Microservice Boilerplate for Golang with gRPC and RESTful API. Multiple database and client supported

Go Microservice Starter

A boilerplate for flexible Go microservice.

Table of contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Todo List
  4. Folder Structures


  • Multiple database supports
  • MongoDB as starter database
  • Clean architecture with SOLID Principles
  • Factory method implemented
  • Separated use case, handler, and data service layer
  • gRPC support
  • Container caching
  • Superfast logging with Zap


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/zuramai/go-microservice-starter
cd go microservice-starter
  1. Install dependencies
make install
# OR
go mod download
go mod vendor
  1. Run server
make runserver
  1. Run the tests
make runtest

Todo list

  • Add ElasticSearch example
  • Add SQL example
  • Add Docker implementation

Folder structures

This is the top-level project structure:




In app folder, it contains config folder in which all the service config are located in here. There are two config (yaml) files app.dev.yaml for development environment and app.prod.yaml for production environment. We also have appConfig.go where we map all the config into structs.



The dependency injection container, which is responsible for creating concrete types and injecting them into each function. We have containerhelper folder which is in charge of creating every use case into a concrete type.

The dataservicefactory folder is responsible to create concrete type of data service. For instance, we have cacheDataServiceFactory which create connection to Cache GRPC Service. We have userDataServiceFactory which connect to the database, in this context it is MongoDB.

servicecontainer is implementation of container interface. It's Only has one file, which is the key for “container” package. The following is the code. The starting point of it is InitApp, which reads configuration data from a file and set the logger.

usecasefactory: For each use case, such as registration , the interface is defined in usecase package, but the concrete type is defined in registration sub-package under usecase package. Also, there is a factory in the container which is responsible to create the concrete use case instance. For the registration use case, it is registrationFactory.go. The relationship between the use case and the use case factory is one-to-one.


Thanks to @jfeng45

Ahmad Saugi
Just an ordinary programmer who want to help others to make coding easier!
Ahmad Saugi
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