An orm library support nGQL for Golang


An ORM library support nGQL for Golang.

go report card Go MIT license Go.Dev reference


  • Build insert nGQL by struct / map (Support vertex, edge).
  • Parse Nebula execute result to struct / map.
  • Easy to use.
  • Easy mock for Unit Testing.


  1. Session pool. For details, please see dialector
    • Plan: before 2021/07/20
  2. Support more types in insert/execute function.
    • Types: time.Time
  3. Support batch insert, query list.
  4. Chainable api. For detail please see chainable api

Maybe Support

  • Statistic Hooks. Insert/Query count and latency.
  • Fix fields Order when build insert nGQL. (now norm use map store keys, and in go range map is out-of-order.)

Need improve

  • Betchmark.
  • Unit Testing.
  • Documents.

Getting Started


go get

use example: please go use example

Contributing guidelines


© Zhihu, 2021~time.Now

Released under the MIT License

copy and paste from gorm

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    func main() { db := newGdb() prepare(db)



    func newGdb() *norm.DB { dalector := dialectors.MustNewNebulaDialector(dialectors.DialectorConfig{ Addresses: []string{""}, Timeout: time.Second * 5, Space: "test_data", Username: "root", Password: "test", }) db := norm.MustOpen(dalector, norm.Config{}) return db }

    func prepare(db *norm.DB) { // 创建 tag createSchema := "" + "CREATE TAG IF NOT EXISTS User(id int, name string, lastTime timestamp);" + "CREATE TAG IF NOT EXISTS Game(id int, name string, userCount int, createTime timestamp);" + "CREATE EDGE IF NOT EXISTS play(channel string, lastTime timestamp, createTime timestamp);" _, err := db.Execute(createSchema) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("exec %s error: %v", createSchema, err) panic(err) } }

    type VUser struct { norm.VModel Id int64 norm:"id" Name string norm:"name" LastTime int64 norm:"lastTime" }

    func (*VUser) TagName() string { return "User" }

    func (a *VUser) GetVid() interface{} { return fmt.Sprintf("u:%d", a.Id) }

    func insertData(db *norm.DB) { now := time.Now().Unix() for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ { err := db.Debug().InsertVertex(&VUser{ VModel: norm.VModel{ Policy: constants.PolicyNothing, }, Id: int64(i), LastTime: now, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } } } ` console output: 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] connection pool is initialized successfully 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(1,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(lastTime,id) values '':(1639400836,2) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(3,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(4,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(5,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(6,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(7,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(8,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(9,1639400836) 2021/12/13 21:07:16 [INFO] insert vertex User(id,lastTime) values '':(10,1639400836)

    Here, values '' should not appear. I think the method GetVidWithPolicy don't be forced implement.

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