🌀 Dismap - Asset discovery and identification tool

🌀 Dismap - Asset discovery and identification tool

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Dismap 定位是一个资产发现和识别工具;其特色功能在于快速识别 Web 指纹信息,定位资产类型。辅助红队快速定位目标资产信息,辅助蓝队发现疑似脆弱点

Dismap 拥有完善的指纹规则库,可轻松自定义新识别规则。借助于 golang 并发优势,即可实现快速资产探测与识别

扫描结果可直接丢给 Vulmap(>=0.8) 进行漏洞扫描。对于规则库的简介位于 RuleLab

🏂 Run

Dismap 对 Linux、MacOS、Windows 均提供了二进制可执行文件,前往 Release 下载对应版本即可运行:

# Linux and MacOS
zhzyker@debian:~$ chmod +x dismap
zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -h

# Windows
C:\Users\zhzyker\Desktop> dismap.exe -h

dismap1 dismap2

🎡 Options

-file string
    Select a URL file for batch identification
    # 从文件中读取 Url 进行批量识别
-ip string
    Network segment [e.g. -ip or -ip]
    # 指定一个网段,格式示例:
    Not use ICMP/PING to detect surviving hosts
    # 不进行主机存活检测,跳过存活检测直接识别 Url
-output string
    Save the scan results to the specified file (default "output.txt")
    # 自定义识别结果输出文件,默认追加到 output.txt 中
-port string
    Custom scan ports [e.g. -port 80,443 or -port 1-65535]
    # 自定义需要扫描的 Web 端口,默认端口在 /config/config.go 中
-thread int
    Number of concurrent threads, (adapted to two network segments 2x254) (default 508)
    # 多线程数量,默认508(两个C段的数量),线程越高存活和识别丢失率可能越高,不建议超过2000
-timeout int
    Response timeout time, the default is 5 seconds (default 5)
    # 主机存活探测和 Http 超时时间,默认均为5秒
-url string
    Specify a target URL [e.g. -url https://example.com]
    # 识别单个 Url 时用该选项指定

🎨 Examples

zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -ip
zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -ip -output result.txt
zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -ip -np -timeout 10
zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -ip -thread 1000
zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -url https://github.com/zhzyker/dismap
zhzyker@debian:~$ ./dismap -ip -port 1-65535



🌈 RuleLab

整个规则库是一个 struct 位于 rule.go 大致格式如下:

  Name: name /* 定义规则名称 */
  Type: header|body|ico  /* 支持识别的类型, header、body、ico 可任意逻辑组合, ico 为单独请求 favicon.ico 并计算 MD5*/
  Mode: and|or /* 类型的判断逻辑关系 */
    InBody: str  /* 需要指定响应 Body 中存在 str 则命中 */
    InHeader: str  /* 需要指定响应 Hedaer 中存在 str 则命中 */
    InIcoMd5: str_md5  /* favicon.ico 的 MD5 值 */
    ReqMethod: GET|POST  /* 自定义请求方法,目前支持 GET 和 POST */
    ReqPath: str  /* 自定义请求 Web 路径 */
    ReqHeader: []str  /* 自定义 Http 请求的 Header */
    ReqBody: str  /* 自定义 POST 请求时的 Body */



)", "", ""}, ReqHttp{"", "", nil, ""}}, ">
{"Apahce Flink", "body", "", InStr{"()", "", ""}, ReqHttp{"", "", nil, ""}},


自定义请求访问/myportal/control/main,判断自定义请求的结果中是否存在指定的 header 字符和 body 字符

{"Apache OFBiz", "body|header", "or", InStr{"(Apache OFBiz|apache.ofbiz)", "(Set-Cookie: OFBiz.Visitor=(.*))", ""}, ReqHttp{"GET", "/myportal/control/main", nil, ""}},

header, body, ico 的逻辑关系可以随意组合,但不可重复组合:

允许: "body|header|ico", "or" or "body|header|ico", "or|and" or "body|ico", "and"
不允许: "body|body", "or"
重复组合不允许通过类型指定,但可通过 InBody 判断字符内实现: "body", "", InStr{"(str1|str2)"}

天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹的我就像头羊~ @YanYun-Lab & @0-sec & @pwnwikiorg
  • 在-f 情况下 对 url 报格式错误异常

    在-f 情况下 对 url 报格式错误异常

    [10:32:50] [ERROR] www.xxxx.cn is not in uri format, no port available [10:32:50] [ERROR] www.xxxxxx.com is not in uri format, no port available [10:32:50] [ERROR] www.sssssss.com is not in uri format, no port available [10:32:50] [ERROR] www.sssssss.com is not in uri format, no port available [10:32:50] [ERROR] www.ssssssss.com is not in uri format, no port available

    出现这样的问题是为什么呢 按理说-f 是支持这样URL 批量访问的呀

  • Mac m1 运行直接被killed的问题

    Mac m1 运行直接被killed的问题

    ➜ dismap ./dismap [1] 19891 killed ./dismap ➜ dismap ./dismap [1] 19917 killed ./dismap ➜ dismap ./dismap [1] 19925 killed ./dismap ➜ dismap ll total 6304 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 xxxxx staff 2.8M 3 6 21:46 dismap ➜ dismap

  • JSON output may (should?) be NDJSON

    JSON output may (should?) be NDJSON

    Hi there,

    I think the JSON output should be NDJSON, as it is for a lot of other tools (Zgrab2 / Zdns, Masscan, Nuclei / dnsx / httpx, etc.).

