Fast IP to CIDR lookup in Golang


Fast IP to CIDR block(s) lookup using trie in Golang, inspired by IPv4 route lookup linux. Possible use cases include detecting if a IP address is from published cloud provider CIDR blocks (e.g. is contained in published AWS Route53 CIDR, IP routing rules, etc.

GoDoc Reference Build Status Coverage Status Go Report Card

This is visualization of a trie storing CIDR blocks without path compression, the 0/1 number on the path indicates the bit value of the IP address at specified bit position, hence the path from root node to a child node represents a CIDR block that contains all IP ranges of its children, and children's children.

Visualization of trie storing same CIDR blocks with path compression, improving both lookup speed and memory footprint.

Getting Started

Configure imports.

import (


Create a new ranger implemented using Path-Compressed prefix trie.

ranger := NewPCTrieRanger()

Inserts CIDR blocks.

_, network1, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
_, network2, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")

To attach any additional value(s) to the entry, simply create custom struct storing the desired value(s) that implements the RangerEntry interface:

type RangerEntry interface {
	Network() net.IPNet

The prefix trie can be visualized as: (target_pos:31:has_entry:false)
| 1--> (target_pos:30:has_entry:false)
| | 0--> (target_pos:7:has_entry:true)
| | 1--> (target_pos:7:has_entry:true)

To test if given IP is contained in constructed ranger,

contains, err = ranger.Contains(net.ParseIP("")) // returns true, nil
contains, err = ranger.Contains(net.ParseIP("")) // returns false, nil

To get all the networks given is contained in,

containingNetworks, err = ranger.ContainingNetworks(net.ParseIP(""))

To get all networks in ranger,

entries, err := ranger.CoveredNetworks(*AllIPv4) // for IPv4
entries, err := ranger.CoveredNetworks(*AllIPv6) // for IPv6


Compare hit/miss case for IPv4/IPv6 using PC trie vs brute force implementation, Ranger is initialized with published AWS ip ranges (889 IPv4 CIDR blocks and 360 IPv6)

// Ipv4 lookup hit scenario
BenchmarkPCTrieHitIPv4UsingAWSRanges-4         	 5000000	       353   ns/op
BenchmarkBruteRangerHitIPv4UsingAWSRanges-4    	  100000	     13719   ns/op

// Ipv6 lookup hit scenario, counter-intuitively faster then IPv4 due to less IPv6 CIDR
// blocks in the AWS dataset, hence the constructed trie has less path splits and depth.
BenchmarkPCTrieHitIPv6UsingAWSRanges-4         	10000000	       143   ns/op
BenchmarkBruteRangerHitIPv6UsingAWSRanges-4    	  300000	      5178   ns/op

// Ipv4 lookup miss scenario
BenchmarkPCTrieMissIPv4UsingAWSRanges-4        	20000000	        96.5 ns/op
BenchmarkBruteRangerMissIPv4UsingAWSRanges-4   	   50000	     24781   ns/op

// Ipv6 lookup miss scenario
BenchmarkPCTrieHMissIPv6UsingAWSRanges-4       	10000000	       115   ns/op
BenchmarkBruteRangerMissIPv6UsingAWSRanges-4   	  100000	     10824   ns/op

Example of IPv6 trie:

::/0 (target_pos:127:has_entry:false)
| 0--> 2400::/14 (target_pos:113:has_entry:false)
| | 0--> 2400:6400::/22 (target_pos:105:has_entry:false)
| | | 0--> 2400:6500::/32 (target_pos:95:has_entry:false)
| | | | 0--> 2400:6500::/39 (target_pos:88:has_entry:false)
| | | | | 0--> 2400:6500:0:7000::/53 (target_pos:74:has_entry:false)
| | | | | | 0--> 2400:6500:0:7000::/54 (target_pos:73:has_entry:false)
| | | | | | | 0--> 2400:6500:0:7000::/55 (target_pos:72:has_entry:false)
| | | | | | | | 0--> 2400:6500:0:7000::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | | | | | 1--> 2400:6500:0:7100::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | | | | 1--> 2400:6500:0:7200::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | | | 1--> 2400:6500:0:7400::/55 (target_pos:72:has_entry:false)
| | | | | | | 0--> 2400:6500:0:7400::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | | | | 1--> 2400:6500:0:7500::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | | 1--> 2400:6500:100:7000::/54 (target_pos:73:has_entry:false)
| | | | | | 0--> 2400:6500:100:7100::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | | | 1--> 2400:6500:100:7200::/56 (target_pos:71:has_entry:true)
| | | | 1--> 2400:6500:ff00::/64 (target_pos:63:has_entry:true)
| | | 1--> 2400:6700:ff00::/64 (target_pos:63:has_entry:true)
| | 1--> 2403:b300:ff00::/64 (target_pos:63:has_entry:true)
  • bugfix:network:equality by ip&mask not string

