GitHub CLI extension to preview your markdown similar to the style of GitHub.

gh markdown-preview

GitHub CLI extension to preview your markdown similar to the style of GitHub :octocat:

gh markdown-preview is a GitHub CLI extension to preview your markdown such as The gh markdown-preview commnad start a local web server to serve your markdown document file with a GitHub stlye. gh markdown-preview show the HTML got from GitHub official markdown API with the CSS extracted from GitHub web site. The styles are almost the same!

Screenshot of gh markdown-preview


$ gh extension install yusukebe/gh-markdown-preview


The usage:

$ gh markdown-preview

Then access the local web server such as http://localhost:3333 with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Available options:

-p, --port            TCP port number of this server (default: 3333)

gh markdown-preview command

Related projects


Yusuke Wada


Distributed under the MIT License.

  • Live Reloading Not Working

    Live Reloading Not Working

    Both gh markdown-preview --reload gh markdown-preview -r are not working.

    I'm using Ubuntu with WSL, it wasn't working on Firefox on Windows. I opened the Linux version but that didn't work either. I also tried Edge and nothing.

    I'm editing my inside Vim. I don't expect live changes but I expected changes everytime I save changes.

  • Usage with emacs for multiple files

    Usage with emacs for multiple files

    This is not an issue.

    It's more of a thank you and a rudimentary emacs usage as I found this extension much more helpfull than using pandoc with emacs markdown mode on *nix like systems. I use this on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS and GNU Emacs 26.3.

    Feel free to comment or just close this issue as you see fit.

    To use this gh extension with emacs:

    1. insert into the .emacs file (or equivalent):
    (defun md_preview ()
      "start /usr/bin/gh markdown-preview -p PORT <current buffer file>"
      (let (PORT BFN BFN_PORT)
        (setq PORT (read-string "PORT: " nil nil "3333"))  
        (setq BFN (buffer-file-name))
        (setq BFN_PORT (concat BFN ":" PORT))
        (start-process "gh_markdown_preview" BFN_PORT "/usr/bin/gh" "markdown-preview" "-p" PORT BFN)))
    (global-set-key [(control ?x) (p)] 'md_preview)
    1. restart emacs and open a couple of markdown files.
    2. to preview a buffer with a markdown file by using a web browser and the url http://localhost:3333: in emacs "C-x p" RET (to use the default port 3333)
    3. to preview a second buffer with a different markdown file in a web browser and the url http://localhost:3334: in emacs "C-x p" 3334 RET (or any port that isn't in use such as 3333 in this example)
    4. the lisp code above will put output from the gh markdown-preview instances into separate buffers named like /path/to/, /path/to/, etc. in emacs
    5. close the /path/to/ emacs buffer to exit the preview processes on port 3333 (and free the port)

    This emacs implementation has shortcomings: A. The user must keep track of what port is open and available for use B. I'm not sure if this is the best solution if one is editing several hundred md files. I only edit a handful so I suspect it will work just fine for that. C. While I've used emacs for some time, the above is a first attempt at coding lisp. It works for me but there are likely many more shortcomings than A & B above. Treat this a place to start, not an end point.


    and thanks again - it's really handy.

    EDITs - the original code posted didn't work. The code above does, is a bit simpler, and perhaps makes it easier to keep track of what markdown file is being displayed on what port.

  • Inconvenient URL output on startup

    Inconvenient URL output on startup

    I'm on current Arch Linux with the current version of gh and this extension. On start, it outputs:

    $ gh markdown-preview
    2022/04/07 15:27:37 Accepting connections at http://*:3333/
    2022/04/07 15:27:37 Open http://*:3333/ on your browser
    2022/04/07 15:27:37 GET [200] /
    2022/04/07 15:27:37 Watching for changes
    2022/04/07 15:27:37 GET [404] /favicon.ico
    2022/04/07 15:27:38 GET [200] /__/md

    All other similar utilities (i.e grip for a specific example) that create a local web-server output a valid click-able URL in the terminal which you can just click on to conveniently jump to in your browser. I know the browser is automatically opened the first time but you may want to open it a second/later time. So please change that http://*:3333/ to http://localhost:3333/.

    I suspect you may want to argue that http://*:3333/ informs the user that the port is opened globally but, as possibly another issue, I suggest from a security/privacy standpoint that the port should only be opened locally (i.e. on localhost) by default anyhow. Add another option -g/--global and thus for the rare case when a user needs this he obviously already knows what URL to use.

    I've previously used grip but it has some annoying failures (currently broken with a Python error on Arch Linux) so I am looking for an alternative.

  • feat: add the `--host` option

    feat: add the `--host` option

    The user can specify the hostname the server will bind with a --host option. The default value is localhost.


    $ gh markdown-preview --host


    2022/04/07 18:29:49 Accepting connections at
    2022/04/07 18:29:49 Open on your browser

    If locahost is set, you can't access it from the other global address.

  • Do not open the browser automatically if the file is not found

    Do not open the browser automatically if the file is not found

    If the markdown file specified by the command line does not exist, "gh-markdown-preview" should not open a browser. Now, it will open automatically.


  • Throw Error if does not exists

    Throw Error if does not exists

    Currently, the "gh-markdown-preview" starts and prints Open http://* on your browser, although markdown file is not specified in the current directory and does not exist. CLI should throw "Not Found" error.

  • WebSocket Error

    WebSocket Error

    With --reload option, error has been happened.

    2021/12/02 04:19:52 Change detected in, refreshing
    2021/12/02 04:19:52 Change detected in, refreshing
    2021/12/02 04:19:52 error:websocket: close sent
  • Anchor Tag Not Working

    Anchor Tag Not Working

    When gh-markdown-preview creates anchor tags it adds "user-content-" to the id.

    For example, if the user creates a markdown header called "My Anchor", gh-markdown-preview set the id to "user-content-my-anchor" instead of "my-anchor".

  • Support `#gh-dark-mode-only` and `#gh-light-mode-only`

    Support `#gh-dark-mode-only` and `#gh-light-mode-only`

    See the GitHub docs and this article for an explanation of #gh-dark-mode-only and #gh-light-mode-only.

    You can use this repo of mine, which uses this feature, to test this functionality if you'd like.

    Here is what my repo looks like in gh-markdown-preview:

    Click to expand

    Screen Shot 2022-10-13 at 21 34 21

    And here is what it looks like rendered on GitHub:

    Click to expand

    Screen Shot 2022-10-13 at 21 37 27

  • Add --export option like grip

    Add --export option like grip

    Sometimes you just want to render a markdown file directly to a HTML file. grip provides an option to do this:

    grip --export README.html

    For this case, no server is started, no browser tab is opened, etc. Also can specify '-' for stdout.

    Can this option please be added here?

  • it can not used on Windows

    it can not used on Windows

    >gh  markdown-preview
    --: C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\GitHub CLI\extensions\gh-markdown-preview\gh-markdown-preview: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: Permission denied
  • Prepare default `/favicon.ico` ?

    Prepare default `/favicon.ico` ?

    In most cases, there is no favicon.ico in our directory and it will be 404 not found. How about preparing the default favicon.ico and showing it as /favicon.ico.


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