gobetween - modern & minimalistic load balancer and reverse-proxy for the ☁️ Cloud era.


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gobetween - modern & minimalistic load balancer and reverse-proxy for the ☁️ Cloud era.

Current status: Maintenance mode, accepting PRs. Currently in use in several highly loaded production environments.


  • Fast L4 Load Balancing

  • Clear & Flexible Configuration with TOML or JSON

    • File - read configuration from the file
    • URL - query URL by HTTP and get configuration from the response body
    • Consul - query Consul key-value storage API for configuration
  • Management REST API

    • System Information - general server info
    • Configuration - dump current config
    • Servers - list, create & delete
    • Stats & Metrics - for servers and backends including rx/tx, status, active connections & etc.
  • Discovery

    • Static - hardcode backends list in the config file
    • Docker - query backends from Docker / Swarm API filtered by label
    • Exec - execute an arbitrary program and get backends from its stdout
    • JSON - query arbitrary http url and pick backends from response json (of any structure)
    • Plaintext - query arbitrary http and parse backends from response text with customized regexp
    • SRV - query DNS server and get backends from SRV records
    • Consul - query Consul Services API for backends
    • LXD - query backends from LXD
  • Healthchecks

    • Ping - simple TCP ping healthcheck
    • Exec - execute arbitrary program passing host & port as options, and read healthcheck status from the stdout
    • Probe - send specific bytes to backend (udp, tcp or tls) and expect a correct answer (bytes or regexp)
  • Balancing Strategies (with SNI support)

    • Weight - select backend from pool based relative weights of backends
    • Roundrobin - simple elect backend from pool in circular order
    • Iphash - route client to the same backend based on client ip hash
    • Iphash1 - same as iphash but backend removal consistent (clients remain connecting to the same backend, even if some other backends down)
    • Leastconn - select backend with least active connections
    • Leastbandwidth - backends with least bandwidth
  • Integrates seamlessly with Docker and with any custom system (thanks to Exec discovery and healthchecks)

  • Single binary distribution





Debug and Test

Run several web servers for tests in different terminals:

  • $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
  • $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8001

Instead of Python's internal HTTP module, you can also use a single binary (Go based) webserver like: https://github.com/udhos/gowebhello

gowebhello has support for SSL sertificates as well (HTTPS mode), in case you want to do quick demos of the TLS+SNI capabilities of gobetween.

Put localhost:8000 and localhost:8001 to static_list of static discovery in config file, then try it:

  • $ gobetween -c gobetween.toml

  • $ curl http://localhost:3000

Enable profiler and debug issues you encounter

enabled = true     # false | true
bind    = ":6060"  # "host:port"


It's Fast! See Performance Testing

The Name

It's a play on words: gobetween ("go between").

Also, it's written in Go, and it's a proxy so it's something that stays between 2 parties 😄


MIT. See LICENSE file for more details.

Authors & Maintainers

All Contributors


  • Join gobetween Telegram group here.


Logo by Max Demchenko

Yaroslav Pogrebnyak
Programmer, writer, speaker and musician. Perfectionist and Buddha follower.
Yaroslav Pogrebnyak
  • LXD backend discovery support

    LXD backend discovery support


    I think gobetween would be a great fit for LXD containers, so I made a proof-of-concept discovery. The idea is to configure the LXD discovery like any other discovery mechanism, and then launch an LXD container like so:

    $ lxc launch ubuntu foo --config user.gobetween.label="foo" --config user.gobetween.private_port=80

    LXD reserves the user.* config key for user-specified metadata. The full config reference is here

    Right now, discovery is only done on the local server, so only local containers are discovered. However, it could be extended to support remote LXD server(s).

    I'm happy to answer any questions about this feature. In addition, I wasn't able to find a doc that lists the requirements for contributing a patch, so please let me know if I need to do anything else.

    What I would really like to do is use gobetween to dynamically generate server entries based on containers. This is because LXD does not provide a built-in mechanism to automatically handle external-to-container traffic (similar to publishing a docker port). In effect, gobetween would supply that support. I understand this might be too much of a niche case for gobetween, though. Perhaps a better solution is to write a glue utility that bridges the LXD server and gobetween by using the gobetween REST API rather than have gobetween directly support this.

  • gobetween becomes

    gobetween becomes "stuck" (sometimes)

    I have GB configured as an SNI router for multiple backend services.

    EDIT: OS: CentOS 7.5+ updates Docker: Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a (installed as per instructions on docker.com)

    What happens is that after a bit of run time (say a few hours), GB stops responding. i.e. it accepts the connection, but doesn't forward it to the backend. I test using openssl s_client -connect ...