    bugfix:network:equality by ip&mask not string


    Related Issues: #13

    The network compare ("", "") will cause the trie recursive call by the following code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	trie := cidranger.NewPCTrieRanger()
    	addr := net.IP{
    		82, 253, 252, 7,
    	mask := net.IPMask{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfc}
    	err := trie.Insert(cidranger.NewBasicRangerEntry(net.IPNet{
    		IP:   addr,
    		Mask: mask,
    	if err != nil {
    	mask = net.IPMask{0xff, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00}
    	err = trie.Insert(cidranger.NewBasicRangerEntry(net.IPNet{
    		IP:   addr,
    		Mask: mask,
    	if err != nil {

    Signed-off-by: detailyang [email protected]

  • performance improvement on certain operation

    performance improvement on certain operation

    include #37 but remove unnecessary changes, add the benchmark on this as well. before

    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv4-16          	 5917344	       198 ns/op	      64 B/op	       6 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv6-16          	 4486786	       273 ns/op	      42 B/op	       6 allocs/op


    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv4-16          	100000000	        10.6 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv6-16          	100000000	        10.9 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op

    change newPathprefixTrie to not call newPrefixTree, save time on extra parseCIDR and NewNetwork before

    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev4-16                                    	 2731194	       440 ns/op	     288 B/op	      12 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev6-16                                    	 1610536	       743 ns/op	     456 B/op	      16 allocs/op


    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev4-16                                    	13315774	        88.3 ns/op	      16 B/op	       4 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev6-16                                    	 7967464	       153 ns/op	      64 B/op	       4 allocs/op
  • memory leak - removes do not get garbage collected

    memory leak - removes do not get garbage collected

    I'm noticing a behavior where deleted entries seem to not get reaped by garbage collection(runnable example below). For example if I add 1,000,000 entries and then Remove() them all and force a garbage collection, the ranger hangs onto the majority of the memory. If runs to 5 or so, you will see that it just grows and grows. Is this known? I took a look at the code but it's a bit hard for me to follow (as is most code I didn't write ;)


    ./cidrtest -ips 1000000 -runs 5

    Sample Output

    Starting Inserts
    1000000 Inserts Complete
    Observe Memory START Alloc = 615 MiB	TotalAlloc = 1828 MiB	Sys = 823 MiB	NumGC = 23
    Starting Removes
    Observe Memory END Alloc = 546 MiB	TotalAlloc = 2688 MiB	Sys = 3624 MiB	NumGC = 26
    Starting Inserts
    1000000 Inserts Complete
    Observe Memory START Alloc = 1164 MiB	TotalAlloc = 11699 MiB	Sys = 4585 MiB	NumGC = 39
    Starting Removes
    Observe Memory END Alloc = 898 MiB	TotalAlloc = 12350 MiB	Sys = 4654 MiB	NumGC = 40


