This application demonstrates how to launch high-performance "serverless" functions from the YoMo framework to process streaming data. The functions are embedded in a WebAssembly VM, WasmEdge, for safety, security, portability, and manageability.

Streaming Image Recognition by WebAssembly

Youtube: YoMo x WasmEdge

This project demonstrates how to process a video stream in real-time using WebAssembly and apply a pre-trained food classification model to each frame of the video in order to determine if food is present in that frame, all by integrating WasmEdge into YoMo serverless.

Open-source projects that we used:

  • Serverless stream processing framework YoMo
  • Integrate with WasmEdge to introduce WebAssembly, interop TensorFlow Lite model
  • A deep learning model found on TensorFlow Hub; make sure to download TFLite (aiy/vision/classifier/food_V1), which was created by Google


  • ⚡️ Low-latency: Streaming data processing applications can now be done in far edge data centers thanks to YoMo's highly efficient network services
  • 🔐 Security: WasmEdge runs the data processing function in a WebAssembly sandbox for isolation, safety, and hot deployment
  • 🚀 High Performance: Compared with popular containers, such as Docker, WasmEdge can be up to 100x faster at startup and have a much smaller footprint
  • 🎯 Edge Devices: As WasmEdge consumes much less resources than Docker, it is now possible to run data processing applications on edge devices

Steps to run

1. Clone This Repository

$ git clone

2. Install YoMo CLI

$ go install
$ yomo version
YoMo CLI version: v0.0.5

Or, you can download the pre-built binary tarball yomo-v0.0.5-x86_64-linux.tgz.

Details about YoMo CLI installation can be found here.

3. Install WasmEdge Dependencies

Install WasmEdge

$ wget
$ tar -xzf WasmEdge-0.8.0-manylinux2014_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo cp WasmEdge-0.8.0-Linux/include/wasmedge.h /usr/local/include
$ sudo cp WasmEdge-0.8.0-Linux/lib64/ /usr/local/lib
$ sudo ldconfig

Or, you can build from the source.

Install WasmEdge-tensorflow

Install tensorflow dependencies for manylinux2014 platform

$ wget
$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/lib -xzf WasmEdge-tensorflow-deps-TF-0.8.0-manylinux2014_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/lib -xzf WasmEdge-tensorflow-deps-TFLite-0.8.0-manylinux2014_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo ldconfig

Install WasmEdge-tensorflow:

$ wget
$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/ -xzf WasmEdge-tensorflow-0.8.0-manylinux2014_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/ -xzf WasmEdge-tensorflowlite-0.8.0-manylinux2014_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo ldconfig

Install WasmEdge-image:

$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local/ -xzf WasmEdge-image-0.8.0-manylinux2014_x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo ldconfig

If you have any questions about installation, please refer to the official documentation. Currently, this project works on Linux machines only.

Install video and image processing dependencies

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg libjpeg-dev libpng-dev

4. Write your Streaming Serverless function

Write app.go to integrate WasmEdge-tensorflow:

Get WasmEdge-go:

$ cd flow
$ go get -u

Download pre-trained TensorflowLitee model: lite-model_aiy_vision_classifier_food_V1_1.tflite, store to rust_mobilenet_foods/src:

$ wget '' -O ./rust_mobilenet_food/src/lite-model_aiy_vision_classifier_food_V1_1.tflite

Compile to wasm file:

Install rustc and cargo

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin
$ rustc --version

Set default rust version to 1.50.0: $ rustup default 1.50.0

Install rustwasmc

$ curl -sSf | sh
$ cd rust_mobilenet_food
$ rustwasmc build
# The output WASM will be `pkg/rust_mobilenet_food_lib_bg.wasm`.

Copy pkg/rust_mobilenet_food_lib_bg.wasm to flow directory:

$ cp pkg/rust_mobilenet_food_lib_bg.wasm ../.