    Restarting the GB docker brings things back to life.

    I have been using GB v 0.5.0 (and now 0.6.0)

    My LoadBalancer VM is typically a 2 CPU 1 GB machine.

    This problem hit again today, so I have made my load balancer VM to 4 CPU 4 GB (I know for the usage it is way too high). I am in now wait-and-watch mode if this happens again.

    What debug info could I capture to help isolate the problem, the next time this occurs?

    FWIW, I found an earlier issue which could be related (not sure though) https://github.com/yyyar/gobetween/issues/74

    Relevant section of the config file:

    enabled = true
    bind = ":444"
    level = "debug"
    output = "stdout"
    protocol = "tcp"
    balance = "leastconn"
    max_connections = 0
    client_idle_timeout = "0"
    backend_idle_timeout = "0"
    backend_connection_timeout = "0"
    protocol = "tcp"
    bind = ":443"
    sni_enabled = true
    enabled = true
    read_timeout = "10s"
    hostname_matching_strategy = "regexp"
    unexpected_hostname_strategy = "reject"
    kind = "consul"
    failpolicy = "setempty"
    consul_host = "myconsulserver:8500"
    # all services should register themselves with this service name
    consul_service_name = "in443service"
    interval = "60s"
    timeout = "10s"
    kind = "ping"
    interval = "60s"
    ping_timeout_duration = "5s"

    Regards, Shantanu

  • Error: use of closed network connection

    Error: use of closed network connection


    I have user gobetween proxy quite long time, but now entered onti sisutation when unknown what to do and how to fix issue. Full error message:

    2018-07-19 05:12:57 [ERROR] (udp/server): Error sending data to backend write udp> use of closed network connection

    Running CentOS 7.5. SELinux is disabled go version go1.10.3 linux/amd64


    # gobetween.toml - sample config file
    # Website: http://gobetween.io
    # Documentation: https://github.com/yyyar/gobetween/wiki/Configuration
    # Logging configuration
    level = "info"   # "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error"
    #output = "stdout" # "stdout" | "stderr" | "/path/to/gobetween.log"
    output = "/var/log/gobetween/gobetween.log" # "stdout" | "stderr" | "/path/to/gobetween.log"
    # REST API server configuration
    enabled = true  # true | false
    bind = ":8888"  # "host:port"
    cors = false    # cross-origin resource sharing
    # Default values for server configuration, may be overriden in [servers] sections.
    # All "duration" fields (for examole, postfixed with '_timeout') have the following format:
    # <int><duration> where duration can be one of 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'.
    # Examples: "5s", "1m", "500ms", etc. "0" value means no limit
    max_connections = 0              # Maximum simultaneous connections to the server
    client_idle_timeout = "0"        # Client inactivity duration before forced connection drop
    backend_idle_timeout = "0"       # Backend inactivity duration before forced connection drop
    backend_connection_timeout = "0" # Backend connection timeout (ignored in udp)
    bind = ""
    protocol = "udp"
      max_responses = 0
      max_requests = 1
      kind = "static"
      static_list = [
          " weight=1",
          " weight=1"
      kind = "exec"
      interval = "30s"
      timeout = "30s" 
      exec_command = "/usr/share/exec_healthcheck.sh"
      exec_expected_positive_output = "1"
      exec_expected_negative_output = "0"

    I have tried to comment out healthcheck part, but didn't helped

  • Improve UDP performance

    Improve UDP performance

    I do a test about UDP and find the result not so good with iperf. the testbed is 4core cpu, 4G memory vm and the transfer upload bandwidth is about 50M bps. at the same testbed, ipvs is about 150M bps and haproxy tcp about 450M bps. FYI。

  • Do you have plan on supporting TCP+TLS to connect to backends?

    Do you have plan on supporting TCP+TLS to connect to backends?

    Hi all, I have one question if you don't mind, I see that the API supports TLS connection, but what about the TCP reverse proxy? Will you support TLS in the future?

  • [Add] Support for Prometheus Metrics Endpoint

    [Add] Support for Prometheus Metrics Endpoint

    This Adds a Prometheus Metrics Endpoint at port 9284.

    Currently the service would need to be restarted to clear out old metrics. Still not sure how I want to handle the cleanup of that. But this does what we want for our use case.

    Always up for Feedback.

  • Track backends list in udp session

    Track backends list in udp session

    Hi This patchset implements tracking backends (using exec-dscovery) when udp proxying, in case of client does not close UDP socket.

