kyoto uikit - UIKit for rapid development License Go Reference Go Report Card

kyoto uikit

UIKit for rapid development

License Go Reference Go Report Card


  • kyoto page
  • configured SSA
  • basic knowledge of kyoto
  • (twui) configured tailwindcss


- component library you want to use

  • Install Go package into your project with go get
  • Copy all /*.html files to your templates directory


Simple example using tailwind ui stats component


`, Title: "Total Subscribers", Value: 71897, Change: 122, }, { Title: "Avg. Open Rate", Value: 58.16, ValueSymbol: "%", Change: 5.4, ChangeSymbol: "%", }, { Title: "Avg. Click Rate", Value: 24.57, ValueSymbol: "%", Change: -3.2, ChangeSymbol: "%", }, }, }) } ">
package main

import (

type PageExample struct {
    Stats kyoto.Component

func (p *PageExample) Template() *template.Template {
    return template.Must(template.New("page.example.html").Funcs(kyoto.TFuncMap()).ParseGlob("templates/*.html"))

func (p *PageExample) Init() {
    p.Stats = kyoto.RegC(p, &twui.AppUIDataStats{
        Items: []twui.AppUIDataStatsItem{
                Image: `
`, Title: "Total Subscribers", Value: 71897, Change: 122, }, { Title: "Avg. Open Rate", Value: 58.16, ValueSymbol: "%", Change: 5.4, ChangeSymbol: "%", }, { Title: "Avg. Click Rate", Value: 24.57, ValueSymbol: "%", Change: -3.2, ChangeSymbol: "%", }, }, }) }


Sorry, but not ready yet 🤷‍♂️
We are working on this


  • Provides high-level blocks instead of primitives like buttons and labels
  • Configurable enough for using in different situations
  • Adaptive out of the box
  • Don't like component UI? It's very easy to customize it!



Development setup is not ready yet, but feel free to use test files for testing components. Just check how existing components are used in tests.


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