PolarDB Stack is a DBaaS implementation for PolarDB-for-Postgres, as an operator creates and manages PolarDB/PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes. It provides re-construct, failover swtich-over, scale up/out, high-available capabilities for each clusters.

PolarDB Stack开源版生命周期

1 系统概述


PolarDB Stack是阿里云面向线下数据库市场,推出的轻量级PolarDB PaaS软件。 基于共享存储提供一写多读的PolarDB数据库服务,特别定制和深度优化了数据库生命周期管理。

2 整体架构

PolarDB Stack集群组件整体分为Data Panel, Control Panel和Paas三部分。

  • 数据面Data Panel

    • PolarDB Engine为数据库引擎,分RW(支持读写)和RO(只读)节点和Standby节点
  • PolarFS 用户态文件系统

  • 管控面Control Panel

    • CM(Cluster Manager)为集群管理模块,包括节点拓扑维护,主备角色切换,节点状态汇报等
  • LifeCycle Operator 负责数据库集群生命周期管理

    • Storage Controller 组件负责存储管理
  • Daemon 负责网络管理,节点内部维护、状态采集。

  • PolarDB Stack需要部署在Kubernetes上,系统组件及DB集群实例运行在docker容器中


2.1 计算存储分离

​ PolarDB Stack采用存储和计算分离的架构,所有计算节点共享一份数据,提供分钟级的配置升降级、秒级的故障恢复、全局数据一致性。采用计算与存储分离的设计理念,满足业务弹性扩展的需求。各计算节点通过分布式文件系统(PolarFS)共享底层的存储(SAN),极大降低了用户的存储成本。PolarDBStack基于kubernetes和共享存储管理控制器为数据库引擎提供计算存储分离功能,基于kubernetes完成计算资源调度与分配,基于共享存储管理控制器完成存储的挂载与读写控制。计算资源申请释放升配降配可灵活独立进行, 在计算资源配置时,存储管理控制器提供存储资源的挂载读写控制等,实现计算资源与存储资源各自分离单独控制与共同协作。


2.2 生命周期管理

​ PolarDB Stack数据库集群的生命周期管理主要包括数据库集群创建、刷新引擎参数、规格变更、添加删除节点、存储扩容、迁移节点、重建、重启集群、重启实例、读写切换、引擎小版本升级等流程。

​ PolarDB Stack 使用K8S作为底座,主要组件对象的生命周期管理基于K8S operator开发,基本工作流程如下:首先自定义一种K8S资源,然后由用户创建或修改该资源的一个实例,管控Operator监听到资源实例的变化,触发调协,调协中由状态机检测当前资源状态,判断是否触发了当前状态的某个动作,然后执行该动作进入特定工作流。如果工作流正常执行完毕,资源实例会进入终态(稳态)。由于工作流包含较多步骤,部分动作可能耗时较长,步骤执行失败时会进行重试,自动重试达到上限后,停止继续执行,进入中断状态等待人工介入。


​ 数据库集群的生命周期管理是PolarDB Stack核心工作, 首先基于kubernetes CRD定义数据库集群数据模型,然operator会关注DB集群资源变化,资源发生变化时进入状态机,执行特定工作流,一系列步骤执行成功后,最终进入终态“运行中”。


2.3 代码架构

  1. 基础层的流程引擎、工具库分别抽出一个工程做实现。
  2. 领域模型、外部依赖接口定义、应用服务层、适配器默认实现放到同一个工程,作为领域库。
  3. operator 引用流程引擎、工具库和领域库。
  4. 在operator中实现工作流、REST、monitor,这些逻辑实现很薄,只是对流程引擎和领域库的调用。如果默认适配器不能满足需求,operator还要针对adapter实现自定义逻辑。
  5. operator 和领域库的应用服务层交互,防止领域逻辑外泄到应用。operator实例化adapter,并将其传入到service,继而注入到领域模型。



安装文档 使用手册

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    How can I get volume_id when creating pvc.

    I create pvc by executing curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"name\": \"pvc-32ze341nncwlczm47bsre\", \"namespace\": \"default\", \"need_format\": true, \"volume_id\": \"32ze341nncwlczm47bsre\", \"volume_type\": \"lun\"}" but get error: {"error":"can not find lv for wwid 32ze341nncwlczm47bsre"}. The ouput of multipah -ll is empty. How can I get correct volume_id?