    In my environment I need to proxy UDP and I use exec-discovery to find backends (backend soft also provides TCP ping-API, and I can discovery backends)

    So, when backends list changed (i.e. exec discovers), client session backend list does not change, and gobetween sends UDP-datagrams to "dead" backends.

    It seems like this: gobetween.toml

    bind = ""
    protocol = "udp"
      max_responses = 0
      kind = "exec"
      interval = "2s"
      timeout = "2s"
      exec_command = ["/home/operator/bin/exec.sh"] #simple curl-based HTTP-check

    Client app, which send UDP packets:

    import socket
    from time import sleep
    UDP_IP = ""
    UDP_PORT = 8125
    MESSAGE = "complex.delete_me.tttt:1|c"
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) #don't close socket while app works
    while True:
        sock.sendto(MESSAGE.encode(), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

    Starting gobetween and app:

    bin/gobetween --config /home/operator/gobetween.toml &

    See traffic:

    11:35:02.513432 IP > UDP, length 26 # send to backend01

    When backend01 fails, client continues send to him:

    11:35:02.513432 IP > UDP, length 26 # backend01 fails, but gobetween proxy to him...

    This patchset fix this behaviour: after new discovery client will send UDP-datagrams to new backend.

    (Maybe, it is better to add corresponding configuration option? I may do this.)

    In all other cases backward compatibility saved.

    Thanks in advance!

  • the max_requests configure no works & stats of xxx_connections wrong for udp in the new 0.6 release

    the max_requests configure no works & stats of xxx_connections wrong for udp in the new 0.6 release

    hi all: for the latest release, the udp max_requests doesn't work as expected. this is my configure used [servers.11020b75d191432ba6beb04d51d7b400] bind = "" protocol = "udp"

    balance = "roundrobin"

    #max_connections = 1 client_idle_timeout = "60s" backend_idle_timeout = "60s" backend_connection_timeout = "60s" [servers.11020b75d191432ba6beb04d51d7b400.udp] # (optional) max_requests = 1 # (optional) if > 0 accepts no more requests than max_requests and closes session (since 0.5.0) max_responses = 0 # (required) if > 0 accepts no more responses that max_responses from backend and closes session (will be optional since 0.5.0)

    kind = "static"
    failpolicy = "keeplast"
    static_list = [
    fails = 2
    passes = 2
    interval = "5s"
    kind = "exec"
    exec_command = "/usr/share/healthcheck.sh"  # (required) command to execute
    exec_expected_positive_output = "success"           # (required) expected output of command in case of success
    exec_expected_negative_output = "fail"

    I do two test cases: the first case: the max_requests: 1 test result: there is no any backend response to client. the stats output: { "active_connections": 0, "rx_total": 0, "tx_total": 4, "rx_second": 0, "tx_second": 0, "backends": [ { "host": "", "port": "2345", "priority": 1, "weight": 1, "stats": { "live": true, "discovered": true, "total_connections": 0, "active_connections": 0, "refused_connections": 0, "rx": 0, "tx": 4, "rx_second": 0, "tx_second": 0 } } ]

    the second test: the max_requests: 2 test result: there more than two clients work at same time. the stats output: { "active_connections": 0, "rx_total": 8642, "tx_total": 891, "rx_second": 145, "tx_second": 15, "backends": [ { "host": "", "port": "2345", "priority": 1, "weight": 1, "stats": { "live": true, "discovered": true, "total_connections": 103, "active_connections": 11, "refused_connections": 0, "rx": 8352, "tx": 861, "rx_second": 145, "tx_second": 15 } } ] } actually all the clients are working all the time, but the stats total_connections increase quickly. I'm sure the clients(ip+port) not idle and the total_connections not overdue.

    could you confirm this issue or tell me where is my wrong? thanks.

  • SNI support for proxying

    SNI support for proxying

    Hi, Is there a plan in the near future to implement SNI based routing?