    What it means is that instead of having one really long line:

    [{"result": 1}, {"result": 2}, {"result": 3}]

    You would have one line per result:

    {"result": 1}
    {"result": 2}
    {"result": 3}

    The main advantage for tools parsing your result is that they could read the results line per line, instead of having to json.load() the whole result at once, storing it in memory.

    You could take advantage of this to write the result as soon as they are available (as you do for the text output from what I understand). This would:

    • save a lot of memory since currently the whole JSON stays in the RAM before writing the result file;
    • allow interrupted scans to still produce exploitable results.

    What do you think?

  • Version 0.3

    Version 0.3

    • tcp/udp/tls protocol identification
    • Port Feature Fingerprinting
    • Optimized batch identification of read files, and can be mixed with domain name/IP/URL
    • Added http/socks5 proxy
    • Optimize txt text file format, add json file output
    • Added optional cancel terminal color display
    • Added debug/level information output, which can be used to manually judge hex
    • Optionally specify a specific protocol/port/type
    • Optimize the flag parameter options, support long and short option styles
    • Extended http rulebase rule entry
  • 报错没结果了



    panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not []uint8
    goroutine 263 [running]:
            /Users/zhzyker/Security/Collect/dismap@zhzyker/0.4/dismap/internal/parse/parse_verbose.go:10 +0x2aa
    github.com/zhzyker/dismap/internal/operate.FlagUrl(0xc0000167e8?, {0xc00001ba80?, 0x0?}, 0x0?)
            /Users/zhzyker/Security/Collect/dismap@zhzyker/0.4/dismap/internal/operate/flag_url.go:25 +0xd3
    github.com/zhzyker/dismap/internal/operate.FlagFile.func1({0xc00001ba80?, 0x1c?}, 0x0?)
            /Users/zhzyker/Security/Collect/dismap@zhzyker/0.4/dismap/internal/operate/flag_file.go:48 +0x94
    created by github.com/zhzyker/dismap/internal/operate.FlagFile
            /Users/zhzyker/Security/Collect/dismap@zhzyker/0.4/dismap/internal/operate/flag_file.go:46 +0x65e
  • 关于识别只提供域名的情况下识别该域名其他端口指纹的需求


    在遇到域名与端口绑定访问的情况,只提供http://domain 或https://domain无法识别该uri下绑定的其他端口应用指纹,如参数-u+http://domain或-f文件中遇到http://domain时,无法探测到http://domain:8080的指纹,希望后续添加针对http://domain或https://domain的其他绑定端口指纹探测。

  • Binary banners seem padded with null bytes

    Binary banners seem padded with null bytes

    When exporting results to JSON, the field banner.byte is often padded with null bytes, making it unreliable. This seems to happen with short (less than 256 bytes) TCP banners (when the server talks first, without needing a hello from the client).

    The 256 bytes is consistent with buffer sizes often used in the code.

  • 指纹识别过程中在处理网页访问重定向的过程中出现bug


    url中出现 ?mod=phpcms&file=login&forward=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8080%2Fadmin.php连接的时候代码中会错误的把他当成一个完整的连接,直接去请求然后导致报错 unsupported protocol scheme



    导致bug的原因是使用正则直接匹配url里是否存在http字符串,如果重定向后的链接参数里带有http的话会导致被匹配出来逻辑出错,直接使用 ?mod=phpcms&file=login&forward=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8080%2Fadmin.php 作为完整连接请求,导致bug出现。

    if len(regexp.MustCompile("http").FindAllStringIndex(redirectPath, -1)) == 1 {
    			redirectUrl = redirectPath
    		} else {
    			if Url[len(Url)-1:] == "/" {
    				redirectUrl = Url + redirectPath
    			redirectUrl = Url + "/" + redirectPath



    if len(regexp.MustCompile("http").FindAllStringIndex(redirectPath[:4], -1)) == 1 {
    			redirectUrl = redirectPath
    		} else {
    			if Url[len(Url)-1:] == "/" {
    				redirectUrl = Url + redirectPath
    			redirectUrl = Url + "/" + redirectPath
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