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	ips := flag.Int("ips", 1000, "Number of IPs.  Default 1000")
    	runs := flag.Int("runs", 1000, "Number of runs.  Default 2")
    	mask := net.CIDRMask(32, 32)
    	trie := cidranger.NewPCTrieRanger()
    	// Main loop
    	for i := 0; i < *runs; i++ {
    		fmt.Printf("STARTING RUN %d\n", i)
    		fmt.Printf("Starting Inserts\n")
    		for n := 0; n < *ips; n++ {
    				IP:   GenIPV4(),
    				Mask: mask,
    		fmt.Printf("%d Inserts Complete\n", *ips)
    		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
    		fmt.Printf("Observe Memory START ")
    		fmt.Printf("Starting Removes\n")
    		_, all, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
    		ll, _ := trie.CoveredNetworks(*all)
    		for i := 0; i < len(ll); i++ {
    		ll = nil
    		fmt.Printf("ENDING RUN %d\n", i)
    		fmt.Printf("Observe Memory END ")
    		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
    // GenIPV4 generates an IPV4 address
    func GenIPV4() net.IP {
    	var min, max int
    	min = 1
    	max = 4294967295
    	nn := rand.Intn(max-min) + min
    	ip := make(net.IP, 4)
    	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(ip, uint32(nn))
    	return ip
    // PrintMemUsage dumps memory stats for the process
    func PrintMemUsage() {
    	var m runtime.MemStats
    	fmt.Printf("Alloc = %v MiB", bToMb(m.Alloc))
    	fmt.Printf("\tTotalAlloc = %v MiB", bToMb(m.TotalAlloc))
    	fmt.Printf("\tSys = %v MiB", bToMb(m.Sys))
    	fmt.Printf("\tNumGC = %v\n", m.NumGC)
    func bToMb(b uint64) uint64 {
    	return b / 1024 / 1024
  • Releasing problem : v1.0.0 differs between Github and

    Releasing problem : v1.0.0 differs between Github and

    Thanks for the wonderful package, @yl2chen .

    Go's go mod tooling is pulling the wrong v1.0.0 of cidranger from :[email protected]?tab=doc

    Notice the release date of 21-December-2019 above, and that cidranger.AllIPv4 and cidranger.AllIPv6 including the iterator implementation is missing from both sources and the documentation.

    This is in variance from the Github releases area, where v1.0.0 with date 24-December-2019, has all the above enhancements:

  • tag error tag error


    I am getting an error trying to go get this code. SECURITY ERROR
    This download does NOT match the one reported by the checksum server.
    The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker may\nhave intercepted the download attempt.
    For more information, see 'go help module-auth'.
    " http-method=GET http-path=/ http-url=/ kind="Internal Server Error" operation=download.InfoHandler ops="[download.InfoHandler pool.Info protocol.Info protocol.processDownload redis.Stash stash.Pool stasher.Stash stasher.fetchModule goGetFetcher.Fetch module.downloadModule]" version=v1.0.0

    Did you overwrite the 1.0.0 tag when you updated the coverage recently? I think bumping the tag to 1.0.1 might fix the problem.

  • Iterating over the cidrs

    Iterating over the cidrs


    Two questions:

    I created a ranger and inserted a few entries. Is there a way to iterate over the list of CIDR blocks?

    Also, is there something like ranger.Contains() that returns the data instead of a bool? I'm using something that implements the RangerEntry interface and I'd like to get back the entire thing.


  • Trying to insert next IP (/32 subnet) causes index out of range

    Trying to insert next IP (/32 subnet) causes index out of range

    Example code

    func main() {
    	ranger = cidranger.NewPCTrieRanger()
    	_, network1, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
    	_, network2, _ := net.ParseCIDR("") // next IP

    causes panic: runtime error: index out of range

  • performance improvement on certain operation

    performance improvement on certain operation

    1. include but remove unnecessary changes, add the benchmark on this as well.


    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv4-16          	 5917344	       198 ns/op	      64 B/op	       6 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv6-16          	 4486786	       273 ns/op	      42 B/op	       6 allocs/op


    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv4-16          	100000000	        10.6 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNetworkEqualIPv6-16          	100000000	        10.9 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
    1. change newPathprefixTrie to not call newPrefixTree, save time on extra parseCIDR and NewNetwork


    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev4-16                                    	 2731194	       440 ns/op	     288 B/op	      12 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev6-16                                    	 1610536	       743 ns/op	     456 B/op	      16 allocs/op


    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev4-16                                    	13315774	        88.3 ns/op	      16 B/op	       4 allocs/op
    BenchmarkNewPathprefixTriev6-16                                    	 7967464	       153 ns/op	      64 B/op	       4 allocs/op
  • Duplicates are not maintained

    Duplicates are not maintained


    I love the library - thanks for sharing it.

    I initially assumed that if I inserted duplicate range entries, then both would be returned by ContainingNetworks(), but it appears that duplicates are eliminated. Looking at this code, I guess that's intentional?

