
  • Rules 里面的域名解析地址不准确?

    Rules 里面的域名解析地址不准确?

    我这里打开一个网页需要加载 域名下的资源,查了下,这个域名不需要代理,在国内是可以直接打开的,但是只要是启动了 Clash.Mini,并且开启了 System Proxy, 这个域名就一直打不开,好像是被解析到国外了。

    我看了下 Rules 里面的配置: Snipaste_2022-02-13_11-56-17

    上面显示这个域名是直连的,但是打开 log 看了下,结果如下:

    [ WARN ] [TCP] dial DIRECT (match Domain/ to error: dial tcp4 i/o timeout

    解析出来的 IP 是172.217.31.10,我查了下这个IP是谷歌云在国外的地址,所以一直打不开。

    是因为 DNS 设置的问题吗,我应该怎么设置才能正确解析呢。

  • 程序无法正常启动(闪退)


    解压后双击运行但无任何显示,在任务管理器中能看到进程运行一秒左右随即退出,将订阅文件 config.yaml 放置在目录中再运行问题依旧。


    操作系统:ltsc 1809 build 17763.2928,已安装chromium edge、webview2

  • 双击托盘or右击托盘控制面板100%闪退


    系统Win10 x64,VC运行库和NET6正常。


  • 支持rule-set吗?


    比如 🍎 Apple: behavior: classical type: http url: '' interval: 3600 path: ./Apple

  • 'System Proxy' is always enabled on booting

    'System Proxy' is always enabled on booting

    System Proxy is always enabled on booting.

    I checked the code in func mEnabledFunc()

    The mEnabled.Checked() is always false on booting, which cause the else condition is running. Maybe we should check the value of autoproxy config too? Or initial mEnabled value according to the value of autoproxy?

  • 关于win10系统下Dashboard白屏


    I ❤ Microsoft :)

    也许添加下 .js 的 mime 会好使

    _ = mime.AddExtensionType(".js", "application/javascript")
  • 以TUN模式退出,再次启动时无法初始化



    2022-10-23T00:17:35+08:00 [ INFO ] [TUN] Creating adapter
    2022-10-23T00:17:50+08:00 [ EROR ] [TUN] Timed out waiting for device query: 等待的操作过时。 (Code 0x00000102)
    2022-10-23T00:17:50+08:00 [ EROR ] [TUN] Failed to setup adapter (problem code: 0x1F, ntstatus: 0xC0000035): 当文件已存在时,无法创建该文件。 (Code 0x000000B7)
    2022-10-23T00:17:50+08:00 [ EROR ] Start TUN listening error: can't open tun: create tun: Error creating interface: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.


