.

package main

import (

// Define a simple resource
type Hello struct {

// Implement the GET method
func (h *Hello) Get(c *yarf.Context) error {
    c.Render("Hello world!")
    return nil

// Run app server on http://localhost:8080
func main() {
    y := yarf.New()
    y.Add("/", new(Hello))

For more code and examples demonstrating all YARF features, please refer to the 'examples' directory.


Struct composition based design

YARF resources are custom structs that act as handlers for HTTP methods. Each resource can implement one, several or all HTTP methods needed (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.). Resources are created using Go's struct composition and you only have to declare the yarf.Resource type into your own struct.


import ""

// Define a simple resource
type Hello struct {

// Implement the GET method
func (h *Hello) Get(c *yarf.Context) error {
    c.Render("Hello world!")
    return nil

Simple router

Using a strict match model, it matches exact URLs against resources for increased performance and clarity during routing. The routes supports parameters in the form '/:param'.

The route:


Will match:


But it won't match:


You can define optional parameters using multiple routes on the same Resource.

Route parameters

At this point you know how to define parameters in your routes using the /:param naming convention. Now you'll see how easy is to get these parameters by their name from your resources using the Context.Param() method.


For the route:


You can have this resource:

import ""

type Hello struct {

func (h *Hello) Get(c *yarf.Context) error {
    name := c.Param("name")

    c.Render("Hello, " + name)

    return nil

Route wildcards

When some extra freedom is needed on your routes, you can use a * as part of your routes to match anything where the wildcard is present.

The route:


Will match the routes


And so on...

You can also combine this with parameters inside the routes for extra complexity.

Catch-All wildcard

When using the * at the end of any route, the router will match everything from the wildcard and forward.

The route:


Will match:


And so on...

Note about the wildcard

The * can only be used by itself and it doesn't works for single character matching like in regex.

So the route:


Will NOT match:



The Context object is passed as a parameter to all Resource methods and contains all the information related to the ongoing request.

Check the Context docs for a reference of the object:

Middleware support

Middleware support is implemented in a similar way as Resources, by using composition.
Routes will be pre-filtered and post-filtered by Middleware handlers when they're inserted in the router.


import ""

// Define your middleware and composite yarf.Middleware
type HelloMiddleware struct {

// Implement only the PreDispatch method, PostDispatch not needed.
func (m *HelloMiddleware) PreDispatch(c *yarf.Context) error {
    c.Render("Hello from middleware! \n") // Render to response.

    return nil

// Insert your middlewares to the server
func main() {
    y := yarf.New()

    // Add middleware
    // Define routes
    // ...
    // ...
    // Start the server

Route groups

Routes can be grouped into a route prefix and handle their own middleware.

Nested groups

As routes can be grouped into a route prefix, other groups can be also grouped allowing for nested prefixes and middleware layers.


import ""

// Entry point of the executable application
// It runs a default server listening on http://localhost:8080
// URLs after configuration:
// http://localhost:8080
// http://localhost:8080/hello/:name
// http://localhost:8080/v2
// http://localhost:8080/v2/hello/:name
// http://localhost:8080/extra/v2
// http://localhost:8080/extra/v2/hello/:name
func main() {
    // Create a new empty YARF server
    y := yarf.New()

    // Create resources
    hello := new(Hello)
    hellov2 := new(HelloV2)

    // Add main resource to multiple routes at root level.
    y.Add("/", hello)
    y.Add("/hello/:name", hello)

    // Create /v2 prefix route group
    g := yarf.RouteGroup("/v2")

    // Add /v2/ routes to the group
    g.Add("/", hellov2)
    g.Add("/hello/:name", hellov2)

    // Use middleware only on the /v2/ group

    // Add group to Yarf routes

    // Create another group for nesting into it.
    n := yarf.RouteGroup("/extra")

    // Nest /v2 group into /extra/v2

    // Use another middleware only for this /extra/v2 group

    // Add group to Yarf

    // Start server listening on port 8080

Check the ./examples/routegroups demo for the complete working implementation.

Route caching

A route cache is enabled by default to improve dispatch speed, but sacrificing memory space. If you're running out of RAM memory and/or your app has too many possible routes that may not fit, you should disable the route cache.

To enable/disable the route cache, just set the UseCache flag of the Yarf object:

y := yarf.New()
y.UseCache = false

Chain and extend

Just use the Yarf object as any http.Handler on a chain. Set another http.Handler on the Yarf.Follow property to be followed in case this Yarf router can't match the request.

Here's an example on how to follow the request to a public file server:

package main 

import (

func main() {
    y := yarf.New()

    // Add some routes
    y.Add("/hello/:name", new(Hello))
    //... more routes here
    // Follow to file server
    y.Follow = http.FileServer(http.Dir("/var/www/public"))
    // Start the server

Custom NotFound error handler

You can handle all 404 errors returned by any resource/middleware during the request flow of a Yarf server. To do so, you only have to implement a function with the func(c *yarf.Context) signature and set it to your server's Yarf.NotFound property.

y := yarf.New()

// ...

y.NotFound = func(c *yarf.Context) {
    c.Render("This is a custom Not Found handler")

// ...