    Regards, Shantanu

    BTW: Awesome software which I discovered only by accident!!! The Consul discovery backend is truly great!!! 👍 👍

  • Error: dial tcp :0: getsockopt: connection refused

    Error: dial tcp :0: getsockopt: connection refused

    Hello, Im trying gobetween on my dev machine - Im using docker-machine & boot2docker (1.12.3)

    This is my simple docker compose:

    version: '2'
        image: php:7.0-alpine
          - 8080
          - .:/data
        command: php -S /data/index.php
          - backend
          - "scale.app=true"
        image: yyyar/gobetween
          - app
          - "80:80"
          - "./gobetween/conf:/etc/gobetween/conf/:rw"
          - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
          - backend

    Gobetween conf looks like this:

    level = "debug"
    bind = ""
    protocol = "tcp"
    balance = "roundrobin"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout = "2s"
        kind = "docker"
        docker_endpoint = "unix://var/run/docker.sock"  # Docker / Swarm API
        docker_container_label = "scale.app=true"  # label to filter containers
        docker_container_private_port = 8080   # gobetween will take public container port for this private port
        docker_container_host_env_var = "HOSTNAME"

    Gobetween is able to discover new backends, when i try to scale up the app, but proxying is not working - see log output:

    app_1        | PHP 7.0.13 Development Server started at Fri Nov 25 20:08:30 2016
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:31 [INFO ] (manager): Initializing...
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:31 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'app': roundrobin docker none
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:31 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:31 [INFO ] (manager): Initialized
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:31 [INFO ] (api): API disabled
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:31 [INFO ] (dockerFetch): Fetching unix://var/run/docker.sock scale.app=true 8080
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:40 [DEBUG] (server.handle): Accepted -> [::]:80
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:40 [DEBUG] (server.handle): Accepted -> [::]:80
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:40 [ERROR] (server.handle): dial tcp :0: getsockopt: connection refused
    gobetween_1  | 2016-11-25 20:08:40 [ERROR] (server.handle): dial tcp :0: getsockopt: connection refused

    Am I missing something?

  • Buildin for Windows

    Buildin for Windows

    I tried to build for Windows AMD64

    1. I tried building on Windows for Windows
    2. I tried to build on Linux for Windows

    On both platforms I get the same issue :-(

    ../pkg/mod/github.com/eric-lindau/[email protected]/udp.go:29:47: undefined: syscall.IPPROTO_RAW ../pkg/mod/github.com/eric-lindau/[email protected]/udp.go:38:37: cannot use int(fd) (type int) as type syscall.Handle in argument to syscall.SetsockoptInt ../pkg/mod/github.com/eric-lindau/[email protected]/udp.go:38:63: undefined: syscall.IP_HDRINCL

    I know it must be possible because I downloaded the windows binary and that works fine... :-)

  • Prometheus metrics listener crashes randomly at startup

    Prometheus metrics listener crashes randomly at startup

    What's the problem?

    Running gobetween under OpenWRT x64 starts the process normally most of the time, but on some occasions, the following stack trace can be seen when Prometheus metrics are enabled (via json config in this example):

    "metrics": {
      "enabled": true,
      "bind": ""

    Faulty startup sequence:

    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 2022/12/26 12:16:15 gobetween v0.8.0
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (manager): Initializing...
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42675]: 2022-12-26 12:16:15 [INFO ] (healthcheck/worker): Sending to scheduler: {{REDACTED 6443} false}
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0xcf95c6]
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]:
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: goroutine 80 [running]:
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus.(*GaugeVec).GetMetricWithLabelValues(...)
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 	/home/yyyar/go/pkg/mod/github.com/prometheus/[email protected]/prometheus/gauge.go:183
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus.(*GaugeVec).WithLabelValues(0x0, 0xc0005ae2a0, 0x3, 0x3, 0xc0006a2040, 0xc00062e0d0)
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 	/home/yyyar/go/pkg/mod/github.com/prometheus/[email protected]/prometheus/gauge.go:215 +0x26
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: github.com/yyyar/gobetween/metrics.ReportHandleBackendLiveChange(0xc0006a2040, 0x10, 0xc000036210, 0x1d, 0xc00003622e, 0x4, 0x0)
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 	/home/yyyar/workspace/gobetween/src/metrics/metrics.go:236 +0xc2
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: github.com/yyyar/gobetween/server/scheduler.(*Scheduler).HandleBackendLiveChange(0xc0000f2bf0, 0xc000036210, 0x1d, 0xc00003622e, 0x4, 0x0)
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 	/home/yyyar/workspace/gobetween/src/server/scheduler/scheduler.go:224 +0x17e
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: github.com/yyyar/gobetween/server/scheduler.(*Scheduler).Start.func1(0xc0000f2bf0, 0xc0002d21e0, 0xc00010c540)
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 	/home/yyyar/workspace/gobetween/src/server/scheduler/scheduler.go:129 +0x66c
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: created by github.com/yyyar/gobetween/server/scheduler.(*Scheduler).Start
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:15 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42675]: 	/home/yyyar/workspace/gobetween/src/server/scheduler/scheduler.go:113 +0x21c

