🔥🔥 🌈 Golang configuration,use to Viper reading from remote Nacos config systems. Viper remote for Naocs.

Viper remote for Nacos

Golang configuration,use to Viper reading from remote Nacos config systems. Viper remote for Naocs.

runtime_viper := viper.New()

   Url:         "localhost",
   Port:        80,
   NamespaceId: "public",
   GroupName:   "DEFAULT_GROUP",
   Config: 	remote.Config{ DataId: "config_dev" },
   Auth:        nil,

err := remote_viper.AddRemoteProvider("nacos", "localhost", "")

_ = remote_viper.ReadRemoteConfig()             //sync get remote configs to remote_viper instance memory . for example , remote_viper.GetString(key)
_ = remote_viper.WatchRemoteConfigOnChannel()   //async watch , auto refresh configs.

appName := remote_viper.GetString("key")   // sync get config by key

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    连接 阿里云 MSE Nacos 取配置失败,也不报任何错误,取回的内容为空

    连接 阿里云 MSE Nacos 取配置失败,也不报任何错误,取回的内容为空

    		Url:         Config.Mse.Server,
    		Port:        uint64(Config.Mse.Port),
    		NamespaceId: Config.Mse.Namespace,
    		GroupName:   Config.Mse.GroupName,
    		Config:      remote.Config{DataId: Config.Mse.ConfigName},
    		Auth:        nil,
    	remoteConfig := viper.New()
    	err := remoteConfig.AddRemoteProvider("nacos", "mse-8f7b0b60-nacos-ans.mse.aliyuncs.com", "")
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("加载远程配置失败 :", err.Error())
    	err = remoteConfig.ReadRemoteConfig()
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("加载远程配置失败 :", err.Error())
    	fmt.Println("加载远程配置: Config = ", remoteConfig.GetString("log.level"))
    	fmt.Println("加载远程配置: Config = ", ObjToJSON(Config))
  • 连接自己部署的服务器也是失败


    import ( "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/spf13/viper" _ "github.com/spf13/viper/remote" remote "github.com/yoyofxteam/nacos-viper-remote" )

    func SetRemoteYaml() {

    var remoteViper = viper.New()
    	Url:          	"",
    	Port:        	31150,
    	NamespaceId: 	"xincan-dev-0001",
    	GroupName:   	"dev_group",
    	Config: 		remote.Config{
    		DataId: "test-gokit-dev.yaml",
    	Auth: nil,
    remoteErr := remoteViper.AddRemoteProvider("nacos", "", "")
    _ = remoteViper.ReadRemoteConfig()
    _ = remoteViper.WatchRemoteConfigOnChannel()
    if remoteErr == nil {
    	logrus.WithField("fail", remoteErr).Error("viper获取Nacos配置中心数据失败")


  • 其实没必要这么设计



    type SafeVipper struct {
    	lock   sync.RWMutex
    	vipper *viper.Viper
    func (sv *SafeVipper) Load() *viper.Viper {
    	defer sv.lock.RUnlock()
    	return sv.vipper
    func (sv *SafeVipper) Store(vp *viper.Viper) {
    	sv.vipper = vp
    func GetViper(group, dataId string, cbs ...func(*viper.Viper)) (*SafeVipper, chan struct{}) {
    	suffix := "yaml"
    	idx := strings.LastIndex(dataId, ".")
    	if idx >= 0 {
    		suffix = dataId[idx+1:]
    	sv := &SafeVipper{}
    	fn := func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
    		vp := viper.New()
    		if err := vp.ReadConfig(bytes.NewReader([]byte(data))); err != nil {
    			log.Error("fail parse config file, group: %s, dataId: %s", group, dataId)
    		} else {
    			for _, cb := range cbs {
    	// 第一次读入文件
    	data, err := configClient.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    		DataId: dataId,
    		Group:  group,
    	if err != nil || data == "" {
    		log.Fatal("fail to read config from %s, data:%s, err:%v", dataId, data, err)
    	fn("", group, dataId, data)
    	if sv.Load() == nil {
    		log.Fatal("fail to parse config file:%s, err:%s", dataId, err)
    	// 监听文件变化
    	err = configClient.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    		DataId:   dataId,
    		Group:    group,
    		OnChange: fn,
    	if err != nil {
    		log.Fatal("fail to comm with nacos:%s", err)
    	ch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    	go func() {
    		_ = configClient.CancelListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    			DataId: dataId,
    			Group:  group,
    	return sv, ch
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