  • Error with polarstack-daemon.

    Error with polarstack-daemon.

    I install polardb by install.sh and I have modify env.yaml according to my own configuration. However, pod created by polarstack-daemon can't work properly. Here is the log of the pod.

    |                                                                                           |
    | polarbox cloud branch:master commitId:b3f3fde34f4e018cf8ca28625e8d9042ee7bb1f1 
    | polarbox repo https://github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon.git
    | polarbox commitDate Wed Oct 20 14:33:55 2021 +0800
    |                                                                                           |
    start polarbox controller-manager cloud-provider
    I0207 18:21:43.031321       1 main.go:48] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I0207 18:21:43.031391       1 main.go:49] |                                                                                           |
    I0207 18:21:43.031398       1 main.go:50] |                              polarstack-daemon                                            |
    I0207 18:21:43.031404       1 main.go:51] |                                                                                           |
    I0207 18:21:43.031410       1 main.go:52] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    W0207 18:21:43.032072       1 client_config.go:541] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
     - using env:	export GIN_MODE=release
     - using code:	gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /healthz                  --> github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/bizapis.health (3 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/TestConn          --> github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/bizapis.Handle.func1 (3 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /api/v1/GetStandByIp      --> github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/bizapis.Handle.func1 (3 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/v1/RequestCheckCoreVersion --> github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/bizapis.Handle.func1 (3 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] POST   /api/v1/InnerCheckCoreVersion --> github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/bizapis.Handle.func1 (3 handlers)
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x12651a0]
    goroutine 22 [running]:
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.(*connection).clientAuthenticate(0xc0003e5e00, 0xc000327860, 0x0, 0xa)
    	/go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client_auth.go:63 +0x420
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.(*connection).clientHandshake(0xc0003e5e00, 0xc000488e40, 0x9, 0xc000327860, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client.go:113 +0x2b6
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.NewClientConn(0x180c020, 0xc0000e1bb0, 0xc000488e40, 0x9, 0xc000327380, 0x180c020, 0xc0000e1bb0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000488e40, ...)
    	/go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client.go:83 +0xf8
    golang.org/x/crypto/ssh.Dial(0x15d5acb, 0x3, 0xc000488e40, 0x9, 0xc000327380, 0xc000488e40, 0x9, 0x1)
    	/go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/ssh/client.go:177 +0xb3
    github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager.SSHConnect(0x15d6479, 0x4, 0xc000488dc8, 0x6, 0x16, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc00003ce00)
    	/go/src/github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/sshutil.go:74 +0x26a
    github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager.(*SSHConnection).Init(0xc0005cb7a0, 0x4, 0xc000488dc8)
    	/go/src/github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/sshutil.go:119 +0x17b
    github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/node_net_status.(*PolarNodeNetworkProbe).__initSSH(0xc000529f80, 0x1b, 0xc0001184e0)
    	/go/src/github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/node_net_status/node_network_probe.go:547 +0x36f
    github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/node_net_status.(*PolarNodeNetworkProbe).Init(0xc000529f80, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/go/src/github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/node_net_status/node_network_probe.go:164 +0xc5
    github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/node_net_status.StartNodeNetworkProbe(0xc00042e000, 0xc000048540)
    	/go/src/github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/polar-controller-manager/node_net_status/node_network_probe.go:116 +0x208
    created by github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/cmd/daemon/app.Run
    	/go/src/github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-Stack-Daemon/cmd/daemon/app/contorllermanager.go:97 +0x1ae

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    Here is imformation of pods:

    NAME                                       READY   STATUS             RESTARTS       AGE
    calico-kube-controllers-85b5b5888d-rcpmx   1/1     Running            2 (6d3h ago)   10d
    calico-node-9dcsb                          1/1     Running            0              10d
    calico-node-knnwv                          1/1     Running            0              10d
    calico-node-wgf4h                          1/1     Running            2 (6d3h ago)   10d
    coredns-64897985d-tphjz                    1/1     Running            2 (6d3h ago)   10d
    coredns-64897985d-vq2cq                    1/1     Running            2 (6d3h ago)   10d
    etcd-vm08-1                                1/1     Running            7 (6d3h ago)   10d
    kube-apiserver-vm08-1                      1/1     Running            7 (6d3h ago)   10d
    kube-controller-manager-vm08-1             1/1     Running            3 (6d3h ago)   10d
    kube-proxy-ctc85                           1/1     Running            0              10d
    kube-proxy-gzpxg                           1/1     Running            2 (6d3h ago)   10d
    kube-proxy-vdxmm                           1/1     Running            0              10d
    kube-scheduler-vm08-1                      1/1     Running            3 (6d3h ago)   10d
    manager-65dcc96d8d-49d4z                   1/1     Running            0              6m44s
    manager-65dcc96d8d-6r6ql                   1/1     Running            0              6m44s
    manager-65dcc96d8d-l9rvp                   1/1     Running            0              6m44s
    polardb-sms-manager-66db8bbcbf-4dr7q       1/1     Running            0              6m44s
    polardb-sms-manager-66db8bbcbf-6mhpc       1/1     Running            0              6m44s
    polardb-sms-manager-66db8bbcbf-qzvwf       1/1     Running            0              6m44s
    polarstack-daemon-2fpcg                    0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (48s ago)    6m44s
    polarstack-daemon-knpxs                    0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (47s ago)    6m44s
    polarstack-daemon-mthf7                    0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (59s ago)    6m44s

    Here is imformation of cm:

    NAME                                                              DATA   AGE
    calico-config                                                     4      10d
    ccm-config                                                        6      24m
    cloud-provider-port-usage-vm08-1                                  0      2d5h
    cloud-provider-port-usage-vm08-2                                  0      2d5h
    cloud-provider-port-usage-vm08-3                                  0      2d5h
    cloud-provider-wwid-usage-vm08-2                                  0      4h51m
    cloud-provider-wwid-usage-vm08-3                                  0      4h51m
    controller-config                                                 27     24m
    coredns                                                           1      10d
    extension-apiserver-authentication                                6      10d
    instance-system-resources                                         3      24m
    kube-proxy                                                        2      10d
    kube-root-ca.crt                                                  1      10d
    kubeadm-config                                                    1      10d
    kubelet-config-1.23                                               1      10d
    metabase-config                                                   1      24m
    mpd.polardb.aliyun.com                                            0      6d2h
    polardb-sms-manager                                               1      24m
    polardb4mpd-controller                                            5      24m
    polarstack-daemon-version-availability-vm08-1                     2      2d5h
    polarstack-daemon-version-availability-vm08-2                     2      2d5h
    polarstack-daemon-version-availability-vm08-3                     2      2d5h
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x4-large-config-rwo                  17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x4-large-resource-rwo                12     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x4-medium-config-rwo                 17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x4-medium-resource-rwo               12     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x4-xlarge-config-rwo                 17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x4-xlarge-resource-rwo               12     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-12xlarge-config-rwo               17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-12xlarge-exclusive-config-rwo     17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-12xlarge-exclusive-resource-rwo   13     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-12xlarge-resource-rwo             14     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-2xlarge-config-rwo                17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-2xlarge-exclusive-config-rwo      17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-2xlarge-exclusive-resource-rwo    13     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-2xlarge-resource-rwo              12     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-4xlarge-config-rwo                17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-4xlarge-exclusive-config-rwo      17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-4xlarge-exclusive-resource-rwo    13     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-4xlarge-resource-rwo              12     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-xlarge-config-rwo                 17     24m
    postgresql-1-0-level-polar-o-x8-xlarge-resource-rwo               12     24m
    postgresql-1-0-minor-version-info-rwo-image-open                  6      24m
    postgresql-1-0-mycnf-template-rwo                                 1      24m
  • Chart can't be applied in the version 1.23 of k8s

    Chart can't be applied in the version 1.23 of k8s

    I plan to install polardb by install.sh. However I get the following error:

    install.go:178: [debug] Original chart version: ""
    install.go:195: [debug] CHART PATH: /home/vm08-1/PolarDB-Stack-Operator/polardb-stack-chart
    Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1"
    helm.go:84: [debug] unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1"
    unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest

    I check config/all.yaml of this repo and kubernetes official website. I find the yaml file's syntax is not suitable for the version 1.23 of k8s. I want to know if the development team will update chart to fit the latest k8s in the feature?

  • Applying config/all.yaml problem

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