5. Run YoMo Orchestrator Server

  $ yomo serve -c ./zipper/workflow.yaml

6. Run Streaming Serverless function

$ cd flow
$ go run --tags "tensorflow image" app.go

7. Demonstrate video stream

Download this demo vide: hot-dog.mp4, store to source directory, then run:

$ wget -P source ''
$ go run ./source/main.go ./source/hot-dog.mp4

8. Result


Realtime IoT & edge computing framework engaging 5G
  • Trouble in leveraging generated

    Trouble in leveraging generated

    Hello, interesting project. I encounter some problems when using it. First, I uses the rustwasmc build --enable-aot command to generate the .so file by myself. However, there arises the error When executing function name: "__wbindgen_malloc" panic: toWasmEdgeValueSlideBindgen(): malloc failed. How can I solve the problem? And how to correctly generate the wasm .so file for use? Another question is that when I use the .wasm file instead of the .so file in the function LoadWasmFile, the DNN inference time (denoted by Finished post-processing in) increases from about 200 ms to 800 ms, which seems so strange. I cannot figure it out. Thank you for the answers in advance.

  • Can this demo code works with other TFlite models from TensorFlow Hub?

    Can this demo code works with other TFlite models from TensorFlow Hub?

    I have tried to play with other modules like and and I recompile the code with rustwasmc , when try to infer it always say

    RUST: Loaded image in ... 16.25169ms RUST: index -1, prob 0 RUST: Finished post-processing in ... 268.088698ms

    the modify part for as follow

    session.add_input("input", &flat_img, &[1, 192, 192, 3])
    let res_vec: Vec<f32> = session.get_output("MobilenetV2/Predictions/Softmax");

    Seems it only works for the food module?

  • lite-model_aiy_vision_classifier_food_V1_1.tflite file not exist

    lite-model_aiy_vision_classifier_food_V1_1.tflite file not exist

    In the latest code flow/rust_mobilenet_food/src/ line 9 it try to load the model file lite-model_aiy_vision_classifier_food_V1_1.tflite but this file doens't exsit. In v0.2.0 release, the file name is and can be downloaded at the download page.

  • Error: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x178): tls: no application protocol in quic-Go

    Error: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x178): tls: no application protocol in quic-Go

    After solving a lot of problems, I finally come to the final step:

    1. yomo serve -c ./workflow.yaml I get:
    Using config file: ./workflow.yaml
    ℹ️   Running YoMo-Zipper...
    2021/10/27 08:22:44 [core:server] ✅ (name:Service) Listening on:, QUIC: [v1 draft-29]
    2021/10/27 08:22:44 [yomo:zipper] Listening SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGTERM/SIGINT...
    1. go run ./source/main.go ./source/hot-dog.mp4 I get:
    Go: Args: [/tmp/go-build2709539636/b001/exe/main ./source/hot-dog.mp4]
    2021/10/27 08:22:50 Connecting to zipper localhost:9000 ...
    client [NewClient] Error: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x178): tls: no application protocol
    2021/10/27 08:22:50 ❌ Emit the data to yomo-zipper failure with err: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x178): tls: no application protocol
    1. go run --tags "tensorflow image" app.go I get:
    /tmp/go-build1371428046/b001/exe/app: Relink `/usr/local/lib/' with `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' for IFUNC symbol `crc32_z'
    2021/10/27 07:29:01 Connecting to zipper localhost:9000 ...
    client [NewClient] Error: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x178): tls: no application protocol
    2021/10/27 07:29:01 ❌ Connect to zipper failure: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x178): tls: no application protocol

    It's my configuration:

    yomo-cli: YoMo CLI version: v0.1.3
    WasmEdge: 0.8.2-manylinux2014_x86_64

    How can I solve this problem? I can't get this ERROR when I run the basic example in YoMo.

  • failed to run flow/app.go

    failed to run flow/app.go

    use WasmEdge v0.10.0 with v0.10.0,

    cd flow go run --tags "tensorflow image" app.go # ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/host/go/bindgen.go:43:24: undefined: wasmedge.ImportObject ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/host/go/bindgen.go:61:26: undefined: wasmedge.NewImportObject ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/host/go/bindgen.go:68:7: b.vm.RegisterImport undefined (type *wasmedge.VM has no field or method RegisterImport) ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/host/go/bindgen.go:84:28: b.vm.GetStore().FindMemory undefined (type *wasmedge.Store has no field or method FindMemory) ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/host/go/bindgen.go:184:28: b.vm.GetStore().FindMemory undefined (type *wasmedge.Store has no field or method FindMemory) ../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/host/go/bindgen.go:261:28: b.vm.GetStore().FindMemory undefined (type *wasmedge.Store has no field or method FindMemory)

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