    Correct startup sequence:

    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.err gobetween[42784]: 2022/12/26 12:16:52 gobetween v0.8.0
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (manager): Initializing...
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (server): Creating 'REDACTED': weight static ping
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (scheduler): Starting scheduler REDACTED
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (manager): Initialized
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (metrics): Starting up Metrics server
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (api): Starting up API
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (api): Starting HTTP server
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (healthcheck/worker): Sending to scheduler: {{REDACTED 6443} false}
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (healthcheck/worker): Sending to scheduler: {{REDACTED 6443} false}
    Mon Dec 26 12:16:52 2022 daemon.info gobetween[42784]: 2022-12-26 12:16:52 [INFO ] (healthcheck/worker): Sending to scheduler: {{REDACTED 6443} false}

    System info

    root@REDACTED:~# uname -a
    Linux us-east-00-router-01 5.10.146 #0 SMP Fri Oct 14 22:44:41 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    root@REDACTED:~# cat /etc/openwrt_release 
    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='OpenWrt 22.03.2 r19803-9a599fee93'

    Let me know if I missed anything.


  • Gobetween main URL is not working

    Gobetween main URL is not working

    Hi I have installed 3 solr instances in my machine as "https://solr1:9000", "https://solr2:9002" and "https://solr3:9003" when I hit any of these URL's it's loading fine.

    I have installed "gobetween" as a service in my windows laptop using NSSM. It's installed as a service successfully and service is running also. Below are the lines I changed into "gobetween.toml" file. `# ---------- tcp example ----------- # [servers.solrcloud] protocol = "tcp" bind = "localhost:3010"

    [servers.solrcloud.discovery] kind = "static" static_list = ["localhost:9000","localhost:9002","localhost:9003"]`


    1. When I hit the URL "http://localhost:3010" I am getting the error "The page isn't working" what i am doing wrong here?
    2. I am not able to find any logs created.
    3. Do I need to make any other changes in the "gobetween.toml" file?
    4. I have tried the "static_list = ["solr1:9000", "solr2:9002", "solr3:9003"} as well.

    Can you help me on this?

  • Ubuntu | Apparmor enforcing

    Ubuntu | Apparmor enforcing


    Anyone had any issues with Apparmor restricting Go-between?

    Fresh install, Apparmor is enforcing all Go-between profiles and processes causing all config and ports to be shut.

    Profile can then be manually removed to bypass this, but by reading forums with Ubuntu this shouldn't be needed, and the software in question could have been restricted due to potential security issues or exploits.

    Anyone had similar issues?


  • Skip RRSIG records in response.

    Skip RRSIG records in response.

    Fixes #327.

    Without this change a domain that as DNSSEC enabled resulted in the following output:

    {"level":"info","msg":"Fetching _api._tcp.k8s.example.net.","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"debug","msg":"Fetching A/AAAA node1.example.net.","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"warning","msg":"No IP found for node1.example.net., skipping...","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"error","msg":"srv error Non-SRV record in SRV answer retrying in 2s","name":"discovery","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"info","msg":"Applying failpolicy keeplast","name":"discovery","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}

    With this change the result is:

    {"level":"debug","msg":"Fetching A/AAAA node1.example.net.","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T07:27:35-05:00"}
    {"level":"debug","msg":"Initial check ping for {X.X.X.X 6443}","name":"healthcheck/worker","time":"2022-02-27T07:27:42-05:00"}
    {"level":"debug","msg":"Got check result ping: {{X.X.X.X 6443} 2}","name":"healthcheck/worker","time":"2022-02-27T07:27:42-05:00"}
    {"level":"info","msg":"Sending to scheduler: {{X.X.X.X 6443} 2}","name":"healthcheck/worker","time":"2022-02-27T07:27:42-05:00"}
  • DNSSEC breaks SRV discovery

    DNSSEC breaks SRV discovery

    I am trying to use SRV discovery in gobetween (Docker :latest) and it is failing because the domain I am using has DNSSEC enabled. The results in a dns.RRSIG to be included in the answers from the DNS server.

    Output from gobetween:

    {"level":"info","msg":"Fetching _api._tcp.k8s.example.net.","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"debug","msg":"Fetching A/AAAA node1.example.net.","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"warning","msg":"No IP found for node1.example.net., skipping...","name":"srvFetch","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"error","msg":"srv error Non-SRV record in SRV answer retrying in 2s","name":"discovery","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
    {"level":"info","msg":"Applying failpolicy keeplast","name":"discovery","time":"2022-02-27T12:30:28Z"}
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