  • out of memory error when adding many random ip nets

    out of memory error when adding many random ip nets

    Following code will produce an out of memory fatal error:

            trie := cidranger.NewPCTrieRanger()
            addr := make([]byte, net.IPv4len)
            for n := 0; n < 1000; n += 1 {
                    cidr := int(rand.Uint32() % uint32(net.IPv4len*8))
                    mask := net.CIDRMask(cidr, net.IPv4len*8)
                            IP:   addr,
                            Mask: mask,

    Log shows that it's likely due to too many (*prefixTrie).insert recursive calls.

  • Fixes errors produced by dep 0.5.0

    Fixes errors produced by dep 0.5.0

    Recent version of dep - 0.5.0 produces errors on dep status:

    ◦ dep status
    Gopkg.lock is out of sync with imports and/or Gopkg.toml. Run `dep check` for details.
    input-digest mismatch

    This commit updates Gopkg.lock to recent dep format

    I essentially ran dep ensure.

  • Coveringnetworks


    Addition of the CoveringNetworks() and CoveringOrCoveredNetworks() methods. I'm certainly open to better name choices if you have something better in mind.

    This lib is useful to me and I use these additions, especially CoveringOrCoveredNetworks(). I'm happy if they can benefit others too.


  • Move from net to netip

    Move from net to netip

    This PR moves cidranger from using the IP address/prefix values from the "net" module in the Go standard libary to using the equivalents from the newer "net/netip" in the standard library. This allows for some code simplification:

    • no need to check for invalid underlying []byte lengths or nil pointers
    • netip.Prefix can be used directly as a map key in bruteranger as opposed to a net.IPNet's .String() value
    • address comparisons can be done directly with ==/!= as opposed to via bytes.Equal()

    The tests were updated to use net/netip, and run successfully. TestInsertError and TestRemoveError were removed, as the error they are testing for is impossible to induce with net/netip

    This is a fairly big update, and since it changes a good chunk of the API, likely warrants a version bump, though I am opening this PR to at least see if this is a change that you are interested in and if you have any changes in mind. net/netip was introduced in 1.18, and, as 1.19 is out now, all officially supported versions of Go (the last two releases) support this, though applications and libraries making use of cidranger would need to be rewritten or at least add wrapper code to handle this, if this version is used.

  • Custom Ranger Insert/Remove Hooks

    Custom Ranger Insert/Remove Hooks

    Having the ability to supply custom insertion/removal function hooks would be really useful if the data being added was a complex object like a map/slice/struct where specific merge behavior could be specified. This is primarily for the use case where I'm inserting multiple times for the same network with different data as this prevents the need to buffer and merge before inserting into the trie.

  • trie.go:insert - fix proposal for Ipv4\Ipv6 in same trie

    trie.go:insert - fix proposal for Ipv4\Ipv6 in same trie

    func (p *prefixTrie) insert(network rnet.Network, entry RangerEntry) (bool, error) {
                *                *                   *
    	// No existing child, insert new leaf trie.
    	if existingChild == nil || == nil {
              *                   *                   *
              *                  *                  *
    	// Check whether it is necessary to insert additional path prefix between current trie and existing child,
    	// in the case that inserted network diverges on its path to existing child.
    	if lcb, err := network.LeastCommonBitPosition(; err == nil {
              *                   *                  *
    	} else {
    		return false, err
    	return existingChild.insert(network, entry)
  • Custom RangerEntry with Overlapping Networks

    Custom RangerEntry with Overlapping Networks

    As posted below, you indicate that there is a way to handle overlapping CIDRs with a custom RangerEntry type. However, it doesn't seem to be possible from what I can tell.

    We have a use case where we have multiple subnets that overlap, but are in different VRFs. We want to be able to load all these networks, enriched with the VRF in a custom RangerEntry type, and then retreive this data based on the VRF information.

    Please review the code here to see if there is a way to do what we are looking for. - Thanks!

    Yes, deduplication were intentional, the idea behind it is that this will any metadata that you would like to attach to a CIDR block could be done through implementing your own custom type that implements the RangerEntry interface

    Does that fit your use case?

    Originally posted by @yl2chen in

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