On initial benchmarks, the framework seems to perform very well compared with other similar frameworks. Even when there are faster frameworks, under high load conditions and thanks to the route caching method, YARF seems to perform as good or even better than the fastests that work better under simpler conditions.

Check the benchmarks repository to run your own:

HTTPS support

Support for running HTTPS server from the net/http package.

Using the default server

func main() {
    y := yarf.New()
    // Setup the app
    // ...
    // ...
    // Start https listening on port 443
    y.StartTLS(":443", certFile, keyFile)

Using a custom server

func main() {
    y := yarf.New()

    // Setup the app
    // ...
    // ...

    // Configure custom http server and set the yarf object as Handler.
    s := &http.Server{
        Addr:           ":443",
        Handler:        y,
        ReadTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
        WriteTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
        MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
    s.ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile)

Why another micro-framework?

Why not?

No, seriously, i've researched for small/fast frameworks in the past for a Go project that I was starting. I found several options, but at the same time, none seemed to suit me. Some of them make you write weird function wrappers to fit the net/http package style. Actually, most of them seem to be function-based handlers. While that's not wrong, I feel more comfortable with the resource-based design, and this I also feel aligns better with the spirit of REST.

In Yarf you create a resource struct that represents a REST resource and it has all HTTP methods available. No need to create different routes for GET/POST/DELETE/etc. methods.

By using composition, you don't need to wrap functions inside functions over and over again to implement simple things like middleware or extension to your methods. You can abuse composition to create a huge OO-like design for your business model without sacrifying performance and code readability.

Even while the code style differs from the net/http package, the framework is fully compatible with it and couldn't run without it. Extensions and utilities from other frameworks or even the net/http package can be easily implemented into Yarf by just wraping them up into a Resource, just as you would do on any other framework by wrapping functions.

Context handling also shows some weird designs across frameworks. Some of them rely on reflection to receive any kind of handlers and context types. Others make you receive some extra parameter in the handler function that actually brokes the net/http compatibility, and you have to carry that context parameter through all middleware/handler-wrapper functions just to make it available. In Yarf, the Context is automatically sent as a parameter to all Resource methods by the framework.

For all the reasons above, among some others, there is a new framework in town.

  • Data Races

    Data Races

    yarf appears to have several data races, some of which seem to be part of the framework's API.

    Note the documentation of http.Serve (Which is called by http.ListenAndServe among others.)(Emphasis mine):

    Serve accepts incoming connections on the Listener l, creating a new service goroutine for each. The service goroutines read requests and then call srv.Handler to reply to them.

    I created a new test on my fork that can surfaces data races in yarf.ServeHTTP, simulating the way Server behaves by spawning many goroutines to handle many requests. The output of go test -race with this test is at the bottom of this issue. The post on the Go Blog, Intoducing the Go Race Detector may be an insightful read.

    1. The first is a race on the cache itself. The first goroutine is reading from it at the same time as another is writing to it. As a stop-gap it could use a sync.RWMutex to serialize access to it. But since the current cache implementation is quite simplified, it might be better off removed from yarf completely and implemented at a different layer.
    2. The second race is on routeGroup.lastMatch. This could result in one goroutine overwriting lastMatch between another goroutine's write of lastMatch and call of Dispatch, causing the same Route to be dispatched to twice with two or more completely different contexts, and the other routes ignored completely. To fix this, I would put the last match in a new Dispatchee field of Context, and remove it from RouteGroup.
    3. The third race is on a Route's Context field (via embedded RequestContext). This means that two goroutines could call SetContext before either calls Dispatch, resulting in both routes getting the same context. Since this is part of the yarf's API, I doubt this could be fixed without breaking things. One change would be to change ResourceHandler http method handlers to take *Context as an argument instead of being passed underneath in the struct with RequestContext.

    This issue doesn't come with a pull request just because applying these changes would alter the API and I'd like your feedback first.