    mixed-port: 7890
    # Port of HTTP(S) proxy server on the local end
    # port: 7890
    # Port of SOCKS5 proxy server on the local end
    # socks-port: 7891
    # Transparent proxy server port for Linux and macOS (Redirect TCP and TProxy UDP)
    # redir-port: 7892
    # Transparent proxy server port for Linux (TProxy TCP and TProxy UDP)
    # tproxy-port: 7893
    # HTTP(S) and SOCKS4(A)/SOCKS5 server on the same port
    # mixed-port: 7890
    # authentication of local SOCKS5/HTTP(S) server
    # authentication:
    #  - "user1:pass1"
    #  - "user2:pass2"
    # Set to true to allow connections to the local-end server from
    # other LAN IP addresses
    allow-lan: true
    # This is only applicable when `allow-lan` is `true`
    # '*': bind all IP addresses
    # bind a single IPv4 address
    # "[aaaa::a8aa:ff:fe09:57d8]": bind a single IPv6 address
    bind-address: '*'
    # Clash router working mode
    # rule: rule-based packet routing
    # global: all packets will be forwarded to a single endpoint
    # direct: directly forward the packets to the Internet
    mode: rule
    # Clash by default prints logs to STDOUT
    # info / warning / error / debug / silent
    log-level: info
    # When set to false, resolver won't translate hostnames to IPv6 addresses
    ipv6: false
    # RESTful web API listening address
    # A relative path to the configuration directory or an absolute path to a
    # directory in which you put some static web resource. Clash core will then
    # serve it at `http://{{external-controller}}/ui`.
    # external-ui: public
    # Secret for the RESTful API (optional)
    # Authenticate by spedifying HTTP header `Authorization: Bearer ${secret}`
    # ALWAYS set a secret if RESTful API is listening on
    # secret: "dcc2c709-49b7-49fb-a3f0-ea4d7d48894f"
    # Outbound interface name
    # interface-name: en0
    # fwmark on Linux only
    # routing-mark: 6666
    # Static hosts for DNS server and connection establishment (like /etc/hosts)
    # Wildcard hostnames are supported (e.g. *, *.foo.*
    # Non-wildcard domain names have a higher priority than wildcard domain names
    # e.g. > * >
    # P.S. equals to and
      # '*':
      # '.dev':
      # '': '::1'
      # Store the `select` results in $HOME/.config/clash/.cache
      # set false If you don't want this behavior
      # when two different configurations have groups with the same name, the selected values are shared
      store-selected: false
      # persistence fakeip
      store-fake-ip: true
    # DNS server settings
    # This section is optional. When not present, the DNS server will be disabled.
      enable: true
      # ipv6: false # when the false, response to AAAA questions will be empty
      # These nameservers are used to resolve the DNS nameserver hostnames below.
      # Specify IP addresses only
      enhanced-mode: fake-ip # or redir-host (not recommended)
      # enhanced-mode: redir-host
      fake-ip-range: # Fake IP addresses pool CIDR
      # use-hosts: true # lookup hosts and return IP record
      # Hostnames in this list will not be resolved with fake IPs
      # i.e. questions to these domain names will always be answered with their
      # real IP addresses
      # fake-ip-filter:
      #   - '*.lan'
      #   -
      # Supports UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. You can specify the port to connect to.
      # All DNS questions are sent directly to the nameserver, without proxies
      # involved. Clash answers the DNS question with the first result gathered.
        - # default value
        - # default value
        # - tls:// # DNS over TLS
        # - # DNS over HTTPS
        # - dhcp://en0 # dns from dhcp
        # - ''
      # When `fallback` is present, the DNS server will send concurrent requests
      # to the servers in this section along with servers in `nameservers`.
      # The answers from fallback servers are used when the GEOIP country
      # is not `CN`.
      # fallback:
      #   - tls://
        # - 'tcp://'
      # If IP addresses resolved with servers in `nameservers` are in the specified
      # subnets below, they are considered invalid and results from `fallback`
      # servers are used instead.
      # IP address resolved with servers in `nameserver` is used when
      # `fallback-filter.geoip` is true and when GEOIP of the IP address is `CN`.
      # If `fallback-filter.geoip` is false, results from `nameserver` nameservers
      # are always used if not match `fallback-filter.ipcidr`.
      # This is a countermeasure against DNS pollution attacks.
      # fallback-filter:
      #   geoip: true
      #   geoip-code: CN
      #   ipcidr:
      #     -
      #   domain:
      #     - ''
      #     - ''
      #     - ''
      # Lookup domains via specific nameservers
      # nameserver-policy:
      #   '': ''
      #   '': ''
      # Shadowsocks
      # The supported ciphers (encryption methods):
      #   aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm
      #   aes-128-cfb aes-192-cfb aes-256-cfb
      #   aes-128-ctr aes-192-ctr aes-256-ctr
      #   rc4-md5 chacha20-ietf xchacha20
      #   chacha20-ietf-poly1305 xchacha20-ietf-poly1305
      - name: "ss"
        type: ss
        port: 80
        cipher: aes-128-gcm
        plugin: v2ray-plugin
          mode: websocket # no QUIC now
          tls: false
          # skip-cert-verify: true
          mux: false
          # headers:
          #   custom: value
      # socks5
      - name: "socks"
        type: socks5
        port: 1080
        # username: username
        # password: password
        # tls: true
        # skip-cert-verify: true
        # udp: true
      # select is used for selecting proxy or proxy group
      # you can use RESTful API to switch proxy is recommended for use in GUI.
      - name: Proxy
        type: select
        # disable-udp: true
          - ssgr
          - ssha
        type: http
        behavior: domain
        url: ""
        path: ./ruleset/proxy.yaml
        interval: 86400
        type: http
        behavior: domain
        url: ""
        path: ./ruleset/private.yaml
        interval: 86400
        type: http
        behavior: ipcidr
        url: ""
        path: ./ruleset/telegramcidr.yaml
        interval: 86400
        type: http
        behavior: ipcidr
        url: ""
        path: ./ruleset/cncidr.yaml
        interval: 86400
        type: http
        behavior: ipcidr
        url: ""
        path: ./ruleset/lancidr.yaml
        interval: 86400
        type: http
        behavior: classical
        url: ""
        path: ./ruleset/applications.yaml
        interval: 86400
      - RULE-SET,applications,DIRECT
      - PROCESS-NAME,BitComet_x64.exe,DIRECT
      - RULE-SET,private,DIRECT
      - RULE-SET,proxy,socks
      - RULE-SET,lancidr,DIRECT
      - RULE-SET,cncidr,DIRECT
      - RULE-SET,telegramcidr,socks
      - MATCH,socks
    # tun:
    #   enable: true
    #   stack: system # or gvisor
    #   auto-route: true
    #   auto-detect-interface: true
    #   dns-hijack:
    #     -
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