    Read by goroutine 39:
          C:/sdk/Go/src/runtime/hashmap_fast.go:281 +0x0*yarf).ServeHTTP()
          go/src/ +0x23a
          go/src/ +0xc1
    Previous write by goroutine 38:
          C:/sdk/Go/src/runtime/hashmap.go:411 +0x0*yarf).ServeHTTP()
          go/src/ +0x564
          go/src/ +0xc1
    Goroutine 39 (running) created at:
          go/src/ +0x4f9
          C:/sdk/Go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xe3
    Goroutine 38 (finished) created at:
          go/src/ +0x4f9
          C:/sdk/Go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xe3
    Read by goroutine 40:*routeGroup).Dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x60*yarf).dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x1bc*yarf).ServeHTTP()
          go/src/ +0x30d
          go/src/ +0xc1
    Previous write by goroutine 38:*routeGroup).Match()
          go/src/ +0x2a5*yarf).ServeHTTP()
          go/src/ +0x459
          go/src/ +0xc1
    Goroutine 40 (running) created at:
          go/src/ +0x4f9
          C:/sdk/Go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xe3
    Goroutine 38 (finished) created at:
          go/src/ +0x4f9
          C:/sdk/Go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xe3
    Write by goroutine 39:*MockResource).SetContext()
          <autogenerated>:83 +0x64*route).Dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x81*routeGroup).Dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x2e5*yarf).dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x1bc*yarf).ServeHTTP()
          go/src/ +0x30d
          go/src/ +0xc1
    Previous write by goroutine 38:*MockResource).SetContext()
          <autogenerated>:83 +0x64*route).Dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x81*routeGroup).Dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x2e5*yarf).dispatch()
          go/src/ +0x1bc*yarf).ServeHTTP()
          go/src/ +0x599
          go/src/ +0x12c
    Goroutine 39 (running) created at:
          go/src/ +0x4f9
          C:/sdk/Go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xe3
    Goroutine 38 (finished) created at:
          go/src/ +0x4f9
          C:/sdk/Go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xe3
  • Fix cache being written when UseCache=false

    Fix cache being written when UseCache=false

    yarf.ServeHTTP writes to the cache unconditionally. Specifically yarf.go:97. This pull request changes this to only write to the cache when UseCache = true.

  • can you explain the idea behind this

    can you explain the idea behind this

    Hi, I'm courious about this code

    type Hello struct {

    for me it's a bit verbos create this struct, compared to other frameworks inspired by ruby sinatra (similar to gorrilla routes) but I'm pretty sure than there is a great idea behind this, can you explain me why did you choose this implementation? thanks

  • Refactor yarf.go; fix critical routeGroup bug

    Refactor yarf.go; fix critical routeGroup bug

    The yarf struct was duplicating the functionality of routeGroup. The first commit in this pull request removes the duplication, and embeds a generic interface instead. Since the interface is embedded, the exposed methods don't change, but it gives us more flexibility. I also shuffled some of the applicable yarf tests into routeGroup tests. There is one extra level of indirection, but it doesn't affect the benchmarks much.

    Probably more important is a bug using Context.routeDispatch. Due to my meddling about with silly things such as 'race conditions' (#12), I suggested we put routeDispatch on the Context object instead of passing it through the route itself. Lo and behold, a bad data race turned into a worse logic error. If there are two routeGroups in the full path, the group at the base of the url overwrites routeDispatch, leading to an infinitely recursive dispatch.

    Luckily this logic was just deduplicated so the majority of the fix only needed to touch routeGroup. The change basically turns Context.routeDispatch into a []Route used like a stack. Every matched routeGroup pushes the found route to this slice. When dispatching, each route pops the last Route and dispatches it. It also adds a test to detect this.

    It looks like we need some more tests on Dispatch.

    (Normally I'd try to separate these, but they became somewhat interdependent.)

  • Benchmarks for Match; router.go cleanup

    Benchmarks for Match; router.go cleanup

    This pull request adds benchmarks for the route matching functions, and then improves on them while consolidating some of the repeated code in router.go into helper functions.

    This is the result of benchcmp between the two commits in this pull request.

    benchmark                           old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
    BenchmarkRouteMatch_short           352           296           -15.91%
    BenchmarkRouteMatch_long            1964          1845          -6.06%
    BenchmarkRouteMatch_emptyParts      4166          3596          -13.68%
    BenchmarkRouteGroupMatch_short      560           286           -48.93%
    BenchmarkRouteGroupMatch_nested     55565         51172         -7.91%
  • Test for & fix unmatched RouteGroup writing Params

    Test for & fix unmatched RouteGroup writing Params

    There's a bug in routeGroup.Match where it would write parameters to Context.Params before checking that the route fully matched, specifically it's children routes. This could lead to extra params that are not listed in the final url. This pull request fixes the bug.

    Also renamed prepareUrl to prepareURL to make golint happy.

  • url with tailling flash /hello/aa/ match route

    url with tailling flash /hello/aa/ match route "/hello/:name" should return 404 like net/http

    package main
    import ""
    type Hello struct {
    func (h *Hello) Get(c *yarf.Context) error {
    	name := c.Param("name")
    	c.Render("Hello, " + name)
    	return nil
    func main() {
    	// Create a new empty YARF server
    	y := yarf.New()
    	hello := new(Hello)
    	y.Add("/", hello)
    	y.Add("/hello/:name", hello)

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello/xxx/ Hello, xxx

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        http.HandleFunc("/hello/xxx", func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome to my website!")
       http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

    curl http://localhost:8080/hello/xxx/ Not found

skr: The lightweight and powerful web framework using the new way for Go.Another go the way.
skr: The lightweight and powerful web framework using the new way for Go.Another go the way.

skr Overview Introduction Documents Features Install Quickstart Releases Todo Pull Request Issues Thanks Introduction The lightweight and powerful web

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